#a blank slate . granted ak could really really turn around its been my absolute favorite so far but w their track record i expect like.
cloneslugs · 2 years
not my favorite by far (overall) but as far as video games i think telltale bruce is such an interesting take on his character compared to a lot of mainline/general idea of batman stuff + it's in part that he's a player character who makes social decisions & you spend a good amount of time as bruce wayne (as well as batman) but i think he's one of the more [human] characterizations of him just bc hes so obviously feeling & emoting & reactive to things and just very caring. im also just blinded by the arkham bug where (while none of the rest are as terrible as origins) he's just so flat & bottled up/emotionless & uncaring + part of it is that his reactions are reserved to limited cutscenes (and as far as emotional scenes theres like none in asylum, maybe 1 in city granted you care about the shittiest most boring talia/bruce they try to push) + knight is significantly better just bc it does a much better use of cutscenes but outside of joker talking (and a lot of his stuff feels so bullshitty and like edgy dark jokes for the point of being edgy) + those cutscenes there really isnt any human aspect you play out or really feels as lasting/impactful on bruce (granted this game imo is the easiest to get sucked into dicking around on side quests) but regardless bruce himself is just very flat and unresponsive to anything like the jason scenes doesnt evoke a reaction the most you get is him calling tim "jason" (will give him credit for reacting during the barb scene) circling back around to say its obvi the difference between a beat em up game vs storytelling choice game where in one bruce is just incredibly capable nothing holds him back he can do anything and theres nothing stronger than him emotionally or physically vs one that relies on him having human emotions & reactions bc that's what you need to tell a story
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