#adventures in Ryssa's life
kurogabae · 1 month
guess who just binged all of castlevania and is not neck deep in ao3 porn
me. it's me.
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fatedancer · 6 years
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Bio UPDATED! ~ Anandis Dnailo
With all the reworking I figure why not update it alllllll! Most of her has not changed, just the race and a few little bits because of that. I just feel better playing her as a Miqo’te - don’t hate me! Stole the layout of this from @nocturnedreaming - Follow her for all the goodness! 
basics ––––
NAME: Anandis Dnailo
AGE: Mid-twenties 
RACE: Miqo’te (her tribe is a little complicated)
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Bi-sexual
SERVER: Mateus
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physical appearance ––––
HAIR: Golden blonde, sometimes has colored highlights for fun
EYES: a bright peacock blue/green
HEIGHT: 5′4″
BUILD: Toned and curvy, she takes care of her body and it shows. 
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Hidden tattoo of a snake.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: Clothes, accessories and a ton of pretty things...Seriously though, she always has a blade of some kind on her person, and if she can manage an aether pendant as well as other various gems and spell components disguised as jewelry. 
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personal –––-
PROFESSION: Adventurer, magic adviser, healer, and whatever else she needs to be to do the job.
HOBBIES: Exploration. Stargazing. Triple Triad. Dancing. Getting into trouble.
LANGUAGES: Various dialects of the major languages as well as several long dead ones used for magic. 
RESIDENCE: A small apartment where she keeps all of her things, though as of late she has rarely been there.
FEARS: Drowning, being buried alive, corruption of will/being tempered, insane cultists, witch hunters, loss of her freedom, commitment.
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relationships –––-
PARENTS:  A’Rosias Tia (Father), Ryssa Dnailo (Mother)
traits –––-
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
additional information –––-
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
possible hooks –––-
Adventure - Anandis is one for traveling and seeing where she ends up. She is not ones for planning too much but she is always willing to explore if the price is right.
Magical Research - Ana’s true love is knowledge. The older the magic the better. She would spend all day learning and reading about magic if she could, but she is more than willing to get her hands dirty.
Culture - Due to her endless travels she has a need to learn about cultures as well and has slowly amassed a dancers wardrobe and the moves to go along with it. Though she doesn’t dance professionally as much as she used to to get buy, it doesn’t take much drink or coin to get her out there dancing up a storm.
what I’m looking for ––––
Anything really. She has a couple of connections and I am always looking for more. 
oocly, I am ––––
I am new to FF14 and still learning the lore and rp community. I have been rping in MMOs for years though so that part is not new to me. 
Work from home so I can be on most times, Just send me a message and we can work something out!
I can go into dark topics to suit the theme of magic that I have going on in Ana’s life. Battle and fighting descriptions of blood and gore may come up as well, but anything too dark would be kept on mutual understanding that if it gets too dark, fade to black is a wonderful tool!
you can contact me via ––
Tumblr DM @healerslight
Discord - Ask me! *♥*
In-game on Mateus -  Anandis Dnailo
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kurogabae · 11 months
so i’ve been thinking almost nonstop about this post/video and some of the braindead replies to it and one of the things i got hung up on is the whole “stop being attracted to those 16yo chars once you hit 18″ people. like the people who fully think that after being 18 for a few weeks you should fully be able to turn off the connection and affection you have had for a character you’ve cared about for 2 or more years.
now here’s the thing - speaking strictly about live action characters, because that’s largely what gets brought up, that’s the least “problematic” thing for kids to retain affection for. like think about it for two minutes with me. 
(i’m gonna use Teen Wolf (2011) as the example here because that was the last teen drama show i was remotely involved in.)
yes, if removed from all nuance Scott McCall is a 15/16yo high school student and remains under the age of 18 all through the show. however. Scott McCall is not a real person. he is played by Tyler Posey, who was 20yo when he began playing the role and was 26 by the time TW ended. Scott is also a fictional teen being written by real life adults. honestly, he’s only a teen on paper. so if you’re gonna get on someone who is 18/19′s case about still having the hots for Scoot McCute because they’re now “older” than him it feels like an awfully empty argument. and we see this sort of thing in live action a lot. like. constantly.
adults play teens almost exclusively. sometimes the actors are as old as 30 playing 17yo and you wanna tell someone who just turned 18 that they’re yucky for finding that person hot still? fuck right off. teens aren’t played by teens, they’re portrayed by adults and written by adults pretending to be teens. there’s no teenager involved in the process. so maybe get off your high horse of performative whatever the hell and start giving a damn about something that matters. 
i’m sick of seeing this shit. i’m sick of kids terrifying themselves over experiencing completely normal human things. the world is already trying to kill us all. stop making it so easy by going for each other’s throats over every petty, imagined slight and use that energy to do something productive and good.
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kurogabae · 11 months
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playing my own secret game of gay chicken with the FAA where I see how long I can keep my pride flag up past June and they refuse to tell me who made me take it out of the window where I put it to begin with
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kurogabae · 11 months
unlocked a core memory last night while i was cutting up a cantaloupe.
when i was a very little kid my mom and grandma would get us melons (honeydew or cantaloupe) and cut them in half, scoop the seeds out for us, though eventually i was allowed to scoop them out myself being the Very Grown Up Child i was, and then they’d plop me down with some napkins and a spoon and leave me to go to town on a half a melon all on my seven year old lonesome. i LOVED it. i scooped those things clean every time, sometimes breaking through the rind because i just had to get every last bit of melon out of there.
the two younger kids i think would get the other half cut up for them to eat. i can’t quite remember. but i DO remember my half melon bowls and how much i loved them and how hard i worked at scooping them out. to this day i’ve never been so sticky.
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kurogabae · 2 years
I finally went on my honeymoon and while we were on our way home we stopped by a second aquarium and to my huge surprise they had cuttlefish! And not just cuttlefish but two flamboyant cuttlefish!! My favorite animals ever!
I’ve never seen them in person and getting to was so magical. And I almost missed them because they were so small and right next to a touch tank. (What can I say? I love to pet sea pancakes.) It was my wonderful wife who pointed them out to me.
I stared for a good ten minutes. Cooing at them.
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kurogabae · 7 months
things i've said about a sarcastic fringehead fish territory battles: this too is yuri
responses to this statement [from friend and temp roomie]: ........ yeah okay
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kurogabae · 7 months
guess who forgot that since catching COVID about 2 years ago i develop a near non-stop cough once the temp drops below 55f
me. it was me. i forgot.
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kurogabae · 5 years
behold the anniversary of my womb escape
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kurogabae · 5 years
it’s my birthday on friday and idk if i’ve ever felt less like something celebratory is coming than i do now. i had a good night last night with friends but now i feel like i’m paying for it today and pulling double duty emotionally.
grief fucking sucks
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kurogabae · 5 years
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I witnessed this... thing on my way to work this morning and lost sight of it near my local mall. BUT as I pulled into the Wawa near my job was was blessed (cursed?) to see it again. And with no driver in sight!
So naturally I snapped a few pictures to document the sighting. 
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kurogabae · 5 years
Godzilla was great and I need to get me a freak like Mothra
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kurogabae · 5 years
tfw you’re just trying to watch some hoarders to unwind and pass the time at work and all of a sudden this crazy lady starts shouting things and acting an awful lot like your own mother when she’s throwing a fit and now you’ve been triggered and anxiety is everywhere but the usual fixes are either unavailable or not working
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kurogabae · 5 years
in the last 48-72 hours i’ve gained 10 followers. of those only two are Confirmed Human. @staff yall did a real good job getting rid of those porn bots huh?
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kurogabae · 5 years
Reminder to all that I have a PillowFort account. According to the PF staff free accounts are coming before the end of the year and once that happens I’m going to begin posting things there more often (don’t worry, I’ll be sure to let everyone know). I don’t plan on deleting my tumblr at all either so it’s more of a shift than anything, but not until it’s free to use. 
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kurogabae · 5 years
so like i know the color update happened like a week ago but it’s still funny to see posts about it float by on my dash screaming about how eye bleeding the colors are while is sit here like 
“yup. sure is... darker... mostly...”
legit i am sorry yall have to suffer like this but finally. not seeing colors properly has paid off!!
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