craitzart · 7 months
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Red Marble Watercolor Style Illustration Of The Kuwait Towers Landmark
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davekominek · 2 years
DK showreel 2022 | ART & PERSONAL PROFILE
compilation edit of Art & Personal profile videos
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inspiredby36 · 2 years
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baybaykus · 1 year
Sabah kalktın tuvalete gittin tuvalet kağıdın ithal, lavaboya geldin kağıt havlun İthal.
Traş oldun, Gillette tıraş kremi ve traş bıçağı Mach3, ithal...
Kahvaltıya oturdun Nutella ithal,
Çay içersen Lipton, kahve içersen Nescafe ithal...
1-Ferrero Türkiyenin yerli fındık piyasasını yönetiyor.
Ferrero Nutella İtalyan ya da Unilever Lipton İngiliz ve Hollanda yabancı marka,
Yörsan, Dubaili Abraaj Group’un,
2- BİM’in pazarladığı meşhur Dost süt ve süt ürünleri ve Ülker markasıyla üretilen süt, ayran, yoğurt, peynir markaları Fransız gıda devi Groupe Lactalis’in,
Margarin ve sıvı yağ sanayinin yüzde 90’ına yakını İngiliz Hollanda ortaklığı Unilever’in...
3-Dişlerini fırçalayacaksın Sensitive, Colgate, Signal, Sensodyn, White Now vb. diş fırçası ve macunu ithal...
Ayakkabını giydin Nike, Converse, Adidas, Slazenger, Salomon, Jump, vb. ithal...
4-Kapını açtın asansöre bindin, Schindler, Kone, Valter, Otis, Siemens marka ithal. Çin ve Hindistan’ın ardından dünyanın en büyük asansör pazarıyız...
5-İşe gideceksin arabana bindin BMW, Mercedes, Opel, Volkswagen, Peugeot, Volvo vb. ithal, benzin, mazot, LPG ithal...
Eline telefonunu aldın, I-Phone, Samsung, Huawei, LG, Asus , Sony vb. ithal...
Saatine baktın Raymond Swiss, Pierre Cardin, Ferrucci, Rolex, Casio ithal...
6-İşe geldin masana oturdun bilgisayarını açtın, Dell, Apple, Toshiba, Sony, HP, Lenovo, LG vb. marka ithal...
Fotokopi makinasına ve tarayıcıya ihtiyacın oldu HP lazer jet, Samsung, Sharp, Olivetti, Lexmark vb. ithal,
7-Sinirlendin, yoruldun başın ağrıdı, Majezik, Brufen, Avreles, Apranax Forte, Aleve, Nurofen vb. aldın ithal, yada lisanslı yabancı ürün, kullandığımız ilaçların çoğu ithal ya da lisanslı ürün,
8-Acıktın bir yemek yiyeyim dedin , Fast Food gıda Mc Donald’s, Burger King, Subway, KFC, Wendy’s, Domino's, Sbarro, vb hep yabancı...
9-Evde Tost yapayım dedin, Tost, hamburger, sandviç ekmeği başta olmak üzere unlu mamüllerin bir numaralı ismi UNO’nun yarısı İspanyol Vedanta Equity firmasının...
10-Sucuk ve pastırma üreticisi Namet, Bahreynli Investcorp, tavukçu Banvit’ de Brezilyalı BRF ile Katarlı Qatar Investment Authority firmasının...
11-İzmirli Ege-Tav, Japon Nippon Ham Foods’un, CP Standart Tayland merkezli grubun, Patates cipsi Amerikan markası, Frito-Lay ve Pringles’ın, Ceviz ve badem Amerikan firmalarının...
Sabancılar’ın Peyman’ı da artık Çin menşeili Bridgepoint’ın..
12-Nuhun Ankara Makarnası ve Filiz makarna İtalyan Barilla G.e.R Fratelli S.p.A. ve Japon gıda devi Nisshin Foods ve Marubeni Corporation’ın...
13-Cola, Fanta Amerikan şirketlerinin, şalgam, turşu suyu veya salataların vazgeçilmez sosları, limon ve nar ekşileri ile bir Türkiye klasiği olan Kemal Kükrer artık Japon Ajinomoto’nun...
14-Ülker Grubuna ait Çamlıca gazozu, Cola Turka, Sırma su firmaları, Japon DyDo Drinco Grubu’nun...
Bir kahve içeyim Starbucks’a gideyim dedin ithal...
Alkollü içecekler ve tütün mamülleri tamamına yakını Amerikan şirketlerinin...
15-İnek bizim, çayır bizim ineği biz sağıyoruz süt bizim ama sütünü şişeleyip bize satanlar, peynir yapıp bize satanlar hep yabancı, şimdi artık etler de ithal oldu, inekler de dışarıdan gelmeye başladı...
16-Soframız, yabancı şirketlerin kontrolünde artık.
Yabancılar etimizi, sütümüzü, suyumuzu, unumuzu, yağımızı, tavuğumuzu, yumurtamızı, çayımızı, meyve ve sebzelerimizi neyimiz varsa ambalajlayıp bize satıyor...
17-Bir bardak su içeyim dedin bütün sular Nestle, Coca Cola, Pepsi ve Danone’ye ait... Hayat su Danone’nin, Damla su Coca Cola’nın, Erikli Nestle’nin, Aqua ise Pepsi’nin, Sırma su, Japon DyDo Drinco Grubu’nun...
18-Evine biraz alış-veriş yapayım dedin, balık-Norveç, Fas, İspanya'dan, mohut - Meksika, Hindistan, ABD, Arjantin'den,
Elma – Şili, Sarımsak – Çin'den, Kavun, Karpuz ve kuru soğan – İran'dan, Kuru Fasulye - ABD, Kırgızistan, Kanada, Peru, Etiyopya, Mısır, Bangladeş ve Çin'den...
19-Kereviz – İspanya'dan,
et - Çek Cumhuriyeti, Fransa, Sırbistan, Brezilya'dan, bezelye - Rusya Federasyonu, ABD, Kanada, Macaristan ve Almanya'dan, ithal...
20-Hastalandın, hastaneye gittin MR cihazı, röntgen, tomografi gibi tıbbi görüntüleme cihazları, ameliyathane ve solunum cihazları, radyo terapi sistemleri, fizik tedavi cihazları, işitme cihazları, optik cihazlar, protezler, ortezler vb. hep yabancı, hep ithal...
21-Uçağa bindin Airbus, Boeing vb ithal...
Hızlı trene bindin Siemens, CAF vb. ithal...
Dükkan kiraları, ev kiralarının çoğu dövizle, bazı satılan binalar yine dövizle...
22-Yabancıların istediği gibi tam bir tüketim toplumu olduk...
Döviz kurlarında en ufak bir artış olsa bunların hepsi yedek parçasıyla birlikte artıyor...
Peki o zaman TL ile aldığımız maaşlarla bu döviz ödemelerini nasıl yapacağız, nasıl geçineceğiz?
23-Bizler üretmez isek nasıl kazanacağız? Cari açığı ve işsizliği nasıl önleyeceğiz?
Tüm bunları önlemek için, yabancılara bağımlı olmamak için mutlaka milli sanayimizi kurmamız, ithalatı durdurmamız gerekiyor. Yoksa tüketim denizinde boğulacağız.
24-Artık ülkeler savaşla değil, ekonomik olarak malları ile ülkeleri ele geçiriyor. En kritik sanayi ve bankalarını ele geçiriyor.
(Fevzi M Gultekin’e teşekkürlerimle.)
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如果说印度有一个令人愉悦的行业、旺盛的就业来源和收入来源,那就是医疗保健行业,毫无疑问!随着印度对医疗保健服务的高需求,对创新医疗保健、医疗保健设施、医疗旅游和邦政府的需求不断增加,印度政府专注于医疗保健的发展,整个行业一直在排斥就业市场,同时正如其他人自由地后退和进步一样。本周的更新描述了印度医疗保健 - 市场规模、投资、政府举措和挑战。 市场规模: 印度医疗保健市场总体价值约为 1000 亿美元,预计到 2020 年将增长至 2800 亿美元,复合年增长率 (CAGR) 为 22.9%。医疗保健服务包括:医院、疗养院、诊断中心和药品,占整个市场的 65%。目前医疗保健信息技术 (Health IT) 市场价值 10 亿美元,预计到 2020 年将增长 1.5 倍。 德勤印度公司预测,随着数字化应用的增加,价值约 1000 亿美元的印度医疗保健市场可能会以 23% 的复合年增长率增长,到 2020 年将达到 2800 亿美元。 全球用于抗击艾滋病(获得性免疫缺陷综合症)的抗逆转录病毒药物中 80% 以上是由印度制药公司提供的。 考虑到医疗保健支出占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例不断上升,提高医疗保健服务的空间很大。占人口70%以上的印度农村地区将成为潜在的需求源。 印度在未来5至6年内需要增加60万至70万个床位,这意味着投资机会为25至300亿美元。鉴于这种资本需求,预计医疗保健领域的交易数量在不久的将来将会增加。私募股权基金对医疗连锁企业的平均投资规模已从5-1500万美元增至20-3000万美元。 全国共有 3,598 家医院和 25,723 家药房提供 AYUSH(阿育吠陀、瑜伽和自然疗法、尤纳尼、悉达和顺势疗法)治疗。
印度医疗旅游业每年产值达 30 亿美元,预计接待游客 23 万人次。印度医疗旅游业预计到 2018 年将达到 60 亿美元,未来 4 年内前往该国就医的人数将增加一倍。随着越来越多的医院获得认证和认可,人们越来越意识到需要提高其质量以满足国际标准。 该部门的投资: 根据工业政策和促进部(DIPP)公布的数据,2000年4月至2016年3月期间,医院和诊断中心吸引 手机号码列表 了价值35.9亿美元的外国直接投资(FDI)。 印度医疗保健行业的一些主要投资如下: 思科系统公司已与 Narayana Health(班加罗尔)达成协议,利用其虚拟专业知识数字解决方案为全国各地的远程患者提供价格实惠的专业医疗保健服务。 TPG Global 的成长型股权投资平台 TPG Growth 斥资 22 亿卢比(3300 万美元)收购了 Rhea Healthcare 的多数股权,该公司以 Motherhood 品牌经营连锁母婴护理中心。 其创立的医疗保健平台CureFit在成立当天就从Accel Partners、IDG Ventures和Kalaari Capital筹集了1500万美元。 Aster DM Healthcare(总部位于迪拜)计划在未来 3 年内向喀拉拉邦的各种医疗保健项目投资 60 亿卢比(8894 万美元)。 总部位于迪拜的医疗保健集团 Aster DM Healthcare 收购了总部位于维杰亚瓦达的多专科连锁医院 Ramesh Hospitals 25% 的股份,交易价值 11 亿卢比(1,631 万美元)。 初级医疗保健网络 AddressHealth 在由 Gray Matters Capital 领投的 A 轮融资中筹集了 150 万美元,该轮融资将用于扩大其在班加罗尔的基于学校的社区诊所和学校健康项目的模式。 PurpleHealth.com 是一个数字健康和保健平台,旨在为消费者提供选择医生的无缝界面,已从技术投资者 Katabole Technology Venture 筹集了 10 万美元。 Versate Software Technologies 是美国 IT 咨询和软件工程服务公司 Versate Technologies LLC 的印度子公司,目前正在于 2016 年 3 月之前筹集第一轮外部资金 100 万美元,所得款项将用于用于手持式和便携式患者护理设备的初步推广。
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总部位于迪拜的私募股权 (PE) 投资者 Abraaj Group 将收购印度公司 Quality CARE India Ltd 的多数股权,该公司经营 CARE 医院。 包括医疗专业人士和商人在内的卡塔尔非居民印度人 (NRI) 计划在科钦建立一个价值 130 亿卢比(1.9271 亿美元)的大型世界级医疗保健项目 美国跨国技术和咨询公司 IBM 宣布,马尼帕尔医院的企业和教学设施将采用“Watson for Oncology”,这是一个由 Memorial Sloan-Kettering 培训的认知计算平台,可分析数据以识别基于证据的治疗方案,帮助肿瘤学家为癌症患者提供个性化的医疗保健。 Apollo Hospitals Enterprise (AHEL) 计划在未来两个财政年度内再增加 2,000 个床位,耗资约 150 亿卢比(2.2236 亿美元)。 总部位于马来西亚的 IHH Healthcare Berhad 已同意以 128.4 亿卢比(1.9284 亿美元)收购印度第四大医疗保健网络 Global Hospitals Group 73.4% 的股份。 淡马锡控股私人有限公司收购了 Global Health Private Limited 的 Punj Lloyd Limited 全部 17.74% 股权,后者拥有并经营古尔冈的 Medanta 超级专科医院。 英国发展金融机构 CDC 向多专业医疗保健提供商 Narayana Hrudayalaya 投资了 4800 万美元。通过这项投资,Narayana Health 将在印度东部、中部和西部扩大负担得起的治疗。 Apollo Health and Lifestyle Limited (AHLL) 是 Apollo Hospitals Enterprise 的全资子公司,以估计成本 135-145 千万卢比(20-2100 万美元)收购了 Nova Specialty Hospitals。
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besthealthyblog · 8 months
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wazaifcom · 9 months
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wise-journey · 9 months
Riffa: Bahrain's Hidden Gem
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Embark on an exhilarating journey through Riffa, a captivating enclave situated in the heart of Bahrain. This hidden gem lures adventurous spirits with its rich legacy, riveting local life, and breathtaking vistas. Allow us to guide you through the wonders of Riffa and unravel its mysteries.
Culture: A Tapestry of Traditions
Dive headfirst into Riffa's remarkable cultural heritage that effortlessly interweaves the past and the present. Begin your immersion with a visit to the Bahrain National Museum, a stone's throw away from the city. This emblematic museum houses fascinating exhibits, with standout pieces including artifacts from the Dilmun civilization, delicate Islamic art, and intricate traditional handicrafts. Then, plunge into the realm of Arabian folklore at the mesmerizing Al Jasra Handicrafts Centre, where locals perform cultural dances and demonstrate their traditional craft-making skills.
Gastronomy: A Culinary Extravaganza
Riffa takes food lovers on a culinary journey, offering a tantalizing fusion of flavors from around the globe. Your gastronomic adventure begins with the local Bahraini cuisine, a feast for the senses where fresh seafood and aromatic spices reign supreme. At the bustling Souq Waqif, relish in traditional dishes such as machbous (a spiced rice dish with meat or fish) and harees (a creamy wheat and meat porridge). Then, head to Riffa Views for an array of upscale restaurants serving a fusion of international cuisines for a modern dining experience.
Activity: Thrilling Experiences Await
Riffa offers a myriad of adventures for thrill-seekers craving for a dose of adrenaline. Explore Jebel Dukhan, the highest peak in Bahrain, and embark on a mountain biking trail or a hiking expedition. For an extraordinary experience, hop onto a hot air balloon and sail above the undulating golden dunes of the Sakhir Desert. For avid divers, plunge into the Arabian Gulf’s crystal clear waters for a scuba diving expedition. Discover vibrant coral reefs teeming with abundant marine life that is sure to leave you spellbound.
When to Go: Perfect Timing for Explorers
To maximize your stay in Riffa, plan your visit between November and March when the climate is mild and enjoyable. The scorching heat of the summer months, with temperatures skyrocketing well above 40°C (104°F), is best avoided.
How to Get There: A Journey Worth Taking
Thanks to Bahrain's efficient transportation system, reaching Riffa is a breeze. Direct flights from major cities worldwide land at Bahrain International Airport. From the airport, Riffa is just a short drive away with several convenient transportation options, including taxis and car rentals, readily available.
Where to Stay: Unwind in Luxurious Comfort
Riffa offers a range of accommodations catering to every traveler’s tastes. For an indulgent stay, experience the grandeur of Ritz-Carlton Bahrain or the luxurious Riffa Views International Hotel. Alternatively, for a more intimate and authentic stay, boutique hotels nestled within Riffa’s historical streets are ideal.
What to Do: Uncover Hidden Treasures
Step back in time as you meander through the narrow alleys of Riffa Old Souq, discovering hidden gems and trinkets in the bustling markets. Immerse yourself in the city's vibrant art scene by exploring contemporary galleries and exhibitions. Don't miss the opportunity to witness a thrilling camel race at the Royal Camel Farm, a truly unique and unforgettable experience.
Where to Eat: Savor Every Bite
Meet your gastronomic desires at Riffa's eclectic dining spots. Discover the flavors of Bahrain at Al Abraaj, a local favorite serving mouth-watering Bahraini dishes. For international cuisine, Vera Pizzeria offers delectable wood-fired pizzas, while Café Lilou is perfect for a hearty brunch.
Sights and Tours: Unforgettable Experiences
Embark on a cultural tour of Riffa's iconic landmarks. Start with the magnificent Al Riffa Fort, an architectural marvel offering panoramic city views. Next, visit the Riffa Clock Tower, a symbol of Riffa's progression standing tall amidst its historical charm. For a unique experience, join a traditional dhow cruise, and witness a mesmerizing sunset over the glittering Arabian Gulf.
Tips for Adventurers: Local Insights
- Engage with friendly locals to gain a deeper understanding of their traditions and customs. - Maintain respect for local customs by dressing modestly, especially when visiting religious sites. - Stay hydrated and carry sunscreen during outdoor adventures as the sun can be intense.
Money Matters: Currency and Payment
The official currency in Riffa, Bahrain, is the Bahraini Dinar (BHD). Cash is widely accepted, and ATMs are conveniently located throughout the city. Most establishments also accept major credit cards, providing a seamless payment process.
Nightlife: Vibrant After-Dark Delights
As the sky darkens, Riffa awakens with colorful nightlife activities. Sip on exotic cocktails at the city's trendy rooftop bars, lose yourself in live music performances or dance the night away at chic clubs. You wouldn't want to miss the chance to witness traditional Bahraini music and dance, a showcase of the region's rich heritage.
Transport and Shopping: Getting Around and Retail Therapy
Riffa's reliable and affordable public transportation system, including buses and taxis, lets you explore the city at your own pace. For retail therapy, Riffa boasts modern malls and lively souks, where you can find everything from traditional handicrafts to luxury brands.
Conclusion: Riffa - A Gateway to Endless Adventures
As we conclude our journey through Riffa, we hope this guide has sparked your wanderlust. From delving into a vibrant culture and tantalizing gastronomy to embarking on thrilling adventures, Riffa promises a wealth of unforgettable experiences. Pack your bags, unleash your adventurous spirit, and let Riffa reveal its enchanting charms to you. Read the full article
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code-brew · 2 years
Create cutting-edge mobile applications with Code Brew Labs, the top app development company in the UAE. Call us right away for the best mobile app development dubai solutions. In such a short period of time, we have successfully completed 10,000+ projects for various industries, including SMEs, startups, and many top brands like The Abraaj Group, Chalhoub Group, Asnan Tower, AW Rostamani, Nielsen, Isuzu, and many more.
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craitzart · 7 months
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Three Vintage Style Postage Stamps - Happy Liberation And National Day Kuwait
(download high resolution vector illustration at the shutterstock link above)
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alwaysfirst · 2 years
Pakistan: Awami National party protests against Imran Khan's "indecent remarks" on Pakhtuns
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Aug 04, 2022 17:47 IST Peshawar , August 4 (Always First): Pakistan's Awami National Party (ANP) on Wednesday demostrated against former Pakistan Prime Minister and Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan for allgedly using indecent remarks against Pakhtuns during a fund raising match for his party abroad. As per the News International, a large number of protestors gathered in front of the Peshawar Press Club to register their protest. The spokesperson of ANP, Samar Haroon Bilour led the protest. Former Member of the Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Yasin Khalil, Sana Gulzar, Sher Rehman, trade leader Mujabur Rehman also joined the protest. The protestors raised slogans against Imran Khan and asked him to apologise to the dwellers of Peshawar, in particular, and residents of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, in general for the insulting appellation used by him. They said that the verdict of Election Commission of Pakistan in the foreign funding case against the PTI had proved that Imran Khan received prohibited funding from foreign nationals. Member of Provincial Assembly Samar Haroon Bilour said that Peshawar was once the city of flowers and is the heart of the entire Khyber Pakhtunkhwa but, "PTI chief had given it a bad name during cricket matches arranged for fund-raising for his party abroad." She said the people of Peshawar city would not tolerate the humiliation of the city. "The PTI chief must apologise to the people of Peshawar and offer regrets for using a bad name for Peshawar," she added. Samar Bilour said that Imran Khan must learn about the history, traditions, and values of the cities and people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as his party had got maximum seats during the past two elections from this province, the News International reported. ANP leaders said Pakhtuns had respect for PTI and Imran Khan, but he totally disregarded their sympathies. The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), in its verdict on the "prohibited funding" case, on Tuesday, said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf had received the prohibited funds and issued a show-cause notice to PTI. The Commission found that the donations were taken from 34 countries in fundraising events. These included America, Australia, and the UAE, Geo News reported. The ECP also said that the PTI has taken funds from an American businessman. In its verdict, the ECP observed the 'unknown accounts' and said that hiding accounts are a "violation of the Constitution". The decision to announce the verdict comes after a Financial Times expose revealed that the PTI received funding from Wootton Cricket Club belonging to Abraaj founder Arif Naqvi. The funds were generated through a charity match and an Arab personality also pitched in a large sum of money. The funds were generated through a charity match and an Arab personality also pitched in a large sum of money, reported Geo News. The FT report provided ammunition to the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), and they demanded an early announcement of the verdict. Earlier, ECP officials, on the condition of anonymity, told Daily Jang that the election commission would announce the foreign funding verdict during the first week of August. The PTI hid funds worth millions of rupees from the ECP, the report of an ECP scrutiny committee probing the party's funds revealed on January 4, reported Geo News. The report stated that the PTI provided "false information" regarding the party's funding to the ECP. It said that the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP's) bank statement revealed that the party had received Rs 1.64 billion in funding. According to the report, the party did not disclose funding worth more than Rs 310 million to the ECP. The scrutiny committee was formed in 2019 to audit foreign funding received by the PTI. (Always First) Read the full article
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theeurasianpost · 2 years
Who really is Abraaj founder Arif Naqvi?
Who really is Abraaj founder Arif Naqvi?
Abraaj founder Arif Naqvi. — Provided by the reporter Amid the ongoing political drama, many aspects of Naqvi’s global rise and fall remain unknown to the world. While Imran Khan has defended Naqvi, news about his funding of PTI has dominated news circuit. His world was put upside down by some of his own misjudgements and the machinations of others. LONDON: Abraaj founder Arif Naqvi has been in…
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ganga-times · 2 years
Arif Naqvi Family, Daughter, Wife, Net Worth & Imran Khan Cricket Scandal
Arif Naqvi Family, Daughter, Wife, Net Worth & Imran Khan Cricket Scandal. #Arif Naqvi
Let’s know about Arif Naqvi family and various other facts about him. We will also know about Arif Naqvi Imran Khan controversy going on in Pakistan. Let’s explore his net worth and wife name. Arif Naqvi family and net worth Arif Masood Naqvi is a Pakistani businessman, who is better known as the founder of The Abraaj Group and Aman Foundation. He also served as the chief executive of these two…
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nadiasindi · 2 years
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wazaifcom · 10 months
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