#a anxious dark-haired woman in their 20s who winds up in a colourful new world against her will? hmm...
kokorolinkrun · 3 months
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Guys, I have a theory.
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123dragonage · 4 years
Angelica Cousland.
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Full Name:
Angelica Cousland
Ange, Angel, Elica, Cousland, Lady, My lady, My lady Cousland.
Variant spelling of Anglo-Saxon unisex Aglæca, meaning both "demon, monster, fiend," and "hero, warrior."
Cousland, My lady, My lady Cousland, Lady. Dìonadair fir is boireannaich - Defender of men and woman.
Pet Name: 
sònraich - Ange. Aingeal - Angel. Dìonadair - Defender.
Gender Role:
More Male than Female.
Warrior - Big Sword.
Real Age: 
Age Appearance: 
May 22.
Highever Castle.
Zodiac Sign: 
Love Interest:
Alistair Theirin.
Immediate Family: 
Bryce Cousland.
Eleanor Mac Eanraig.
Fergus Cousland
Sister in law:
Oren Cousland
Alamarri and a Fereldan.
Facial Type: 
 Eye Colour: 
 Baby blue, with a forest green ring around it.
Hair Colour:
Angelica has gained her father's ruly side of her hair, while it isn't there now because of age he previously had very curly hair. Though not black, she gained his style of hair with her thick curly waves framing her face. She had it up in a tight bun with a few curls falling in front of her face, but casually it is left down because she is comfortable with it on cool days.
Since her look has a strong dark edge to it. Angelica viewed herself as a tomboy, not a girly woman who enjoyed pink. Red has always been something she enjoyed, usually, her eyeshadow is dark underlines with some dark grey and light sliver blended in. On good occasion, her lips were painted red, bright red or darkened red depending on the festivities. If it was normal however, she painted them like her skin and made sure it was a fairly faint color of red.
Body Type: 
Fit - Strong built, but still curvy.
Her strong build fits the heavy swords so she has some muscles to her stomach and arms, her legs too.
Distinguishing Features: 
Her hair and eyes.
Stiff, lady-like.
Lavender and different types of fruit.
Alistair, in childhood. (Find out.).
Hawke - Gin.
Wardrobe examples:
F-o-r-m-a-l. O-u-t-f-i-t-s. B-a-l-l-r-o-o-m. O-u-t-f-i-t-s. F-i-g-h-t-i-n-g. O-u-t-f-i-t-s. C-a-s-u-a-l O-u-t-f-i-t-s. D-a-n-c-i-n-g. O-u-t-f-i-t-s. N-i-g-h-t w-e-a-r.
Cousland sword.
Third class sword.
Second class sword.
First class sword.
Cousland Shield.
-Anklet - from
 woman. -Hair pin - Red mist
-Oren's handmade
rose bracelet.
-Mother's wedding ring.
-Mother's handmade circlet.
-Mother's crystal comb.
-Another crystal, never worn.
-Heirloom brooch.
-Hidden circlet from her traveling days.
-The personal ring she always wore.
-Set of earrings usually hidden with her hair. On one side, the right.
-another pair of dangling earrings. The left side.
-Locket with the picture of the family in it.
Wind or earth.
Biggest Failure:
Leaving her family to tour the world before she settled down to be married. When she was young her father found her to be too free among them, but she couldn't bring herself to deny the enjoyment of life. Leaving them a note she left at the age of sixteen and came back when she was twenty-one before their deaths came around. 
Has a strong dislike for bugs, she came off as a strong woman with her choice of class. Obviously, this was something she tried to keep to herself.
-Flamenco Dancing. -Belly Dancing. -Roman Havasi. -Russian Romani Dance. -A little singing. -Playing the lute. -Jewel collecting. -Making handmade jewellery and accessories like her nephew did. -Poetry reading. -Basic cooking.
-Hand to hand chores from childhood. -Cooking, making anything basic delicous. -Giving out advise for those that need it. -Tending to children and animals. -Giving out speeches. -Acting casual and then back to her formal self. -Dancing and singing. -Playing the lute and flute. -Hidden her real feelings about things. -Acting. -Jewellery collecting. -Poetry making.
-Music, -Dancing, -Being free, -Remembering the good times she had with her family and not the bad. -Large weapons, -Singing a little, -Poetry, -Reading, -Writing poetry, -Jewels. -Hand making jewellery, -Cooking, -Meeting people, -Having a smile on during tough times. -Camping out. -Making fun of nobles. -Fencing/duelling between nobles. -Hard work.
-Anyone not willing to have some fun, or party, so very serious people are not well liked by her. -Lazy people. -Seeing how many nobles are just that in title and not noble at all. Angelica believed more commoners are nobles. -Anyone hating music, period. If you hate it she'll give out a lecture and then question how you can hate it. -Ballroom dancing, at times. -Someone making fun of her dances. -Her father being put down from his death bed or her mother. -Howe - more like despises.  -Burnt food. -Being locked in a place with walls or anything like a wall around her.  -Jewels being crushed to be sold. -Bad poetry. -Her acting not working around people.
Pet Peeves: 
-Laziness. -Being around people too serious. -Horrible poetry. -Being forced to talk about things she plans to keep hidden.
-Children being taught to fight at a very young age.
-Parents yelling at there children.
-Children abuse.
-Animal abuse.
-Girly girls complaining too much.
Angelica has always been adaptable, easygoing, and flexible by nature. She is always willing to try new things at least once in life. While she might go along with any plans there is always small doubts in her head that she will voice just in case, by then she is always prepared for change whether it is beneficial for everyone or not. Due to her carefree nature she knows how to fit herself in any group and situation. This heir is considered very sociable and she learned to enjoy parties. In the past staying home was very boring for her, Rather she would like to be out and about learning new things. Besides always have interesting things to say and can easily strike up conversations with strangers. Angelica is known as the popular girl of the group and can be a soft touch when talking to people. Learning to laugh was the best thing in the world, with a sharp wit and the possess of an extremely dry and sarcastic sense of humour; the usual jokes and quick-witted response may fly right over the heads of some. The individuals who can actually keep up with her train of thought and intelligence often find it hilarious. Being a  charmer as her mind works very fast and draws information from eclectic resources. This gives her many opportunities to deliver a quick-witted slap and ironical responses. The one thing Angelica is proud of is her funny gigs, these are often the camps entertainment or leading toward it. The group will end up depressed during there thoughtful state and stressed state of mind.  If that isn't all she is considered enthusiastic and full of life and always crave for accomplishing new and interesting things. However,
 Angelica's enthusiasm is infectious at times. She is
 always a little ahead of others, her mind is always working fast and she shares her thoughts with the people around her at the time. As a cousland she highly smart and intelligent. Not everything is horrible, at least there is always a chance of her saying interesting things. Angelica is shockingly a person who will have a book in your hand or involved in an activity which gives you information and updates her knowledge.
 She can instantaneously see the 360-degree picture of any situation before making decisions for the next move. Mostly she wins in arguments and debates.
 She considers herself the most versatile person. capable of handling multiple things at a time and excel in each. Plus multi-tasking quality helps her indulge in many things and balance between them all. After a while people learn her interest vary due to keenness and curiosity of getting knowledge and learning new things.
 However,  she gets bored easily. Angelica has proven that you don't have to be a rogue, to be a master of  manipulating things in order to make others follow your shoes. 
Angelica is often anxious and nervous during certain major events of life like moving or changing careers and marriage and unable to make the right decision. She doesn't take life seriously and act very childish at times. However, this is mostly a face. She also tends to get overly anxious about any important event of her life. Her energies are imbalanced and she keeps her stress and emotions inside of herself which makes her feel anxious.
Cousland Crest.
Major Events.
Age 0-2 (Infancy):
The Cousland family were equally happy with there son, Fergus. However every parent wants a girl and boy in there life.  On the other hand her brother also wanted to have a little sister he could protect himself. Boys, thinking that ever girl in there life is going to need someone to protect 'them'. Hardly, On the season of the blooming roses a young girl was born when both Bryce and Eleanor tried to relax on vacation in Redcliffe, it was the one place they could trust anyone in during there moments of depression. A tiny baby, was born at midnight with the loudest cry they had ever heard. Everyone just knew she was going to be a spoiled little girl when she grew into a woman - Some might say that the father was a little scared of what might come of it. Ange; Also known as Angelica was very loud, cried constantly for there attention and when she didn't get her way she cried. At times her brother would be confused over her, the emotional stress the child gave them became hard fast. However, no one could deny that her smile wasn't something they wouldn't give to miss if they didn't cheer baby Angelica up, she grew well. Stayed by her mothers side or her brother and played with Fergus and the kings son at the time.
Ages 3-9 (Childhood):
When she came to the age of around three her curiosity got the best of her a lot. Mostly in the sword fighting and gems, her mother would look at form any merchant offering his wares. Her eyes would sparkle and her mouth would be making 'Ohhh!' sounds without hiding it from her mother like any other girl would do she became rather into her mother's handmade jewels and watched her days on end.  It was possible she enjoyed pretty things, or maybe she just wondered what she was doing with them at the time - Either way she learned something that wouldn't leave her. At the age of four, she followed her father around the house and grow more attached. He did everything with her when he could. As a child, she cried whenever he had to leave her at home, and sat on his lap whenever he read to her. Then the age of five made her start her dancing and singing, randomly picking dances during the parties or fair and singing along with tunes when her mother would sing or something else. When trouble with the king brought his son around she spent time watching them fight battles, asking questions to her father from six to nine of age, so much that she promised to be just like her mother and father. The parents were both worried and touched.
Ages 10-16 (Teens):
During the age of ten, Angelica became so interested in the battles that she begged her father to teach her some basics or at least train her to get stronger to handle things. Bryce said no, repeatedly, and her mother tried to soothe her tears and annoyance over this. The issue was that she was a lady, but her mother was the battle maiden herself. Is it so bad she wanted to learn to do something she was into? Safe to say, the silent treatment and refusing to spend time with him was the key to her success when she turned eleven he gave into her hard chores for two years and Angelica was more than happy to do that. So, for a few years, she spent time with nan and did basic cooking, preparation and did any stocking for her and nan was rather evil with that cane so whenever she slacked it was fixed. Not badly or harsh in any sense, but still. Then she helped her mother with her tea parties, decorating, maid work and finally she did basic training with her brother and father with her small body that was limited. Still, getting used to it was hard for those two years. So, at the age of fourteen, she grew up enough to do her lessons of being noble and began learning fencing for her dueling lessons. She was quick and listened intensely, light swords were simple to use, however, her father noted on her lack of enthusiasm and took her to his study one day. The issue was everything she did make her zoom out. The fast dueling and mocking other nobles, she could enjoy that and all. However, she had little interest on taking it full time - That was when her father got some idea of what she could do, the next day she was taken to the training area in the courtyard when the men were fighting each other. The two spent time watching them until Angelica asked him more about the big sword; there was also sword and shield, but that seemed boring to herself as well and she preferred the most challenging one there. Against his better judgement, he taught her harder things to build up the muscle she needed to weigh or move efficiently while holding such a sword. Each day, Bryce witnessed her sweating on the field and grinning when they pushed her down to after she won a fight. She continued this until she mastered the sword at the age of sixteen.
Ages 16- 21 (Adulthood):
Sixteen of age and she formed into a good warrior, with a few extra problems along with it. Usually at this time girls are rather rebellious and she was no different from them she guessed, although. She did think it was her forming out her own path so she could grow the way she wanted. Her father refused to see her as a woman and it was driving her insane, no matter what reason he had for it. Enough was enough, right? When she had her sixteenth birthday she came to her mother and told her the trouble she was having with her father. Eleanor might seem strict, but she went through the same thing with his protective nature and jealousy, even feared her little girl would gain it due to her looks going to his family at the time. While her mother was on his side.... Or tried to be to keep the peace. Angelica knew she could get him to see her way, for the moment at least. It was the afternoon she decided to gather the family for a announcement with her mother encouraging her to speak up. Her eyes went to Fergus, he grinned and nodded his head - Along with his family who grew to stick to her during there stay with them. Right. It was just Bryce Cousland, her father. No big deal, right?  That night was one of the emotional nights she had ever had with her family, Oren, her nephew cried for her to stay and her father fumed at her for thinking of leaving. However, in her eyes they didn't need her when they had Fergus and if anything happened it would be because she was caught off guard. Her brother knew she was good at fighting and so did her father. Eventually, she got fed up and told him enough is enough, claiming she was grown into a teenager at least and should take her own time to grow, not have him hover. The room grew silent and everyone looked worried, glancing between Angelica and Bryce who stared at her with wide eyes, and finally clenched teeth and his shocked expression faded. It was close enough to saying she hated him. Though it could have been a over reaction on his part, Angelica never looked back on the day and got ready to leave. He never came to see her off with her mother, but Eleanor claimed its hard to see his little girl go.
-Her father and herself grew distant when she left.She never got the chance to say she was sorry, or even try and talk to him before finding them dead on the floor. -She has a known love for jewels and handmade things.Maybe it was just in memory of her nephew.
-Learned to smile no matter the cost. Angelica is also known to act.Even though things seem dire, she isn't going to show it unless someone brings it up.
-The Cousland worked around hard work when she was a little girl. Her father thought of her as his darling girl, which made it rather hard to join in with the hard work. However, being his favourite also made it wonderful considering her 'Puppy Dog' eyes worked wonders on him. She worked through normal chores with her Nan and was watched over rather well with her siblings. -Angelica is good with light weight swords, but she found them too easy for her and unlike her mother she followed  the path of a broad sword instead. She might be a little girl, but smashing insolent... Things appealed to her mother than anything. However, there was just something about going on a duel and humiliating a noble, considering they have more ignorance than nobility in them. -During her younger years she spent much time with her brother and the king, pulling pranks on everyone. Till this day, she couldn't give up the fun and found it as a useful cure for worries and anything else on there mind. -Camping has always been a favourite, which is why she seemed so comfortable and knowledgeable during there adventures. -Angelica is in fact girly, just a bit with her jewels collection. -In her spare time or when her mind has too many things going on, she settles for writing poetry. -Rivain was a place of dance and music, party, she found it enjoyable to go there when she was a younger girl. It learned her to always smile to make the difficulty ease off a little, the dancing was so rich and new she learned it until she had perfection of it. Her father disapproved of the place due to there non-serious way of living, which ended there relationship since she left anyway. -Nan and her mother dragged her to cook when she was just a little girl. During that time she learned the basics of cooking, but fell into her fighting and other chores so she never tried cooking for everyone. Some things just stick to you. -The flute was more known with the city elves at home, she learned that from them and found herself playing it when she can't sleep. The lute on the other hand, was taught to her by a woman in Rivain. -She adores birds; her Hawke was given to her by the same Rivain woman. Gin is very protective and tends to attack others nearby for fun. On the other hand it likes Morrigan more than Alistair.
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