southernsmokebbq · 1 year
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#Repost @yescom with @let.repost • • • • • • Correu as provas da Yescom em 2022? Então compre sua foto no site da Foco Radical. www.focoradical.com.br #yescom #focoradical #robertopinheirofotografia https://www.instagram.com/p/CnSgagBPptS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tedtoolscom · 1 year
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The Best Above Ground Pool Pumps Of 2022
Read more: https://tedtools.com/best-above-ground-pool-pumps/
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webavinash · 2 years
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nscafuro · 2 months
Yescom LED Smart: The Ultimate Ambiance Enhancer
In the realm of smart lighting, the Yescom LifeSmart LED Smart Hexagon Touch Lights stand out as a beacon of innovation. With a plethora of features designed to elevate your ambiance, these lights are not your average illumination solution. Let’s delve into what makes them so special. Embrace modern elegance with the sleek design and ambient illumination of the Yescom LifeSmart LED Smart Key…
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ambientalmercantil · 10 months
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yescommedia · 11 months
Your Best Hoarding Advertising Partner
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In the dynamic world of advertising, where creativity meets impact, hoarding advertising company remains a timeless and powerful medium to captivate audiences and create lasting brand impressions. As businesses strive to establish a strong presence in both physical and digital spaces, choosing the right hoarding advertising company becomes a critical decision. This is where Yescom Media shines as the undisputed champion, offering unparalleled hoarding advertising services that elevate brands to new heights.
The Art of Hoarding Advertising
Connecting with the Masses: Hoarding advertising is a masterstroke in connecting with the masses. As people traverse busy streets, their attention is naturally drawn to striking visuals that dominate the urban landscape. Yescom Media understands this intrinsic human behavior and leverages it to ensure your brand receives the visibility it deserves.
Maximizing Impact with Creativity: Creativity is the backbone of impactful hoarding advertising. Yescom Media's team of creative wizards goes beyond the ordinary, designing visually arresting hoardings that leave a lasting impression on passersby. From bold colors to eye-catching graphics, our hoardings stand out amidst the clutter.
Why Choose Yescom Media for Hoarding Advertising?
Expertise that Delivers Results: With years of experience in the advertising industry, Yescom Media boasts a proven track record of delivering exceptional results for our clients. Our hoarding campaigns have consistently driven increased brand recognition and customer engagement.
Strategic Location Selection: A hoarding's effectiveness is closely tied to its location. Yescom Media's experts conduct meticulous research to identify prime locations that ensure maximum exposure for your brand. Whether it's a bustling city center or a high-traffic highway, we place your hoarding where it matters most.
Customized Solutions: We understand that every brand has its unique identity and message. At Yescom Media, we don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Our hoarding advertising services are tailored to meet your specific goals and resonate with your target audience.
Collaborative Approach: Your vision is our priority. We believe in working closely with our clients, incorporating their ideas and preferences into the creative process. With Yescom Media, you have a partner who values your input and brings your vision to life.
Comprehensive Campaign Management: Our services extend far beyond hoarding design and installation. Yescom Media takes care of the entire campaign management process, from conceptualization to monitoring its impact. We ensure your hoarding campaign runs smoothly, delivering optimal results.
The Yescom Media Advantage
Innovative Technology: Yescom Media stays at the forefront of technology and employs cutting-edge tools and techniques in hoarding advertising. From 3D hoardings to interactive displays, we infuse innovation into every campaign.
Professional Team: Our team consists of passionate and skilled professionals who are well-versed in the art and science of hoarding advertising. From graphic designers to strategists, we bring together the best talents to craft a winning campaign for your brand.
Timely Execution: We understand that time is of the essence. Yescom Media prides itself on its promptness and adherence to deadlines, ensuring your hoarding campaign goes live on schedule.
Cost-Effectiveness: Hoarding advertising with Yescom Media offers excellent value for your investment. We provide cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes.
When it comes to hoarding advertising, Yescom Media emerges as the industry's finest. Our strategic approach, creative brilliance, and unwavering commitment to excellence make us your ideal partner for hoarding campaigns. By choosing Yescom Media, you ensure that your brand receives the attention it deserves, captivating audiences and reaping the rewards of an impactful hoarding campaign.
Step into the limelight of hoarding advertising success with Yescom Media, and witness your brand soar to new heights, leaving a lasting impression on all who lay eyes on your hoarding.
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atletasudando · 1 year
Dominio africano en el medio maratón de Sao Paulo
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Fuente: Federacao Paulista de Atletismo La 16ª Media Maratón Internacional de São Paulo movió este domingo 5 de febrero la Zona Este de São Paulo. En su primera edición en Itaquera, la carrera reunió a miles de corredores para un recorrido inédito, técnico y muy exigente. Al final, lo más alto del podio en las categorías masculina y femenina quedó en manos de atletas extranjeros: ganaron el ugandés Maxwell Rotich y la keniata Vivian Kiplagati . Brasil celebró el subcampeonato con Samuel do Nascimento de São Paulo, campeón el año pasado, y Larissa Quintão de Minas Gerais. (veces al final del texto). Después de 15 ediciones con inicio en Pacaembu, el Media Maratón Internacional de São Paulo llegó a la Zona Este de la ciudad. El cambio realizado por Yescom, promotora de la carrera, buscó descentralizar los grandes eventos, tornando las carreras aún más accesibles para todos y de todas las regiones, siguiendo lo ya hecho el año pasado con la 1ª Media Maratón de Guarulhos. La iniciativa y el interés por nuevos desafíos acabaron atrayendo a mucha gente al evento y a sus tres distancias - 21 km, 10 km y 5 km -, coloreando la arena instalada en el Shopping Metrô Itaquera, punto de partida y llegada, desde una temprana edad. En categoría masculina, el ex campeón Samuel Nascimento era uno de los favorito, pero fue superado por el ugandés Maxwell Rotich, tercer clasificado en la pasada São Silvestre. El campeón destacó la alta humedad de la mañana como principal problema. “Muy feliz por este resultado en Brasil. La humedad era fuerte y esto terminó por dificultar un poco. Sin embargo, logré mantener el ritmo desde el principio, sin mencionar que todavía disfruté mucho el recorrido”, declaró Rotich. El brasileño Samuel, por su parte, lamentó no haber logrado el doblete. “Vine tratando de aferrarme al título pero ganó el keniano. Me gustó la ruta, dura, pero los caminos estaban bien señalizados y con total seguridad. Empecé bien el año, pero pudo haber sido mejor”, dijo el subcampeón que llegó al evento de una manera inusual. “Terminé perdiendo la camioneta de la organización y tuve que venir en Metro. Llegué media hora antes de la salida, pero pude calentar bien y hacer una buena carrera”, concluyó. Vivian Kiplagati confirmó este domingo su favoritismo en damas y aumentó su lista de títulos en el país. La keniata, que ya tiene en su palmarés dos conquistas en la Volta Internacional da Pampulha (21/22), regresará esta semana a su país y tendrá otro trofeo en el equipaje. Estuvo perfecta en la carrera y no le dio oportunidad a sus oponentes, cruzando la línea de meta con facilidad. “Fue una carrera muy técnica, con muchas subidas. Menos mal que todo salió bien al final. Realmente me gusta correr en Brasil y esta fue mi sexta carrera aquí desde finales del año pasado. Ahora estoy de regreso en Kenia y nada mejor que despedirme ganando”, dijo. Larissa destacó el expresivo resultado de principios de año. “Empezamos la temporada con un clima que podría ser mejor. Pero estuvo en el podio y eso también es muy importante. La ruta fue desafiante, con muchas subidas y bajadas pero me gustó. Espero que el año sea muy bueno y que logre otros resultados positivos”, concluyó. El año pasado, Adriana Aparecida da Silva quedó en tercer lugar La supervisión estuvo a cargo de la Federación de Atletismo de São Paulo (FPA) y de la CBAt – Confederación Brasileña de Atletismo. Resultados 2023 Masculino 1. Maxwell Rotich (Uganda), 1h06min56 2. Samuel do Nascimento (Brasil), 1h07min33 3. Renilson da Silva (Brasil), 1h08min59 4. Gustavo de Souza (Brasil), 1h09min54 5. Melquisedéque Ribeiro (Brasil), 1h10min32 Femenino 1. Vivian Kiplagati (Kenia), 1h20min15 2. Larissa Quintão (Brasil), 1h21min22 3. Adriana Aparecida da Silva (Brasil), 1h25min20 4. Renata dos Santos (Brasil), 1h25min43 5. Adriana Domingos da Silva (Brasil), 1h26min47   Read the full article
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spdicaskids · 2 years
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🏁 🧩🎨Corrida Cartoon 🏁🧩🎨 A Corrida infantil irá acontecer no dia 04 de Dezembro no Sambódromo do Anhembi. O evento está sendo organizado pela Cartton Network e a Yescom, e terá contará com music show, food trucks, arena cartoon e carton pictures. Você pode escolher entre duas categorias pra correr do seu jeito: Dupla: Uma criança e um adulto Trio: Uma criança e dois adultos ou duas crianças e um adulto Para mais informações e inscrições: www.yescom.com.br 🗓Dia 4 de Dezembro ⏰️A partir das 7h 👶A partir de 4 anos 🎟Valores a partir de R$210,00 @yescom @cartoonnetworkbrasil 📌 Av. Olavo Fontoura, 1209 - Santana - São Paulo - SP (Sambódromo do Anhembi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CklYBi0uQ_4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dorothymillard24 · 2 years
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Yescom 36 50 Aluminum Drywall Stilts Height Adjustable Lifts Tool for Sheetrock Painting Painter Taping Silver
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celiaflowers3 · 3 years
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Yescom 3 Die #0#2#4 Hand Press Grommet Machine and 900 Pcs Golden Grommets Eyelet Tool Kit
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kexada · 3 years
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Desafio Virtual Cosan concluído com sucesso! #eusonhoecorroatras #teamfenixrunners #correkexo #yescom #meiamararona #cosan #somosraizen #corridaraiz (em Orla Turistica De barra Bonita) https://www.instagram.com/p/CL1u4V_FfN4/?igshid=m3dw8m0ddt75
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nafetspapeis · 4 years
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Amanhã dia 02fev2019 vou fazer a minha 4 Meia Maratona Internacional de São Paulo ( 2011, 2018 e 2019) #Yescom O tempo sempre baixando 😂 05° - 2011 - 01:59:11 11° - 2017 - 01:53:19 13° - 2019 - 01:51:10》01:44:15 -T liquido 14° - 2020 - ?? Não tenho pretensão nenhuma de baixar esse tempo de 2019 vou correr tranquilo provavelmente o tempo vai estar bem agradável principalmente pelo horário da largada. E uma prova difícil mas o importante é finalizar bem saudável. E bora correr 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ #correrebomdemas #yescom #meiamaratona #sãopaulo #pacaembu #estadiomunicipal #paulomachadodecarvalho #pracacharlesmiller https://www.instagram.com/p/B8CXIeAnETl/?igshid=107xmx1vmbqm5
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tonyalves-blog-blog · 4 years
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Turistando pela Paulista.... Chegamos em poucas horas ao último dia de 2019... Ano em que aprendi a me reorganizar e mesmo que a força, se virar... Quero agradecer a Deus pelo dom diário da vida, aos espíritos de Deus, por está sempre me forçando a ser melhor, e a uma pessoa especial, que entrou na minha vida em Abril, e como se fosse pelo destino de Deus, como uma história, ela foi e É...uma pessoa incrível....não vou dizer que ela e de outro mundo, por que ela sim e deste mundo, e cuidou e mesmo com suas dificuldade diárias, tenta sempre está perguntando como estou....@ka_sousax obrigadoooooooo por tudo, vc nao substituiu minha Mãe, pois não há como fazer isso...mas que vc me ajuda como ela fazia, isso sim....tenho uma gratidão enorme... Te Amo ♥️ #saosilvestre #saopaulo #avenidapaulista #brazilianrunersteam #yescom #masp #nobilepaulistaprime #corrabrasilia #eunaocorrotreinocorrida #minhanamorada #latambrasil #mequi1000 #euamocorrer #euamocorreroficial (em Avenida Paulista, 2073) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6t68_0nVrh/?igshid=wgym2ndxt6il
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ambientalmercantil · 1 year
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yescommedia · 1 year
Take Your Brand to the Streets LED Van Advertising in Patna by Yescom Media
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Unlock the power of the best LED Van Advertising service in Patna with Yescom Media. Our cutting-edge LED vans, equipped with vibrant displays, provide unmatched visibility for your brand. With strategic routes and captivating content, we ensure maximum exposure and engagement. Trust our expertise to deliver exceptional results, making your brand the center of attention in Patna. Experience the impact of the best LED Van Advertising service in Patna by choosing Yescom Media. Drive your brand's success to new heights with our innovative and highly effective advertising solution.
For more details:
Visit Our Website: www.yescommedia.com
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