#a small reference to velma dinkley and dr crane brotop supremacy
just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Batman: Let me get this right, you invaded the Justice League database so you could prove what?
Riddler: That you guys invented Atlantis and Aquaman is just a normal metahuman.
Batman: And how exactly did you convinced Poison Ivvy of being a distraction for this? The two of you are not in the best terms and I can't see she agreing with this plan.
Poison Ivvy: She is right here. And she also wanted to prove that Aquaman isn't real.
Batman: Look I really didn't want to bring the heavy violent interrogation tenicques. But there's no way I'm buying that excuse, so I'm giving you one last chance, why did you invade the Justice League database?
Poison Ivvy: You can torture us all you want Batman, we are talking the truth.
Riddler: Please don't torture us all you want, Batman. But yeah, we already told you the reason.
Batman: *grabing something from his utility belt* I warned you.
Riddler: Wait wait wait... Bill Nye doesn't believe in Aquaman.
Batman: What?
Riddler: Yes, Jon told us.
Batman: That makes no sense. How would Scarecrow even know that?
Poison Ivvy: His best friend told him.
Batman: Best Friend? Crane doesn't have friends... unless the Mad Hatter? Is he controlling you two?
Riddler: No, you moron, a girl called Velma Dinkley that he met in an Elvira parade or something, she personally knows Bill Nye.
Batman: That's just insane.
Riddler: And that's why I searched the internet for proof while Doctor Isley sended a fanmail to Bill himself asking about it.
Poison Ivvy: Nygma found a video from Nye's own security camera where he gives a very long explanation to a trick or treating kid about how Aquaman's existence is scientifically impossible and therefor he isn"t real. Not much after the response to my letter with the very same explanation came. I have it here with me. *even hurt and handcuffed to the Batmobile she makes a plant grow on the pavement and there is a letter inside it's leaves"
Riddler: And I have the video on my phone. I would show you, but I can't acess it while bounded upsidown with a broken rib!
Batman: I'll look it up. *thirty minutes later* I suppose you were right. I'll still have to take you to Arkham, but if I find any evidence of Aquaman not existing I'll send it to you.
Riddler: Oh, I thought Aquaman not being real was a ridiculous notion, detective?
Batman: That was before Bill Nye the science guy explained it. Now it is my duty to investigate Aquaman.
Poison Ivvy: Good. I hope you know Arkham won't keep us long. We will soon also be investigating it and it's better that we help each other, cause you won't want to go against me.
Riddler: Independent of your choice, we will find out the truth, Crussader, there's no puzzle I can't figure out. Also I want my phone back.
Poison Ivvy: And I want my letter. It's autographed!
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