#Yongmae island
Unification Church/FFWPU makes false claims over photo to promote Moon as a ‘hero.’
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Moon himself claimed to have carried Chung-hwa Pak for 600 miles!
Won-pil Kim, Bo Hi Pak, Hyo Jin Moon and Jin-hun Yong all repeated the lie.
From 1983, when the photo (above) surfaced in a newspaper story (see below), the Unification Church leaders always knew it was not of Moon and Pak. But they decided to use it for propaganda, regardless of the truth.
Three men made the journey from Pyongyang in North Korea to Kyongju in the winter of 1950-51: Sun Myung Moon, Won-pil Kim and Chung-hwa Pak. Pak remained in Kyongju – for a couple of years – while Moon and Kim continued on to Busan on the south coast. The Unification Church frequently STILL claim this photo is of Moon carrying Chung-hwa Pak to Yongmae Island. The detour to Yongmae Island never happened either! Won-pil Kim was forced to remove the photo from his testimony book – and he had been one of the three refugees! He repeated his false testimony all over the world.
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▲ The photo was taken on Jan 14th 1951 by Cpl J.J. McGinty of the US Army. The caption at a Korean War exhibition in Seoul reads “A Korean carries his aged father across the icy Han River at Chungju, Korea, in their flight to the South to escape the onrushing Chinese Communist Forces.”
중공군의 공격으로 국군과 유엔군은 다시 첨수하였습니다. 중공군 의 공격을 피하려고 총주의 남한강물 건너 더 남쪽으로 가려는 한피란민ol 연로하신 아버지를 업고 차디찬 강물을 걸어서 건너고 있습니다. 일자: 1951년 1월 14일       자료: (사)월드피스자유연합
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▲ The profile photo of Moon praying (above) was taken at Heung-in Dong in about 1955. Comparing the facial profiles of Moon and the refugee carrying his father, it is clear that Moon is not in the photo. Moon was 30 at the time of the journey. The refugees are both older than Moon and Pak were in 1950.
Chung-hwa Pak explains how he first saw the photo: “One day in 1983, the international department of the church contacted me. They asked me to stop by because they had some questions to ask. They showed me a picture in the Choong Ang Ilbo newspaper. It was a picture of a man carrying another man on his back, and they were crossing a river. They asked me whether it was a picture of Moon carrying me on his back. I answered them that we had no chance to take any pictures at that time. I never crossed any river on Moon’s back. They said nothing and I thought that was the end of it.”
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▲ Here is the photo, published on October 24, 1983 in a memoir about the Korean War in The Joong-ang Ilbo 中央日報.
Chung-hwa Pak explains how his ankle was fractured – his leg was not broken:
“One day [in Pyongyang] I was surrounded by a gang of thugs who called themselves a security force. They were just thugs who joined the North Korean side when it was in control, and later swapped to the opposite side. They said, “You were a real communist who served as a company commander in the North Korean army. We will kill you!” Then some of them struck my leg with hammers. My ankle was fractured and I couldn’t move. I thought that my life was going to end there. An unexpected twist of fate saved me. Fortunately, I was saved by Korean Military Police. I was questioned, but because I had been imprisoned in North Korea I was soon released. All the other prisoners were executed. They were shot. I was a black belt in judo, but I really needed to get treatment for my injury. There were no hospitals in Pyongyang that were functioning.”
Hyo Jin Moon gave a sermon based on the invented story: Inheriting God’s Heart And True Parents’ Heart
April 28, 1991    Belvedere, New York
When he was carrying that person on his back he tried to compare himself to … it’s bothersome sometimes to think of some of the people who were with Father in the beginning. Anyway … many of you have seen those pictures of Father carrying Mr. Pak. He was carrying that person across the seabed [to Yongmae Island] a distance of about six kilometers.
I’ll try to tell you later the circumstances surrounding it. I’ll try to explain it in the video. He had literally to carry this person even though his own physical condition, just coming out of prison, was not good. All through his time in prison he utilized his imagination, thinking.. “I must overcome no matter how difficult it is.” He gave himself inspiration. He relied on his imagination to see that his work was incomparable to the kind of suffering God was facing. He really tried to think about God’s heart and tried to visualize the suffering of God. Based on the visuals that he created with his imagination about God, he overcame all those difficulties, even when he was carrying Mr. Pak. Of course it was physically difficult; he had just come out of Hungnam prison, living under those circumstances for almost three years. Obviously, he was not in shape physically to carry anybody for that long distance, let alone across a slippery, muddy seabed. Try to put yourself in that situation. But he thought to himself, “I’m not carrying a man, I’m not feeling this physical pain.” While he was carrying this person he tried to think about God’s heart. He imagined, ‘This load is nothing compared to what I must bear in order to complete the mission of restoring humanity. This is nothing compared to what I must face later on.” Based on that idea, relying on his pure imagination, Father drew a pure rationale to help him persevere through all kinds of hardship.
Ultimately they reached their destination, but couldn’t find any boat to travel down to South Korea [Inchon] and he had to walk back carrying this man again. He had to travel the same course again. It’s just unbelievable that anybody in that situation, indebted to a person in that way, would ever forget their gratitude. But this person, he rejected Father later on. I guess he couldn’t bear the persecution that he was receiving from all around him. He couldn’t take it so he left. That’s the course of Father. In a way that is the essence of his life. Over and over. People who were to assist and support Father rejected him because of their own individual lack of understanding.
Through these difficult times Father relied on his imagination. He believed in the ideal world. He believed that what he imagined would one day come true.
(LINK to Hyo Jin’s sermon)
Chung-hwa Pak said, in a 1993 interview in Seoul, that on the way south Moon had only carried him a couple of times, and each time for only around 400 yards, during the entire journey from Pyongyang to Kyongju. Pak clearly said that Moon had never carried him across any water.
Michael Breen recounts just two incidents of Moon carrying Pak in his book, Sun Myung Moon, the early years – on pages 129 and 135.
Here is how Moon boasts about his achievement: The Necessity for the Day of Victory of Love
January 15, 1984 – Tarrytown, New York“Upon the victory of my prison experience, I can claim the foundation for the fatherland. After being liberated by United Nations forces, I carried Mr. Chun Hwa Pak 600 miles from North to South Korea. Most people aren’t even able to go beyond their own needs, but I showed the example of serving others by carrying Mr. Pak for that distance.”
Here are the words of Bo Hi Pak in an interview in the documentary “Emperor of the Universe” which was broadcast in 2000:
Narrator: “His followers speak with awe of how he carried an injured man across Korea.”
Bo Hi Pak: “roughly 200 miles walking and walking in a mountain he carried him on the back. 80kg man on the back, all the way to the south. To me alone that shows him the messiah to me.”
Michael Breen’s description in his book ‘Sun Myung Moon, the early years’ (pages 135-136) is no doubt much closer to the truth than the words of Moon and Bo Hi Pak:
“From Jechon, they took the old road, which used to be the main communication link from Seoul to the south-east in the days before the railroad. It took seven to eight hours one day to struggle over the Moongyeong Pass, at the boundary of North Chungchong and North Kyongsang provinces. Kim carried the bicycle, and Moon carried Pak up the steep, icy track, which was covered in fresh snow. At the top of the pass, they walked through the ancient gate. They stopped at the town of Caun. Pak’s leg was improving and from here, he was able to ride the bicycle without being pushed. …
With Pak now able to walk, they travelled rapidly southwards, through Andong, Uiseong, and Yongcheon. They arrived one evening at Koncheon, near the historic town of Kyongju. …
Moon and Kim Won-pil [left Pak behind in Kyongju and] continued on to Ulsan, a fishing port on the east coast. There they bought train tickets, and travelled the last fifty kilometres of their journey to Pusan in two hours. They rode up front, clinging on to the front of the engine. They arrived at Choryung Station in Pusan, cold and hungry, on January 27, 1951.
However, on pages 129-130 Breen does include a version of the Yongmae Island story which he most probably got from Won-pil Kim.
Here is what Jin-hun Yong presented in 2011. He has known for decades that Moon, Kim and Pak never went to Yongmae Island.
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How much can these Unification Church leaders be trusted?
Won-pil Kim was inconsistent with his lies. His own testimony book had to be revised and a replacement rushed out.
Won-pil Kim was a blatant liar
The UC Yongmae Island Fake Story
Young-oon Kim lied. She said Sun Myung Moon was “a pure virgin until the age of 40”
Should Bo Hi Pak be charged with the crime of perjury for his Fraser testimony of 1978?
Bo Hi Pak Contradicts Himself
Sun Myung Moon: “How do you know I’m not the world’s worst con man or swindler?”
2 notes · View notes
backtosimplicity · 6 years
Ini adalah kali ke 3 aku Reni ke Korea dan tidak pernah ada kata BOSAN untuk pergi ke Negara ini. Kali ini aku ikut tur BWAMTRIP. Aku pun rekomendasiin tur ini ke teman-teman aku lainnya dan jadilah aku berangkat berlima dengan temanku. Aku ikut tur autumn karena bertepatan ulang tahun aku juga 8 November. Harapannya sih semoga ada something special aja gitu. Tapi emang ada sih hehe
Dan untuk pertama kali nya ikut tour di Bwamtrip dan langsung dibuat shock yang teramat shock/? :p
Karena kenapa? Baca aja ya sampai bawah :p
3 November 2017
Well, pertama kita berangkat dari bandara Soetta bareng peserta lainnya dgn penerbangan jam 23.50 WIB.
Pertama kalinya naik pesawat, ett pesawat korea loh maksudnya :p
Ya pertama kalinya ke korea dengan memakai maskapai korea nya sendiri yaitu ASIANA AIRLINES. Karena sebelumnyanya selalu naik garuda tiap ke negara ini. Excited bgt ketika pertama kali menginjakan kaki ke pesawat itu (oke ini lebay) Singkat cerita karna di pesawat gitu-gitu aja ya cuma duduk,tidur,makan jadi kita lanjut ke tgl berikutnya ya.
4 November 2017
Ahhh finally BACK TO KAMPUNG (ngarep) tiba di Incheon airport. Sesampainya disana kita berkumpul untuk berfoto bersama, dan takjub sih ternyata segini banyak yang ikut tour :O
Setelah melewati proses imigrasi sampai semua bagasi kita sudah kita ambil, dan jengjengjeng ingat cerita aku di awal tentang tour yang shock ini? Ya disinilah ceritanya~
Oke setelah koper-koper sudah di tangan pemiliknya masing-masing, kemudian Cindy menyuruh kita(peserta) untuk berkumpul dan di beritahu 1 berita yang bikin kita sangat sangat lah shock. Kalau uang rupiah yang sudah kita tukar ke uang korea(won) dari bwamtrip ternyata hilang semua.
Disitu pikiran langsung campur aduk ada rasa tenang, ada rasa santai, ada rasa kesel, ada rasa lemes.
Kesel karena Cuma bawa baju atasan 2 biji TT karena niatnya sengaja mau beli baju di Korea, ditambah udara nya dingin yang mana udah sampe ke minus.
Dan lemes karena…. Ya siapa yang gak bakal lemes kan kalau ada kejadian begini :p
Oke lanjut , masih di tanggal 4. Sesampainya di guesthouse masih belum tahu mau kemana selanjutnya karena gak megang uang sama sekali. Akhirnya teman yang aku ajak ikut trip BWAMTrip nyaranin buat pinjem uangnya dulu. Mungkin dia kasihan liat aku gak bawa baju dengan cuaca yang dingin xD
Ini foto di depan Guest House loh, bagus ya :3
Malamnya teman korea ku ajak ketemuan buat traktir makan, kita makan pizza di hongdae, pizza nya enaaaaaaaak bgt. Jadi pengen lagi, pengen lagi di traktir :p
Parah sih ini pizza enak bgt!!!
5 November
Hari sabtu aku pergi sm oppa *uhuk. Rencana nya sih mau ke Nami Island lalu lanjut Morning of Garden Calm. Karena disana cantik bgt kalau lg autumn dan winter.
TAPIIIIII…. Ternyata MACEEEET bgt boookk!! Dan gagal lah kita ke garden morning calm, hanya berdiam diri sambil dengerin lagu Akad – Payung Teduh yang oppa sukain bgt xD
Sampai Seoul lagi udah jam 8 mlm. Akhirnya oppa nawarin buat ke Lotte World, gilss udah malam gini, bentar lg lotte world juga tutup sayang sayangin bgt mahal2 Cuma main gak nyampe 1jam. Akhirnya kita mutusin buat ke Lotte Tower Seoul Sky. Takjub pas ke Lotte Tower ini, baguuuuss bgt kota seoul di lihat dari atas gitu ditambah lampu2 malam hari bikin suasana jadi romantis, sayang oppa bukan milikku xD
Bagi yang gak tau Lotte Tower Seoul Sky itu apa, ini gedung tertinggi di Korea Selatan dan masuk ke bangunan tertinggi kelima di dunia, W.O.W banget kan :O
Pulang dari Lotte Tower Seoul Sky kita cari makan di daerah Hongdae, dan jadilah kita berdua makan ini.
Ini porsi nya banyak parah sih!!!
6 November
Hari minggu aku dan teman-teman yang ikut tour berlima pergi belanja, beli dress samaan buat foto di Haneul Park besoknya.
Dapatlah kita dress untuk dipakai besok :p
Penasaran dress nya kaya gimana? Baca ceritanya sampai abis mangkanya :p
Malamnya teman korea ku yang lain mangajak dinner bareng, lumayan lagi kan tiap hari makan gratis hehe
7 November
Dan ini lah hari yang di tunggu-tunggu untuk kita sesi foto-foto di Haneul Park memakai dress yang kmrn kita beli. Kenapa excited bgt foto di Haneul Park, karena ini tuh tempat yang HARUS bgt di datengin kalau ke Korsel pas Autumn, emang ada apa sih disana? karena ada alang-alang.
Cuma alang-alang???
Eitsss alang-alang ini bukan sembarang ilalang.
Alang-alang disini terawat banget dan indah banget apalagi di musim gugur.
Tapi sebelumnya kita foto-foto di Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP) dulu, dasar banci foto ya hehe.
Ini foto di DDP
Dan ini foto-foto di Haneul Park.
TARAAAAAA inilah dress samaan kita
cantik ya….. pemandangannya :”
Pulang dari haneul park sudah malam dan teman korea aku yang lain lagi mengajak dinner lagi (sssttt gratisan lagi muehehehe)
8 November
Ini nih hari yang spesial bgt, karena hari itu adalah ulang tahun ku.
Rencana aku di hari ultah mau pakai hanbok di Bukchon Hanok Village, biar ada birthday dress gitu hhe. But sadly ya hari ini aku makan bayar sendiri wkwk.
Bukchon Hanok Village itu sendiri adalah kawasan kampung rumah tradisional Korea yang letaknya di area Bukchon.
  Malamnya aku sama teman pergi ke Myeongdong Cathderal. Eh ngapain ke gereja ren? Aku Cuma foto-foto doang kok, karna aku muslim gak mungkin kesana buat berdoa hehe.
Karena aku tau kalau katedral ini yang pertama didirikan di KorSel. Dan bangunannya aku suka banget antik-antik gitu berasa kaya di eropa haha.
Disini cuaca udah dingin bgt sih, angin kencang, ya sebagai anak priuk gitu yang panas tiap hari, di Jakarta lain udah hujan tp di priuk masih panas eh ngadepin cuaca kaya gini :p
dan aku pakai softlens yg bikin mata merah bgt karena cuaca dingin dan angin kencang yang bikin mata aku super keringL
9 November
Aku bersama teman-teman pergi ke lokasi sesi foto berikutnya hehe. Kali ini pergi ke Style Nanda Pink Hotel di daerah Myeongdong. Dengan mata yang bengep dan merah akibat softlens semalam.
Dan hari itu cuma kuat ke 1 tempat itu aja karena lg demam dan mata yang bikin penampilan gak keceh lagi 😦
Malamnya di jemput di guest house sm si oppa sepulang kerja nya karena aku bilang sakit dan aku di ajak belanja katanya buat kado ultah :p
Akhirnya kita pergi ke Hello apM Mall di Dongdaemun dan aku di beliin coat yang harganya WOW bgt bagi aku. Itu pun dia masih mau nambah beliin makeup lah, softlens baru lah, tapi aku gak mau (huhu sudah cukup oppa daripada aku nanti malah baper).
Aku juga di beliin obat gingseng cair gitu (mungkin kalo di indo ini tolak angin kali ya hehe), dibeliin obat tetes mata juga.
Pulang belanja kita pergi ke Cheonggyecheon Stream untuk lihat Seoul Lantern Festival
Balik ke guesthouse si oppa buka bagasi belakang mobilnya dan bilang ada sesuatu buat aku, dan jengjengjeng di bawain snack korea buanyaaaaaaakkk bgt. Dia selalu seneng kalau liat aku makan banyak, niat bgt bikin aku gendut sih oppa 😦
Ada yang mau? :p
10 November
Lanjut ke tempat sesi foto selanjutnya di hari ini kita pergi ke Yongma Land. Yongma Land itu amusement park kaya Lotte World dan Everland tapi Yongma Land ini jauh lebih kecil dan udah gak beroperasi lagi jadi agak angker gimana gitu hiiiii, but tempat ini juga sering dijadiin syuting artis-artis K-POP loh. Ini lumayan jauh dari Seoul, dan di daerah sini anginnya gak nyantai, kita kedinginan tanpa adanya oppa/? Hahaha
Abis dari Yongma Land, lanjut tempat foto selanjutnya di tempat anak gahul nya korea yaitu Common Ground, disini lebih parah lagi dinginnya, karena abis hujan.
Wihhh anak priuk main ke tempat gahul korea :p
11 November
Hari ini aku ada janji ketemu eonni eonni korea :3
Aku minta temenin ke DMC alias Digital Media City alias gedung –gedung perkumpulan stasiun tv (ciye perkumpulan) kaya MBC, SBS, YTN, JTBC, CJ E&M. Siapa tau lagi ada syuting apa gitu kan walaupun nyatanya gak ada sih haha.
Asli disini keren banget banget sih gedung-gedungnya.
Sore nya aku janjian sm teman yang ikut trip juga untuk ke kafe, tapi kita gak nemu kafé yang kita tuju.
Akhirnya kita makan ayam, dgn ditutup minum soju di malam hari. Ya walaupun aku gak ikutan minum sih (anak cupu) hahaha.
Karena ini adalah malam terakhir di korea, jadi aku putuskan untuk begadang sampai pagi puas-puasin keliaran haha. Akhirnya di malam hari aku diluar sampai jam 03.00 pagi waktu korea main-main sekitar Hongdae sama teman. Main games kaya boneka capit, dance machine, karaoke yg ada di sekitar Hongdae, ada kejadian lucu waktu aku ke tempat permainan masa aku gak di bolehin masuk disangka aku masih di bawah 20 tahun L bodohnya aku gak bawa passport buat nunjukin kalau aku itu udah 26 TAHUN ya mas ganteng (untung aja ganteng) haha teteup ya ren.
Jadilah aku pindah tempat permainan yg gak perlu nunjukin passport segala huffftt.
12 November
Ahhhhh kenapa hari ini harus ada, hari terakhir di korea huhu. Semuanya udah siap untuk check out guesthouse dari jam 11 pagi. Tapi aku masih di guesthouse karena mau di anter ke bandara nya sm oppa :p
Sebelum ke bandara si oppa ngajak makan dulu (duh oppa demen amat bikin anak org gendut), aku makan di sekitaran guesthouse di hongdae, makan daging yang di bakar di batu gitu, abis makan kita ngupi ngupi cantik dulu, kelar ngurusin perut kita otw ke bandara, di tengah perjlnan, kita berhenti di rest area, buat apa sih deket aja pake ke rest area, ternyata si oppa beli snack snack lagi katanya buat bekel aku di pesawat, maygat di pesawat juga dpt makan kali ah wkwk.
Dan selama dipesawat otak pikirannya korea mulu, gak mau pulang, pingin disana aja trus L
Happy Anniversary BWAMTrip
Oke itu tadi cerita PANJAAAANG aku selama dikorea ikut BWAMTRIP ini, sebenernya mau cerita lebih panjang lagi tapi segini aja mungkin udah bikin orang males untuk baca haha.
Maafkeun ya kalau kebanyakan foto, karena di Korea itu emang dikit-dikit selalu ada aja spot foto yang lucuk lucuk dan gak mungkin kan kalo gak di abadikan :3
Dan itu lah pengalaman aku ke korea dengan Bwamtrip, walaupun ada kejadian gak enak karena masalah uang yang hilang tapi itu malah jadi bikin pengalaman yang gak akan dilupakan. nyesel ikutan trip disini? OH TENTU TIDAK. Malah aku ada niatan untuk ikut tour Jepang kalau ada dana (karena aku baru saja resign dari kerjaan demi bisa ikut tour ini, karna pasti gak mungkin di izinin cuti kalau msh kerja).
Semoga aja dengan ikut giveaway ini aku gak perlu nunggu berbelas-belas bulan buat ngumpulin uang untuk ikut tour jepang ya :p semoga aku bisa menang ya!! AMINNNN.
Sukaaak ikut tour disini karena biaya nya murah tapi kita dapat fasilitas pesawat bintang 5, free visa, dan penginapan yang nyaman, dan masih suka di kasih free free lainnya sesuai promo waktu kita daftar ikut trip disini. Pokoknya TOP deh bwamtrip ini.
BWAMTRIP: Chasing Autumn in South Korea with BWAMTRIP by Reni Ini adalah kali ke 3 aku Reni ke Korea dan tidak pernah ada kata BOSAN untuk pergi ke Negara ini.
0 notes
What to Do in Korea
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South Korea is small country, but it still offers so many fun activities. Travelers or English teachers will definitely experience the major highlights of Korea during their trip or year in Korea. Most people will inevitably visit Seoul and Busan. They will probably hike some famous mountains, visit the beach, and perhaps even go skiing. However, there are many random places too! This post covers what to do in Korea!
Yongma Land
Yongma Land was a small amusement park in Seoul, South Korea from 1980 until 2011. It shut down in 2011 because it could not compete with the larger parks such as Lotte World and Everland. Now, Yongma Land is a creepy, run down amusement park that some people claim is haunted. If you are daring, you can still visit the amusement park. None of the rides work, but for a measly 5,000 won ($5USD), you can walk around the park. It’s definitely weird, but it’s really fun.
What to do in Korea: Jeju Island
Jeju Island is a large island off the southern tip of the Korean peninsula. It is a great place to visit because it has a very different feel than the rest of Korea. It is more laid back, has a more temperate climate and really feels like its own place. Additionally, Jeju has several unique and downright weird places to visit. The Jeju Glass Castle Theme Park is a park where everything is made of glass. It has glass waterfalls, chairs, tables, statues, flowerbeds and more. It also has a beautiful garden that surrounds all of the glass sculptures. Jeju’s Loveland is another must-see. It is possibly the world’s only “love” themed park.
Samtan Art Mine
Jeongseon is a small town on the eastern coast of South Korea. There, the Samcheok coal mine operated from 1962 until 2001. Following its closure, many artists used the abandoned mine as a site for graffiti and other art. The artistic movement grew and grew. Now, the mine is a fully functioning modern art museum. The installations are fascinating and many pay tribute to the lives and experiences of the coal miners that used to work there.
South Korea has so many amazing cities, natural sites, amusement parks and so on. Accordingly, it is often difficult to decide what to do in Korea. Hopefully, this post sheds some light on a few random, weird, but overall very fun things to do!
0 notes
Sun Myung Moon lied when he claimed: “I carried Mr. Chung-hwa Pak 600 miles from North to South Korea”
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The three who travelled south together from Pyongyang were Moon, Chung-hwa Pak and Won-pil Kim.

Sun Myung Moon speech: The Necessity for the Day of Victory of Love
 January 15, 1984 – Tarrytown, New York “Upon the victory of my prison experience, I can claim the foundation for the fatherland. After being liberated by United Nations forces [in October 1950], I carried Mr. Chung-hwa Pak 600 miles from North to South Korea. Most people aren’t even able to go beyond their own needs, but I showed the example of serving others by carrying Mr. Pak for that distance.”
Chung-hwa Pak said in an interview given in 1993 in Seoul that on the journey south from Pyongyang to Kyongju in South Korea, Moon had only carried him twice. Each time it was only for about 400 yards. Pak also clearly said that Moon had never carried him across any water and that the picture of a refugee carrying his father (see below) had nothing to do with himself or Moon.
Michael Breen recounts just two incidents of Moon carrying Pak in his book, Sun Myung Moon, the early years – on pages 129 and 135. And in an interview he gave to Today’s World in March 2000 (pages 28-29) he confirms that fact: Breen: “Also, Chung-hwa Pak, whom Father met in Heungnam, was extremely helpful. What was good was that he had an extremely detailed memory. One thing he was upset about was that church members believed that Father had carried him all the way to South Korea on his back. So he went into great detail describing the two occasions when Father actually did carry him on his back.”
Here are the words of Bo Hi Pak in an interview in the documentary “Emperor of the Universe” which was broadcast in 2000:

Narrator: “His followers speak with awe of how he carried an injured man across Korea.” Bo Hi Pak: “… roughly 200 miles walking and walking in a mountain he carried him on the back. 80kg man on the back, all the way to the south. To me alone that shows him the messiah to me.”
Sun Myung Moon and Bo Hi Pak were both liars.
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The Unification Church / FFWPU makes false claims over photo to promote Moon as a ‘hero.’
Michael Breen’s description in his book ‘Sun Myung Moon, the early years’ (pages 135-136) is no doubt much closer to the truth than the words of Moon or Bo Hi Pak: “From Jechon, they took the old road, which used to be the main communication link from Seoul to the south-east in the days before the railroad. It took seven to eight hours one day to struggle over the Moongyeong Pass, at the boundary of North Chungchong and North Kyongsang provinces. Kim carried the bicycle, and Moon carried Pak up the steep, icy track, which was covered in fresh snow. At the top of the pass, they walked through the ancient gate. They stopped at the town of Caun. Pak’s leg was improving [his ankle had been fractured in Pyongyang] and from here, he was able to ride the bicycle without being pushed. …
[A short while later] With Pak now able to walk, they travelled rapidly southwards, through Andong, Uiseong, and Yongcheon. They arrived one evening at Koncheon, near the historic town of Kyongju. …
Moon and Kim Won-pil [left Pak behind in Kyongju and] continued on to Ulsan, a fishing port on the east coast. There they bought train tickets, and travelled the last fifty kilometres of their journey to Pusan in two hours. They rode up front, clinging on to the front of the engine. They arrived at Choryung Station in Pusan, cold and hungry, on January 27, 1951.”
Won-pil Kim used this “walking to Yongmae Island” photo in his own testimony book. The story is a complete fabrication and Kim contradicted himself when telling it. First he said there was a boat on the island and then he said there was none, etc… And he changed his own map of the journey, leaving the detour to the island out of a later version of his own map. He said Chung-hwa Pak had a full plaster on his “broken leg”. Pak’s ankle was fractured but soon was healed enough for him to ride a bicycle on his own as the three of them travelled south. His leg was never in a plaster cast. There were no medics to do that.

Won-pil Kim was a liar
When Kim’s island story was proved to be fake news, he quickly changed his testimony book and the Japanese UC issued a second edition without the photo he had fraudulently used.
Many church publications have the sole purpose of keeping the members indoctrinated with lies. Moon’s own speeches are no better.
The Unification Church Yongmae Island fake story
Won-pil Kim was inconsistent with his lies. His own testimony book had to be revised.
Bo Hi Pak was a liar
Bo Hi Pak declared he was leaving the UC and tore up his application form at a top leader’s meeting in Korea
US ‘Unification Church Pension Fund International’ – never heard of it? Bo Hi Pak explains
Unification Church leader, Pak Bo Hi, was detained on fraud charges in 2004
“The Moonies: Government Files Trace Church from Sex Cult to Korean CIA” 
by James Coates   Chicago Tribune, Monday, March 27, 1978
7. Bo Hi Pak and the KCFF scam – and Sun Myung Moon’s ROFA scam
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Moon lied when he claimed: “I carried Mr. Chung-hwa Pak 600 miles from North to South Korea”
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Mrs Ok, Moon and Mrs Chi with Won-pil Kim sitting in the front. Mid 1950s.
The three who travelled south together from Pyongyang were Moon, Chung-hwa Pak and Won-pil Kim. 
The Necessity for the Day of Victory of Love January 15, 1984 – Tarrytown, New York
Sun Myung Moon: “Upon the victory of my prison experience, I can claim the foundation for the fatherland. After being liberated by United Nations forces [in October 1950], I carried Mr. Chung-hwa Pak 600 miles from North to South Korea. Most people aren’t even able to go beyond their own needs, but I showed the example of serving others by carrying Mr. Pak for that distance.”
Chung-hwa Pak said in an interview given in 1993 in Seoul that on the journey south from Pyongyang to Kyongju in South Korea, Moon had only carried him twice. Each time it was only for about 400 yards. Pak also clearly said that Moon had never carried him across any water and that the picture of a refugee carrying his father (see below) had nothing to do with himself or Moon.
Michael Breen recounts just two incidents of Moon carrying Pak in his book, Sun Myung Moon, the early years – on pages 129 and 135. And in an interview he gave to Today's World in March 2000 (pages 28-29) he confirms that fact:
Breen: “Also, Chung-hwa Pak, whom Father met in Heungnam, was extremely helpful. What was good was that he had an extremely detailed memory. One thing he was upset about was that church members believed that Father had carried him all the way to South Korea on his back. So he went into great detail describing the two occasions when Father actually did carry him on his back.”
Here are the words of Bo Hi Pak in an interview in the documentary “Emperor of the Universe” which was broadcast in 2000:
Narrator: “His followers speak with awe of how he carried an injured man across Korea.”
Bo Hi Pak: “... roughly 200 miles walking and walking in a mountain he carried him on the back. 80kg man on the back, all the way to the south. To me alone that shows him the messiah to me.”
Sun Myung Moon and Bo Hi Pak were both liars.
The Unification Church / FFWPU makes false claims over photo to promote Moon as a ‘hero.’
Michael Breen’s description in his book ‘Sun Myung Moon, the early years’ (pages 135-136) is no doubt much closer to the truth than the words of Moon or Bo Hi Pak:
“From Jechon, they took the old road, which used to be the main communication link from Seoul to the south-east in the days before the railroad. It took seven to eight hours one day to struggle over the Moongyeong Pass, at the boundary of North Chungchong and North Kyongsang provinces. Kim carried the bicycle, and Moon carried Pak up the steep, icy track, which was covered in fresh snow. At the top of the pass, they walked through the ancient gate. They stopped at the town of Caun. Pak’s leg was improving [his ankle had been fractured in Pyongyang] and from here, he was able to ride the bicycle without being pushed. …
[A short while later] With Pak now able to walk, they travelled rapidly southwards, through Andong, Uiseong, and Yongcheon. They arrived one evening at Koncheon, near the historic town of Kyongju. …
Moon and Kim Won-pil [left Pak behind in Kyongju and] continued on to Ulsan, a fishing port on the east coast. There they bought train tickets, and travelled the last fifty kilometres of their journey to Pusan in two hours. They rode up front, clinging on to the front of the engine. They arrived at Choryung Station in Pusan, cold and hungry, on January 27, 1951.”
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Won-pil Kim used this “walking to Yongmae Island” photo in his own testimony book. The story is a complete fabrication and Kim contradicted himself when telling it. First he said there was a boat on the island and then he said there was none, etc… And he changed his own map of the journey, leaving the detour to the island out of a later version of his own map. He said Chung-hwa Pak had a full plaster on his “broken leg”. Pak’s ankle was fractured but soon was healed enough for him to ride a bicycle on his own as the three of them travelled south. His leg was never in a plaster cast. There were no medics to do that.
Won-pil Kim was a liar.
When Kim’s island story was proved to be fake news, he quickly changed his testimony book and the Japanese UC issued a second edition without the photo he had fraudulently used. 
Many church publications have the sole purpose of keeping the members indoctrinated with lies. Moon’s own speeches are no better.
The Unification Church Yongmae Island fake story
Won-pil Kim was inconsistent with his lies. His own testimony book had to be revised. 
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Moon lied when he claimed: “I carried Mr. Chung-hwa Pak 600 miles from North to South Korea”
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The three who travelled south together from Pyongyang were Moon, Chung-hwa Pak and Won-pil Kim.
The Necessity for the Day of Victory of Love January 15, 1984 – Tarrytown, New York
Sun Myung Moon: “Upon the victory of my prison experience, I can claim the foundation for the fatherland. After being liberated by United Nations forces [in October 1950], I carried Mr. Chung-hwa Pak 600 miles from North to South Korea. Most people aren’t even able to go beyond their own needs, but I showed the example of serving others by carrying Mr. Pak for that distance.”
Chung-hwa Pak said in an interview given in 1993 in Seoul that on the journey south from Pyongyang to Kyongju in South Korea, Moon had only carried him twice. Each time it was only for about 400 yards. Pak also clearly said that Moon had never carried him across any water and that the picture of a refugee carrying his father (see below) had nothing to do with himself or Moon.
Michael Breen recounts just two incidents of Moon carrying Pak in his book, Sun Myung Moon, the early years – on pages 129 and 135. And in an interview he gave to Today’s World in March 2000 (pages 28-29) he confirms that fact:
Breen: “Also, Chung-hwa Pak, whom Father met in Heungnam, was extremely helpful. What was good was that he had an extremely detailed memory. One thing he was upset about was that church members believed that Father had carried him all the way to South Korea on his back. So he went into great detail describing the two occasions when Father actually did carry him on his back.”
Here are the words of Bo Hi Pak in an interview in the documentary “Emperor of the Universe” which was broadcast in 2000:
Narrator: “His followers speak with awe of how he carried an injured man across Korea.”
Bo Hi Pak: “… roughly 200 miles walking and walking in a mountain he carried him on the back. 80kg man on the back, all the way to the south. To me alone that shows him the messiah to me.”
Sun Myung Moon and Bo Hi Pak were both liars.
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The Unification Church / FFWPU makes false claims over photo to promote Moon as a ‘hero.’
Michael Breen’s description in his book ‘Sun Myung Moon, the early years’ (pages 135-136) is no doubt much closer to the truth than the words of Moon or Bo Hi Pak:
“From Jechon, they took the old road, which used to be the main communication link from Seoul to the south-east in the days before the railroad. It took seven to eight hours one day to struggle over the Moongyeong Pass, at the boundary of North Chungchong and North Kyongsang provinces. Kim carried the bicycle, and Moon carried Pak up the steep, icy track, which was covered in fresh snow. At the top of the pass, they walked through the ancient gate. They stopped at the town of Caun. Pak’s leg was improving [his ankle had been fractured in Pyongyang] and from here, he was able to ride the bicycle without being pushed. …
[A short while later] With Pak now able to walk, they travelled rapidly southwards, through Andong, Uiseong, and Yongcheon. They arrived one evening at Koncheon, near the historic town of Kyongju. …
Moon and Kim Won-pil [left Pak behind in Kyongju and] continued on to Ulsan, a fishing port on the east coast. There they bought train tickets, and travelled the last fifty kilometres of their journey to Pusan in two hours. They rode up front, clinging on to the front of the engine. They arrived at Choryung Station in Pusan, cold and hungry, on January 27, 1951.”
Won-pil Kim used this “walking to Yongmae Island” photo in his own testimony book. The story is a complete fabrication and Kim contradicted himself when telling it. First he said there was a boat on the island and then he said there was none, etc… And he changed his own map of the journey, leaving the detour to the island out of a later version of his own map. He said Chung-hwa Pak had a full plaster on his “broken leg”. Pak’s ankle was fractured but soon was healed enough for him to ride a bicycle on his own as the three of them travelled south. His leg was never in a plaster cast. There were no medics to do that.
Won-pil Kim was a liar
When Kim’s island story was proved to be fake news, he quickly changed his testimony book and the Japanese UC issued a second edition without the photo he had fraudulently used.
Many church publications have the sole purpose of keeping the members indoctrinated with lies. Moon’s own speeches are no better.
The Unification Church Yongmae Island fake story
Won-pil Kim was inconsistent with his lies. His own testimony book had to be revised.
Bo Hi Pak was a liar
Bo Hi Pak declared he was leaving the UC and tore up his application form at a top leader’s meeting in Korea
US ‘Unification Church Pension Fund International’ – never heard of it? Bo Hi Pak explains
Unification Church leader, Pak Bo Hi, was detained on fraud charges in 2004
“The Moonies: Government Files Trace Church from Sex Cult to Korean CIA”
 by James Coates   Chicago Tribune, Monday, March 27, 1978
7. Bo Hi Pak and the KCFF scam – and Sun Myung Moon’s ROFA scam
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Was Kim Won-pil the wife of Sun Myung Moon?
Sun Myung Moon, The Early Years, 1920-53 By Michael Breen (pages 133-134)
On New Year’s Day, 1951, some policemen came and took Sun Myung Moon and Kim Won-pil away. The government was conscripting able-bodied men, particularly refugees, to form local volunteer army units. Because of his [fractured left] ankle and his age, Pak Chung-hwa was exempted. Kim was told to present himself for a medical check-up, and Moon was taken to a police station near Piwon, in downtown Seoul for questioning. Once again, his short hair aroused suspicion. He was held overnight and in the morning interrogated again. In the morning, Kim came to see him.
“If I cannot see you any more, how can I continue? How can I maintain my faith? What can I do by myself? Please give me advice.” Kim asked, fearing that they would be separated.
“Follow your mind, your original mind,” Moon answered. “Your original mind will guide you, and you should direct your life according to it.
Kim tried to explain to one of the policemen that Moon was his teacher, and that he had been jailed by the Communists, and that they had come south together as refugees. The policeman looked at the gentle Kim with his wide lips and smiling face and high-pitched voice, and wondered if he wasn’t a woman, probably the prisoner Moon’s wife, dressed as a man.
“Come here,” he said, leading him to an empty room. “Take off your shirt.” Kim obeyed. Satisfied with the story, the police released Moon, and ordered both men to sign up for the army.
Sun Myung Moon: “Evil will be eliminated like shadows. Gays will be eliminated”
“Father, what are we to do about the matter of homosexuality?”
Won-pil Kim was inconsistent with his lies. His own testimony book had to be revised and a replacement rushed out.
The fake Yongmae Island story told many times by the FFWPU
Moon found guilty of draft dodging in 1955; started two year jail sentence
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Won-pil Kim was inconsistent with his lies. His own testimony book had to be revised and a replacement rushed out.
First he said there was a boat then he said there was no boat, etc...
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先駆者の道  The Way of the Pioneer
金元弼  by Won-pil Kim
The early period of pioneering which teacher Sun Myung Moon went through with blood and sweat and tears.
This book was published in Japan in 1988. The same year a revised version had to be rushed out with an incriminating photo removed – the photo was of ‘two refugees’ which he had used in connection with his own refugee journey south with Moon and Chung-hwa Pak – and a fictitious detour to Yongmae Island.
Won-pil Kim gave a speech called “From Pyongyang to Pusan”.
April 1983
Walking to the island
“We had heard that from a certain island [Yongmae] just off the coast near Haeju, boats were taking people to safety in the South. One of Father’s friends from Seoul had been living on the island a number of years before, and Father decided to go to the island and try to hire a boat from him.
Along the central part of its west coast, Korea has some of highest tides in the world. There are many islands, and at low tide one can walk out to some of them. But a person has to cross quickly, before the tide returns.
At low tide the ground was muddy; if a person stood still very long, he would sink up to his knees in the mud. Since using a bicycle was out of the question, Father decided to carry Mr. Pak on his back to the island. I carried the bicycle, in addition to my knapsack. It was the dead of winter and pitch dark when we set out. A torch had been lit on the island, so we could see our destination, but we could not see the next step ahead of us. There were unexpected rocks and holes. We would feel our way, step by step, before putting full weight on a leg. When we started out, the water as knee-high, but it became waist-deep by the time we reached the island. If Mr. Pak fell and broke his leg again, there would be no doctor to tend to him.
Upon arriving at the island, Father discovered that his friend was already dead. Moreover, many other people had also gone to the island to try to escape by boat. Only one boat remained, and we got on board. But it was announced that only the families of soldiers or policemen were to be allowed to make the journey. We got off the boat and headed back to the mainland.
As I look back on that experience, I wonder how Father was able to carry Mr. Pak on that long and dangerous crossing to the island. Mr. Pak weighed about as much as Father. You can imagine how difficult it would be to carry a heavy person for several kilometers.
As I was telling this story one time, Father commented, "If I could not have made it, carrying Mr. Pak across to the island, then I could not be responsible for the restoration of the universe." This is typical of Father’s attitude: whatever he does is not just for the person immediately involved, but because that person represents many other people, and ultimately the world. Father regarded Mr. Pak as a representative of mankind. North Korea was a symbol of hell, or the satanic world, and South Korea symbolized Canaan, or heaven. Father’s mission is to bring all mankind back from the hell of the fallen world to Canaan. With desperation and determination, Father fulfilled this symbolically by carrying Mr. Pak on his back during parts of the journey from North to South Korea.
Father makes a promise
The first crossing had been very difficult, but then we had to return. There seemed to be no hope of getting back to the mainland. We had almost nothing to eat, just small portions of rice powder, which we ate very slowly. Father knew that both Mr. Pak and I were despondent…” LINK
In a speech in New York given on October 14th, 1978 Won-pil Kim relates this version of the same story:
“We finally made it to the island, hoping to catch a boat going south. But, alas, no boat was there, and we had no choice but to turn around and go back the two and a half miles through the slimy mud in the bitter mid-winter cold with our pants rolled up to the knees.” LINK
Won-pil Kim is simply inventing the Yongmae island story. First he said there was a boat and then he said there was no boat. That is not something he would forget if this significant story was true.
In his Japanese book 先駆者の道 Kim tells a similar story on pages 95 to 98 and uses this discredited photo with a caption about Chung-hwa Pak under it! (There were two editions of this book published in 1988. The only differences were that this infamous photograph was replaced and the price went up from 800¥ to 820¥. See below for the substitute page 97.)
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朴氏を背負って冬の海を渡る  “Mr. Pak being carried across the winter sea.”
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Won-pil Kim was supposedly there for the detour to Yongmae Island. He knew this picture was not of Moon or Pak, but he had the audacity to use it and write a fake story around the photograph. Here is the Japanese text:
「全宇宙を代表する個人」“An individual who represents the entire universe.”
 そもそも最初の横断でさえとても困難でしたから、二度目は横断できる望みもないように感じました。そのとき、文先生は「ある場所までたどりつけば、豪華な夕食を準備して 待っている人がいる」と言って、私たちを励まされました。その言葉で、私は前進する力を与えられたのです。私たちは今来た道を引き返しました。
This part from the above text about Pak’s leg being in a Gibbs splint and kept straight was also invented by Won-pil Kim. Pak explained that it was his ankle that was fractured.  Link here
“By that time Pak’s foot had healed, but if he had broken it again, it would have become a serious problem. He could not bend his leg at all, so it was in a Gibbs splint for many days, and his leg remained outstretched.”
Mr. Pak himself explained that he used a rope to bind his fractured ankle. He had learnt how to do that in the army. He was also a black belt in Judo and knew something about handling injuries. Pak never had a splint on his leg. He was pushed on a bicycle (which his sister had left for him in Pyongyang) for the first part of the journey, then Pak rode his bicycle for some distance. For the last third of his journey to Kyongju, Pak’s fractured ankle had healed enough for him to walk on it.
Michael Breen interviewed Kim and Pak and described their journey south in his book ‘Sun Myung Moon, the early years’.
On pages 129-130 Breen includes a third version of the Yongmae Island story with different details. 
Pak clearly stated in several documents and interviews that Moon never carried him across any water. That eliminates Pak as a source of this story. Pak never referred to Yongmae Island. Additionally Pak had a map in his book that does not show a detour to the island. 
Won-pil Kim had produced an earlier map without the island shown, and then a later map, after the infamous photo appeared, with a detour to Yongmae island. This map was printed in 先駆者の道  The Way of the Pioneer on page 43. LINK to Kim’s maps.
Today’s World July/August 2009, tells a fourth version of the Yongmae Island story on page 10. This contradicts Kim’s version where he states there was no boat.
“We walked out to Yongmae Island on the tidal flats and were the first ones to get on a boat moored there, but a crowd came and there was a ruckus. What happened was that those who were not the relatives of those soldiers or policemen were all dragged off.
All the military were in retreat; how then, could ordinary people have been permitted on the boat? So we had to go back to the mainland because there was no boat for us. We went back and went south across the thirty-eighth parallel.
While we were crossing tidal flats to Yongmae Island, I thought to myself that if I could not make it Heaven would perish. You should love with the thought in your head that “If I fall by the wayside, where will that leave Heavenly Father?” Where, then, could you not go?”
Today’s World magazine cannot be trusted for UC historical facts. It is published in Korea with the agenda to mythologise Moon.
Here is the replacement page 97 in Won-pil Kim’s book:
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山野を越え���川や海を渡い 、避難は難渋を極めた
People attempting to flee to the south across the broken girders of the bridge. Travelling through fields and mountains, across wild rivers and the sea, evacuation was extremely difficult.
UC makes false claims over photo to promote ‘hero’ Moon
The Unification Church Yongmae Island fake story
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The Yongmae Island Fake Story
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Yongmae island.
Here is Won-pil Kim’s first map of the journey, before the infamous ‘two refugees’ photo was found. His map does not show a detour to Yongmae Island. Here is the link to it in his testimony.
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After the photo was found in 1983, Won-pil Kim changed his map to include a detour to the island. He also used the ‘two refugees’ photo in the same book, knowing he was deceiving people.
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Chung-hwa Pak’s map of the same journey never included Yongmae Island:
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Here is a 1991 calendar shamelessly published by the UC of Japan.
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Below is a fake story printed in Today’s World shortly after the Korean newspaper The Joong-ang Ilbo 中央日報 published their October 24, 1983 memoir about the Korean War.
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UC makes false claims over photo to promote ‘hero’ Moon
Won-pil Kim was inconsistent with his lies. His own testimony book had to be revised and a replacement rushed out.
Moon lied when he claimed: “I carried Mr. Chong-hwa Pak 600 miles from North to South Korea”
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