avisadventures · 4 years
Kat's journal
Started off in the fighting pits and got 250 gold pieces out of it. Super stoked but now to bed, work comes early and cases are not going to detect themselves.
Case # pdooo963, the case of the stomped crops
Rp reported crops we're being tramples for the past 2 weeks in the middle of the night after rp went to bed. Made contact with rp, have the above info. Also has a wife, son and daughter in house. Rp gave 4 suspects to look Into.
Went to suspect #1 durlan who drinks all night long at the troll Slayer tavern beats his son. Motive could be his cows we're let out to pasture on rps land by his son, as a result his pigs we're given to rp. Also as a side note he was naked when I woke him and has a rather nice 8 inch 🍆. (I'll be hoping on that soon).
Suspect #2 kendall who was described as the RP rival in the olive growing business, was as it turns out a super decent guy who was away at magic city for the past 3 months. (Very pretty man)
Suspect#3 the brother castian, who hates his brother, had a strong motive due to his brother being left the family farm in a will after parents passed. Wife came home on something. She pulled a bag of white powder out of her bag, after testing at the police station it was booster (legal). She said her hubs snuck out at night a few times. Hmmmmm.
Suspect #4 was a former friend and romantic rival, who lost heto the RP. He holds no grudges and is in love with his wife, owner of the troll Slayer tavern, vouched for suspect #1.
A search of the farm gave up some spell residue around some crops and the scarecrow. Gave the residue to the station for further analysis. Stayed at the farm for a good old fashioned stakeout. At 2 am we were alerted to glowing red eyes and a moving scarecrow that was destroying the crops. Ren out to the scarecrow and after a bit of a battle the scarecrow was dead, with nothing found on the body but more of the same residue. A further search of the property wielded a mostly burnt book of erume'rauko. We then took the book to the arcane shop, mages 4 ages to see if we could get any info on the book. The book was full of animation spells and not something usually seen. The shopkeep remembered a young woman asking for ingredients that upon thinking about could have been used in a spell from the book. The shopkeep said the casters range was only about 60 feet. So with this info we went back to rps farm to talk to his daughter, she confessed to using the spell to help the crops grow bigger and better but something went wrong. (Mistake). The punisment for the crime of destroying crops is for the guilty party to be burned. My partner and I explained to the father what happened and what consequences she could face, he still wanted her to be arrested. Took her to the precinct, while my partner tried to get her out of this, first with the captain then going to the church. Time will tell if this little girl has to be burned for a mistake. *Case solved and closed* 
After work was done I went to the troll Slayer tavern and the owner have me 2 bottles of Elvin wine for free, I saw durlan (one of my suspects) and invited him for a drink and some fun in a room, we spent the night together. 🍆💦🍑
New day new case # h000030 the case of the murderous neighbor. Report of a neighbor seen murdering dog and parents.
Made contact with rp, little girl said a neighbor names Rio with some distinct star tattoos on his face murdered her dog, then murdered her parents with a 🔪. Parents were stabbed 58 times. My partner and I followed some bloody footprints to the neighbors house (prolly Rios house). I locked in the door as there was no answer, saw more blood on the floor and a bloody knife with 2 knives missing from the knife block. Followed more bloody foot prints to another neighbor and found another deceased woman with about 58 stab wounds on the floor, while investigating this one, we heard a scream and ran to the next house where a male subject was stabbing a female. My partner tackled him while I cuffed him (may have broken his wrist) the male suspect was identified as Rio by the star tattoos on his cheeks, his eyes were red and he was frothing at the mouth. Something was glowing under his shirt, as I removed his shirt I saw some sort of bug that looked like it was biting into his spinal cord. We rushed him to an apothacary called the boils and bubbles for help in removing said bug. We were able to get the bug removed but the perpetrator unfortunately died as a result of the bug pulling out some of his spinal cord. the bug was magically sealed into a jar and given to the guys at the lab for further analysis. (Side not to keep an eye on partner as her belife in the church seems a bit sketchy)
*Case solved and closed*
It was still early enough in the day to get to another case. The case of the missing husband, case #mp012985.
Rp reported her husband has been missing 4 days now, said he's a POS and never tells her where he is. This is not the first time he has gone missing. Rp was busy with business partner at her flower shop at time of disappearance, wife is not a suspect as of yet.
Searched husband's ledger and it looks like was in some major debt with several businesses, even borrowed from the church and not really Keen on paying the back. Went to the church and learned he was in about $5000 of debt. Mentioned Agatha's at the church and learned of that to be a brothel. (Well well well) headed to the brothel and was able to locate the missing husband, who came to speak to us wearing only a pair of shoes. (Side note, he's got a micro 🍆 only 3 inches, his poor wife and these poor girls). Explained his wife filed a missing persons case on him, he was upset and see yelling took place, we informed him to check in with his wife as things like this are not a police matter. We left it at that.
*Case solved and closed* 
What a long day, I went back to the troll Slayer tavern and found darlan there, we went up to our room for the night. 
Leveled up, woot woot.
0 notes
avisadventures · 5 years
Entry 001
These last two days have been so wild! 
We are the ONLY female in the 15th precinct, found that out when we went for our first day! I also meet my coworkers, and one is rather quite her name is Zaylinn. I don't have a lot to say about her because I don't really know much. Then there's Kat face! she is quite literally catty, but shes a really good detective!
We solves two cases in two days! I don't know if anyone's keeping score but I think that's really cool. On our first day we were sent to help an old lady named vestell, i think that's how you spell it, but she was complaining of rats in her attic, claiming they were eating her birds. Poor old woman has dementia we learned. We asked her a few questions and wound up in the attic, where there was a mirror. The mirror showed things that weren't there in real life! that was wild!
One time I read this book about a mirror that was actually a portal to another universe. The woman goes through it and finds things are complete opposite to her life. Moral of the story is your life isn't perfect but its better than the other possibilities. Oh sorry i got a little distracted there.
Anyway Kat face stuck her hand through the mirror and pulled on a torch, this lead us down a rabbit hole of labyrinths and puzzles. I remember there was one room in particular was weird, it was the first room after we went into the mirror. There Were three guys trying to break into a stone door? so we of course arrested them, or tried too. One got away but we got the other two! 
There was the wall, a painting, and a desk. There were scribbles on the door and letters behind the painting, and in the desk. After what felt like forever we decoded the message,
"Create that which is so fragile, to utter its name would break"
Well of course we were talking about what it could be, and the room didn't fall quite for a long time. Well after we shut our traps, the freaking door opened. all this time spent talking and all we were meant to do was shut up.
We walked passed four ghost playing cards,literally giving them no attention. We wound up in a room that had a cage with a truck in it. We suck at lockpicking! we got it open and it was a bag of dust, me being me i knew it was a dust meant for dehydration.
Vestelle told us her husband ernest would be home soon, and that the labrythins were him. I clarified her husband was alive and she said yes of course. Well hes not. he was the ghosts upstairs, and when kat face called his name he formed into one being and answered our yes or no questions; leading us to his diary.
We found out he made the dust to dehydrate food for him and his wife, so that way when they traveled the world they could save space. Pretty cute. Well our little friend ernest eventually sold out and sold the dust, it ended up with some evil doers and he felt so guilty he took his own life.
His wife has no idea, poor thing.
He was also sitting up there the guard the dust, and kat face assured him we had it and it was safe. She also reprimanded him for not spending time with her.
I then went and found a church, said a little prayer for them and went to bed.
The following day we had a good case too! a young elf, def under 100 told us her father was out of town, and a giant squashed everything in their back garden. SHe also mentioned there was beef with the neighbor and man oh man he is not pleasant!
He was nasty, but in the end was a dead end so we left him. I personally though he did the whole time.
The footprints outside were small and not ogre ish tho, after following them we found a pair of shoes. Kat face lead us back to magic shop where the nice man who owned the place identified none other than annallee, the young elf girl.
After Kat face intimidated her we learned, her father is actually he husband and he was a not so good guy. SO she killed him and tried using an ogre as a scapegoat.
Cool motive, still murder.
So we took her in, and that's where were at.
I'm not sure what possessed me to start keeping a diary but I really like it and I think I might just do this from now on,
Love forever and always Annie xoxo
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