#aaaa please forgive me orz
merakiui · 2 months
AAAAAAA OMG YES........ under the cut because I rambled a lot. ;;;;
The most obvious one who would do it in a heartbeat is Childe. He loves the sight and smell of blood, and the fact that it's coming from between your legs is even better. He'll have you crying out while he spends so much time between your legs, all too eager to taste you and listen to you fall apart on his tongue and fingers. He'll fuck you while you're on your period as well. He loves the way your blood stains his dick when he's thrusting in and out. Playfully cooing at you when you beg him to ease up because it's too much: "Aww, can't handle it? That's too bad... down here seems just fine. You're taking it like it's nothing." <3
This is my own personal bias seeping through, but I wholeheartedly believe Scaramouche/Wanderer would adore period sex. I think Scara enjoys fucking you while you're on your period, whereas Wanderer enjoys eating you out just a bit more. There's this whole power/control thing Scara wants to have over you, so he's probably not getting on his knees for you anytime soon. But he will fuck you for as long as he wants, teasing you the entire time. Having your blood on him is all too exciting. As for Wanderer, he'll pretend like it's a tall order, playfully scoffing at you and saying something like, "What would you do without me? You'd be helpless, wouldn't you?" But if you even suggest that someone else do this for you, he's quickly putting that smart mouth of his to work. Try saying that again through all of your moans. :)
ALBEDO OMG........ it's all for "scientific research" because he's curious and would like to know how the human body operates in more detail. Really, this is his own nerdy cover. He just wants to taste you and feel you, blood and all. orz of course he probably collects samples because there's this clinical side to him that wants to know you down to the alchemical level. ;;;;; he spends way too much time stuffing his fingers inside you and stretching you open, curiously observing the blood that coats his digits and making note of all of your reactions.
Razor....... this one is also obvious. He smells blood and assumes you're hurt, so his first instinct is to either patch you up or lick it better. The latter comes into use when he pins you down and spreads your legs to get a closer look at your pussy. Razor's a bit inexperienced and sloppy, roughly gripping onto your thighs, but he means well. He has to keep his mate safe and content, after all!
Xiao........ XIAO!!!!!!!! He's so determined to protect you. He's very accustomed with the scent of blood, so it doesn't take long for him to smell it on your person. Xiao's a little stern when he tells you to stop moving so he can check you for injuries, but he's sincere. Why do you seem so casual? Aren't you hurt????? He cannot fathom the concept of a period because he's never known about such a thing. He's about as virgin as they come. ^^;;;; but he'll do anything to ensure you're happy, forever and always, and so even though he may not know what he's doing at first he'll eventually fall into the rhythm. Karmic debt is cold and cruel, but pussy is warm and soft. <3
I feel like Kazuha would be into it........ he's so sweet about it, too. T^T maybe you're embarrassed to have leaked on the sheets while sleeping beside him, but he assures you it's fine. Things happen. Besides, there's nothing to be ashamed of. It's normal. He'll make you feel so much better about it, and soon you're falling apart on his fingers or mouth. He praises you all throughout it.
Gorou!!!!! This is also a Razor situation. He probably prefers eating you out more than he does fucking you, but the latter is also quite good. He's really such a sweetheart and he gets pussy-drunk SO FAST. OTL even more so when you're on your period.......
Itto!!! >:D truthfully, what won't Itto do? He'll do just about anything for his pal, best bud, partner, lover (you're all of these things to him hehe). He adores you omg. You only need to tell him that it hurts and he's ready to provide, whether that be by eating you out until your cramps are soothed or by fucking into you (he'll be slow and gentle; he promises!). Anything for you. <3
This may be unexpected (or not) but Ayato. I think he just likes the idea of staining those pristine clothes of his in your red. Or ruining white sheets...... there's something very thrilling about it. Also, you're just so sensitive whenever you're on your period and your libido has you begging him for even more.
Definitely Tighnari. He could just mix up something to help soothe your cramps, but why would he do that when he could indulge instead? Besides, this method works very well and you seem to enjoy it just as much as he does. Why would he ever trade that?
Cyno......... I can't explain it, but I feel like he would enjoy period sex... there's something so addictive about sinking into your wet warmth and getting blood on his cock while you dig your nails into his shoulders and rake his back bloody. >:D
Baizhu. Something something doctor's orders!!! Prescription to soothe cramps is not a calming herbal tea but the doctor working you open on his fingers or fucking into you sweetly and slowly!!!!!
Omg,,, speaking of doctors, how could I forget the man himself!!!! Dottore is a creature. He loves period sex. Perhaps some of his clones love it more than others. It's easy to tell depending on who's fucking you or eating you out. He has this deranged sort of smile as he watches you come undone.
PANTALONE.......... I just know he loves getting your blood all over his face and fingers and on his clothes. He's a big fan of simply cockwarming you while you're on your period and only getting you to orgasm by clitoral stimulation. AAAAAAA OTL
Wriothesley can and will spend his entire afternoon between your legs. He doesn't mind the mess. It doesn't bother him. Rather, he's busying himself working you towards your nth orgasm for the day. If you come to Wrio with a problem, you better be ready for him to solve it. He'll make sure you won't be feeling any cramps for the rest of the day after he's done with you.
Another personal bias, but I like to imagine Lyney also enjoys period sex. Maybe even Freminet, but he's too shy to ask you if you'd be okay with it...... >_< AAAA but Lyney!!!!! He reminds me of this audio. T_T Lyney sniffing out your period........ you seem to have cramps and that's no good. Allow him to ease them and this time there's no magic required hehe.
Another bias, but my beloved Gaming!!!!!! I think period sex with him is always a sweet activity. He's so gentle and caring,,,, so focused on making sure you feel good and that you'll have enough orgasms to get rid of the cramps. And of course he has plenty of snacks on standby for when you want to snack during breaks. Leave it all to him! You won't have to lift a finger. Just lie back against the cushions and let him make you feel good.
OH OH!!!! Capitano.......... I've seen some portray him with a long monster tongue and methinks that is very delicious and so true!!!!! Capitano using that long tongue of his to eat you out, and it can reach places that your fingers just can't and and and AAAAAAAA!!!!!
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Spoilers for BNHA vigilante series (again)
I just gotta ramble my feelings about this some more I’m stILL FEELING
Just aaaa the whole thing was so heartbreaking like the trio down to two but I also feel kayama was kinda off to the side too? More then mic but she was there to see everything and did hang out with them and the whole thing with the cat...
I still can’t get over their plans for the future, aizawa wanted a cat tower and they would all raise a cat together. I love any moment where they include mic too because I feel he just was kinda off to the side as well and it was mainly focused on oboro and aizawa. I mean aizawa is the main point in this but stILL I really want to see how the others are coping. Even after a year they’re still coping in their own way and it kills me that its not togETHER. I get the feeling that aizawa since he was seemingly impacted the most, wanted to focus on his training to protect others like he couldn’t with oboro, but also because he doesn’t want to feel that pain again? He’s always been aloof but that one moment with everyone on the roof talking about their future where he actually smiled, like is that the first time we saw that smile?? I could be wrong bUT
It hurts my shipper heart more because like yamada and aizawa need to just cope and deal with it together but they’re so different its keeps them from doing that? Mic seemingly wants to when he brings it up in the main manga but aizawa just kinda avoids it?? It’s still touchy after all this time it seems, and I don’t want to say only for aizawa but Mic too, but who knows how he’s really feeling because hes the comic relief character always smiling. I really want to see him dealing with this, especially alone. It kills me that he’s always there for aizawa but aizawa just goes off on his own. Like please realize and appreciate how much Mic is there for you aizawa like he really cares. orz 
I also hate that though of Mic being a replacement for Oboro, since they were so alike but Mic is said to have more energy. I just have to keep reminding myself that they’re still here after 15 years. Mic could’ve just upped and left after that but he still kept in contact. And Aizawa could just have ignored him all these years or whatever but he still stays. Even so, since Mic is more energetic, why would he even want to stay if he supposedly hated Mic? There’s such little context clues and breadcrumbs about their relationship (at least from me lol I’m starved and I haven’t been in the fandom for so long so forgive me orz) but each speaks something about how close they are? I’m not sure which is considered canon like the Briefs, Smash, light novels, etc, but like I just want to see more from these two in the main manga/anime. I also want to see Aizawa caring about Mic too since Mic has shown it with that USJ scene. 
I admittedly havemy doubts sometimes too because I don’t want to be disappointed but like, besides the ship, I love their friendship so much and I want to see more. I have a feeling possibly that a confrontation may happen to give them more depth, likely from Oboro’s death. I’d just love to see a more serious side to Mic and really tell Aizawa how he felt during the whole thing, and maybe they can finally deal with it together. Maybe Kayama may play a part? I hope? I just want Aizawa to believe he isn’t alone after all and he has someone who cares for him so much. 
Yet, I’m also afraid about their future as well, I’m terrified that somethings going to happen to split these guys up, my poor heart can’t take it. (Mic in danger and Aizawa saving him anyone? Hoshikori pls confirm) I pray for a happy ending with these two because they really deserve it, but idk there’s always something in the back of my mind that prepares for the worst aha...
Sorry if things seem jumbled I’m just trying to release some feelings and my shipper heart was having a meltdown. I legit will pay someone to compile all erasermic interactions together so my soul can be soothed I am so fILLED WITH FEAR AGAJHDEKR
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scummy-writes · 6 years
Day 9 Thoughts
hhhhAha today was stressful. I kept getting worried I was going to accidentally land a bad end, or that I was hitting all of the wrong options. In fact, even right now I’m worried orz. This might be a little short because I haven’t been able to gather all of my thoughts properly, maybe. Still a content warning, if anything from the past few days stressed you out, so will the first few chats and them being mentioned in this post!
I went through all of this day hoping that I was hitting all the right options, and personally what I chose was insisting that Saeran needs to take care of himself, that Rika was manipulating him, and that Saeran didn’t scare me. Options kind of like that? It was rough, but I’ve already bought Day 10 and it looks like there’s a new branch point so *sweats*.
Oh, I also insisted a lot that we weren’t going to be apart of Mint Eye.
All through today Rika and Saeran keep threatening the cleansing ceremony, and hurting me. Moreso Saeran on the last part, but we actually get to talk to Rika a few times and you can tell she’s pissed. Not in a super obvious way, but moreso in front of you she’s trying to look unbothered, and then we see a VN of her fussing about in her weird throne room.
The first chat of the day is kind of okay, but the next VN is not. Saeran comes in pretending to be Ray for you, trying to get a reaction out of you and mess with you more, and it results in him trying to get you to kiss him. And, ah...So, there’s an option to do that, or to push him away, and I know yall know I love Saeran but I pushed that motherfucker back. He’s not in his right mind because of the drugs so basically fuck that shit. I’ll try the weird ‘kiss’ scene on a bad end play through.
When we push him, he ends up hitting his head. I guess Mc pushes him fucking hard because he has this moment where he ‘slips’ back into being(?) Ray. He’s not playing around, and ‘Ray’ ends up having a breakdown because he’s hurt us, or he believes he has. As far as I can tell, ‘Saeran’ never actually hit us, just scared the fuck out of us and either pinned us against the wall or floor. Well, physically he didn’t hurt us. We do get starved for a day.
This is where Rika starts to get pissed more, because you’re managing to get a control over Saeran in general. It gets discussed in a later chat, so lemme type about a few things first before I get into that.
I think this VN, and one later on, is interesting because ‘Ray’ talks about how he’s never existed, how he is Saeran and the ‘devilish’ side is also a part of him. How both parts of him are scared, and he never feels scared when he’s with us. But even though he’s admitting that, he ends up darting out of the room because he wants to protect us from when his devilish side takes over. 
This gets referenced later on as well, but before that we get a few more chats with Saeran and Rika. In between those, V gets a chance to visit us, and it looks like he’s working on a way to help Saeran! (Thank god). I could go step by step through these chats, but the main plot points on these days is that Saeran keeps having breakdowns and lapses in his strong persona, and Rika is getting more and more mad that we’re able to ‘control’ him better than her. We even get a great chat with her one on one where she talks about how you can’t depend on anyone, while she’s literally making Saeran and the cult depend on her the most.
It’s....annoying, because she describes manipulation pretty much word for word in some circumstances, but then swears she’s not doing it. Right...not like the elixir is terrible either, huh. At this point I feel like the game is going to end up with Rika and V having their own spat while we try to help Saeran out, and V sacrificing himself as a distraction. Hopefully not literally sacrificing himself, though...
He does make another appearance with Saeran, though, in the garden, and honestly it’s a little scary. Saeran is currently being looked for in Mint Eye because he ran off, his head hurting and feeling confused by everything, and brought a gun with him?? He hides in the garden, and V covers for him when he’s almost spotted. Of course when Saeran realizes who he is, he panics again, and even threatens to shoot V. And V just...sits there calmly and tries to calm him down. Jesus christ... But he manages to avoid being shot, and after a small panicked talk Saeran heads off again. He just keeps running and running...
We do get a chat with him where he tells us he’s been vomiting and it all smells like chemicals. I’m assuming it’s because he’s been drinking the elixir a lot, and once a lot of it is puked back up, he’s slowly able to start gathering his thoughts. That elixir is some wild shit ;;;
Because he keeps running away and Rika is busy sending people after him, our cleansing ceremony is thankfully put on hold. Rika was damn excited too, because she brewed up a stronger version of the elixir, which makes me assume that she truly knows how bad it is to take. All of that bullshit of ‘the weak must take her elixir to understand the saviors word’ must have really meant that those who had to take it were too strong for her to control, so she had to weaken them down in order for them to listen to her. So...She gets pissy finding out that Saeran listens to us more than her, haha. It’s still sad, because she does basically say that Saeran is a weapon for her to use, and it’s kind of obvious that she only views him like that.
Saeran, after running around a lot, does end up coming back to our room, but thankfully he’s pretty calm and quiet. He promises that we’re not going to be hurt, and he just talks to us. He chats about how ‘Ray’ is a part of him, and it gets to the point where it seems like he understands Ray is just a persona of his, and he keeps using that side of him as a seperate person (in this conversation) to try to apologize to us. Saying things like how Ray is in a corner of his heart, hoping that you’ll forgive him and understanding that you might not and willing to ask for forgiveness for ages, stuff like that. I think it might have to do with him still struggling to come to terms about his personas, and the fact that he’s probably too ashamed to come right out and try to ask for forgiveness.
Aaaa, my thoughts are so all over the place, I am sorry. There was a lot of waiting with this day, and I was mainly anxious over if I was picking the right choices to try and express that I cared about Saeran as a whole, rather than bits and pieces of him, to try and encourage some good healthy thoughts for him. It sort of worked, and V helped too in trying to convince Saeran to leave Mint Eye, especially with me. But it seems like by the end of the day, Saeran is just focused on getting *us* out, because he doesn’t think he can change enough to be able to escape Mint Eye.
Which is really sad ;;; I felt so bad when he implied that in a chat, talking about how he wished he could just watch the sky all day.
Right now, the last chat was the RFA being able to access the messenger. Jaehee and Zen welcome you, try to make sure you’re okay, while it appears that V and Jumin are busy. V, they don’t know, and Jumin is still being investigated by the Prime Minister... And Seven is apparently AFK.
And, haha, next VN confirms the worst. Seven is pouring over these files that V gave him, and Vanderwood rings the bell. Which, hey cool, a bell, but when Seven answers it Vanderwood doesn’t talk, and then it appears someone was forcing him to get Seven to open the door.
Have no doubt that it was someone working for the Prime Minister. I am...scared. Poor Seven ;;; He gets handcuffed and taken away with Vanderwood, and none of the RFA know....
I told myself after the chat I was going to call Yoosung, because I missed his voice and he wasn’t in the chat (I may or may not have tried calling him when it was just me and Saeran, and sometimes Rika, in the chat...), but I decided to call Saeran for shiggles. I thought he wouldn’t answer, but...he actually did. 
He answered, and he was running from something, and managed to get somewhere. I don’t know where, because he hung up the phone and said we were distracting him, and I just...oooohghghgh baby please...;;;; You’re finally getting a clearer mind what are you doINGGG AAAAAAAAA
that’s my thoughts im sorry they’re garbled I just....I need to play day 10 right now T_T
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merakiui · 3 months
Meraa I started twst because your works got me on a chokehold, its so good that it actually made me play the game(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠). I'm sorry to hear that tsum azul came home to you at 200 pulls(bad tako husband) but I wanna show you that azul came home to me at 30 pulls!!! I actually pulled him on accident:(( anyways, I wanna ask how do you get the tsum lillia card it's so cute.
Sorry if there's any mistakes english isn't my first language:(
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⸜(。 ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ aaaa I hope you're enjoying the game so far!!!!! Thank you for enjoying my works!!! 💖 my tako husband is too greedy with me, but I'm glad he can be so generous with you!!! 30 pulls,,,,, :O that's very good!!!! Maybe he's not so bad of a husband after all hehe. I love this tsum Azul card,,, it's so wonderful. (⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
I may be late in replying (please forgive me orz), but you can get tsum Lilia through playing the event!
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merakiui · 1 year
I will always love how you will get on your knees for Azul in a heart beat but in the same breathe slander him (we love the duality). But now I’m curious, top bedrooms in twst that you would like to be taken in, and/or if we just wanna be a little more daring, what are the top places you would like to be taken by and who? Like whether it be in the Monstro lounge by the twins, the Heartslabyul maze by Cater, bell tower by Rollo.
OOOOOO good questions!!! there are so many places in the twst world that would be absolutely amazing to be taken in. orz please forgive the shameless simping written below.
top bedrooms
✧ azul's room but at night specifically because omg the ambience!!!! his bed looks really soft and comfortable as well, and it would be so nice to wake up in it in the morning and eat pastries and casually chat after a long night hehe.
✧ riddle's room because i really like the canopy bed he has. also all of the red... so pretty and cute. T_T he could use a riding crop on me. he could use a collar on me. he could tie me up and step on me. anything riddle wants, riddle will get. orz but also slow, soft, romantic sex would be so nice with him. let's cry through our orgasms together, riddle. <3
✧ jade and floyd's room because the way it is visually split in half is so apparent but also so fun. floyd's messy bed would be fun to fuck in, but i also feel like the twins might push the beds together for more space (or maybe they will leave one bed for not much space just to make things more cramped). >:) i'd like to make a mess of jade's nicely made bed and in return he can make a mess of me. sandwiched by two mafia eels... aaaaa i am leaving the room bruised and littered in bites, but that is okay because i'll probably find myself back there next weekend so they can open the bite marks once again.
✧ rook's room is just so elegant (ignoring the peeling wallpaper that reveals candid photographs). i like the canopy with the moons and stars. it's very pretty!! sex with rook would be so nice because no matter what he would be so sweet and wonderful, albeit a little troublesome when he starts waxing poetry when he's buried so deeply. but a man who is so eloquent with words must be good with his mouth, so do not let me down, mr. hunt!!!
✧ vil's room is also very elegant!! i would happily spend a night in there with vil. but it would feel like the room of a royal because of how lavish it looks, so it will take some time to get used to. it's a pretty room for a pretty man. (♡▽♡)
✧ idia's bedroom is messy, but i think his bed looks so comfortable. i'll put on whatever cosplay he wants. i will wear the maid outfit and the cat ears and the cow print lingerie. anything for my cute gamer boyfriend!! sleepy sex would be so nice with him.
✧ malleus's room has a very gothic charm to it (as does all of diasomnia). i would definitely like to be taken there, but maybe while it's raining for extra sleepy ambience.
top locations
✧ mostro lounge in the booths or in azul's vip room. but most importantly: MOSTRO LOUNGE AQUARIUM OMG...... admittedly, the aquarium scene in azul thought four was very self-indulgent because it's just so pretty at night. the glowing illumination... the sea life and the pretty corals aaaa!! it's really too perfect for sex and monsterfucking. it doesn't matter if it's azul, the twins, one of the twins, all three of them. in conclusion, someone is leaving that aquarium filled and (spoilers) it is me. :^) azul's vip room would be fun because the twins could fuck me so good against azul's desk or on the sofas; omg or on the sofa while azul's horny gripping through his paperwork hehe. omg also getting railed against the bar in mostro lounge by floyd because he's too bored and uninspired to mix new drinks!!!! orz orz orz just one chance, floyd. please.
✧ in this tunnel hallway!!!! it would be so good at night... we don't even need to have sex there. i would just love to make out with any of the octavinelle trio against the glass. but also making out there with riddle and we have to be chased away by an annoyed azul!!! aaaaaa rivalry. <3
✧ another place i would absolutely make out in would be the hall of mirrors. getting so wrapped up with any of them and we fall through one of the mirrors hehe. falling through the octavinelle mirror with riddle or through the heartslabyul mirror with azul... omg.
✧ ABSOLUTELY THE BELL TOWER WITH ROLLO OTL there's something so exhilarating about being so high up and vulnerable... but also i think any shadowed space within noble bell would be good for quick trysts. i will give president flamm the best head of his life wherever he wants. he deserves good head, lots of love, and many warm, buttery croissants!! <3
✧ styx private room....... styx idia could do whatever he wants to me in there. just dress me up as your little lab rat with those choker collars and i will do anything for you, mr. acting director. :) also the styx control room!!! i'll give idia the sloppiest head under the desk while he's reviewing gathered data and after that he can rail me on the table.
✧ savanaclaw lounge at night hehe. sex in the pool under the waterfall would be so fun aaaaaaa. leona, i will do all the work. just sit back and let me ride. <3 the entire dorm could use me if they wanted. i will not complain.
✧ scarabia lounge at night!!!!!! the open air!!! the cushions and rugs!!!! the moonlight!!!!! i would get drunk and silly with kalim and jamil there. someone is becoming a father that night.
✧ heartslabyul kitchen with trey. <3 OOHHH TREY.... TREY!!!!! OTL i am down so horrendous for the sweet and secretly mischievous baker who would fuck me so good against the countertop. orz and then right after that he'd have a delicious pastry and some tea waiting. call me a donut with how cream-filled i will be afterwards.
✧ unbirthday party... orz new tradition: everyone can rail me against the tables. yes, it will ruin the display. yes, it will be messy. but it would be so fun omg.
✧ the rose maze with cater and his clones would also be fun!!! truthfully, i would fuck cater anywhere in heartslabyul because it would be really enjoyable with him (just two best friends with benefits having some quality time together hehe). also, getting caught by riddle would be fun. "you're getting your fluids on the furniture with these indecent acts!!!! >:( off with your head!!!!" riddle just does not know the best medicine for stress is sex. :( if it's off with my head, how can i possibly give it to him??? truly a dilemma...
✧ wherever the housewardens have their meetings. i could take all of them. >:) i will take all of them. they do not call the ramshackle prefect the beast tamer for nothing!!!!! ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ
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merakiui · 8 months
Mera I love your writing so much TT HOLY CRAP YOU ARE COOKING WITH TMDG i feel like it'll be my vacation after a long days of work once it comes out, really looking forward to it!!! Please do take care<33 I really wanna squeal and roll around in my bed and just fangirl but unfortunately I am not home to genuinely enjoy it. When you write do you get distracted from your own thoughts and fangirl in between or are you like in the zone type of writer?
-Honey Anon
AAAAA THANK YOU, DEAREST HONEY ANON!!!!! 💖🫶 I am indeed cooking the most yummiest Jade meal of all time!!!! I guarantee everyone who likes eel will be feasting for days!! ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻) I will be so happy to share it with everyone once it's finished! Let's fangirl and celebrate together when that happens!!! >w<
Aaaa yes,,, I am notorious for fangirling during the writing process. Even though I know what happens because I'm the writer, I still react accordingly whenever something surprising, exciting, smutty, etc happens lol. Just recently, while writing the discord mod Azul fic, I was so flustered because it was such a shameless scene and I felt so embarrassed to write it. >_< but then I got to the part where Reader finds out he's the CEO of the restaurant they work at and I couldn't stop feeling so >:3c
I'm just too expressive in all aspects of my life, but being so excited only boosts my motivation. ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ
Although sometimes I tend to become "in the zone" when I write without succumbing to distracting thoughts. For example, the scene in DRU where Riddle's writing notes and being so methodical in his theorizing—I wrote it with such meticulous focus. As someone who is organized like Riddle, it was easy to put myself in his shoes. He's logical and orderly, so of course the first thing he'd do is want to gather as much information as he currently knows, structure it into lists, and then see what needs to be done from there. It's how he's able to better comprehend the incomprehensible. I also listened to noukou from the Summertime Rendering ost on repeat while writing that scene because it made me feel like a detective hehe.
Forgive me for rambling!!! Essentially, I do a little of both fangirling and focusing intently when writing! When something horrible happens in the plot, I am the first one to cheer, groan, cry internally, and so on. orz
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merakiui · 3 years
It's December (sent this early so hopefully you'll read it by December 1) and I just want to greet you advance merry Christmas!! (Sorry if you're in a religion that doesn't celebrate that) but I just wanted to tell you that you're the highlight of my year!
Thank you so much and I hope you have a great last month of the year! Srsly tho I love you so much Mera, your writting really helped me out a lot in trying times and motivated me to pick up a lot of things that I love again (writting, cosplaying and drawing)
I hope you know how much we love you and your content
- Applepie 🍎 anon
Oh!! I’m a little late, so please forgive me for that. orz but AAAA OMG?! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! APPLEPIE, YOU ARE SO KIND!!!! 💕💕 You deserve the world and I hope you receive good fortune in the next year! And I hope you’ll pull every character you want in Genshin. AND!!! I hope both sides of your pillow are comfy and cold. <3
I want to also wish you an early holiday and Christmas (if you celebrate it)!! I also wish for you to stay happy and healthy! :D And I’m very glad that you could get back into your hobbies!! I hope you will also have a wonderful last month of this year!
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