#You are not immune to propaganda and neither am I. Nobody is
elipri · 7 months
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If I told yall that this is one of my favorite scenes in the whole series, would you believe me? As much as I love damianya, what REALLY makes SxF stand out to me is the political nuance and care that Endo puts into his work.
This scene in particular has stuck out to me because I know it could very well apply to me as well. If I was told that the guy getting punched was a nazi, I'd have the same "positive" reaction, even though there's no verifiable evidence for that. And I think it's important to acknowledge that, because propaganda exists to rob us from our very human feeling of empathy. It is a vile weapon in order to dehumanize and justify unspeakable acts of violence. All I ask is to please not fall for it and to be on the side of the civilians, no matter what.
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Because it's a slippery slope otherwise.
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didanawisgi · 4 years
“The following is Sharyl Attkisson's complete response to questions posed by The Washington Post's Paul Farhi as prompted by a Media Matters propaganda blog. Please excuse our typos.
Farhi: Hello, Sharyl...I'm writing a story about Sinclair's coverage and commentary about the coronavirus and would like to talk to you about what you've been reporting on your show. I'm specifically interested in your thoughts about hydroxychloroquine, especially given your many years of skepticism about vaccines. Would you have a few minutes to spell out your thinking about this? I would appreciate it. Many thanks...Paul Farhi, Washington Post.
Attkisson: Hi Paul. Yes but if you are copying Media Matters, please take a look at my stories they reference and then we can talk! (Also, with respect, I do not have "many years of skepticism" about vaccines. I have reported on vaccine safety as I have reported on tire safety, charity fraud, etc. For example, I am not skeptical of tires just because I uncovered news about the Ford/Firestone rollover. But it is true that Media Matters and pharmaceutical interests have portrayed it that way and many have parroted that narrative. (that I am anti-vaccine etc) which is entirely false.
Read Attkisson's medical and vaccine reporting here.
Farhi: Fair enough. How *would* you prefer to be described, relative your vaccine reporting? Maybe: “SA has reported critically about vaccines,” or “who has raised doubts about the safety of vaccines,” or what?
Attkisson: Thank you for asking. I have reported on vaccines safety issues. My vaccine reporting has been cited as a reference in the New England Journal of Medicine and has been part of a group of medical stories receiving a finalist award from Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE). I'm fully vaccinated, and then some, as is my daughter. The "anti=vaccine" name... narrative... is the thinnest of narratives yet successful and widely accepted among some... As you may know, Media Matters and its interests are a major driver of all of that. Wonder why. 😉
Farhi: So, the most neutral way into this is, “Sharyl Attkisson has reported extensively on vaccine-safety issues...” Except that suggests there ARE safety issues, especially (in terms of your reporting) the connections between vaccines and autism—which most in the medical establishment reject. Wouldn’t that kind of shorthand be defaulting to a skeptical position, one that is widely rejected by experts?
Attkisson: Well first, there is no dispute that there are vaccine safety issues; there is an entire court and compensation fund set up that has paid out billions of dollars to vaccine patients/victims... that's not the dispute. It doesn't mean all vaccines are dangerous (any more than all medicine is dangerous or safe). I certainly haven't suggested any such thing. Ever. And I think it's hard to accurately call me a vaccine skeptic having been fully vaccinated with a fully vaccinated child. And many stories I've reported are on the opposite side of a group. Firestone, Ford and NHTSA said the tires were safe. The govt. and many others insisted guns were never walked. That's how truth is often ultimately revealed or new facts come to light. As they have. What is your professional view of the govt.'s top pro-vaccine expert in court, a world renowned pediatric neurologist, who told DOJ that vaccines can and do cause autism in rare cases, after all? Newsworthy? Especially when he says (in a sworn affidavit) that DOJ misrepresented and covered up his findings? And names names? Whether you believe him or not, it's hard to argue that's not noteworthy. I wonder why so few reported that. Why shouldn't people hear his scientific views along with the other ones so widely pushed on them by so many interests? Also, do you think it's noteworthy that CDC's top immunization official acknowledges that certain conditions in children may make them susceptible to autism, and that a that should be investigated? (only the govt won't fund such studies for some reason). Also CDC's top immunization official acknowledges that's apparently what happened (vaccines triggered autism in a child with predisposition) in one landmark court case years ago... that the govt. secretly paid and had sealed so nobody else would know-- only it leaked out. Newsworthy? I think so.
Farhi: Well, I’m not looking for an argument; I’m looking for a description!
Attkisson: I'm not trying to argue. But people who make statements and cover this stuff often lack basic knowledge, they rely on what media matters and others have put out there without knowing the fundamental facts themselves so it's a difficult starting point. So the fairest thing might be to say the false defamatory things that critics say, you know, I'm anti-vaccine etc, but least least balance it with something about none of my stories ever being corrected or retracted, being cited in NEJM, finalist award, and if you get into vaccines and autism (interesting how it keeps coming back to that even when it has nothing to do with that)... that there certainly are many scientific experts and authorities who do not consider that a closed case. Including CDC head of immunization DeStefano and the govt's own one time pro vaccine expert who says vaccines can cause autism, after all. Or just leave it out. 😉 You might also recognize that I have covered many medical stories but mostly from safety/corruption/coverup etc rather than as a medical reporter, and broken news-- that was against the grain. Such as the diabetes drug rezulin that eventually got pulled from the market. I believe I was the first report who broke the story of Viagra's link to blindness which of course was soundly denied by most every medical authority initially. I reported on cholesterol drugs (statin) side effects that the experts and drugmakers denied but not appear as warnings on the label. now appear as warnings on the label.... I reported on ephedra before it was taken from the market. My track record is reporting accurately and responsibly on many medical safety issues.
Farhi: I want to contrast your vaccine reporting with your programs (yes, highlighted by Media Matters) on hydroxychloroquine. Again, not looking for an argument , just a way to fairly and accurately describe your approach. Whatever anyone thinks of HCQ, the science on it is far from settled. The fact is, we don’t really know if its reliable, safe or effective. You did two programs that, on balance, were favorable toward it. Given your reporting on vaccines—which are *overwhelmingly* safe—how do you square your relatively positive attitude toward a drug that people a lot smarter than both of us aren’t certain about? Further: Did Trump’s promotion of HCQ affect your approach? If so, how?
Attkisson: First of all, your premise that vaccines are overwhelmingly safe, shows (with respect) lack of understanding. That's like saying "medicine is safe." Certainly because one medicine is dangerous for some isn't an argument for stopping all medicine, nor does it make one anti-medicine. This is not in dispute: some vaccines are safer than others. Some are more effective than others. Some are considered more necessary than others.Some work well in some people but are harmful to others. You are implying, perhaps unintentionally, that there is an all or nothing proposition: one must say vaccines are overwhelmingly safe therefore do not look into any safety issues? Or if you do, then you are anti-vaccine? Tires are overwhelmingly safe, but dangerous or faulty tires should not be sold. It seems pretty simple. But when the narratives and interests enter the picture it becomes distorted. I deny being anti-car or anti-tire. This statement you made makes you, in the eyes of MM and the likes, a science denier: "Whatever anyone thinks of HCQ, the science on it is far from settled. The fact is, we don’t really know if its reliable, safe or effective." I agree with your statement and have not reported to the contrary. I have reported various scientific views and tried to report those which in today's narrative driven environment, come from credible sources but are not widely reported (or are actually avoided) by other media in their one-sided stories where they claim or imply (unlike your position) that the science is settled because hydroxycholorquine (they say) kills you. Whether it's this topic or any other, I am against the notion that we in the news should "censor" information that is in dispute or as yet unknowable, no matter how many people pretend or claim to know it... or how many don't want the information reported. Did you read my stories BTW? You are implying I said the science was settled and we shoudl all take hydroxycholorquine...?
Watch and read Attkisson's "Full Measure" cover story on hydroxycholorquine.
Farhi: Unfortunately, Sharyl, I cant really get into a debate with you on this because 1) You know more than I do about this topic. 2. I have neither the time nor space to play out the subtleties. So...I will settle for being as fair and as accurate as I can be in the three or four paragraphs I’m going to devote to this part of the story. So, back to my question: How should I describe your reporting on vaccines? And how should I describe your recent reporting about HCQ? You have the floor...
Attkisson: I'm still not sure what one has to do with the other except that the pharma interests always want to link vaccine stuff to anything they can controversialize. But bear with me for one more moment and then I'll try to succinctly answer. I'm pointing out that my article did not take the position you seem to be representing... so here are a few points I said: "Two divergent views of the drug, hydroxychloroquine, have emerged: the negative one widely reported in the press and another side you’ve probably heard less about." "Camps largely divided along political lines. Many right-leaning media figures sided with hydroxychloroquine while the left-leaning press backed remdesivir. Each accusing the other of ignoring real science." "On May 1, the FDA seemed to give remdesivir the edge, allowing emergency use for severely ill coronavirus patients at the same time, stepping up cautions against hydroxychloroquine and its sister drug saying they should only be taken in the hospital or as part of a formal study due to reports of “serious heart rhythm problems.” Dr. O’Neill is now leading a study to find out if hydroxychloroquine can serve a critical role as a medicine to prevent coronavirus. But he says the bad press is making it difficult." Question I asked in the piece: "How do you account for the difference in medical and scientific opinion about this drug? Because some people seem so certain that it can be a positive benefit to coronavirus patients, maybe even crucial in the early days, whereas some people are convinced it should absolutely not be used." And finally... "In the end, politics and money aside, at least some scientists aren’t ready to count hydroxychloroquine out of the coronavirus equation. Even if others already have. Sharyl: Is it possible that it's not one or the other— that hydroxychloroquine could be used in a certain setting, maybe for preventive if you find out that works, and the other drug could be used in other settings? Dr. O’Neill: No, Absolutely. I think, I think that it's just still very early in this disease process that we're going to learn lot. There's 600 studies that are being done in the United States right now on Covid to see all sorts of different kinds of infections and combinations. We're going to be a lot smarter at the end of the summer. So I think what I would just say to everybody, just hold your powder." That's hardly some kind of one-sided personal endorsement saying I know the end game. Quite the opposite. Please let me know when you've read the whole story, and I will work on a short response. http://fullmeasure.news/news/cover-story/hydroxychloroquine
Farhi: I’ve read the whole story. Please give me a short response.
Attkisson: Considering all the background I've provided, please be fair. As always, I strive to report on underreported topics and views being censored or ignored by much of the media, allowing viewers to have information and make up their own minds. My reporting on vaccine safety issues has been off the narrative of Media Matters and pharmaceutical interests (but I repeat myself…); yet represents views of credible government and scientific experts. It has been factual, fair and cited by a medical authority in the New England Journal of Medicine. My recent reporting on hydroxycholoroquine has also been factual and fair. It is only controversial in the annals of the Media Matters and pharmaceutical interests (and their disciples), but not from a journalistic or factual standpoint. As I reported, there are two divergent views of this medicine that have tended to fall along political lines, and the jury is still out. This is in contrast to the widespread reports that stated or implied the scientific case on hydroxycholoroquine as a potential treatment or preventive measure had been closed, even as mutliple studies on it— including by the government— were actively underway. Ironically, powerful interests are able to successfully direct media attention so that the scrutiny falls on the accurate reporting rather than the many false and misleading reports. The simple version of the takeaway in my report from well respected experts is, as my story stated: “politics and money aside, at least some scientists aren’t ready to count hydroxychloroquine out of the coronavirus equation. Even if others already have.” The idea that certain interests are working so hard to censor this information should be a red flag that leads all of us to ask why.
Farhi: Yep. Got it. Thanks.”
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astralworld-blog1 · 7 years
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Donald Marshall stay up with me a little tonight my friends if you can. Carey Yost Breaking: Carey Yost's photo. Lill Fragill Castle up up up im always tryin to stay up Donald Marshall who's around tonight? Donald Marshall I have so much to tell you all... but I dont like the diluting... Donald Marshall however Lill Fragill Castle here here ,im in luck it seems Carey Yost www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnyB0a8G71Y LOUIS JORDAN - AIN'T NOBODY HERE BUT US CHICKENS- 1956 Rock'n'Roll remake of his 40's swing hit! www.mixcloud.com/woodybraun/woo... See more Donald Marshall same as when I skipped phase 2 info to jump to phase 3 info to tell about vrill and hosts... in case i'd died during phase 2 and didnt get to vrill... and hosts... Donald Marshall I feel the same kinda way now... Donald Marshall I have to tell you about draconians and more about nephelim... Donald Marshall just in case... so you have the real motives and perceptions and agenda of these things... Cindy Collins i'm here too, goin ta work... Donald Marshall understand. it is hard to talk about ok? Donald Marshall I'm no coward... i thought i was immune to the fear of seeing a new deadly thing or gene spliced monstrosity. Lill Fragill Castle cool you are good at all the motives and how they piece together Donald Marshall I was wrong. Donald Marshall please know I'm not stringing you along with tidbits... I gain nothing from that... Lill Fragill Castle take your time brother Donald Marshall info is free from me. Donald Marshall as it should be and will be always. Donald Marshall theyve told me lies and propaganda... it was so obvious I didn't bother to mention it. Donald Marshall i exclude much of the trivial talk and happenings... they WANT me to say the retarded things they've done and do... or they did before... Donald Marshall it bothers them when I dont mention the next day how this person or that bothered me... Donald Marshall long story... Donald Marshall I'll tell you all I know about Draconians which is limited... Donald Marshall this will sound absurd but... Donald Marshall the illuminati bounced time back... a day or more... I already did this... so did you... Donald Marshall this thread. Lill Fragill Castle absurd is what it has to be to be believable for me i know this place is whacked Donald Marshall altered now in the timeline... Lill Fragill Castle... no shit? Donald Marshall something happened that they didnt want to happen and they did the "groundhog day" effect with the hadron/proton collider... Donald Marshall maybe 1 day maybe more Donald Marshall depends upon when the collider made the last slam. Donald Marshall they have the option of doing a reset... its project pegasus... Donald Marshall back to that slam... Donald Marshall buuuut they can only do it like 7 times because 8 9 and 10 times in a row chance black holes appearing in the earth... Donald Marshall seriously Donald Marshall it is wild tech. Lill Fragill Castle i once dialed 911 and said "this sounds crazy but can someone get me back to 1979 Donald Marshall i had to do my original letter like 5 or 7 times... it was bad... Lill Fragill Castle i was having a slight psycho episode but was completely serious Donald Marshall an ordeal Lill Fragill Castle i read all of it Donald Marshall I went through it to save all you people not in the know. Donald Marshall don't allow me to have done that for nothing. Donald Marshall it was a lot of pain. Donald Marshall most crack... I didnt... had to warn the world... save others... Donald Marshall I thought they could do the groundhog day effect indefinetely... Donald Marshall I just kept going back and writing it out the next day again like stubborn and determined. Syro De-j Good evening my friend, good to see you. Donald Marshall learned they cant do pegasus over n over,... Lill Fragill Castle i know it was hell ...we hAVE to keep it from becoming megadeath for the masses Donald Marshall 5th or 7th time they had to let my letter get finished and sent everywhere... Carey Yost Is it possible we are in for another rewind Donald? Donald Marshall yes Donald Marshall they dont like it when I talk about the time bouncy back thing Carey Yost If I were a stoner I'd light up and say "woah.. trippy" Donald Marshall its one of their fave techs and they reeeaaally didnt want me to tell people about it. Donald Marshall \they wanted to keep it active as a catastrophe eraser... Donald Marshall like in event of big trouble... slam each week and if like a nuke happened,... go back and prevent it from happening. Carey Yost (I used my own bounce back to correct spelling just now) Donald Marshall but then there would be major problems. Lill Fragill Castle that aint a terrible use for it but that isnt where it ends is it? Donald Marshall someones mom would die in a car accident... they'd want time bounced back to the last proton slam to prevent the accident by not letting her leave the house that day Donald Marshall everyone would want to do that for accidents and big death tolls and wars n such. Donald Marshall the tech is being abused as nefariously as they can now... Donald Marshall they are so incredibly cruel... Lill Fragill Castle what are they tryin to do Donald Marshall you'd have to see it to understand my friends... Donald Marshall many things. Laurence Mountford soo. what did I say when we did this before, if you remeber. also hello. ust woke up. wow its actually morning time here for me Donald Marshall laurenceeeee Laurence Mountford Donnn Donald Marshall theres probs with rats n dracs. Laurence Mountford Um with Ya budddy Donald Marshall things are pissed Donald Marshall then apologetic to me with tears. Donald Marshall alien tears?!?!?! Laurence Mountford eww Laurence Mountford theyre really scared huh Donald Marshall noooo... nephelim are trying to show off and compliment me... Donald Marshall draconians are doing the same Donald Marshall they hate each other... Donald Marshall shits weirder than ever Carey Yost they're hams? Lill Fragill Castle were the damn hams Donald Marshall i said i hate em both and wheres the fuckin AK!?!? Donald Marshall nephelim and draconians dont get the chance to talk there much... because... Laurence Mountford so we have anywhere up to like 5 races and perhaps beyond running about underground warring? Donald Marshall merely the sight of them takes years off peoples lives just looking at them as rem clones temporarily... Laurence Mountford earth is not as separate as we'd think Donald Marshall not warring yet Donald Marshall minor scuffles here n there... Donald Marshall they want me to choose a side... I said neither... I'm human Laurence Mountford well they must have warred in past thats what im saying. and now its all an uneasy alliance... Donald Marshall pro human... Donald Marshall they said I'm savior... Laurence Mountford fkin aliens man... Donald Marshall they said I'm their savior too?!?!?!?!?1 Donald Marshall no laurence.... theyre mad that I dont care about them Trautmann Martin how is that possible ? Donald Marshall their survival... Laurence Mountford They were all already here. ahh thats ust cause youre an opportunity for them to potentially use to escape judgement Donald Marshall they said they always thought since i was a kid that I'd find a way... Donald Marshall there is no way Trautmann Martin false Donald Marshall they kill humans sometimes on impulse.... Donald Marshall they want to peacefully co-exist with humans... Donald Marshall but they eat humans... Laurence Mountford so did you to a couple of them Trautmann Martin thats the way Donald Marshall they said they'd give that up but I just dont trust em. Laurence Mountford good Donald Marshall theyre acting nice Lill Fragill Castle if they have no thumbs they arent behind the LHC thats people Donald Marshall theyre NOT NICE Trautmann Martin let them perform a ritual or something like that, that they have to stop Donald Marshall IT IS A DECEPTION AND ALWAYS WILL BE!!! Carey Yost Is it feasible to avoid a compromise? Carey Yost oh Donald Marshall if there were good aliens they are dead now... Trautmann Martin that .. if they do it again there will be no forgivness Donald Marshall I offered isolation and quarantine underground. Trautmann Martin are we not some good aliens in thier eyes ? Donald Marshall they accepted but they want humans to give them STUFF REGULARLY!!1 Donald Marshall and they have humans down there... Laurence Mountford what stuff? Carey Yost game shows! Laurence Mountford what trapped? prisoners? Lill Fragill Castle hostages? Donald Marshall whiCH i actually demand be released even if theyre permanently retarded or something by now... Laurence Mountford playthings... Donald Marshall they have people down there yes... Carey Yost mac books Donald Marshall I will not leave them there... Donald Marshall I can't plug the holes and leave humans down there... Trautmann Martin good man.. Donald Marshall aliens got a breeding program down there... body farm... can't have that... Trautmann Martin why we can't use dem? Trautmann Martin ...those beings? like they use us ? Donald Marshall for some unknown reason... I have some authority with them... Donald Marshall I AM NOT DOWN WITH THEM... Lill Fragill Castle war is to be won...difficult times Donald Marshall oh mannnn Donald Marshall no war Felicitas Feigl their existence needs to become visible for everyone, they can not continue to stay in the dark and humanity not knowing about them Donald Marshall they will surrender Donald Marshall they have to stay in the dark... sun blinds em. Lill Fragill Castle ok even better Trautmann Martin ya thats why u could set up some limitations for dem Donald Marshall theyre all built for underground. Donald Marshall theyd have to be seen and known about... Felicitas Feigl meaning that people know about them, what they have done etc. their influence on humanity... Laurence Mountford ust shine light into holes Donald Marshall on tv and like real tv no greenscreen stuff. Laurence Mountford not even a need to plug them Donald Marshall examine some dead ones. Donald Marshall people will know they are real... Laurence Mountford put sentries there. they can learn by dying too much Donald Marshall no fake pluggin holes n never see them... Donald Marshall people will question that and i'm not wanting to be doubted... Donald Marshall so gonna have to see some ugly things... theyre gonna talk... people are gonna have heart attacks all over the world. Donald Marshall just to see the horrifying things on tv and be shown their bodily functions... Lill Fragill Castle wow man ,when? Donald Marshall like parasitical takeover... Donald Marshall thats gonna make people some mad......... Carey Yost maybe accompanied with soothing music.. Donald Marshall I really dont know how I lil old me is going to keep a bunch of people calm after that... Trautmann Martin herbs Donald Marshall nope no soothing music. Donald Marshall that is a psychological ploy and i will never ever do that Carey Yost Seen Trautmann Donald Marshall people would recognize that and have doubt in me... Donald Marshall think I was being like politically deceptive. Donald Marshall Know what I mean Carey? Carey Yost Yeah you've thought this out. Impressive Carey Yost Do we have a time table? Trautmann Martin In the End we all are one.. we have to find a solution that is good for everybody. Lill Fragill Castle i dont want war but arent we in one (someone is killing me ,my friends and our planet,if not rats and dracs then its traitor humans Carey Yost Donald do you get any recall from bounce backs? Donald Marshall its close Donald Marshall good question carey Donald Marshall hmmm sec Donald Marshall first time they bounce back, if you have a chip you get STRONG deja vu of everything all day... Donald Marshall second time you know half of whats gonna happen all day Donald Marshall third time you know the whole days events. Donald Marshall much to it. Donald Marshall they did it as a joke to me for 6 days. Donald Marshall like the movie groundhog day. Donald Marshall I was scared yes... thought I was stuck in a star trek time loop thing... Donald Marshall then I decided to mess with my friends... because of course... you know whats gonna happen alllll day and yer hanging with them that day... you can tell them whats gonna happen... Donald Marshall I did it too well... Donald Marshall i'll tell you this story... Donald Marshall it is trivial and not necessary but... Carey Yost favorite kind Donald Marshall I lost this friend of 10 years... that I hung with every or every second day... we were tight. Donald Marshall but I scared him to death. Donald Marshall by accident. Donald Marshall ok... Donald Marshall his name was Darrell... real nice guy... I pick my friends wisely, that are normal and have personality traits that wont clash with mine. Donald Marshall i made small groups of like minded friends... it was fun... no nonsense or infighting for dominance... Donald Marshall u kmow what I mean... Donald Marshall ANYWAY Donald Marshall wake on the first day... played halo the video game with darrell... Donald Marshall this is good... read this... it was freaky as fuck... Donald Marshall and I swear to God it is true Donald Marshall upon my word of honor... which even though I broke ratting on the illuminati and bodysnatching aliens... I dont think that counts and I do consider my word intact and unblemished still. Donald Marshall some japanese dont agree they say its a strict thing... Donald Marshall I dont think the rest of japan or the world will agree in this situation... Donald Marshall ANYWAY Carey Yost lol Donald Marshall Darrells girlfriend calls him on his cellphone... she has a flat tire at a coffee shop down the road... needs us... Donald Marshall we go... have a certain conversation about stuff Donald Marshall on the way there... well we arrive... he inspects... he does automechanics... well he was mad Donald Marshall she must have ridden up on the curb he said... there was a chunk out of the very edge of the rim. Donald Marshall exaaactly the size of my baby finger... Donald Marshall to the first knuchle... lil inner ding. Donald Marshall he had to do some welding... Donald Marshall OK whiiile standing there passing him tire tools... and the spare.... a car pulled up... and from the passenger side a little girl stared at me... Donald Marshall and it was close up i was on the grass next to the curb... Donald Marshall ok... the light at the intersection was red... Donald Marshall this kid stared at me like I was a monster... which is weird in itself becfause kids usually like me... Donald Marshall ok they drive off... darrell is pissed about the rim... we take her home, we go do odd jobs, rest of the day... then end of day, we played the 2 player game Halo 3 again... then went to crash... night night right? Donald Marshall no... Donald Marshall Illuminati had just given me most of my clone memories... I was in the hospital with heart traouble just before this... Star Moncada Morning all nighters Donald Marshall so that night... they activate a clone of me... I hadnt said anything on the internet at all... I think I said ALLS WELL THAT ENDS WELL years ago... on fb here way back Donald Marshall wellll... they activate a clone of me that night and say you will join us or we will leave you in a seperate time loop and forget about you... for you it will always be wednesday... Donald Marshall I said I'm not joinin fuck you... nazi scum.... Donald Marshall well they tortured the shit out of me badly... worse and longer than usual... because the time bounce would be less damage on my real heart Donald Marshall WELL HAHAHAHA Donald Marshall next day wake up,... play some halo with Darrell... HEY... i thought we already finished this level and the next??? Donald Marshall we did Donald Marshall so I'm getting hard deja vu all through it Donald Marshall like constant... Donald Marshall his girlfriend calls... i remembered... I said Darrell if she tells you that she has a flat tire... something fucked up is going on... Donald Marshall well he gets on the phone... looks at me and then thinks we are tryin to PUNK him... like pull a prank on him!!! Donald Marshall because she |HAD A FLAT!!!! Donald Marshall well... we went... he's thinking he's the brunt of a joke the whole time... Donald Marshall he's asking what the hell me and her are trying... no surprise birthday party... what could it be Donald Marshall get there flat... dent in rim of rim... exactly the size of the tip of my pinky... Donald Marshall then I remembered the kid Donald Marshall OMG!!! the kid rolledup and stared at me AGAIN for like 30 seconds!!! Donald Marshall so now i'm freaking out... Donald Marshall he's asking me to pass him the tire iron and I'mstaring off into space... Donald Marshall well... Donald Marshall now he thinks we got her to get a flat on purpose for some joke or to inconvenience him Donald Marshall ok... then he logically thinks about it... was mad at me too... Donald Marshall then thinks something weird is going on... Donald Marshall I'm not remembering everything though... on this second run through this day... Donald Marshall well he's freaked out... doesnt know what to make of it so we didnt talk much... did odd jobsrest of the day and played the Halo game 2 player that night... nighty night again right? Donald Marshall nope. Donald Marshall well... the third day... Donald Marshall I remembered it all as soon as I woke up. Donald Marshall oh clone activation that night was just the same as the previous one... join us or stuck in time loop... u know... neverrrrr and stab stab stab stab... Donald Marshall i got out of bed and hoped against hope he wasnt going to be sitting at the coffee table eating cheerios with milk in the bowl... Donald Marshall peeked around the corner kinda apprehensive... YUP! Donald Marshall SAME! Donald Marshall so now i'm freakin out,... he wants to play Halo... Donald Marshall the videogame... same as last 2 times... Donald Marshall then I thought he was in on it... maybe a host i dunno... Donald Marshall but he wasnt... he didn't remember ANYTHING!!!!! Donald Marshall well with how mad he was... I wanted to mess him up because he was doing the same stuff... so... at the end of one level before he'd gone to the kitchen to get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Donald Marshall as we beat the level... with me givin him hints because id played these levels a couple times now... supposedly never played them.... I said LOL Donald Marshall YOu darrell are now going to go and make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and tell me to wait. Donald Marshall he looked at me really funny... Donald Marshall kinda like when I said about the flat tire call... Donald Marshall and he said no.... I'm gonna go get a can of coke though... Donald Marshall and he did that instead... just to prove me wrong or somethingHAHAHAHHAHA Donald Marshall ok ok Donald Marshall he was weirded by that though... Donald Marshall he cant explain that... Donald Marshall anyway.... I said Darrell man... theres something fucked up going on... and at around 11 am your girlfriend is going to call with a flat tire that she just got... and there is going to be a ding in the edge of the rim exactly the size of my pinky finger... Donald Marshall it was like 9:30 Donald Marshall am Donald Marshall so... he was blank faced... didnt talk while we played the game... like the previous 2 days... Donald Marshall I think he was dreading the call... Donald Marshall he jumped and looked at me... it was like 10:45am Donald Marshall he answered it talked to her and looked at me like I wasn't a human being... Donald Marshall i dont know how to explain it... Donald Marshall anyway, I said don't worry i'll tell you all about it... your in no danger... Donald Marshall he's like yaya lets go get her and change the tire... Donald Marshall told him on the way there... I wouldnt trick ya or anything make ya look dumb... theres just something weird going on, you know me... trust me I'll tell you whats goin on no worries... Donald Marshall he was worse when he saw the rim... Donald Marshall looked at me... didnt think I was tricking him anymore and looked a little scared... actually worked on the tire change faster... ANYWAY!!! Donald Marshall i said DARRELL!!! I gotta tell ya somethin mega important... in like 20 seconds this creepy kid is gonna pull up n stare at me for the full duration of the red light... watch just watch my friend please... i kinda need your help. Donald Marshall well it was like the third car after I'd said that and same thing happened,... i was so confident, i turned my back to the kid and smiled at Darrell... I didnt have to tell him to look he did.... kid shoulda changed her view to him... he was close to me and staring at her... nope she stared at me... Donald Marshall well... now he's weird mad. Donald Marshall now he doesnt know what to think... Donald Marshall told me later that at the time he thought I was some sort of unnatural being lol Donald Marshall so we did the same stuff... he gave me silent treatment for a little... Donald Marshall I said darrell I know yer smart let me tell you whats happenin flat out no bullshit, i promise... Donald Marshall he sez alright then... I DO want to know... Donald Marshall we were about to go do these odd jobs... Donald Marshall I told him it was time loop that weve done this day third time now and he cant remember but I can... Donald Marshall he pondered. Donald Marshall and not long, he knew that could be the only explanation... Donald Marshall asked me if I had power over time or something like a wizard LOL!!! Donald Marshall i said nope my ex relatives as you know are evil want me in the cloning said I'm stuck on same day till I join... Donald Marshall 3rd day man... your actually taking it much better than yesterday or the second day... Donald Marshall he totally believed me, he knew me personally and knows I'm honest to a fault Donald Marshall .I told him then how our odd jobs will go. Donald Marshall what his gf will have ready for supper when we get back... Donald Marshall and that we'd play game Halo... at like 9:30 Donald Marshall and different things... Donald Marshall they all happened. Donald Marshall freaked em out bad... he thought I had alien attention on me torturing me... powerful ones Donald Marshall and I did... and do... Donald Marshall but it was refreshing to tell em all about it... Donald Marshall anyway next cloning same... next day same... Donald Marshall seemed like such a waste of time to explain everything to him...again... Donald Marshall we'd talked soooo much on the third one... Donald Marshall I was instantly depressed thinking I was doomed. Donald Marshall I didnt play game with em that morning, I just layed in bed... Donald Marshall told em his girlfriend would be getting a flat at 10:45 from runnin over the curb, ding in the rim exact size of my pinky finger... at like 730am... Donald Marshall well it happened again... Donald Marshall had a different effect on him. Donald Marshall now he thought I was an alien or unnatural thing... as he was getting deja vu of that feeling from the previous days... Donald Marshall people without chips just get deja vu... Donald Marshall so theyve said. Donald Marshall but yeah, warned him of a couple other things that happen... and left and did some other stuff that day... he didnt need me to help with the jobs that day anyway... Donald Marshall did all different stuff. Margi Steward Fuck, thats a mind fuck! Donald Marshall anyway... him and his girlfriend thought I was some kind of freak now for fortune telling the wheel and rim exactly when it hadnt happened yet... Donald Marshall anyway... they didnt want to be around the forces that were victimizing me... because they have kids and they had now seen some weirdness and know what i was sayignabout illuminati clone stuff was true... they believed me anyway, but that confirmed for them and they were scared to be around me after that. Donald Marshall end of story. Carey Yost ah man Carey Yost the last day tsk Donald Marshall not the worst way i lost a close friend Donald Marshall queen elizabeth cloned up my buddy Ryan... good pal Donald Marshall clothed clone inna ring stands full... Donald Marshall i was made to watch. Donald Marshall theyd juuust made em... took 5 months... Carey Yost ugh.. Donald Marshall she said do you know who i am? He said shaking ummm queen of england? Donald Marshall she said yes... if you continue to be donalds friend aid him if he needs you hang with him at all, I will degrade the lives of you and your loved ones in wats you cannot imagine. Donald Marshall forget him. Donald Marshall he agreed... he thought he was real body at the time Donald Marshall started pleading for his life Donald Marshall she said remember what i said ryan. Donald Marshall ok ok ok ok ok. Donald Marshall well Donald Marshall he moved... and not only did he not hang with me... but he didn't even hang around with anyone I knew at all... even remotely. Carey Yost wow Donald Marshall some of his friends that were also friends of mine would call him/ he would make a quick excuse and hang up. Donald Marshall she did that with a few of my friends... Donald Marshall some of my friends were the kids of illuminati members... Donald Marshall I didnt know... and they remembered cloning too... Donald Marshall i didnt until age 29 or 30 Margi Steward bitch Golden Knight thank-you for sharing this information Donald Marshall already did, you just never read the back stuff. Golden Knight i have donald - just appreciated the expanded version Donald Marshall thats how it works Donald Marshall and it doesnt have to be the same day... could be same week month... all depends on when they made the last set slam. Read more: http://donaldmarshall.proboards.com/thread/147/hadron-collider-manipulation-project-pegasus#ixzz3QasqsbIe
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