cheiyunn · 3 years
Silver Nova [Epilogue]
Rio: Nanahoshi, have you finished cleaning up?
Ren: Ah, sorry Rio…
Banri: You seem kinda restless. Did you lose something?
Ren: ….Haruka-kun, I was wondering where he went
Wataru: After you two finished singing, he went back to the audience floor. It doesn’t seem like he stayed after the live
Ren: Is that so.. I wanted to properly thank him..
Yuto: Go to him Ren
Ren: Eh?
Yuto: If you run, you can catch up to him before he reaches the station. Leave the rest of the cleaning up to us
Ren: ...okay! Thanks, I’ll be going!
Rio: Is it going to be okay, letting him go alone?
Yuto: Well thats… there are issues with Epsi but Nijo himself doesn’t seem like a bad person, it’ll be fine
Rio: In the end you’re so soft Yuto-kun
Wataru: Well, just saying Yu is an overly-friendly person is fine right? For better or for worse..
Yuto: “For worse” is uncalled for-!
Ren: ...oii, Haruka-kun !
Haruka: Nanahoshi..?
Ren: ha...ha.. Thank god… I saw you before you really left
Haruka: What do you want… you’re bothersome…
Ren: ...Thank you, Haruka-kun!
Haruka: ...eh?
Ren: For coming to see the live… and for singing the song together !
Haruka: You guys flipped the situation so I couldn’t refuse right
Ren: It was… so much fun ! !
Ren: This was my first time singing the song “Star Five” with a partner! Plus, we didn’t ever meet to plan the parts yet you could perfectly divide the parts
Haruka: That’s because.. I listen to it alot
Ren: If possible, can we sing together again? No… lets sing together again some time! 
Haruka: ...thats not really possible. Today was.. special
Haruka: (That’s right, there’s no way)
Haruka: (If this gets found out… He’ll..)
Ren: I see.. but I’m sure that one day we can do it together again !
Haruka: Think what you want… see ya
Ren: Ah, wait, Haruka-kun ! Here !
Haruka: ...what’s with that hand?
Ren: Its a handshake!
Haruka: ….
Ren: Here !
Haruka: …..tch
*Pan! / Hand shake sfx*
Haruka: See ya
Ren: ouchie.. Fufu… see you soon, Haruka-kun! 
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cheiyunn · 3 years
Silver Nova [Prologue]
Note: I’m not the most familiar with Tokusatsu themes/characters, so TLs of details in the movie/scenes may be a tad inaccurate. Do poke me in DMs if I get it incorrect. 
Ren: Ha…..
Ren: That was the best…. “Super Sentai Star 5, THE MOVIE. We won’t give up! The Full Spirit Spark Soul (Spirit) !!”  *
Ren:  (I think I’ll have to watch it 5 more times… I wanna collect all the special  prizes..)
Ren: (If you come with a partner, you can collect them faster… maybe I’ll invite the band members…)
Little child (older): Hey hey! Which one did you get… I got, Star Silver !
Little child (younger): I got… ah, I also got Silver.. But Red was better..
Ren: Those kids… the got the same prize. If you have duplicates, you can exchange them…
???: ….oi
Little child (older): ? What is it, onii-san ?
Ren: (Eh, thats…)
Haruka: Do you want Red? If you got a duplicate Silver, I can trade it
Little child (younger): Eh, is it okay ? Let’s trade !
Little child (older): Eh… if we can trade, I actually wanted a Purple…
Haruka: ....I can trade both. Since I have duplicates
Little child (younger):  Yay ! Thanks ! Here you go, Silver ! Bye bye~
Haruka: Yup… with that I’m complete…
Ren: I knew it, Haruka-kun !
Haruka: Na...Nanahoshi !? Why are you…
Ren: I just finished watching “Star Five” ! I guess you were doing the same!
Haruka: I…
Ren: The movie was awesome right ! The big pinch scene with Star Silver was cool, but the part I liked the most was when the first gen Andorion came out of the wreck of the base like-
Haruka: Don’t be so loud… people are looking at us
Ren: Ah- sorry… I got really hyper. But, I’m really happy to find someone to talk about “Star Five” with
Haruka: Is that so…
Ren: Ah, thats right! 
Haruka: What is it… pipe down…
Ren: About the hero live show I went to the other day, you told me you were interested in the setting material collection I owned right !
Haruka: … !! The one that was distributed exclusively at the event !?
Ren: Yeah! I brought it to Tokyo! If you don’t mind, we can go see it !
Haruka: See it, wait a minute. Go to see it… at Argonavis’ sharehouse?
Ren: Yup. Everyone is home today after all
Haruka: (Even after Shu pulled all that shit… I just got casually invited to another band’s sharehouse? Unbelievable…)
Ren: I have other rare goods as well! Like recordings of the legendary compilations that didn’t make it to disk!
Haruka: …...I’ll go
*Its written like 「超夢宙閃隊スターファイブTHE MOVIEユズレナイ!超全力Spark魂(スピリッツ)」, I wasn’t sure if I was to translate it literally or not…
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cheiyunn · 3 years
Spooky Halloween Night [Epilogue]
---Champ de Fleur---
Felix: In celebration of the successful joint live-
All: Cheers !
Yuto: But man- I was surprised when Suzaki-san called Wataru up from the beginning..
Banri: Wataru-kun was also pretty confused in the beginning. But blew it all off once the performance started ! Yuto: I’m just relieved I was able to pull it off...
Jun: uuu, I’m really sorry about the stuff that guy does Matoba-kun…!
Jun: I acted really up-close and stuff… it was uncomfortable right …?
Wataru: Don’t fret over it too much. It was an eye-opening experience and I enjoyed it
Jun: I’m really sorry! About ZACK… wait no, I’m ZACK but…
Wataru: ...when I’m with you, everything is full of surprises
Jun: Eh?
Wataru: At first I didn’t believe in this ‘harbinger of misfortune’ until I experienced it first hand
Wataru: Whenever you go outside, behavior like that becomes suspicious, but I also think that your unfamiliarity with others makes you just as uncomfortable 
Wataru: I was more surprised that there was actually someone who was this unlucky
Jun: I wish that it just didn’t exist…
Wataru: It was also my first time encountering such a hazard-ridden adult...
Jun: ow ow ow… somehow this hurts me
Wataru: But regardless of that, the songs you create and play are amazing, just as your performance as ZACK
Wataru: To put it all together, I want to know more about you
Rio: You’re pretty excited
Jun: Me too, I want to know more about the type of god-work you did to circumvent my misfortune...
Tomoru: Do tell about that. For future reference as well ! Wataru: Haha… if thats the case, then leave it to me! 
Koharu: Oh, it seems that everythings gone well !
Felix: It seems another big harvest of the halloween live appears in the better understanding of Jun
Jun: Yeah… it seems so
Jun: (You want to know more about me, huh…)
Jun: (Despite not even fully understanding myself, there are people who feel this way..) 
Jun: (But, Matoba-kun taught me that my misfortunes can be circumvented)
Jun: (...maybe if I keep treating it with the help of others then maybe I’ll come to understand it...)
Jun: (The reason I cling to the ‘music’ that I had once thrown away-)
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cheiyunn · 3 years
Under the Cloudy Skies [Epilogue]
Miyuki: We’re back
Nyankotaro: Nyaa
Ryo: I’m back Nyankotaro, its been a week~
Nyankotaro: Nyaa
Miyuki: Ahaha it seems that I’m very welcome’d in. What happened between your owner and Reon-kun?
Reon: Nayuta’s in his room
Miyuki: whoops.. Reon-kun was here. ...aren’t you looking a little tired?
Reon: Its been pretty hard over here. I sent message remember
Miyuki: aah the one with Nayuta collapsing again. What happened after that?
Ryo: I tried to contact Nayuta but I didn’t get a reply
Miyuki: Ah, Ryo-chin as well? I couldn’t get any either…
Reon: It seems that today is just as usual. The only day he stayed quiet was the day after he collapsed after all
Kenta: ...mh? Miyuki, did Ryo also return?
Miyuki: Pretty much so.. Wait did you also just come back?
Miyuki: Its you after all, I thought you’d sneak out of the camp or something
Kenta: I thought of that as well, but Nayuta refused
Miyuki: You didn’t want to force it and put him in a bad mood huh
Kenta: Rather, I heard about Nayuta’s condition from Reon and evaluated that it wasn’t that big of a situation
Kenta: Reon, I apologize for pushing it onto you. It was a helped alot that you were there
Reon: No… I just happened to be there
Reon: I was a little too late into realizing that he wasn’t feeling well
Miyuki: Reon-kun doesn’t seem to mind it that much
Ryo: I think it was good that Nayuta had Reon with him. It seems like a hassle to go to the hospital by himself
Nayuta: ...when did you come back
Kenta: Just a while ago. How are you feeling
Nayuta: No issues
Kenta: Okay. I want to talk a little after cleaning out my luggage. It's in regards to what to do with our next live
Nayuta: Got it
Miyuki: Eh… but you just collapsed 3 days ago
Ryo: It's really just the usual Nayuta~
Reon: That's what I told you. Apart from the collapse, he doesn’t really change
Kenta: How about you?
Reon: About what?
Kenta: I thought you would chew out Nayuta more but… did you have a change of heart?
Kenta: If I misunderstood it then I’m sorry
Reon: ….apart from that, there wasn’t any deeper meaning 
Reon: ...Ryo already said that the person most frustrated was Nayuta
Ryo: Mhm. I might have said that~
Reon: I just listened to what Nayuta thought about it and reflected
Reon: Thats all
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cheiyunn · 3 years
AAside Main Story [1章] Part 1
Ren: I don’t want to go to this Fes. Is it really wrong to not go?
Other 4: EH?!
Banri: Hold on Ren! We’ve come all this way to Tokyo and how you’re suddenly saying that?
Ren: …
Rio: Why don’t you want to go?
Ren: I can’t really say it well.. but it's feels sort of wrong
Banri: But the chance to go out into the world, isn’t that right?
Ren: I don’t want to fight with the other bands, in music there is no right or wrong
Ren: Even if you aim for the world, to go as far as to fight with someone else, is there even a meaning to aim for it?
Rio: …
Wataru: But, what Banri says is right. There’s no doubt that this is a chance. Never again at this level, no, there is never another chance.
Banri: Right! It would be a waste to let it slip!
Wataru: Yu, what do you think?
Yuuto: I.. want to join
Yuuto: Of course because the chance is given, but also more because I want to see, how far our music can reach
Ren: …
Yuuto: But, even if one member says they don’t want to join, then we won’t!
Other 4: Eh?
Yuuto: Everyone has to aim for the same thing, if not, there’s no meaning in going out to the world.
Yuuto: Argonavis isn’t just my band, its our band. And everyone is a main character, right?
Wataru: But.. then we’ll drop out and not join?
Yuuto: You don’t have to make a decision so quickly? We have a lot of time, and we can drop out anytime!
Banri: You’re really not thinking about how it’ll concern the higher-ups huh.. But it's very Yuuto-like!
Yuuto: Anyway, think about it some more Ren! It's never too late to learn more right?
Ren: ...yeah, thanks..sorry
Yuuto: It's not a thing to apologize about~!
Banri: So then.. At the very least, we’ll still stay in Tokyo right?
Yuuto: Yup!
Banri: Then I’ll go look at the rooms! It's been on my mind for awhile now!
Yuuto: Hey- no fair! Me too!
Wataru: So for the time being its shared activities.. Oh- I’ll have to decide cleaning duties later huh
Wataru: I’ll go over and greet the neighbors. It’d be rude if we didn’t introduce ourselves.
Ren: …
Rio: Nanahoshi, you’re not going to go over and look?
Ren: No.. I’m just thinking about a lot of stuff. Though, I don’t really know how to feel.
Rio: I see… well even if you think about, there isn’t much to go off of.
Ren: What about you Rio? About attending the Fes.
Rio: I’ve always been in a competitive world, ever since I was a child.
Rio: That's why I know that there will be opponents to compete with, and that there are things that can be won only by fighting and winning against that opponent.
Rio: That's why I won’t oppose it, no.. I want to go.
Ren: I see…
Rio: For the time being, how about you just go and check it out?
Ren: Eh? Check..where?
Rio: I believe, before the Fes, there's a meeting for all the appearing bands to attend.
Rio: If you know the area of competition and opponent, it’ll be material to think about.
Ren: Opponents… the other members of the bands huh..
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cheiyunn · 3 years
Bare Tiger Fangs [3]
Tumblr media
Tomoru: From what we’re hearing from Daimon-san is, the people who kidnapped Jun are..
Koharu: Yeah, there’s no doubt that its that band man we were talking about earlier
Tomoru: I intended it as a half joke but, for it to really happen is…
Tomoru: Plus, to bring the currently kidnapped person to them… that's amazing, Jun
Daimon: Do you know that man?
Koharu: We just got told to be wary of that a few moments ago
Tomoru: A police officer from Nagoya dropped by at the cafe and told us
Daimon: A police officer from Nagoya… Is this possibly the officer that Koharu was taken care of by in the past?
Tomoru: Daimon-san, you know him?
Daimon: In the past, whenever I had to pick up Koharu from the station, I met him often
Daimon: He came huh… I wanted to say my greetings too
Koharu: This is no time to think about friendships right. What do we do about Jun?
Daimon: My bad… anyways, rescuing Jun is of our utmost priority. Let's head to the park at the designated time
Tomoru: Indeed… ah, we should explain what the situation is with Feli-san..
Felix: That won’t be of need, Tomoru. I’ve heard all I need to!
Tomoru: Feli-san!? How long have you been there?
Felix: It's quite cruel of you all to not call me when there’s such an amusing… wait no, when one of our team members is in trouble
Tomoru: You were eavesdropping huh..
Felix: So, what is that side’s objective?
Daimon: Not sure. They only said to bring ZACK over…
Felix: But that ZACK is already in their possession.. what a situation. What should we do? Explain it out?
Daimon: I’ll try… but the opposite didn’t seem like the kind of person to hear us out
Felix: Then.. should we resort to brute force for return?
Tomoru: Ideas about violence are an absolute no! If a mess occurs, then the fes is completely out of the question!
Felix: But, from what Daimon has said, they aren’t aware of our identities as the actual members, no?
Daimon: Yeah. Both me and Jun, they thought we were staff members to the very end
Koharu: Oh right, y’all weren’t in makeup
Tomoru: So that means… as long as we pretend we’re staff to the very end, there won’t be any bad occurrences* towards the actual members…?
Felix: You’re making a bad face Tomoru. Well of course, it’d be best if no violence was to occur whatsoever
Koharu: kay… lets get ready
Felix: Tomoru! Prepare a nail bat and brass knuckles at once!
Tomoru: They don’t sell that kind of stuff! Oh god you’ve learnt some more weird japanese again..
Koharu: Instead of offensive weapons, you should prepare in defense. The other side has a knife after all
Koharu: Take those newspapers, wet them and stuff them near your stomach. Also, where were those bandages? I wanna wrap them around my knuckles
Tomoru: Whats with that abundance of knowledge in fighting… it’s like you’re used to it
Daimon: If its bandages, Tomoru has it right? Using it to seal off the left hand or something..
Tomoru: For the record its for costumes okay!
Felix: How exciting! Is this what you call a raid!
Tomoru: Ah~, ugh I can’t rebut fast enough!
Tomoru: But.. even if this works now, what’ll we do in the future? What if they sneak into a livehouse..
Felix: You’re quite worried after all. Well, it is justified
Felix: Then I’ll bring a weapon as well. Mines would be this… our song (CD)
*「不祥事」technically means scandal, but that word didn’t fit well
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cheiyunn · 3 years
Spooky Halloween Night [1-4]
~~~~~~ [1] ~~~~~~
Felix: Lets pause the song for a moment… hm… Jun, how do you think vampires spend halloween?
Jun: eh?
Felix: This is a halloween song performed by Fantome. Then by those standards, this has to be in the perspective of vampires, no?
Jun: A vampire’s halloween… like going without a costume and blending into a human party?
Felix: Thats good. Only on this day, can we participate in the party of humans without hiding one’s true face
Felix: To those who confuse who lead people astray, to those who hide their fangs to reveal the night… was there such a feeling in this song?
Jun: I have a sinking suspicion… in short…?
Felix: Remake it
Jun: And there it is! Nope nope nope nope! From now till the live day, there isn’t enough time to just remake it!
Felix: If its you, its possible!
Jun: Base! There is absolutely no base to this!
Wataru: (Felix-san and Suzaki-san’s writing process is like that huh…)
Wataru: Come to think of it… Felix-san and Kusunoki-san talked about Suzaki-san…)
Daimon: Jun is always in a rush because Felix has a tendency to give him near impossible tasks
Daimon: The only thing I can do is listen and brew more coffee
Felix: I don’t mean to put him up to impossible tasks. I have faith that Jun can do it
Felix: Its all because I trust Jun
---end of flashback--
Wataru: (Truly, there are many ways to compose songs)
--The next week--
Tomoru: There are 2 weeks till the live. Let's proceed with the work assignments then!
Yuto: Roger! Koharu-san, Kusunoki-san, let's discuss about bringing in the equipment
Rio: Here’s a list of our required equipment
Koharu: Ooh! Lets see, our list is….
Daimon: This one. I summarized it yesterday for easy reading
Tomoru: The ones in charge of tickets and product sales were me and… Shiraishi-kun if I recall correctly?
Banri: Yup~! No one is better at this than me!
Felix: The set list was me and Ren right. Lets make haste
Ren: Ah, it’ll be a pleasure to work with you!
Jun: Um.. what about me…?
Tomoru: That reminds me that I haven't set up a job for Jun yet…
Jun: Up until now I’ve been unemployed!
Wataru: ..If thats so, then why don’t you join me in picking up some sweets to distribute during the live?
Tomoru: You’re a lifesaver Matoba-kun. Ah, that's right, I wanted to see the budget, can you give me an estimate?
Wataru: Sure. Then, Suzaki-san, lets go to the store
Daimon: Just you with Jun huh… do be careful
Jun: What does that mean !?
Felix: Jun’s misfortune is quite intense for those who aren’t accustomed to it. Do keep that in mind, Wataru.
Wataru: y-yes..?
~~~~~~ [2] ~~~~~~
Wataru: Everyone was pretty worried right
Jun: Ah, no… its more because i'm with you…
Wataru: ….?
Jun: I’m actually uh… really a harbinger of misfortune after all..
Wataru: Harbinger of misfortunate?
Wataru: (It doesn’t look like he’s joking but, thats pretty impossible, to be so-like a manga…)
Jun: Haha...can’t believe it right? But, for example, just walking like this-
---Champ de Fleur--
Jun: Are you okay, Matoba-kun? Sorry, Its my fault that…
Wataru: No, you’re not at fault… its more the fault of my lack of awareness..
Yuto: What happened !? Why is Suzaki-san soaked?
Wataru: From where should I start.. First, Suzaki-san stepped and slipped on a juice can that was dropped by a driver
Jun: and then the juice came spewing out…
Wataru: Because he got stained, we went to the park to look for some water, but then a ball some kid was playing with hit Suzaki-san directly in the face
Jun: and then I staggered and held on to a nearby playset that had fresh paint on it
Wataru: Then, because we left the water tap running, when we tried to stop it, the faucet broke and water flew everywhere
Jun: When I contacted the management office of the shop we wanted to go to, it was already closing time
Daimon: Its a full course huh. I thought that it would be a good day if nothing were to happen..
Wataru: Does something like this happen on a daily?
Jun: uh well… I think today’s misfortune is around the halfpoint to the bottom?
Banri: That's only half?
Ren: That sounds hard…
Felix: Its not all bad things though. Thanks to the abundance of Jun’s misfortune, I never run out of inspiration
Felix: Indeed, in the new song, we can even add the image of water!
Jun: I hope you’re not asking me to remake it again… awawa
Koharu: For the time being, take a shower and change your clothes. You can’t be planning on staying like that right?
Tomoru: Ah… that reminds me that the laundry from when we were on the road piled up, so now they’re all in the washer…
Jun: haha… an additional attack like that, no longer does enough damage..
Rio: ...Suzaki-san’s misfortune.. Is one of a kind huh
Wataru: I was really surprised when I experienced it.. If I had such a daily occurrence, then I would definitely want to cry as well
Wataru: I wonder if theres anything I can do….
Rio: You seem to care alot
Wataru: You’ll understand once you go out with him Kikyo
Wataru: Its a bit off putting to say but… despite him being an adult, the more I look at him, the more I worry
Wataru: I don’t think I can just leave him be
~~~~~~ [3] ~~~~~~
---one week passes---
Wataru: Ah, Yu. Can you move that equipment just a little more to the right?
Yuto: Uh, like this?
Wataru: Yup. I think it’ll be fine with that much of a gap
Wataru: And uh… Banri-kun, if you wanna charge your smartphone, can you do it on the table over there?
Banri: Oh, was it in the way?
Wataru: Nah, it wasn’t really in the way but it’d be bad if someone’s foot got caught on it
Banri: …?
Jun: Argona, I think its time to start practice-
Wataru: Suzaki-san, get away!
Jun: Eh? W-why !?
Wataru: The back shelf might collapse. So keep a little distance from it
Jun: Okay...got it..
Yuto: ...what has Matoba been doing?
Rio: Maybe he’s… trying to prevent any misfortunes Suzaki-san will suffer from in advance?
Ren: But… does that even work?
Banri: I’m not sure either… but, if its the overly cautious Matoba-kun then maybe…
Jun: Daimon-san, listen to this! Something horrible has been discovered..
Daimon: What happened? Did the new song’s demo get deleted?
Jun: Thats still safe… I think. But more importantly, I haven’t had any misfortunate incidents for the entire day!
Jun: Does this shit even happen !? On the other hand, now I’m worried
Koharu: Hold up, you didn’t notice?
Jun: Not notice… that I’m not in absolute misery?
Daimon: Not that but more that Matoba was overly cautious about everything Jun: ...eh?
Tomoru: Ah, you thought that too? I also thought he was pretty cautious in trying to avoid any incidents
Felix: You brilliantly adverted and subdued Jun’s misfortune before it occurred. Although I did miss it at times
Koharu: But Jun’s misfortune is something that can really be prevented huh…
Tomoru: Its slowly being accepted as a truth, we didn’t think of preventing it in advance huh..
Daimon: No, if we attempted to do it ourselves, it would be quite difficult. Its only possible today since Matoba is looking over it.
Felix: Even if we hired a personal bodyguard, it’d be a perilous task
Koharu: Anyways, don’t forget to thank Matoba later. Since he was pretty on alert about everything
Jun: Okay…
~~~~~~ [4] ~~~~~~
Wataru: Thank you for the hard work Suzaki-san
Jun: y-yeah… same to you. Um, Matoba-kun, thanks for today
Jun: It seems like… you were extra careful in not letting misfortune come to me and stuff..
Wataru: aah, sorry for doing something out of hand...
Jun: nonono, I’m grateful ! I realized how happy I was, when I wasn’t cursed with misfortune !
Wataru: If thats so then, there was worth in doing that
Jun: But… were you able to practice properly? If you were minding me, then you wouldn’t have been able to focus that much?
Wataru: Ah… when you put it like that… I might not have been able to concentrate on the practice that much today
Wataru: I’ll just to some individual practice later
Jun: If you don’t mind, I can accompany you with individual practice
Wataru: Eh? But that’ll be too...
Jun: But… this what I can do at the very least-
Wataru: ...it will be a great experience to learn from Suzaki-san. Then, if you really don’t mind?
Jun: o-Of course!
---Halloween live day---
FELIX: Such an night event that occurs once a year. The wall that separates us from humans dissipates
FELIX: As a treat for tonight… we shall expose our true forms for all of you...
FELIX: ...now then, let us begin..
FELIX: A dazzling night woven by Fantome Iris and Argonavis!
ZACK: GYAHAHAHA ! That's right you commoners, make more noise !
ZACK: To make it quick, lemme introduce my special friends !
ZACK: The man who splendidly crushes misfortune, Matoba Wataru!
Wataru: Eh, I wasn’t informed of this…
Rio: You seem to have been nominated
Yuto: Prepare for the unexpected, and go!
Ren: Good luck, Wataru!
Banri: Argona’s representative, you were called~! Be careful not to stutter !
Wataru: …
Wataru: Ah, um… good evening to the members of the audience, I’m Argonavis’ bassist, Matoba Wataru…
ZACK: Hyaha! You’ve come well Wataru!
Wataru: Um so… if thats all then…
ZACK: Hold it hold it hold it! You can’t have come this far to just go home!
Wataru: Even if you say that, I’m not sure what to..
ZACK: You’re for sure familiar with this song right !
Wataru: (Ah, this song… its the one that Suzaki-san did during the practice… if its this then…)
ZACK: HYAHAHA ! As expected of Wataru! If thats the case then lets get this party started ! Can’tcha keep up !?
Wataru: ….yes !
ZACK: Okay~, let’s let it all loose ! Both humans and vampires, lets make some fucking noise !
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cheiyunn · 3 years
Spooky Halloween Night [Prologue]
Wataru: Kurokawa-san, are you able to reach Suzaki-san?
Tomoru: Well, the phone isn’t connecting and my messages aren’t even being left on read…
Felix: Apologies for making you wait. A shame that we even have Argona waiting here 
Yuto: Don’t worry about it. We were the ones who suggested a joint recital after all
Rio: Is Suzaki-san okay
Koharu: ...Its him after all, he’s probably meeting some misfortune somewhere along the way
Ren: ...eh?
Banri: Misfortune…?
Koharu: Ah, its not a worrying story. On the way he always-
Jun: I’m sorry for being late! uuu...I don’t wanna go out anymore..
Daimon: Speak of the devil
Jun: The train suddenly went out of service then I couldn’t seem to catch a taxi and when I tried to take a shortcut the road turned out to be closed and..
Jun: and when I tried to look up a map of the road I dropped it on the street and a car came over and
Wataru: wah… its smashed beyond repair
Jun: Because of that I couldn’t contact anyone… I’m really sorry
Yuto: What do I even say… that sounds like a disaster
Jun: Ahaha...its a normal occurrence of my misfortune after all
Yuto: Wow.. when you’re an adult, you can laugh it off when something like your smartphone breaks..
Wataru: Is that so..?
Felix: As expected of Jun! It feels as if I’ve received an early halloween prank
Jun: Give me a break… I want treats too, not just tricks…
Koharu: Since Jun has arrived, lets start the meeting. We only have a month ‘til the live
Tomoru: The direction has been pretty much agreed on. After that, its what we’ll all be doing individually before it
Yuto: Since there’s still time, lets practice a little bit!
Felix: Ah, can everyone start without me? I want to arrange the new song a bit with Jun before practice
Yuto: oh, you’re making a new song?
Felix: I wanted to add more flavor to the song for our halloween live. Can you play the demo?
Jun: Um… in front of everyone? Its kinda embarrassing..
Felix: Its nothing to be shy of. Lets start
Rio: We’ll also be practicing on our own, so you don’t have to worry so much
Ren: I wanna listen to it…
Banri: Don’t say that Ren-kun! Can’t you see Suzaki-san is nervous?
Jun: uu...its hard…
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cheiyunn · 3 years
Under the Cloudy Skies [1-4]
Reon: (I don’t have a 4th slot today… I have plenty of time until my job, so maybe I’ll just go back and practice for a bit)
???: Ah- Reon-kun
Reon: Huh..?
Banri: I heard from Wataru-kun, that the older members of Gyro aren’t here right now?
Reon: ah… yeah
Reon: But its no big deal if they’re here or not
Banri: Oh.. really? Its just you and Nayuta-kun then
Banri: I’ve had the impression that you and Nayuta-kun often butt heads
Reon: Well that's because that bastard…
Reon: Either way, thats not a problem. Since we don’t really run into each other anyways
Banri: Ah… I see. You probably don’t have class in noon… the only thing to go to left is your part-time?
Reon: Well there's that, and also because our lives are all on different wavelengths
Reon: ( ...to simplify it, we didn’t have to really worry about that form the start)
Banri: Got it..
Banri: If you don’t have 5 people, you can’t rent a studio or practice…
Banri: Ah, what about during eating? You don’t meet up to eat?
Reon: We usually get it done outside
Banri: Eh
Reon: Or I’ll just buy from the convenience store...
Banri: You don’t cook for yourself!? WHY!?
Reon: Why… because it’s a hassle
Banri: HAAAAAAAAAA, I can’t believe this…. what a waste
Reon: No… that's just how it is
Reon: Do you make your own food in Argo?
Banri: Of course! The ingredients are also bought directly from the supermarket
Banri: Well, it was hard at first
Banri: There were some really good beginner chefs… if you left them alone they’d wash the rice down with detergent level
Banri: ...don’t tell me, are you also on that level of cooking?
Reon: At the very least, I know how to cook rice
Banri: That sounds right, and relieving
Banri: If that's the case, you should be able to practice and cook a bit right?
Banri: Just eating out or from bentos can be bad for you right
Reon: Well thats...
Reon: ....
Reon: (...that reminds me, is he, eating properly?)
Banri: ...ah, Nayuta-kun
Reon: !
Nayuta: …..
Reon: (...hm?!)
Reon: ...isn’t he, looking a little pale?
Reon: ...isn’t he, looking a little pale?
Banri: Nayuta-kun is? I’m not so sure, he looks fine to me
Reon: ...I see
Banri: If anything, I’m a little surprised that you seem pretty worried 
Reon: That’s not how it is. But, Nayuta’s throat..
Banri: ...ah, is it the asthma thing? I remember him collapsing mid-live as well
Banri: It got spread around and caused a bit of an uproar, and even he admitted to it live
Reon: Yeah
Banri: Are symptoms reappearing recently?
Reon: Nope, I haven’t heard of anything. Our last practice went smoothly after all
Banri: Got it…
Banri: If you’re curious about it, why don’t you ask him? I think you can still catch up to him
Reon: ...Nah, I’ll pass. He’s seems like type to hate being cared for
Reon: It’ll be a pain in the ass if I try to
Banri: Hm? Well, I guess I kinda understand
Banri: But the more you try to pretend that everythings okay, the more you feel like your clinging on by yourself
Banri: I’m saying that from personal experience
Banri: ....y’know, back when we were in Hokkaido, I got into a traffic incident and inconvenienced everyone
Reon: Ah… was it that time…
Banri: I didn’t want to have them be worried. I wanted to show them that I could handle it myself
Banri: But the situation got worse, and I couldn’t do it
Reon:  I see…
Banri: Well that's just in my case. There can be patterns like that as well
Reon: ...I’ll take note on that
Salesperson: Thank you very much-!
Reon: (It’s still 7pm)
Reon: (At this time, the music store is still open, so I’ll just swing by)
*Flashback to Nayuta in the morning*: …
Reon: ...
Reon: (It’s not like I’m worried about it, but I should probably just go home now)
Reon: I’m back...
Reon: (The fact that the lights are on means Nayuta’s already back)
Reon: (I was already told by Kenta-san, so I guess, I’ll take a peek)
*Loud sound of something crashing/falling*
Reon: hm?... Nayuta?
Nayuta: *Wheezing sounds*
Reon: Oi !?
Nayuta: shut...up..don’t be so loud
Reon: ...tch, is your asthma acting up again ! The medicine? You have some right !?
Nayuta: *Even louder wheezing and coughing sounds*
Reon: Fuck… Nayuta! Keep it together!
Reon: ...it's good that I kept my calm
Nayuta: ...
Reon: That medicine.. Is pretty effective 
Nayuta: …
Reon: You little-! Why don’t you say anything! I was hella worried over this !?
Nayuta: I don’t remember asking you for anything
Reon: HA !?
Nurse: Pardon my intrusion, but please be quiet in the hospital
Reon: Ah.. right, I’ll try not to next time
Reon: Oi, Nayuta? Where’re you going
Nayuta: They ringed you up for the bill. Didn’t you hear it ?
Reon: Oh for fuck’s sake -! I’ll pay for it so you sit down
Nayuta: You don’t need-
Reon: Don’t you dare say it. Sit down
Nayuta: …
--Gyroaxia’s sharehouse--
Reon: hah…
Reon: Overuse of throat, mild malnutrition, lack of sleep. Even you heard the doctor’s reasons for your breathlessness
Reon: I thought you just weren’t at home alot, but turns out you were at the studio…
Nayuta: Whatever I do is up to me. I don’t remember having to be bossed around by you
Reon: That may be so. But it’s no good if it's to the point where you collapse
Reon: Is this something that can be managed haphazardly with the power of pure will
Reon: and if that really works, why haven’t you been able to overcome it by now?
Nayuta: …
Reon: This time it happened at the sharehouse so its fine
Reon: But if you keep doing this, there's no doubt that you’ll end up collapsing on stage
Reon: ...just like that time
Nayuta: …
Nayuta: I choose the time to finish practice
Nayuta: Its impossible to think of neglecting practice just because of my throat’s condition
Nayuta: I gotta do it somewhere
Reon: I understand that, but it doesn’t mean to force it
Reon: But your problem is that you’re so focused on what's ahead that you’re neglecting the present you
Reon: ...the thing you’re neglecting the most is your own health
Nayuta: tch, don’t just go deciding that. What do you know about me?
Reon: Then tell me. What you’re thinking
Reon: If I’m satisfied with that answer, I won’t question anything. You’ll be free to do whatever you want
Nayuta: …
Reon: If you clam it up here, I’ll keep bugging you until I hear it
Nayuta: Shut up
Nayuta: tch
Reon: So, what about it Nayuta. What do you feel about your body?
Nayuta: ...tch
Nayuta: I’m taking medicine nor am I feeling sick these days. There isn’t a live concert upcoming anyways
Nayuta: So I decided that there were no problems
Reon: ‘I decided’, it makes you sound like you were thinking before acting
Nayuta: hah
Nayuta: I didn’t want to showcase such a disgraceful figure. I have no regrets
Reon: ...
Reon: (...regret)
Reon: (Thats what Ryo-san said back then as well)
*Flashback to band practice*
Ryo: Nayuta..I think he was regretting something
Reon: Regretting?
Ryo: Yup. How he couldn’t sing at yesterday’s live
Ryo: Probably even more than anyone of us
*End of flashback*
Reon: If thats the case, don’t go ham anymore
Nayuta: I’m not taking your instructions
Reon: ...ha !?
Nayuta: It doesn’t matter if you agree or not, I do what I want
Nayuta: I don’t want to collapse at a live, and I don’t intend to in the future
Reon: Then you’re just repeating the same-
Nayuta: Shut up
Reon: …
Nayuta: At least I know about my asthma more than you, even if you’ve been around me since children
Nayuta: and just because we came to Tokyo and my health deteriorated a bit
Nayuta: With today’s seizure, I now know the line that I shouldn’t cross
Reon: Oi… don’t tell me you’re planning to go to the very edge
Nayuta: It's a necessary action, to take the world
Reon: ....you little shit..! You just never learn!
Nayuta: That guy is just doing what's convenient to him
Reon: No matter how much Kenta-san worries about you, it'll all go to naught if you keep acting like that!
Reon: For the last time, that’s-
Nayuta: I answered what you wanted to know
Nayuta: This discussion is over
Reon: Hey, hold on-
Reon: I can’t believe that fucker!
Reon: Shit… really, what is it
Reon: (...regret huh)
Reon: (I didn’t expect such words to come out of Nayuta’s mouth)
Reon: (Feeling worried… scratch that. After hearing those words…)
Reon: (...For now I need to contact Kenta-san and the others)
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cheiyunn · 3 years
Under the Cloudy Skies [Prologue]
--Gyroaxia’s sharehouse--
Miyuki: If I don’t leave soon, I won’t be able to catch the train... you’re going straight to the camp Ryo-chin?
Ryo: Nope. I’m going to the campus first
Miyuki: If thats the case, do you wanna come with me until the halfway point?
Ryo: Sure~
Reon: …
Ryo: Reon, what kind of souvenirs work best for you?
Reon: Huh? Ryo-san… There’ll probably be no souvenirs if you go to a seminar camp
Miyuki: Reon-san, you’ve had a pretty dissatisfied face since the morning
Miyuki: Well, its not like I don’t understand why
Miyuki: Its wasn’t just me and Ryo-chin, but Kenta-san also deciding to head out and join was unexpected
Ryo: Even things like this overlap…
Miyuki: Are you worried about being alone with Nayuta for the time being?
Reon: Not really…
Miyuki: Don’t fight, Reon-kun
Reon: I don’t have the will to do that immediately. Well not if Nayuta says some condescending shit
Miyuki: I think I can kinda see that…
Miyuki: Even for me, I’m a little worried about leaving the 2 youngest ones for almost a week
Miyuki: Welp, play nice
Reon: ….
Miyuki: We should get going soon Ryo-chin
Ryo: Yeah. We’ll be going Reon-kun
Reon: Okay
Reon: (Play nice huh… thats pretty impossible)
Reon: hah….
Reon: ?
Kenta: This week’s schedule is just as I stated earlier
Nayuta: …
Kenta: I’ve put down as much as I can arrange, but if anything happens, do contact me
Kenta: Those who aren’t in a rush will probably respond next wednesday. It doesn’t bother you right
Nayuta: ...I got it. Don’t have to repeat it so many times
Reon: You don’t have to worry about it so much Kenta-san. Nayuta isn’t a little kid after all
Kenta: Regardless, you should be careful of everything. It’s in my nature*
Kenta: Nayuta, you still have medication left correct?
Nayuta: tch… shut it… this conversations over
Reon: …
Reon: (Medication… oh respiration support?)
Kenta: Fu…
Reon: Kenta-san. Is Nayuta’s asthma acting up again?
Kenta: No… its pretty calm these days
Kenta: However, we should always be careful about the changing seasons. The air is getting drier these days
Kenta: If anything happens I’ll entrust it to you, Reon
Reon: There’s almost no way that guy is trusting me
Kenta: Fufu… don’t say that, play nice
Kenta: Then I’ll be taking my leave
Reon: Miyuki-san and now Kenta-san, even if you say it like that
Reon: One week huh…
Reon: I have no choice but to make an effort to survive
「性分」 can also translate to s*x lmao
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cheiyunn · 3 years
Tempting Valentines [Prologue]
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LIGHT: Ladies and gentlemen. We thank you for gathering
LIGHT: The reason you were all called here tonight, is because the ‘Red Night’ is upon us
FELIX: My dear followers should have already noticed. The sweet scent that lingers in your world
FELIX: As the moon rises in the night, the lilies in our garden shall also dye it’s colours from silver to red
FELIX: LIGHT, let us begin the evening party. Tonight’s leading role is-
LIGHT: I already possess such knowledge
FELIX: Fu.. as expected from my right hand
D: On the day that people give their love, what do you seek, what do you wish to obtain?
FELIX: Vampires seek red blood, with invitations into the night
FELIX: But, we are Fantome Iris. We are ones that wish bring coexistence between vampires and humans
ZACK: I’ve already decided what I want, yahoo!
HARU: You guys, be careful not to get drawn in and stay in your seats!
HARU: If you all act like good kids, I’ll give you what you want!
FELIX: Then, let us celebrate. To this ‘Red Night’ that dawns upon us once a year!
Staff 1: 5 minutes before the end of your break!
LIGHT: Koharu-san’s change of clothes are over here!
HARU: Thank you
D: Don’t forget to drink some water
HARU: I know
HARU: (Okay… The real performance for me starts now)
HARU: I’m changing my clothes
D: ….Is there a problem with the costume?
HARU: There isn’t. I’m just really excited to wear this outfit
HARU: Wasn’t it a pain?
D: I just made a costume that was suitable for our leading role
HARU: Leading… Its not a gala though…
HARU: I’m always taken by surprise with Feli
HARU: What made you lose a screw and say something that crazy?
D: ….
Staff 1: One minute before the break ends!
Staff 2: Starting with HARU-san, please stand by!
HARU: It can’t be helped if I keep mumbling around, I should just settle down and go
D: If its you, you can do it. Go on and entice the crowd
HARU: (Temptation huh…)
HARU: That's a good one. Let's do this
HARU: In my own ‘HARU-like way’
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cheiyunn · 3 years
The Flower of The Broken World [1]
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Tadaomi: I’m really surprised that you really were an aristocrat. As expected, it's to be of a ‘king’
Felix: Are you not the lone son of a long-established store in Kyoto. Is it not a wonderful family as well?
Felix: It seems like your fans calling you ‘prince’, isn’t all just for show is it? Fufufu
Interviewer: ..thank you! I believe you’ve talked long enough, so let's wrap it up now.
Felix: Then for the last, may I ask you one question?
Tadaomi: Yes, I don’t mind.
Felix: Why..are you in a band? Please tell me that reason.
Tadaomi: A reason..? Hmm, if I had to say, it is because I want to ‘understand’.
Felix: ‘Understand’ what, exactly?
Tadaomi: Such as why do people with different opinions get together to play one form of music in a band.
Tadaomi: I would very much like to ‘understand’ it
Felix: If that’s the case… then it means that you yourself do not ‘understand’ it right now
Felix: Despite you not knowing it yourself, you attempt to seek answers from others?
Tadaomi: Yes. Is it strange perhaps?
Felix: ..I can’t say that it’s strange per say. But, I can say with certainty that it is different from me
Tadaomi: Then, why do you play in a band?
Felix: The reason I do, is so I can bring forth the image I envision
Felix: I alone cannot achieve it. That is why I borrow the power of band members
Tadaomi: So that means that you use your members to fuel your ideals?
Koharu: …
Felix: ...It is possible to take it as that. After all, I am a ‘selfish king’ after all
Tadaomi: I see. I feel like I understand you a little more
Koharu: Oi.. This isn’t to follow you but, it was my will to be in Fantome.
Koharu: I’m here because I wanted to, regardless of whatever Feri’s will is
Tadaomi: I see...A role out of common interest. I believe I am able to ‘understand’ one
Tadaomi: I don’t that happened in the previous band that you two were in though
Koharu: …!
Tadaomi: I was a bit skeptical about the band disbandment, right before it’s major debut
Tadaomi: Well in general, it should be a good thing for amatuer bands to make their major debut
Felix: ...yes. But I had something I felt more priority over, then that. 
Tadaomi: That being?
Felix: That I myself, had to feel that it was ‘enjoyable’
Tadaomi: Oh… you’re quite similar to Shu-kun in that regard
Felix: ...
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cheiyunn · 3 years
The Flower of The Broken World [Prologue]
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Koharu: Hey, if you have any interviews, tell me in advance. If I didn’t ask, you would’ve gone alone right?
Felix: Sorry sorry. I’ve been getting them pretty often, so I’d feel bad if I asked someone to accompany me every time
Felix: And because I was informed that it was only going to be a simple talk, I thought I was enough coming alone
Koharu: Who are you talking to?
Felix: ...εpsilonΦ’s Shu
Koharu: Shu huh… That cheeky middle schooler, an odd combination when looking at your ages
Felix: To vampires, there is no such difference of just a decade
Koharu: Well, just say you’re old, don’t make it awkward okay
Felix: Fufu, that's right… If I say something strange, you’ll always stop me with all the power in you right?
Koharu: ...why?
Felix: Now, let's hurry a little. If we laze around too much, we’ll end up being late
-- Knock Knock
Felix: Excuse us. Apologies for making you wait
Koharu: Pardon the intrusion
Interviewer: Ah, FELIX-san.. And HARU-san right? I’ve been waiting for you. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Tadaomi: Good morning Felix-san, Mitsurugi-san
Koharu: Huh? Aren’t you the guy on the Synths, Kurama? I thought Ujigawa was the conversation partner today.
Interviewer: I apologize. Ujigawa-san suddenly couldn’t come, so in his stead he sent Kurama-san.
Koharu: Hm..well, both are still on introductory phrases to us, so It doesn’t really matter who our conversation partners are. Right, Feli?
Felix: ...Hello, Tadaomi. I haven’t seen you since the park
Tadaomi: Long time no see as well. I’m very pleased that we are able to meet once again.
Tadaomi: It's been quite a while since we met at the park. At the time, I believe Kurokawa-san was with me…
Tadaomi: Is he not here today?
Felix: Unfortunately, Tomoru is at work today. He’s quite busy after all. He can’t attend stuff like this very much
Tadaomi: Is that so, what a bummer. It was very amusing, so I wanted to talk to him again
Felix: I’ll relay your message to him
Koharu: It feels like the atmosphere is kinda heavy… what happened?
Felix: No, it isn’t something of much interest. Anyway, let's begin the interview.
Felix: I want to ask him… a multitude of questions
Tadaomi: I do too
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cheiyunn · 3 years
The Flower of the Broken World [5]
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*1 week later, Park*
Felix: (The cherry blossoms have fallen… Its like a dream)
Felix: The next time the flowers bloom… what will be happening to us
Tadaomi: Hello, Felix-san
Felix: Tadaomi… a coincidence.. No I highly doubt it
Tadaomi: Yes. I came here to see you
Felix: I see. Did you come to listen to the continuation of the story from the other day?
Tadaomi: While I intended to that… I’ll stop for today
Tadaomi: It seems that Mitsurugi-san isn’t here
Felix: Why does Koharu come up?
Tadaomi: I wanted to see the reactions of the ‘broken one’ and ‘one who broke it’
Felix: Fufu.. thats quite a mean thing to think
Tadaomi: So, can you answer a different question today?
Felix: ...I’ll listen to the question before making a decision on whether to answer or not
Tadaomi: Please tell me what happened to Shu-kun in the past
Felix: I have no reason to discuss that with you.
Tadaomi: Isn’t “I want to know” a reason?
Felix: “I don’t want to talk about it”. Isn’t that a nice counter?
Tadaomi: Is that so. I apologize. If you can’t talk about it, I’ll go home
Felix: Ah, can you wait just a moment?
Tadaomi: ?
Felix: You came all the way here. Its a good idea to watch the cherry blossoms
Tadaomi: Cherry blossoms..? They’re already so scattered though
Felix: I personally like this form as well. The dreams of the few remaining flowers.
Tadaomi: It does feel like that
Felix: Do you understand the meaning of cherry blossoms?
Tadaomi: No
Felix: There are a few but it is said to be ‘spiritual beauty’. As far as it concerns the Yoshino cherry tree, it can also represent ‘chastity’
Felix: Where… maybe you can help remind me?
Tadaomi: The Yoshino cherry tree was human-made for the purpose of ornamental usage, right?
Tadaomi: A plant of pure distortion as it cannot increase by it’s own accord, and thus should be eliminated from nature
Felix: Did you do something that I should be thankful for?
Tadaomi: Yes. The ‘fun’ as increased by one
Tadaomi: Someday.. I look forward to the time when the flowers shall fall 
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cheiyunn · 3 years
Bare Tiger Fangs [4]
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Former band man: Hey bro~ is that guy with a woman’s face ZACK? His attitude is pretty different
Koharu: Ah, I’m not him. Sorry man
Daimon: In place of ZACK, we’ll hear you out
Former band man: what’cha say…
Jun: Because ZACK has been tied up over here since the beginning… uu… you guys came to rescue me… thank god ( ; ω ; )
Koharu: Well calm down. For now, you. What’s your goal? Why do you hold a grudge against ZACK?
Former band man: That guy… is fooling around with my girl! That's why I came here to take her back!
Daimon and Koharu: ...what?
Former band man: That girl was originally a fan of mine! She had disappeared from Nagoya after I came out of prison
Former band man: She left a sole note saying “I’m going to Tokyo with ZACK-san~”!
Jun: Uh.. is she the person.. who took the flyers..?
Koharu: Well.. while ZACK is a mess on stage, when he gets down from there, he’s just a shut-in with extreme communicative disorder y’know?
Daimon: I doubt he could even lay hands nor ‘fool around’ his fans. ...ah, but he’s a genuinely good person
Jun: You just added that last part in..!
Koharu: So, it's all probably that girl’s lies
Former band man: I won’t believe… I don’t believe those words!
Koharu: Then just look at the actual ZACK then
Former band man: The actual..? WHERE!?
Jun: ...uh, yes~, I’m the actual person~
Former band man: YOU!? THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE!
Jun: L-look at my hair colour inside! Its the same as ZACK’s! Even our voices sound the same! Uh… ****!! ****!! (ᗒᗣᗕ)   *
Former band man: That voice… and if I look closely.. thats true. He doesn’t look like someone who could handle a woman..
Jun: (How mean!)
Koharu: Also, check the story directly from the girl herself. Isn’t this the case of seeding the grudge towards the wrong person?
Former band man: ….SHUT UP! As long as this guy disappears, she’ll come back to me!! I won’t let you keep on embarrassing me!
Jun: hhhhhiiiIIIIIIII! \(º □ º l|l)/
Koharu: Oi-
Former band man: HAH!? Let go of me, you manwoman!!
Koharu: Don’t put your fucking hands… on my guitar
-- -- -- --
Tomoru: Feli-san, please calm down and be quiet. While Koharu is fighting with the guy, we need to retrieve Jun
Felix: You don’t have to worry so much. It’ll all go perfectly after all!
Surrounding guy B: ...oi, who the hell are you guys? Their friends as well?
Tomoru: See, we got caught after all!
Surrounding guy B: ugh!? [Punching SFX]
Koharu: What are you guys doing! Hurry up and-
Tomoru: ...Koharu-san Behind you!
[Punching SFX]
Surrounding guy A: You shouldn’t be looking away...huh? You little-, annoying!
Daimon: You should be wary of your back, Koharu. Its your bad habit to let your guard down after attacking
Koharu: Daimon, thanks… hup!
[Multiple punching SFXs]
Surrounding guy A: Uwa!!
Jun: So cool.. Daimon-san is blocking all attacks and then Koharu-san counters… its like a tag-fight game…
Tomoru: The 2 hour suspense drama, has suddenly become a yankee game…
Tomoru: This isn’t the time! Feli-san! While Koharu-san is distracting them, get Jun!
Felix: Koharu is quite strong. A hero rescuing the heroine… nay, the hero being rescued by the heroine right!
Felix: Yes yes! Inspiration for a new song keeps on flowing in!
Tomoru: He’s just sitting down and composing… at a time like this, this person is just…
-- -- --
* Although bleeped out, he says something amongst the lines of “Nagoya-people are f*cking smelly today”
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cheiyunn · 3 years
Felix [4☆ | Bon Anniversaire!]
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--*Fantome Iris sharehouse*
Jun: I’ve finished decorating
Tomoru: Okay, we’re all ready. All we have to do now is call Feri-san… is he upstairs?
Daimon: No, he seemed to be doing something in the cafe since morning. Let's call him when we’re all ready.
Koharu: Feel free whenever! Since he’s usually the one that surprises us, this time its our turn!
Daimon: Got it… Oi Felix! Can you come here for a moment
Felix: I’m coming, perfect timing since the one over here has just finished!
Tomoru: He’s coming! Lets turn the lights off!
Jun: …”the one over here”?
--*The door opens*
Felix: ..Oh? Its pitch black
*Party popper sfx*
The other 4: Bon anniversaire! Felix!
Felix: That surprised me. Perhaps, this is a surprise party?
Koharu: What else could it be! Happy Birthday Feli!
Jun: Um… congratulations! 
Daimon: Congrats
Tomoru: Feli-san, congratulations! ..oh? That thing you’re holding..
Felix: This? Fufu~ It seems that I've been beaten to the punch, but this is a surprise present from me to all of you
Jun: ...a cake?
Felix: Exactly! Although its my birthday, this is a cake to express my gratitude to everyone!
Felix: And of course, this is homemade!
Koharu: So that means… Feli made it… right…
Daimon: This is the thing he’s been holed up creating in the cafe since morning huh.. Come to think of it, there was some odd ingredient in the kitchen fridge
Tomoru: As always it looks beautiful but I’m sure the contents are a bit..
Jun: ...cursed
Felix: Come on everyone! You can eat as much as you want!
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