#aaron giving chrissie a freebie
bobbie-robron · 2 years
Should be committed more like.
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lostwithoutmyritual · 5 years
Lmao anyway here’s a load of thoughts about pre-affair era I just sent to @nooneelsecomesclose if anyone’s interested
Like when they first meet obvs they both think the other is FIT af, but then when they start talking and Robert realises Aaron isn’t some straight forward thug he is like HOOKED on finding everything he can about Aaron and pushing his limits and beings so enthralled and excited (and lbr turned on) when Aaron punches back and he fucking lovesssss it!!!
And then when he finds out that Aaron gave Chrissie a freebie he get sooooo fucking jealous!!! But not bc he thinks Aaron’s hitting in his wife bc he fancies him!! A lot!!!! And then when he calls Aaron out on it and teases him only to find out he’s actually gay his mind just implodess!!!
And then before you know it he’s asking vic about Aaron and finding out what he can about him, trying to become his mate, and all the while Aaron has a feeling and can just tell what Robert’s getting at is a bit more than mates but neither of them push it, and Aaron still sorta hates him but it’s mainly bc he fancies him and that frustrates him bc Robert is a dick but that’s also part of the attraction!!!
And before you know it robert literally gets fractionally annoyed at Chrissie so he’s like yeah you know what I’ll give it a go with the fit mechanic and is all over the top and has to fake a fucking breakdown and ask his sister for his number just to meet aaron!!! Like what!???? Who does that??? And his head is still spinning bc that’s what aaron does to him and he’s never quite sure where he stands and he’s also still feeling a bit conflicted about liking guys, but when he thinks Aaron’s gonna leave he’s just like FUCK IT, and they have the best first kiss ever and it’s dramatic and beautiful and he’s never felt anything like it and it’s both amazing and terrifying at the same time!!!
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