#achalasia cardia treatment in hyderabad
dineshreddy06 · 11 days
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drreddy · 7 months
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pacehospitalshyd · 16 days
Finding the Right Cancer Doctor at PACE Hospitals
PACE Hospitals is a reputed medical facility in Hyderabad with a dedicated oncology department.  Choosing the right doctor for your specific cancer care needs is important. Here's some information to help you with your search:
PACE Hospitals Oncology Expertise:
PACE Hospitals boasts a team of qualified oncologists with experience in various areas:
Surgical Oncology: Focuses on surgical removal of tumors and cancerous tissues.
Other Specialists: Depending on your specific cancer type, you may benefit from consulting specialists like interventional gastroenterologists or hematologists (oncologists specializing in blood cancers) who may collaborate with your oncologist for a comprehensive treatment plan.
Department of Medical and Surgical Oncology :
Dr. Ramesh Parimi :
Surgical Oncologist
Dr. Ramesh Parimi's interest are surgical operations for cancer cervix, uterus and endometrium, sandwich surgery for cancer ovary. He also operates on patients with Breast Cancer, Head & Neck Cancer, Lung cancer, Thyroid Cancer, Head & Neck Cancer, Bone Cancer, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Oral Cancer and Intraoral. He has worked in a comprehensive cancer center with a tumor board present all the time to tailor the protocols to suit the particular patient depending on the stage of the disease.
Dr. Govind Verma:
MD, DM (Gastroenterology)
Interventional Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist and Endosonologist
Dr. Govind Verma, is a senior Interventional Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist and Endosonologist, having 21 years of experience. He has a special interest in the treatment of Liver disorders: like Hepatitis B and C, cirrhosis of liver, Liver cancer (HCC); Pancreatic disorders: Pancreatitis, Pancreatic tumour (Cancer); Inflammatory bowel disease: like ulcerative colitis and crohns disease; Oesophageal and anorectal motility diseases: Like Achalasia cardia, Diffuse oesophageal spasm, Hirschsprungs; Functional bowel diseases, Gallbladder Cancer, Colorectal Cancer.
Dr. Phani Krishna Ravula:
MS, MRCS (Edin), M.Ch (SGPGI), HPB Oncology Fellowship (Japan), Liver Transplant Fellowship (Leeds UK)
Surgical Gastroenterologist, GI Oncologist and Liver Transplant Surgeon
Dr. Ravula Phani Krishna has over 16 years experience in surgical gastroenterology & worked 6 years as surgical gastroenterology and liver transplant surgeon at Asian Institute of Gastroenterology. Fellowships in the UK ( 2 years ), Japan( Kurume University ) and South Korea ( Asan Hospital ) in the field of hepatobiliary and pancreatic disorders and liver transplantation. Also was the lead transplant surgeon establishing and running an active live donor and cadaveric transplant program? Presently working as consultant surgical gastroenterologist with special interests in HPB, minimally invasive surgery and liver transplant.
Contact PACE Hospitals: Call PACE Hospitals to get a list of oncologists based on your cancer type and inquire about their areas of sub-specialization.
Schedule Consultations: Once you have a shortlist, schedule consultations with a few doctors to discuss your case and treatment options. This will allow you to find a doctor you feel comfortable with.
If you're looking for Best Cancer Doctor in Hyderabad, PACE Hospitals is an excellent option.  To schedule an appointment with an oncologist at PACE Hospitals.
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Achalasia-Cardia Treatment in Hyderabad
Difficulties in swallowing food or water? Then it may be that you’re suffering from Achalasia, which is a rare esophageal motility complaint represented by the incapability of the lower esophageal sphincter. Dr. N. S. Babu is the best achalasia-cardia surgeon in Hyderabad with his 15+ experience in performing 10,000+ surgeries with advanced laparoscopic surgeries and minimal access surgery, he’s observed as the best surgical gastroenterologist in Hyderabad.
Dr. N. S. Babu completed his MBBS in 2008 from Gandhi Medical College, followed by MS from Kakatiya Medical College and MGM Hospital, Warangal, and a DNB from GEM Hospital & Surgical Centre, Coimbatore. Presently Dr. N. S. Babu is working as a Consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist and Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon at EVOKE Clinics, Secunderabad, and Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad where he gives the best achalasia cardia treatment in Hyderabad.
Here he explains everything about Achalasia cardia, so let’s explore,
What is achalasia-cardia?
Achalasia cardia, as often as possible connected with achalasia, is an interesting objection that influences the throat, the line that conveys food from the mouth to the stomach. In achalasia, the muscles of the throat and the lower esophageal sphincter( LES) don’t unwind fittingly, prompting trouble in gulping food and fluids.
According to  best colorectal surgeon in Hyderabad, Dr. N. S. Babu, the specific reason for achalasia is not known, yet it’s trusted to be due to of harm to the nerves in the throat. Side effects of achalasia can convey trouble gulping, disgorging of food, chest torment, weight reduction, and indigestion.
Who can get achalasia-cardia?
Achalasia cardia can occur in people of any age, including children, but it’s most generally diagnosed in grown-ups between the ages of 25 and 60. Both men and women are inversely affected by achalasia. While the exact cause of achalasia is unknown, certain factors may increase the threat of developing the condition, as suggested by Dr. N. S. Babu the threat factors include:
Autoimmune conditions: There may be an association between achalasia and autoimmune diseases like type 1 diabetes or thyroid diseases.
Genetics: There may be an inheritable predilection to achalasia, as it can occasionally run in families.
Infections: Some infections, analogous to those caused by certain viruses, have been indicated as implicit triggers for achalasia, but this is not yet well-established.
Nerve damage: Damage to the nerves in the esophagus may contribute to the evolution of achalasia, but the cause of this nerve damage is not continually clear.
Other factors: Some inquiries have alluded that certain environmental procurators or exposures may boost the trouble of achalasia, but further disquisition is needed to confirm these cooperations.
Overall, achalasia is a rare disorder, and while certain factors may increase the risk, it can occur in anyone.
What are the symptoms of achalasia-cardia?
The main symptoms of achalasia cardia include
Difficulty swallowing( dysphagia), especially with solid foods.
Regurgitation of food or liquids.
Chest pain or discomfort, constantly behind the breastbone.
Weight loss, frequently due to difficulty eating.
Heartburn or acid influx.
Dr. N. S. Babu says that  these symptoms can vary in inflexibility and may worsen over time if left undressed.
How to diagnose Achalasia-Cardia?
As per the best Laparoscopic surgeon in Hyderabad Dr. N. S. Babu diagnosing achalasia cardia generally involves a combination of medical history assessment, physical examination, and individual tests. Here is a figure of the common individual techniques used
Medical History and Physical Examination: The doctor will start by asking about your symptoms, such as difficulty swallowing, regurgitation of food, chest pain, and weight loss. They will also guide a physical examination to check for any signals of complications or footing conditions.
Barium Swallow Study( Esophagogram): This is a primary imaging test exercised to diagnose achalasia. During this test, you will swallow a liquid containing barium, which fleeces the within of your esophagus. X-rays are also taken while you swallow, allowing the doctor to observe the movement of the barium through your esophagus. In achalasia, the classic finding is a ballooned esophagus with a narrowed lower esophageal sphincter( LES) and a” bird’s beak” appearance.
Esophageal Manometry: This is the most accurate test for diagnosing achalasia. It measures the pressure and collaboration of muscle condensation in the esophagus. During the procedure, a slim, adjustable pipe with sensors is passed through your nose or mouth and into your esophagus. The sensors discover the pressure applied by the muscles of the esophagus as you swallow. In achalasia, there’s generally reduced or absent peristalsis( muscle condensation) in the esophagus and increased resting pressure of the LES.
CT Scan or MRI: These imaging tests may be used to estimate the esophagus and girding structures, particularly if there are concerns about complications or if other tests are inconclusive.
Treatment of Achalasia:
Achalasia is a disorder that affects the ability of the esophagus to move food toward the stomach. The main treatment options for achalasia include:
Balloon Dilation (Pneumatic Dilatation): In this system, an inflatable is embedded into the throat and expanded to extend the tight LES muscles, permitting food and fluids to pass all the more without any problem. It can give transitory alleviation of side effects yet may be rehashed over the long run.
Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Injection: Botulinum poison can be infused straightforwardly into the LES muscles to briefly incapacitate them, considering simpler gulping. This treatment is commonly held for patients who are bad contenders for different methods or who have bombed different medicines.
Surgical Myotomy: In a careful myotomy, the muscles of the LES are sliced to diminish their snugness and improve gulping. This should be possible by means of open medical procedure or laparoscopically (negligibly intrusive). It is viewed as the best long-haul treatment for achalasia however conveys gambles related to a medical procedure.
It’s important for patients to discuss their symptoms and preferences with best achalasia- cardia surgeon in Hyderabad, Dr. N Subrahmaneswara Babu to determine the most appropriate treatment plan for their individual needs.
Why Choose Dr. N. S. Babu for Achalasia-Cardia Treatment in Hyderabad?
Vast Experience: Dr. N.S. Babu is highly educated in the field of Surgical Gastroenterology and general and laparoscopic Surgery, including the treatment of Achalasia- Cardia. He has successfully performed over 10,000 surgeries including piles, fistula ,gallstone surgery ,  rectal prolapse and fissure treatment, demonstrating his expertise and skill.
Educational Achievements: Dr. N. S. Babu has a strong educational background, including a Master of Surgery, FMAS( Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery), and DNB Surgical Gastroenterology. His commitment to staying modernized with the latest medical advancements is apparent through his fellowships in HPB Surgery, featuring his dedication to delivering the best possible care.
Affiliation with Renowned Institutions: Dr. N. S. Babu is presently associated with EVOKE Clinics, Secunderabad, and Apollo Hospitals Hospital, Hyderabad, two recognized medical institutions known for their high-quality healthcare services. This cooperation ensures that patients receive top-notch treatment and care.
Membership in Professional Associations: Dr. N. S. Babu is a full-time member of the Association of Surgeons of India( ASI) and the Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India( AMASI). His active involvement in these professional communities demonstrates his commitment to advancing surgical practices and staying streamlined with the latest developments in the field.
Consult With the Best Colorectal Surgeon in Hyderabad:
Are you in search of the best achalasia- cardia treatment in Hyderabad? Look no further – Dr. N. Subrahmaneswara Babu is one of the best achalasia- cardia surgeon in Hyderabad . For any information and appointment call us on 094908 08080 or simply fill out the form Book your appointment
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doctorkiranpeddi · 3 years
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Gastro Problems Treatment in Hyderabad | Dr. Kiran Peddi
Gastro problems which includes for treatment, Acid peptic disease, Hiatus Hernia, GORD. Gastritis. Helicobacter Pylori. Oesophageal cancer. Gastric Cancer. Coeliac disease . Achalasia Cardia
For more Info>> https://www.drkiranpeddi.com/gastro-problems
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mysaicharan-blog · 6 years
Best Gastroenterology Treatment in India
Go for Apollo Hospitals international:
Gastroenterology focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive tract esophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon, pancreas and liver.
The Institutes of Gastroenterology at Apollo Hospitals is dedicated to helping patients worldwide recover from digestive-related diseases. Treatment plans recommended by highly experienced doctors are systematic and integrated, ensuring each patient receives the best care.
The clinical team of surgical and medical gastroenterologist are highly skilled and experienced in minimal access procedures. These include Cholecystectomy, Myotomy of Achalasia Cardia, Intestinal Resections, Splenectomy, Appendectomy, and Laparoscopic Hernia Repair. The institute offers Comprehensive treatments for complex disorders including endoscopic pancreatic – billiary disorders, motility disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, liver diseases, swallowing and esophageal disorders.
Apollo Hospitals Gastroenterology department features state-of-the-art medical technology including the Aparoscopic Argon Beam Laser and Tissue Link, Aida Touchscreen Facility, Robotics the Harmonic Scalpel, and comprehensive blood bank facilities.
Gastroenterology In India
Gastroenterology In India
Other locations:
1. Gastroenterology in Delhi
2. Gastroenterology in Mumbai
4.Gastroenterology in Kolkata
5. Gastroenterology in Hyderabad
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dineshreddy06 · 11 days
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dineshreddy06 · 11 days
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dineshreddy06 · 11 days
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dineshreddy06 · 11 days
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dineshreddy06 · 20 days
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