#adventure zone dust
ghosthorsier · 2 years
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Really enjoyed the first episode of Dust season 2 so here’s my take on the PCs this time round! Coming up with a design for Indrid was really fun and lowkey made me wanna do the Amnesty characters too and since I was relistening to it while drawing this I might get around to it when I have time!
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mooselybased · 6 months
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And there we have it, all thirty fighters from our hypothetical Adventure Zone platform fighter. I've loved making these, and may return to add some "DLC" at some point (gotta get the Steeplechase player characters, right?), but for now we're gonna leave it here.
12 Balance reps, 6 Amnesty reps, 5 Graduation reps, 4 Ethersea reps, and one each from Dust, Commitment, and Dadlands. Let me know who you'd main, what you'd like to see as hypothetical DLC for this hypothetical game, or any other thoughts!
Links to individual movesets under the cut, and I'll see y'all next time!
Magnus Burnsides | Taako | Merle Highchurch | Killian & Carey | Kravitz | Lup
Lucas Miller | Barry Bluejeans | Klarg | Roswell | Lucretia | Garfield the Deals Warlock
Duck Newton | Aubrey Little | Ned Chicane | Minerva | Mama | Arlo Thacker
Sir Fitzroy Maplecourt | Argo Keene | The Firbolg | Demon Prince Gray | Rainer Michelle | | Augustus Parsons
Amber Gris | Zoox | Devo la Main | Urchin | Kardala | Dad Squad
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hydrategea · 7 months
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local man buys out kepler's eggnog supply, predicts your death; more at seven.
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vronoch · 2 years
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indrid cold, i can see the future, nice to meet you
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funkylittlebats · 8 months
"Man I wish the McElroy's had continued Commitment or Dust, I would've loved listening to those! I would've listened to them over and over again!" << says guy who has only ever done relistens of Balance, never finished Amnesty, and never even started listening any of the other campaigns.
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ethersierra · 2 months
Cooked up something again in Audacity
I think it would be really cool to do something with this as a tribute to ten years of TAZ which we'll hit in December :O
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freddieillustration · 2 years
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thesnakethatmarches · 8 months
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Was looking at a random encounters book for a friend and every one of these is a TAZ arc
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elfgays · 2 years
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I never posted my mothman doodles so now is a good time I think
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adventurezonewiki · 11 months
Welcome to the blog for the independent The Adventure Zone wiki!
We are a fan-run encyclopedia hosted by Miraheze, a free, volunteer-run ad-free wiki hosting platform, based on MediaWiki, the same software Wikipedia runs on.
The Adventure Zone wiki was started on Fandom.com in 2015, and was edited as the show started airing. In April and May of 2023, the active users migrated all data to the new platform.
We currently stand as a HUGE work in progress. Virtually every page needs extreme edits, and we are working on setting up several editing guides and making those accessible. You should see a lot of changes in the coming months.
In the meantime while we wait for these organization techniques to come together, and for style guides to be updated, you can peruse the pages and add any missing information you notice.
Make sure to follow this blog for all wiki updates-- and feel free to send any questions you have to our inbox! And if you want to be involved in this community endeavor (including collaboratively creating these guides), join us in our discord!
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yardsards · 1 month
the main adventure zone trios and their ability to survive the dungeon meshi dungeon:
tres horny bois: they'd take to the dungeon pretty naturally. these motherfuckers are eating monsters, touden party style, without it even being necessary. magnus "double barrel unicorn special" "ate a rock once" burnsides would be like "hey taako i bet you can't make walking mushroom taste good" and taako "sizzle it up with taako" taaco would be like "BET". these guys are used to exploring and surviving in unfamiliar worlds. they're also used to dying and being revived but that means they might get a bit reckless. also either taako or magnus would need to learn a healing spell bc merle cannot stop getting got by dryads or man eating plants. thus is the struggle of such a small party.
pine guard: the dungeon is just as much about survival as it is about fighting, and this group is pretty skilled at survival. exactly how well they fare is contingent on if they have ned or if they have thacker here, though. thacker would be an absolute natural in this environment cuz exploring unknown weird magical environments is His Whole Deal, but ned wouldn't do so well without his social connections or access to his base.
thundermen llc: they're not super cut out for this kind of thing, as their skills lie more in interpersonal and business, but they still ARE powerful fighters in their own right, and have good teamwork. the firbolg would absolutely be carrying the other two survival-wise though. also fitzroy would complain the whole time.
coriolis crew: not great. they're adapted for ocean adventures, not dungeon crawls. also, zoox would keep trying to mind-meld with monsters, and amber and devo would get into a huge fight over who would get to be king if they reach the bottom of the dungeon and if the prophesy is true.
poppy's pals: these are just guys. they might be able to survive like cockroaches on the first floor by doing some shady business deals but any deeper and they'd fuckin beef it
vs dracula: honestly not totally caught up with this season but i have on good authority (my friends in my phone who ARE fully caught up) that these three would do reasonably well. makes sense from the episodes i did listen to, they seem like a strong and balanced party and mutt's survival skills could come in handy.
feel free to add or disagree
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parker-matsu · 4 months
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molly finds a gun :)
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mooselybased · 1 year
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I wanted to compile all the characters I've done for my hypothetical Adventure Zone platform fighter, so here's a sort of mock character select screen with the sixteen fighters I've done so far!
So far we've got eight Balance reps, four Amnesty reps, and one each from Graduation, Ethersea, Dust, and Commitment. But I've got a bunch of half-finished moveset concepts for characters from various seasons, so there's more to come!
Links to individual movesets under the cut
Magnus Burnsides | Taako | Merle Highchurch | Killian & Carey
Kravitz | Lup | Lucas Miller | Barry Bluejeans
Duck Newton | Aubrey Little | Ned Chicane | Minerva
Sir Fitzroy Maplecourt | Amber Gris | Augustus Parsons | Kardala
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blizardstar · 2 months
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Is this anything?
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boydykedevo · 1 year
just curious if there's a consensus here so:
Specifically THEME music, this isn't about the rest of the soundtrack (or the rest of the campaign for that matter). I’m excluding Balance both so as not to bias the results, and cuz the theme’s not original music.
Linky links under the cut in case anyone needs a refresher (listen to all of them before voting if you can!) Also feel free to listen to them all and vote even if ur not in the fandom! ^^
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yourbelgianthings · 2 months
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