#absolutely zero pressure and you dont owe me shit
So this is a pretty big blog with a fairly large amount of non-bot followers, and I know I got my account reinstated, but I also know a lot of my favorite porny artists did not, SO:
If you’ve been collared with the cone of shame or the cubism of censorship but you’re still active, please reach out to me. I’d love to share your work with potentially-new eyes :)
I don’t ever check the tags for new borderlands stuff anyways, I don’t follow a ton of people (namely because i’m a super picky shit about what i’m exposed to on the daily haha) and I only get exposed to new work via people i’m following reblogging it in the first place, but if you personally follow this blog, and you’d like some exposure, please send me a message :)
At the very least-- if i get a lot of messages- but i dont see that happening AHAHHA- i can just reblog-dump so at least your stuff gets seen! :) Otherwise I can mark it and come back later proper so I don’t inundate anyone xD Even I miss stuff for people I follow, but again, having your blog flagged kind of cuts it off at the pass :/
Yeah. Anyways. Here to help technically get around some stuff because we know reblogs count more than EVER now, and I’m trying to be an advocate because it’s frustrating as fuck, so like, send that shit my way in a message :) It’s not weird or anything (i am literally asking to help others, it won’t put me out).
Just like, hit me up. I hate missing new borderlands shit anyways so yeah AHAHA doesn’t necessarily have to be rhack. I know a lot of us are discouraged right now but this is something I can maybe help a tiny bit to make it more bearable :)
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