#admin saturn online
galacticfoundation · 10 months
so is all of you being named after planets a coincidence? did the big C actively seek out people with planet names just as insane as him? is mars's full name actually Marzipan and you're all lying to us
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Coincidence. Jupiter is the only one who changed their name because of Galactic. Mars' real, full legal name is indeed Mars. I can get her trainer card if you don't believe me.
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leggerefiore · 4 months
Okay so the new post about the Fake Online Mob Wife has me wondering what if S/O did wear a uniform or did a closet-cosplay at one point?
Maybe they get their hands on a spare grunt uniform, or maybe they get ballsy enough to borrow their Villian Dearest's uniform for a bit? In the case of the closet cosplay, maybe they use what they have to style a "what-if" admin outfit of their own (since the admins get more freedom).
So, even as a kid playing Dppt, I loved Jupiter's uniform. I still do. It actually heavily influenced my character design (I used to want to be a comic book artist so I technically have a shitload of abandoned OCs). I also like Mars's, but it's a little too overtly femme for me. Saturn's always felt like it was missing something but I'd take those sneakers over heels anyday.
Presumably, they do not go on TikTok and start claiming people are mocking their lived experience as a Villainous Team Leader's s/o. Though, that's a funny thought… “Real Villain Fucker experience is having your boyfriend climb that damn mountain…”
It probably would not be that hard for them to get a grunt uniform, since they most likely do have a bulk around HQ. Just go in, grab one, put it on, and give Cyrus a heart attack when you pop into his office. Saturn would not approve you as hire, he knows for sure. He wants to know where you got that and also to take it off right now because he does not like the idea of him viewing like one of his grunts. The Galactic Leader does hate how it makes his thoughts swirls, though. You do not look bad in it — no, not at all. It appeals entirely to his tastes. He feels so bothered by this.
As for getting his, well, if the cat is already out of the bag, he is probably leaving a uniform at home to change into instead of having to wear a suit out instead. Sneak it out and discover how ill-fitting it is on you (or maybe well fitting it is if you match his height and body type). Cyrus is mildly disappointed and confused as to why you are wearing his uniform. You are not trying to join Team Galactic and usurp him, are you? He asks you to take it off again.
If you style your own commander costume, he presumably walks in to your shared home to see you in it. He blinks a few times in confusion. That is certainly not one of the uniforms commissioned by him or a commander. It resembles the general theme well, but he is distressed by how you got that and why you are wearing it. Are you… pledging your support to his new world? He feels like he is left reeling by all this… You just get to watch Cyrus.exe crash before your eyes as he fails to process all this. In the end, you will be asked where you got the outfit and the explanation of wanting to try out a uniform in the style of his team leaves him bewildered and a little disappointed since he had hoped he could have your support.
(I love Saturn's uniform solely bc of the knowledge that it's meant to look like a Croagunk... He loves his frog. That's cute. I don't think I ever thought about being a villain when I was younger, maybe outside of going, "I'd marry King of Team Plasma N," lol. As an adult now, I'd steal Courtney's ORAS look, though. Also, debating doing this line of thought with the other villains lol)
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starryfree · 2 months
Admin can you do a Birth chart analysis on Tom Blyth. I would never guessed he’s an Aquarius sun there’s something really regal but sensitive about him at the same time.
Although Aqua men are weird as hell so he’s probably into radical stuff
He doesn’t have a birth time posted online so there’s not much to go off of. Even his placements could change so 🤷‍♀️
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Pisces moon-saturn and his saturn return rn could make it difficult for him right now. Lots of emotional turmoil and maturity required of him.
Leo mars is great for being famous.
Sagittarius stellium is interesting (venus, jupiter and pluto). Might like experiencing the world, traveling and different cultures and religions.
Aquarius sun and mercury man - standard aquarius shenanigans 🤣 just look at his fellow aquarians (paul mescal, harry styles, the weeknd).
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m00dyz0diacs · 6 years
Zodiac readings-ish
Admin Koko ♡♡♡
(kinda just a bunch a info on someones charts, 100% free because i’m not a professional and strives to understand a little bit more about the zodiacs, just a super curious person really , please request your chart.if you request 3-4 signs then you’ll have it much quicker then a full tropical chart)
Requested by : (A wattpad user)
● Information that was given ●
Sun: Capricorn
Moon: Virgo
Rising/ascending: Libra
Venus: Aquarius
 — — —  — —
● Aesthetic mood board ●
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    Color represents: Burgundy is more sophisticated and serious than true red, symbolizing ambition, wealth, and power. Burgundy works well with shades of gray, such as light gray or charcoal gray.
● Theme song ●
TLC - No Scrubs (Covered by William Singe)
"No, I don't want no scrubs A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me"  
 ●Most compatible ●  
※ Taurus
※ Virgo
※ Capricorn
※ Scorpio
※ Pisces
● Basic Capricorn Information ●
 Sun sign dictates your zodiac personality.  
※ Symbol/Represented by: The Mountain Goat
※ Zodiac quadruplicity: Cardinal
※  Zodiac Element: Earth
※Tarot card: The Devil  
※ Color: Grey
※ Season: Winter (Northern Hemisphere) Summer (Sothern Hemisphere)
※ Ruling Planet: Saturn — the planet known for representing discipline and maturity
Firstly as a Capricorn Sun, most enjoy spending quality time with family and or having the authority over situations, Capricorn born tend to like things that relate to personal gains. Capricorns dislike 'careless mistakes' and 'Quitting'.
Capricorn is represented by the powerful and determined goat. This sign of strong intention and ambitiousness is regarded as the "business person" of the zodiac's and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goal(s).  
● Famous Capricorn's ●
 ※ David Bowie
 ※ Michelle Obama
 ※ Elvis Presley
 ※ Zayn Malik
 ● Anime Capricorn's ●
  ※ Todoroki Shouto
  ※ Karma Akabane
  ※ Masato Hijirikawa
  ※ Levi Ackerman
● Capricorn Keywords ●
Negative - unforgiving, cold, materialistic, snobbish, elitist and overly serious
Positive - driven, persistent, willful and determined
Both - Ambition, Structure, Goals, Long-Term Plans, Prestige, Public Image/Acclaim
   — — — — —  
● Virgo Moon With Capricorn Sun●
Your Lunar signs represent your emotions, your inner mood.
Being a Capricorn-Virgo signifies that you are a   very Calculating and a Logical individual. Most tend to be shy and reserved.
● Personality Traits ●
Capricorns are normally Career minded people that are Responsible and Determined so being paired with a lunar Virgo is almost perfect, because Virgo, A fellow earth sign is rational, detailed and practical.
However, that means that they normally push aside Romance and prefer to focus on their Business matters.
● Notes ●
Capricorn born with Lunar Virgo always want to win. most times to the point where they neglect their own health, They need to take a break from their work and know that it is important to relax and treat yourselves.
● Keywords  ●
Positives - Rational, methodical and determined
Negatives - Fixed, insecure and obsessive
   — — — — —    
● Libra Ascendant with Capricorn Sun  ●
Your rising sign represents the way others see you.
Librans are known for their ethereal charm while Capricorn is known for their sternness. Both signs are Cardinal and have few features in common.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, who is also named/represented by the god of time, showing us that they have a sense of patience and self-control. Libra lightens the monotone Capricorn and gives them more personality, a bit of spontaneous and cheerful sociability mixed with the pursuit of justice and Harmony.
 you are one of the most sociable Capricorns.  
 ● Keywords ●  
Positives - Fair-minded, Outgoing and diplomatic
Negatives - indecisive
     — — — — —      
 ● Aquarius Venus with Capricorn Sun ●  
Your Venus represents the qualities of love and romance.
Venus in Aquarius people try to impress you with their open-minded, future-thinking spirit. They want you to see them as unique.
A love sign in Aquarius are unique thinkers and prefer not to follow rules, The would rather path their own way and make their own rules.
Aquarius Venus wants their partner to love them for their intelligence and having a Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Virgo helps.
To catch the attention of an Aquarius Venus you must be able to hold a conversation and stay interesting enough to feed their curiosity.
● Keywords ●
  Positives - Unique, freedom, independent and forward-thinking
Negatives - rebellious and provocative
  — — — — —        
● Personal thoughts ●
Shy, timid and introverted at first but later on becomes more open and talkative, I think that it's personally easier to be more comfortable when talking online, its less effort and you don't really know the other person so expressing yourself here is much more relaxed then socializing in real life.
You have less to worry when typing to a computer rather than speaking face to face with someone.
My first impression of you was "Funny, Understanding and really cool"
Just as your rising sign says, I would have never guessed your zodiac to be Capricorn because you seemed very Libran to me.
I like how you have a bunch of very serious signs but then you have very extroverted placements as well, giving your chart a nice mix and well balance, Capricorn, Virgo, and Aquarius crossed with Libra, Aries, and Sagittarius.
● Notes ●  
I know so many Capricorns that are so sarcastic and savage lmao.I don’t know much Capricorns or Earth signs that believe in The zodiac’s, which makes sense since they prefer solid facts. When first reading about the zodiacs, i always thought Scorpio was the most frightening to be on their bad side, but soon realized that Capricorns are just as worst. I’m always naturally attracted to Capricorns, They seem so distant and mysterious, making almost anyone curious.
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naturalmagickk · 5 years
Twin Flame Energy Forecast 7th-13th January: “New Power”
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Twin Flame Energy Forecast 7th-13th January: “New Power”
January 7, 2019
Eclipse Aftershocks And All Major Planets Direct! Push To Break Up Old “Inherited” 3D Timelines. Are You Ready To Unlock A Higher Path?Welcome into a brand new week in the cosmic energies!Key themes are Eclipse/New Moon challenges continuing to push for you to make higher choices. Heaviness and past struggles culminate but rise for a final big eruption around Uranus direct…
Things might have felt tough this last week but long term it’s the Universe’s way of breaking open your path to your highest desires.Are you ready?Old Cycles Culminating – Breakthrough The start of this week is set to be intense – not only because we have the aftereffects of the eclipse, but because the Sun is travelling between Pluto and Saturn, two of the major players in the zodiac.
This can tend to heaviness but opens to major transformation – as both planets deal with making conscious any old limiting beliefs, programming and unconscious emotional material in your system.Combining with the Eclipse’s “breakthrough” energies and Uranus now stationing to move direct, spirit shows we’re dealing with powerful changes blasting through.IF you can make new and higher choices. IF you can uplift your perspective in those moments of “reaction” and “automatic” thought/judgment/feeling (you’ll know your own triggers).
Above all it’s about breaking up old negative timelines. Including “inherited manifestations and paths” – what we absorbed and were programmed with from our human upbringings..Facing Shadows To Open A New Pa. In order to manifest a higher state of existence, unconditional love, unity consciousness, fulfillment – we need to break open the old “traintracks” we’ve been locked to.This happens through energy work and making conscious new choices.
If your path has felt blocked and old issues have been rearing their heads the last few weeks, it’s been building up to this.To shake you up, bring you face to face with your “issues” so you can see yourself clearly (or maybe someone else will provide awareness) so you can align with something new and higher.To help with this releasing of negativity and help your system integrate the new changes coming in with more ease – I would highly recommend using energy clearing and management.Spirit tells us, this breakthrough potential is above all about how we see ourselves and our “destiny”.To change our awareness and become conscious of our “stories” and what has caused our experiences and manifestations…Because our beliefs become “self fulfilling prophecies” – thoughts become things, as the saying goes.
Uranus Goes Direct – Forward Motion
When Uranus moves direct we have new momentum again. Spirit says there is a reshuffling going on right now. You’ll feel better by the end of the week wind in your sails again, with new forward motion.Especially as every planet in the zodiac will then be moving direct.However, keep in mind that YOU are the crux of your journey – the outer energies are always interacting with each individual one of us. And no two journeys are the same.
YOU are the one who chooses what to align with, what thoughts and feelings to focus on, what you “nourish” into existence… The planets will never do that *for* you.So when there’s forward momentum, there’s always an increased demand for us to have awareness! What are we moving forward with?Remember that your Free Will is the most powerful agent of change in the universe.
“Bite Size” Online Spirituality Something I’ve noticed in online culture in recent times is an increase in “bite size” memes on astrology, channeled messages and spiritual insights.While this can seem inspiring and informative, unfortunately it can have the opposite effect. Yes, the planets are moving “direct” now. Yes, that indicates a smoother flow of energy…However, your life doesn’t depend on it. Your Reunion isn’t stopped by a retrograde planet – and you won’t automatically manifest blessings just because the planets are all direct or it’s 11/11. You won’t automatically have “good luck” if Jupiter conjuncts your Venus…
If you pay close attention you’ll notice that online culture is a “hype machine” for spirituality and it can be very damaging.Every week there’s supposedly something amazing and shock-worthy happening in the cosmic energies, if you believe the internet…But look back. Did your life dramatically change? Or did things change most when YOU made different choices, got in a different alignment than before through energy work… Even, when you stopped paying attention so much?
What Is The “Movie” Of Your Life?The problem with online “hype culture” in spiritual circles is it keeps people on a traintrack of being spoonfed info about the cosmic energies like you are watching a movie unfolding…
When you really are the MAKER of the movie – you are the writers, the actors, the director, the film itself…You *are* the universe. You can live your life, your way, any time you want.So what is the ticket to your happy journey?!
Uplift your energy and your alignment, so you are in harmonic vibration with your desires – including Twin Flame Union.That’s when things begin to show up TANGIBLY. In the here and now.
energy vibrations
Love Takes Flight Another notable transit for Twin Flames this week is Venus entering Sagittarius 7th January.
With this move, it’s like love gains her wings, spirit shows us. You’ll likely start to feel more lighthearted than in recent times.Travelling through Scorpio, Venus had a hard time, there were challenges in love – and a LOT of purging, releasing old issues from past wounds…Now, we’re set to feel like we’re on a forward path yet again. Love will likely feel easier than in a LONG time, because Venus has been travelling back and forth in Scorpio since early fall 2018 due to her retrograde.
Are You Ready For A Major Change?You’re likely in a different place now completely than you were summer 2018.And that can seem scary, but Sagittarius’ adventurous energy as well as Mars’ fire returning to Aries helps you be brave and jump into something new or unexpected.
You’re ready for change. Likely, you’ve had it with how things were in some area of your life, whether love, creativity, family or appearance related. Even regarding friends.Your patience is thin and right now instead of trying to change the past, you see that the best path is onward and upward.
However, spirit cautions us for this period that there’s a difference between moving on with a feeling of lightness and inspiration, versus running away from old wounds just hoping they’ll go away.
When toxic emotions and old wounds fester, they get worse with time, not better.
Death/Rebirth In The Physical January 11th we have a powerful once a year conjunction between the Sun and Pluto. We’re set to get a revisit however of Scorpio’s watery darkness at this time.
There’s a death/rebirth process going on in terms of physical world situations, long-term plans and self mastery right now…And it’s not easy, but as the Sun journeys to this point this week (active all week but peaking on Friday) you’re set to gain a new clarity into the situation. Your deeper power is awakened.You may have previously felt powerless as a part of your life came to an end… Likely some aspect of the Twin connection or early life situations, even someone passing away… But there is also a rebirth involved.
Maybe you don’t see it yet, but it’s in process. Whenever something ends, there’s a new beginning. Spirit shows us you may be the one to end something once and for all now, because you see that there’s something better if you do.
Old Soul Contracts Ending/New Ones Taking Effect Pluto’s activities can also pertain to walk-in experiences for Twins, and old soul contracts ending/new ones beginning…Check what house 20 degrees Capricorn is in your birth chart for more on what area of your life is undergoing a death/resurrection.
With Mercury conjunct Saturn in Capricorn this weekend, you may feel challenged to see the light at the end of the tunnel… But you’ll be really good at admin work, meticulous planning for the future and other sensible yet mentally challenging tasks.Energy clearing and working on long term manifestation and intention setting are also highly aspected.
What Saturn most “wants” from you right now (and what will pay off) is to stop thinking so much! Spirit shows us, the majority of thoughts we human beings have on a daily basis are not helpful. in fact, they’re useless… even, damaging.The self-berating commentary, the worries, the doubts, the stress, the fear scenarios… Because it can completely derail us.Meditation is HIGHLY aspected right now. You’ll find it easier than usual to focus your thoughts…Right now, Saturn is waiting for you to TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR OWN MIND and words! Because it can be your worst enemy, or your best friend… depending on how you treat it.
Spiritual Challenges – Illusions About The Future Lastly this week we have a square between Jupiter and Neptune that spells out the same story – rein it back a bit!The spiritual projections… the future imaginings… some of it is damaging. Neptune deals with illusions, and Jupiter with excess…
So even if it seems “positive”, spiritual dogma can hold your journey back – perhaps by making you avoid taking responsibility or action, or by clouding your vision with other people’s values when you are meant to attune to YOUR truth and YOUR unique experience.You’ll do well to cut back right now and to re-evaluate what’s been going on in your deeper mind when you’re not paying attention.You’re the boss of your journey and your life… but are there Twin Flame fear scenarios lurking deep down?
Stuff you’ve read about other Twins’ horrible experiences of waiting for 10 years for their counterpart to no avail? Twins getting outsiders pregnant and the like?Well, it’s time to weed it out. I have to do this myself a LOT. Because I hear all the Twin Flame horror stories and there are hundreds of Twins every week emailing me with various needs…The unconscious human mind absorbs this kind of information and over time it becomes our belief systems, which affect our manifestations, which affects our emotions, our experiences, our twin flame dynamics and over time our lives…
How To Align Your Journey With Reunion, Light, Love… I cannot push this point too much – keep your mind and your energy “clean” for a happy journey. You will thank yourself for it. Your quality of life depends on it – and that’s no exaggeration.Because the more clutter you absorb from other people’s projections, experiences, horror stories and beliefs, the more complicated and messy things get for you.
Spirit says, in fact, the biggest problem for most Twin Flames is other Twin Flames. And no, they don’t mean the counterpart.They mean *everyone else* with their opinions, personal stories, beliefs, advice and involvement…
Attuning To Your Own Light – A New Chapter Starts This week, the cosmic message is clear. Go within, clear up in there… And allow your OWN light to begin emanating… lighting up your situation, your path…
You always have your own answers, if you can just learn to listen to your deeper wisdom.And in fact, your soul may be holding up your journey waiting for you to realize it.Make the effort now and you’ll be rewarded thousandfold.So this week, we’ve got momentum changing and all the planets will move direct for a few weeks – but how will you use that time?
I believe in you
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galacticfoundation · 10 months
(@wingsofachampion) Hiya! Do you have rings like the planet? -Tropius
...Oh, are you that kid Mars was talking about? No, I don't have rings. I'm just a normal human. I can promise you I don't actually have Glameow ears, no matter how much everyone insists. My hair just... does that.
I do own some rings as in the jewelery, but I'm not wearing any right now, so I can't really give proof.
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Weight Management Details.
Like the label points out, I was all day in the desert the other day, coming from regarding 11 to 9 PM. Just before leaving some Jehovah's Witnesses were going about searching for Spanish talking individuals. When you begin to incorporate this up; Fraser's past history of dissociation and damage a hospital stay, her stressed and also terrible family members, their accepted top secret community associations and the nefarious goings-on in her location during the course of her helensport.info young people- properly, go pay attention to "The Spangle Manufacturer." You'll find exactly what I mean.
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Dilihat dari ekspresi wajahnya, dia tahu persis apa itu. Dia meminta saudaranya untuk ikut dengannya. So, why exactly performed God develop the more significant lighting" of the Sunshine to conclude (or resolution) the day" as well as the smaller light" from the moon to guideline (or even resolution) the night? Pisces usually retreats-either to the sublime heights from a devoted specialist lifestyle, or even to stimulants, synthetic emotions and also phony exhilaration. Sekretaris Ma menyela untuk mengatakan bahwa Mawang tidak bisa mati saat ini, karena dia perlu membereskan skandal terlebih dahulu. Kami memotong untuk melihat dua orang berdiri di atas lubang, dengan Pil bersumpah bahwa dia mengatakan yang sebenarnya. If she acquires too high-spirited and also her smart tongue obtains too ironical, or she threatens some action that really incenses you, give her a light touch of the Tarzan treatment. The method of scientific research is therefore iterative, indicating experts come back repeatedly to a subject, burrowing ever deeper in to its own correct attribute, as know during the time (Recognizing Science blog site, 2017 ). Dia bertanya-tanya apakah dia akan gila dan mulai tertawa. Oh-gong berpikir mereka semua menyebabkan masalah yang tidak perlu dengan menjadi terkenal, dan Mawang membantah dengan saksama bahwa mereka semua tidak memiliki pandangan jauh ke depan untuk hidup sebagai pecandu pengangguran seperti Oh-gong. You provide fascinating illusions or a retreat from truth, potentially in a charming dream globe that welcomes the one you want to leave the drudgery from every day life. Chlorella could induce you to become over-sensitive to sunshine; it can easily also trigger cramping, bloating and also diarrhea.
, if he's definitely dedicated to his work (is there a Virgo who isn't?), he secretly ridicules the social and political extra-curricular tasks the head from a firm is obliged to engage in, since that induces him to overlook his duties-and be actually assured that neglect of responsibility is not something a Virgo ignores. Tidak terkecuali di musim ini, pada musim ini dari sekian banyak dramatization korea yang on going ada beberapa drama korea yang admin ketahui sangat populer dikalangan para pecinta dramatization korea khusus nya penggemar drama korea di indonesia, fine langsung saja kita mulai pembahasan nya. Pil berteriak ke langit dengan tak percaya dan mulai meneriaki lubang untuk menghilang, menyebabkan pasangan di dekatnya berpura-pura dengan gugup melewati orang gila itu". Yet acquire this, that was all happening online, certainly not in the real world. Saturn is about to modify signs in a few times (relying on where you are) to Capricorn which is his rulership. 1) A good friend is actually spending some time in L.A., went to Chris Cornell's grave and discussed an image on social media sites. A Virgo guy is usually kindly and also helpful about all those little things which matter to ladies.
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templified · 5 years
Portfolio WordPress Themes TopNotch Themes | Templified
New Post has been published on https://templified.com/portfolio-wordpress-themes-draft/
Portfolio WordPress Themes TopNotch Themes
There are plenty of websites out there competing to catch a share of traffic, folks trying to lure in eyes to their portfolio. If you want a big share of the attention, you’ll require a superb portfolio WordPress theme to stand out from the crowd, to make your work look as good as it can and to really, truly set yourself apart from the competition.  That is exactly what this selection of portfolio WordPress themes is all about.
You need a great looking, professional portfolio template that does everything it can to make your site the very best it can be?  Well, that’s what this collection of themes is all about.  We’ve searched the internet high and low and found the absolute best WordPress website themes for photographs, video, graphic design, interior design, cinematography, graphic design, art and much more.  No mater what kind of portfolio you need, what work you want to showcase or who your intended audience is, these themes are some of the very, very best.
Portfolios are excellent for showing off your work without clutter, great for making your designs, photos, artwork and video clips look the very best they can.  Each and every one of these portfolio WordPress themes are full featured, with a lot of goodies including things like shortcodes, customized theme options and plenty of great looking, easy to use gallery choices, portfolio layouts and page layouts in a wide range of styles.  If you’re searching for modern minimalist design, retro, flat or elaborate and refined designs, there’s a theme in here for you.
So, here we go, the best portfolio themes for WordPress on the market.
  A stylish portfolio WordPress theme can help you create a lasting first impression. It is possible to set up an internet design portfolio instantly and without difficulty by using a top quality portfolio theme. This WordPress premium portfolio theme is reliable, gorgeous, adaptable, user friendly and packed with features, it’s SEO optimized, flexible and feature filled, amazing for internet marketing firms, freelancers, fashion designers, ad firms or photography lovers. This one is very easy to use with lots of great documentation and help, totally responsive so it works great on any screen, one that offers numerous useful, popular features, built with a beautiful, graceful style and incredibly multi-purpose so that you can use it on any type of website.
Should you wish to utilize a powerful WordPress plugin to generate an attractive website, you should think about the adaptable, easy to use drag and drop page builder WordPress plugin, which is called Visual Composer. Visual Composer supports the leading after-market plugins like Essential Grid, WooCommerce, popular forms plugins Ninja Forms or Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7 and Revolution or Layer Sliders. Which makes this beautiful multi-purpose theme unbelievably adaptable. You’ll really love the versatility to produce any type of website, the low price, the levels of compatibility, the user friendly setup and the many time saving options. Popular features include the gigantic template library, 40+ content elements, highly detailed documentation, well appointed front end editor and purely responsive design, plus a whole lot more.
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  Aaika is a really sweet theme.  It’s a premium portfolio WordPress theme that’s highly modifiable, completely packed with creative features, it’s stunningly easy to use, well made, well supported and overall, it’s spectacular to work with.  Aaiki is SEO optimized, functional and purely responsive, perfect for freelance artists, commercial photographers, fashion designers, ad companies or promotion companies. You can make a lasting first impression with a stylish portfolio theme.  Aaika was just released in January of 2017 and it’s already proving to be very popular.  This theme helps you to generate any type of site you wish, presenting the functions you need, with the style you would like, all because of the amazing top page builder plugin on the market.
The Visual Composer plugin works perfectly Aaika, and supports all of the leading premium plugins such as Contact Form 7, Essential Grid, Revolution or Layer Sliders, WooCommerce and popular forms plugins Ninja Forms or Gravity Forms. Aaika is ready for action.  Those features make this powerful multi-purpose theme very, very functional for nearly any use, which is well worth the price tag, I’d say.  Folks love the simple learning curve, the low price, the levels of compatibility, the freedom to produce any style of site and the variety of tools that save you time.  Visual Composer offers the well appointed front end editor, detailed documentation, totally responsive design, 40+ content elements and massive template library, plus a whole lot more.
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The Motion
  If you want to learn something new these days, all you must do is run a search for videos online. But imagine if you can access one source for a distinct set of videos, may it be about travel, food, focused on tutorials, or even offer lessons? In this case, you’ll find the The Motion theme for WordPress a joy to work with.  It is the most ideal theme if you want to have a multimedia website. Using simple but powerful design elements, you can have your videos neatly presented on the homepage with a featured video as the header. You can even include a subscription CTA (call to action), where potential clients won’t miss seeing.
The Themotion theme for WordPress is easily customizable enabling its users to create unique but high-functioning sites with ease. Custom backgrounds are readily available so choose from these to get you started.  It is also WooCommerce compatible and so you can easily create an online store if you have special merchandise to sell. Translation ready, you have a theme that will ensure that all visitors, regardless of their native tongue, will understand your published text.  The theme is SEO-friendly which means that you can establish a strong online presence for your brand and see to it that your site is found across different search engines.  For more WooCommerce WordPress themes, check out this collection.
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  The Architect WordPress theme allows even non-developers the chance to build an attractive, highly professional and utterly capable website to improve their online presence. The name of the theme does not imply that only architect will appreciate the final style of the site created with this theme. With so many modern features and the impressive number of customization options, individuals or companies from any industry or niche can appreciate working with Architect. Even though it is simple to install and use, the features are impressive. It includes retina-ready icons complete with stylish CSS3 animations to bring a focus to separate content blocks on the finished site. Fully responsive, any site visitor can view every element on every page with ease whether they are using a large desktop monitor or are viewing your website from their smartphone. Architect is completely compatible with all Internet browsers and devices.
No matter what type of content you have to display, the Architect WordPress theme provides a structurally sound and eye-catching framework that puts the focus where it belongs. The multiple portfolio layout options included can be designed with one or more of these unique layout types: masonry, boxed or carousel. From the highly intuitive admin panel, you can also choose any number of Font Awesome icons, change the color schemes and typography and make more tweaks and changes until your website perfectly represents what you have to offer. For people with more development knowledge, the Architect WordPress theme also allows for the use of child themes.
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Sell Photos
  Graph Paper Press’ Sell Photos WordPress Theme is a straightforward theme for photographers, illustrators, and artists whose respective website’s main goal is to sell their images. The Sell Photos Theme includes a built-in Sell Media plugin that converts your website into an ecommerce site without touching a line of code.
Sell Photos Theme’s main feature is its Slideshow option that allows you to seamlessly showcase your designs and prints. Coupled with the Unlimited Galleries feature, your website will become a rich resource for those searching for prints and images.  The Sell Photos Theme presents a minimalist design which you can spruce up if you want more spunk for your website. On the other hand, the low key design also gives more emphasis to your images.  Here is our complete collection of minimalist WordPress themes.
Other main features included in the Sell Photos Theme are the ability to add your own blog and customize your theme with its built-in dashboard. The Sell Photos Theme supports different post formats for images, videos, links, audios, galleries, and quotes. The Sell Photos Theme has a responsive design, is HTML5 markup ready, and has built-in .po and .mo translation files. These are useful if you want to change the theme’s language to match your target audience’s language and also if you want to edit the theme’s code yourself.
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  These days, it’s so hard to look for a multipurpose theme that can work for various kinds of blogs—but Narcos is one of those! This theme has so many powerful features, and a vastly written code base that makes it easy to customize. This multi-page theme helps you put your portfolio, information about your business, eCommerce activities, creative agencies, and other corporate related stuff to your blog. You can create 22 different pages for your blog—enough to build an efficient online portfolio that’s built on the powerful Tesla framework. With the help of PrettyPhoto integration, you can be sure that people will see all the essential photos, images, or graphics that you want them to see.
Another great thing about Narcos is that it works with Google Web Fonts—so you can be sure that no matter what device the reader is using, they’d be able to see your blog in the way you wish them to see it. You can also make use of multiple portfolio layouts so that your readers won’t be confused with what you’re trying to offer. It also makes use of multi-level navigation, which means that no one would have a hard time trying to read what you have published, and it also has top notch support and the proper documentation that you need to help make sure that your blog would always be of high quality, and would work in top speed. Pricing Tables could also be used, together with 6 creative headers—to give some variety and spice to your posts. You can also try various homepage layouts, depending on what your business is, and what you are trying to offer. With the help of Narcos, you can be sure that both your blog and business would be taken seriously—and you can be sure that you’d have more readers in no time.
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Massive Dynamic
  Massive Dynamic has a modern, minimalist style theme that is a bold full screen theme that’s WooCommerce ready and quite easy to customize.  Massive Dynamic is powered by the Visual Composer drag and drop page builder plugin and it overs dozens of shortcodes to give it the options and features you want to see in a great portfolio style web page.  Drag and drop elements where you want them to be, choose from over a dozen header styles, get your site online quickly and wow your audience with the impact of a full width front page.  The demo version above is just one of the many examples of sites that can be created with Massive Dynamic, so don’t be afraid to look around and see what else there is.
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Elegance Pro
  I absolutely adore the simple, minimal style of Elegance Pro, which is why I’ve included it in this collection of portfolio themes.  It’s simple, but never boring.  It’s elegant, which is how it got it’s name I suppose and it’s WooCommerce compatible, so you can build an online store.  With responsive designs, you’ll get a theme that loads up perfectly on any type of device or browser.  That’s a great feeling, particularly when you consider that responsive themes tend to rank better in the SERPs than fixed-width themes.  In today’s marketplace, that’s critical, because it can be very competitive out there.  Refined, polished, beautiful and useful, that’s a lot of why I’ve included this theme in our collection.
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  When you’re trying to find the perfect theme for constructing a WordPress based portfolio, then you might wish to take into account a minimalist theme like Wright, from Produced by Minimal. Wright is incredibly compact, it has got a mid century modern design that concentrates all of the focus on your own content, which can help to get your message over. Wright is a multipurpose theme, mixing an attractive site design with WooCommerce capacities and because it is on this webpage, you understand that this is a WordPress portfolio theme that actually brings the design to your picture galleries. Reactive and Retina screen prepared, this theme seems fantastic and it absolutely reflects your visual content.
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  For creating a portfolio with a subtle Pinterest-like feel, Pinmaister is a good choice.  This theme was created by CSS Igniter and it’s got a lot of features that make it one of their more popular themes.  Let your creativity flow with Pinmaister.  This theme is a truly unique site template for making the most of your content.  Big, bold images, fun layouts, simple navigation, those things all help to make a site with great user experience and Pinmaister offers all that and more.  Pinmaister has a drag and drop homepage, Ajax pagination, tons of cool custom widgets and it’s SEO optimized and fluid responsive too, which means it loads fast and looks great on all devices.  You’ll love the theme options panel, which is easy to manage, the control over colors and fonts and the slick front end submission form.  Use any page builder with Pinmaister, it works with Visual Composer, Beaver Builder, Elementor and more.  Totally optional, but it’s a wonderful way to get the layout you want.  For more Pinterest style themes, check this out.
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Infinity Pro
  What does it take to make it to this list of WordPress portfolio themes?  Amazing style, graceful design, a wide range of features, highly rated, immaculate, up to date code, reliable and friendly support…that’s why Infinity Pro is here.  It’s got all of that and more.  This perfectly responsive theme looks amazing on each and every device and browser, irrespective of size.  That’s a great thing to offer when you’re showcasing your images or design portfolio.  Infinity Pro doesn’t stop there.  For businesses and individuals who want the most professional option for framing their work, Infinity Pro offers the tools, the design and the flexibility to create a really slick online presence.  Also, Infinity Pro is WooCommerce ready, giving you a great way to monetize your site, even sell prints of images or digital downloads.  If you’re creating any type of portfolio, Infinity Pro may be the place to start.
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  Looking for a simple, modern and fresh way to show off your portfolio?  Have a look at Cre8or, a fun and modern theme with minimalist design, cool animated transitions, loads of different portfolio styles, a responsive design and even a video lightbox for highlighting video content.  Cre8or is easy to customize, since the Tesla Themes framework is highly flexible and provides exactly what you need to make changes on everything from fonts to colors to even the layout of each post and page, since it comes packaged with Visual Composer, the leading drag and drop page builder plugin.
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  If you’re looking for a new and slightly different take on a WordPress portfolio, then have a look at Shutter.  Shutter offers you five separate, unique and attractive layouts for making your images look as good as they possibly can.  Shutter gives you plenty to choose from, layouts, fonts, colors and lots of other settings.  Responsiveness is a must and that’s why they’ve made Shutter to perfectly adapt itself to any size screen, no matter what.  That’s big, when you want your images to look as good as they possibly can, you don’t want to mess around with a site that doesn’t look good on all devices.  Whether you’re a photoblogger, journalist, studio photographer or maybe even it’s just a hobby for you right now, Shutter is going to make your images look as good as they possibly can.
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  What kind of portfolio are you looking to create?  If it’s a photo portfolio you’re looking for, then Shutterbox may be the theme for you.  Shutterbox is simple, minimalist in design and perfect for a photographers portfolio site.  No matter what type of photography you’re into, a wedding photographer or photo journalist or anything else, Shutterbox is an appealing, simple and professional way to highlight your images.  Shutterbox simple creates a dramatic way to provide a great user experience, simple navigation and even the ability to sell images using eCommerce.  You can do nearly anything with Shutterbox, which was created by GraphPaper Press, one of the leading designers of WordPress themes.
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  The Lookbook WordPress Theme displays content within an mosaic-style format. It utilizes the grid-type design layout to assist highlight articles and photos. The design also comes with a centralized post formatting system so content easily adapts to the display. This theme is best suited for trend portfolios, stock photography sites, and businesses.  The Lookbook theme Enables the production of customized widget areas for users to incorporate extra text blocks, pictures, and other elements to the design. Further, users have access to page templates along with also the theme customizer to easily update background images, logos, and even add a unique favicon.
Slideshows and Galleries can be added to accommodate as many pictures as possible. Adding and sorting images to the slideshows can also be easily done. The theme also boasts the introduction of unlimited galleries and the consumer’s flexibility in designing its design.  WordPress plugins Also function properly together with the Lookbook theme. It can be incorporated together with the Economy Media plugin to assist entrepreneurs sell and market things. In addition, it has translation ready and accessibility ready choices.  If you like the look of this theme, check out our full collection of WordPress grid themes.
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  Motive is a very creative WordPress portfolio theme brought to you but Tesla Themes.  This theme is clean and fresh, it uses the full width of the screen to provide a really big impace on all of your readers.  With the Motive WordPress theme, you get a ton of features that help make crafting a winning portfolio a breeze.  Motive is responsive, it’s built on the Tesla Framework and it supports multiple post formats, standard, video, audio, quotes and more.  You get the idea.  With Motive, customizing your website is a very simple task.  Import the demo content, then replace the dummy data with your own pages, logo and the like.  Motive isn’t just a basic, bare bones portfolio, you can use a masonry layout, mosaic or standard grid too.  Each of those may work best for your situation, depending on the size and shape of your images.  So, there you go, definitely worth checking out Motive.
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Zerif Pro
  I’ve included Zerif Pro on this list because while it is a single page theme, which means there’s not a ton of room for hundreds and hundreds of images, videos or other content, there is a pretty stylish and attractive portfolio feature included in this theme.  Zerif Pro is made for businesses that want to use a single page to showcase and sell products so for the right kind of business, Zerif Pro may be a good fit.  But again, if you have a lot of images to display, it’s not a great fit.  Zerif Pro is very popular with web developers who want to create portfolio sites for clients, since it’s fast, simple to customize and it produces great results.  The features included help to make your websites total masterpieces and they’ll make your client’s portfolio stand out.
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Pretty Creative Pro
  This theme is called Pretty Creative Pro, it’ s a nice looking premium WordPress portfolio theme that works hand in hand with StudioPress’ Genesis Framework.  Like all Genesis Framework child themes, Pretty Creative Pro is completely responsive, so it looks incredibly on all screen sizes, adapting to fit smart phones, tablets and all resolution of desktop screens.  Designed with the needs of creatives in mind, Pretty Creative Pro allows you to build some of the most artful and attractive WordPress portfolios around.  What WordPress portfolio themes allow you to do is showcase your creative work, whether it’s photographs or logo design, graphic design or something else entirely, in a professional and creative manner.  Pretty Creative Pro uses custom page templates, a powerful theme editor and multiple widget areas to allow for great flexibility and functionality.  The result is a highly polished, high-performing website that loads fast and makes your creative work stand out from the crowd.
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  With a well designed WordPress portfolio theme like Composition, you can build a stunning, high quality site to show off all of your designs, whether it’s photographs, graphic design, interior design or some other kind of creative work.  Whatever you’re into, the right website can make the content look even better.  That’s what GraphPaper Press had in mind when they created Composition, a theme for business portfolios, stock footage or stock photography sites, as well as blogs and general portfolios.  Composition is responsive, easy to customize, you can display posts and photo galleries as well as portfolios in attractive masonry layouts and by adding Sell Media, you can even sell digitally downloadable products.  Personalize this theme as much as you want, arranging all content as you see fit.  Add slideshows for a really impactful, professional looking website.
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  Eris is a portfolio theme from Themes Kingdom, one of my favorite theme makers and it’s simple, efficient and lovely.  Simple to use too, which is always nice, especially if you’re a beginner.  It seems like more and more theme makers are creating more complex, difficult to use themes.  In my opinion, some of the designs are great and if you’re an expert with WordPress, you can make something unique and beautiful.  However, the learning curve can be pretty steep, so sometimes a simpler solution is a better solution.  That’s where a theme like Eris comes in.  All of Themes Kingdom’s themes are simple to use and beautiful.  If you need a clean, modern WordPress theme for your portfolio, it’s certainly worth considering this responsive, modern and professional portfolio theme.
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gamesdownload-blog · 7 years
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls-CODEX
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls-CODEX
Ova Games Ova Games – Free Download PC Games – Rip – Repack – Full Version
Title: Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls-CODEX Genre: Action, RPG Developer: Compile Heart Publisher: Idea Factory Release Date: 12 Jun, 2017 Languages: English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese File Size: 9.54 GB / Split 4 parts 3.00 GB Compressed Mirrors:
Free Download Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls PC Game – A collaboration project between ASCII Media Works’ Dengeki Bunko and SEGA, the Sega Hard Girls are made up of various Sega consoles, including the Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, and Mega Drive! These anthropomorphized consoles are girls with an array of personalities and spunk, and this time …
A collaboration project between ASCII Media Works’ Dengeki Bunko and SEGA, the Sega Hard Girls are made up of various Sega consoles, including the Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, and Mega Drive! These anthropomorphized consoles are girls with an array of personalities and spunk, and this time they are teaming up with Neptune and IF for an all-new adventure!
Minimum: • OS: Windows 7 (64-bit) • Processor: 3 GHz Intel i3 or equivalent • Memory: 4 GB RAM • Graphics: DirectX 10.x or OpenGL 3.3 or better graphics card with 1 GB RAM and support for v4 shaders • DirectX: Version 10 • Storage: 12 GB available space • Sound Card: DirectX 10.x compatible sound card Additional Notes: Caution: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5xxx, 1GB VRAM 5000 series, AMD processor may not work properly with this game.
Recommended: • OS: Windows 10 Home (64-bit) • Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz • Memory: 8 GB RAM • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 or comparable • Storage: 12 GB available space • Sound Card: DirectX 10.x compatible sound card Additional Notes: Caution: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5xxx, 1GB VRAM 5000 series, AMD processor may not work properly with this game.
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls-CODEX
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls-CODEX
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls-CODEX
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls-CODEX
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls-CODEX
Note: Links are interchangeable, if you find any dead links please report them to “HERE“
1. Extract 2. Burn or mount the .iso 3. Run setup.exe and install 4. Copy crack from CODEX dir to installdir 5. Play
General Notes: • Block the game’s exe in your firewall to prevent the game from trying to go online .. • If you install games to your systemdrive, it may be necessary to run this game with admin privileges instead
Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls-CODEX Admin
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bitchgoths · 7 years
help me nix im trying to run saturn valley online on a browser based pc emulator but its so fucking slow and i can't run it on my actual computer bc i don't have the admin password help im really fucking bored and im scared my laptops gonna crash
can you ask ur parents for the password? if u can't tho, you could maybe look up the most common types of passwords people use, and try to guess what type ur parents use?
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galacticfoundation · 10 months
...Lovely to see you too.
"Go talk to the public!" Said Mars.
"It'll improve our image!" Said Mars.
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galacticfoundation · 10 months
Hey Saturn, aren't you pissed at mars and Jupiter for not telling you about how the idea was to end the world?
All things considered, I should have known this one was coming.
I'm... not pissed, no. Not at them. Not anymore. Bitter would be a better word, I think.
Moreso at Jupiter, honestly. Mars has been busting her ass to help me keep things in order - you know the girls only, like, 20, right? She's far too young to be worrying about the things she does. But Jupiter just ran off to her mommy like a fucking wuss. I can't stand that.
They were manipulated. They thought they were doing the right thing. If I'm pissed at anyone...
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galacticfoundation · 10 months
How’s the therapy going?
...I'm assuming this was meant for me. It's definitely going.
Mars had much better luck; I got stuck with some crotchety old dude who is probably the least useful therapist in existence. I'm not even entirely sure he knows what therapy is.
Did you know that Sinnoh's psych wards are absolutely pathetic? Because I sure do.
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galacticfoundation · 10 months
Hi. I'm still here, much to everyone's chagrin, I'm sure.
If you notice any big machines outside the Veilstone building, we're just doing some renovations. And if you notice a giant Gyarados in town, he's just going for a walk to escape the noise. Or a float, I guess. He's very well-behaved, don't worry.
Is there anyone here that's actually... what's the phrase Mars used, "in our timeline?" This shits confusing, I don't know how she does it.
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galacticfoundation · 10 months
What’s your opinion on that Luke kid or whatever his name is? New Champion.
It's Lucas.
He's a good kid. Has a strong head on his shoulders. I wish they weren't putting so much on his plate at such a young age. That kind of stress does shit to you as an adult.
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galacticfoundation · 10 months
so you guys are normal now?
There's nothing normal about any of these people, including myself.
...I'm joking. I know what you meant. There's no more apocalypse plans, I'm pretty sure. Not like they'd bother to tell me if there was.
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