#addam and alyn prove themselves as cool guys and get recognition that way. never get acknowledged but like Everyone knows
daenystheedreamer · 6 months
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helaena and jace have six kids :) rhaella the eldest is rhaenyra's favourite, jaehaerys is the heir, aemma and aemon are twins and aemon is alicent's favourite, alysanne is born deaf and blind and is helaena's special baby girl who must be protected, and maelys is the evil one. also viserra and aegon but both died of birth complications.
blackwoods and brackens have a diva off during the reign of rhaenyra as an analogue to the dance. rhaenyra and aemond fly down to deal with it after a couple years of assassinations cos it stops being funny and starts being annoying. anyway alysanne ends up getting dragged up to the red keep cos she killed people but is able to finesse her way into a pardon, and rhaenyra ends up arranging alysanne to marry aegon and the bracken daughter to marry aemond.
rhaenyra sends aegon off to the riverlands (like daemon to the vale...) to go become a houseflipper and rebuild oldstones as a vacation home. gives him something to do + gets to manipulate mansplain manwhore his way through the riverlands. black aly just does her own thing. she ends up having a kid with him like a decade into the marriage but its probably not aegon's.
aemond gets stuck with partygirl camilla as his wife. she is fun and cool in a normal way not in a aemond way. she's the heiress of stone hedge (until her baby brother comes of age) since everyone else got exploded and she's got the attitude of a turn-of-the-century american nouveau riche socialite. she thinks aemond is so weird. ends up moving back to stone hedge after a while cos aemond is too weird. has two sons two daughters probably all fathered by aegon.
aegor, maegelle, elaena and vaegon are the four kids. aegor is fun times crazy. maegelle wants to marry jaehaerys and buts heads with rhaella. elaena is aemond's favourite. and vaegon is the spare :3 he's got turboautism about architecture and gets sent to the citadel. aemond sends aegor to the priesthood for being an embarrassing sex pest (horny jail) but aegor retaliates by becomign the literal pope. very pope alexander type guy. Has two bastards i havent named yet but theyre just cesare and lucretia borgia.
and THATS the state of the green kids descendants in my au. oh and i shunted daeron off on addam of hull cos i didnt wanna bother with him too much. he become a knight of the kingsguard for jace and he's gay idc
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