#Yes I went to Lowes today specifically to get Girl Scout cookies what about it
I'm having my first Girl Scout cookies of the season so I'm gonna do this for shits and giggles-
The Favorite Girl Scout Cookies of some of my OCs and if they would be a good Cookie Mom/Dad/Parent:
Ana: Girl goes gaga for Tagalongs/Peanut Butter Patties. She is a major supporter of the local girl scout troops to the point that they just let her know when cookie season starts and ship boxes to her direct from the bakery. Top Tier Cookie Mom. 10/10
Douxie: Thin Mints. Hoards them through non-cookie season. Excellent Cookie Dad. Very hesitant to let go of Thin Mints. 9/10
Elissa: The lemon frosted ones? Idr what they're called. (Lemonades) Very begrudging cookie mom. Wants all these goddamn cookies out of her house. 5/10
Ben: Samoas/Carmel deLites. He and his future husband go bananas for them. Their daughters' and nieces' cookie sales explode. Would be a great Cookie Dad if it weren't for the fact that he keeps sneaking cookies out of the boxes. 8.5/10
Michael: Trefoils and Peanut Butter Sandwick/Do-Si-Dos. Not really big on any of the other flavors cause there's too much going on. The second that Emilia joins the Girl Scouts he is the #1 supporter. Would absolutely be a Cookie Dad and volunteer immediately. 6/10
Thalia: I'm getting S'mores vibes from her ngl. Would volunteer to be Cookie Mom if no one else could, but is mostly persuading Michael not to volunteer immediately. 7/10
Sophie: I haven't tried Adventurefuls yet, but they look really good. Turns and runs the opposite direction when someone asks her to be Cookie Mom. 6/10
Eric: He just has whatever Sophie has. One box given just to him lasts maybe 2 months. (Which is a long time for Girl Scout cookies). Not very interested in being a Cookie Dad. 4/10
Charles: What the fuck are Girl Scout cookies. Will still buy cookies to support his nieces but is very confused about the whole thing. Definitely not a Cookie Dad. 2/10
Robert: Every flavor. This man goes bananas for them. He absolutely has a freezer dedicated just to Girl Scout Cookies so he can have them in the off-season. He volunteers to be Cookie Dad every year and no one stops him. 100/10
Ben: Samoas/Carmel deLites. He and his future husband go bananas for them. Their daughters' and nieces' cookie sales explode. Would be a great Cookie Dad if it weren't for the fact that he keeps sneaking cookies out of the boxes. 8.5/10
Alice: Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs. She tries and resists so hard, but when it's the little Daisies or Brownies she can't say no. She can't. She melts. Is just like her big sister though and will bolt out of a room if someone asks her to be Cookie Mom. 7.5/10
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anzu2snow · 3 years
Feels like I had a long day even though it seems I didn’t do much. Could be the pain making me feel this way. A friend gave me a bag with stuff today. Someone I knew in high school pitched in, too. It was really nice of both of them. There were a few gift cards for restaurants and a bakery, Girl Scout cookies (Samoas), a nice smelling candle that had they/them on it, and a card.
My palliative care doctor finally called right after that. I had been told he’d call me last Tuesday, so I was getting really frustrated with the wait. My main thing for going back into palliative care was because of the pain. They couldn’t do anything about it until I talked to him.
Anyways, my neck has started to hurt more lately, along with the pain in my back and pelvis from before. He asked me if they’ve done any imaging lately of my neck specifically. I said I don’t think so, and he didn’t see anything in my records except for x-rays of my neck a year ago. He wants them to do x-rays on it. He asked if I’m feeling any numbness or tingling in my arms or hands. I said yes a little numbness in my arms. He especially didn’t like hearing that. He thinks I could have a lesion (met) in my neck that could be compressing it or something. I don’t know what they can do about that. I didn’t think it was that serious.
For the pain, he first suggested I increase my dose of dexamethasone (a steroid). This is something I tried to get off of before, and managed to get on a pretty low dose. It’s made my face and fingers super puffy, and gain weight in other areas. I don’t want to gain more. He said it sounded like I have more bone and inflammatory pain, and it could help more with that. If I had the rib spasming thing going on again, I might consider it, but I don’t.
Next, he suggested increasing my morphine dose. To go from 30mg 3 times a day to 45mg 3 times a day. I’d have to have the 30mg tablet with a 15mg one each time, because apparently they don’t have a tablet in that amount. That’ll be weird. I’m going to try it. He said sometimes people’s systems end up tolerating opioids more after about a year, so they end up not being as effective. Might be what’s happened with the morphine and oxycodone. He doesn’t want to mess with the oxycodone for now. He ordered more morphine for me, and it’ll be mailed to me.
Just as I was finishing with talking to him, my palliative care nurse called. I called him back, and we talked about what the doctor said. He then tried to have the usual weekly check-in. I told him I was a bit worried about how much weight I’ve gained mainly from the meds. He said not to worry, and just enjoy things. I want to feel better that way, too. He thinks with my cancer and such I shouldn’t push myself too hard. Once my pain is under control, I’ll try to get back into my walks. I can monitor my calories more when we get the freezer next month. There are things I can do to feel better and healthier, but I feel I can’t do some of them at the moment.
After that my parent and I went to Red Lobster to celebrate the end of the month at least. I got steak, crispy brussels sprouts, a baked potato, and vanilla cheesecake for dessert. I still feel I can splurge every so often, and I don’t eat like that every day. There aren’t many things I can eat there anyways. I wore my metastatic breast cancer hat. No one asked about it. Didn’t have any stares or questions at Safeway right after either.
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