burlveneer-music · 2 years
Yamila - Visions - a fascinating song cycle, chamber music + electronics, plus a long ambient remix by Scanner (on Umor Rex)
Yamila reveals her most intimate catharsis in Visions, an album that brings together and provokes the hallucinatory powers of music. Like an ancient herald, she announces the profound feminine mystique while crossing epic melodies full of pleasure and pain. This album is a journey that prodigiously unites baroque accents, Spanish folklore –such as flamenco– and contemporary electronic music. Her voice and music –sometimes torn and others buoyant– could resemble the score for a biblical passage (ie. visions of the Apocalypse), for they are overflowing with physical ecstasy and sounds that one can touch. Visions is composed of different forms and rhythms. Pieces like "Visions V" evolve intensely with sharp and systematized hits ––powerful layers that bring us closer to Alessando Cortini's Forse era. "Visions II", for its part, shares intensity and power with flamenco ritual patterns, as if it were an old Andalusian scene dripping with oscillations and electric shocks. Yet there are luminous vocal pieces such as "Visions I" (featuring Rafael Anton Irisarri), inspired by Manuel de Falla's Suite Española composed in 1922. Here, an aural chiaroscuro with beautiful voices and choirs is deeply fused with daring drones. And it is in the ensemble of moments of Visions where Yamila's conceptual axis is rendered solid. Pain and glory, lacerating religiosity, feminism cauterized by power, and hallucinations as a source (or pretext/tool) to be heard. Yamila exhibits a profuse aesthetic with her music that calls for a look at the far-past with romanticism and nostalgia. Visions is radiant, intense. A unique album. All songs written and performed by Yamila Ríos (Spain), except “Visions I”, which features Rafael Anton Irisarri. Recorded between the Swedish winter and the Belgian countryside. Additional musicians: Simbad guitar on V-IV and V-I, Vera Cavallin harp on VIV. Mastered by Rafael Anton Irisarri at Black Knoll Studio. NY. Photos by Virginia Rota in Madrid. Design by Daniel Castrejón in Mexico City.
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trappedwell · 2 months
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 7 months
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Why is this every fucking conversation between them for all of S1
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mearpsdyke · 11 months
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soon 🇦🇷
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julianalvarez9 · 11 months
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ROMINA NUÑEZ & YAMILA RODRIGUEZ - FIFA Mundial Femenino 2023 - partido del Grupo G entre Argentina y Sudáfrica - 28/07/2023. (Foto de Joe Allison)
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petuniapolar · 1 month
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Happy lesbian visibility week, better late than never!
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saras-dcla-events · 4 days
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Today's pride prompt I decided to draw Yam and some early signs she was into girls.
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sahaias · 8 days
Soy Luna Season 2 Episodes 31-52 Thoughts
Okay, it took me forever to progress through these episodes because I am a workaholic who was playing Mass Effect or talking to friends during my only free hours lol. Most of these thoughts are about the last few episodes because those are the ones I watched recently
Juliana annoys me, but it seems after the competition, they are going back on her character to make her less overtly rude and demeaning and more just strict and wanting the best for people. She kinda reminds me of my boss who made me cry on his second day on our team by yelling at me, but now I'm the most competent person he has and the most trusted one. I miss Tamara (and I kind of had a crush on her lol, Pedro was so valid for that lmao)
Thank god the stupid twins storyline is over, it was such a waste of time and ruined Pedro and Nico's friendship.
Luna x Matteo is giving me the ick, and it's because Matteo looks like someone who's old enough to have graduated college while Luna looks like an actual high schooler. Despite being around the same age as Karol, Tini didn't look that young while playing Violetta. It probably has to do with her being taller, having a less high-pitched voice, and a more angular face. That and Jorge doesn't give me weird vibes like Ruggero does
I still stand by Ramiro's overconfident attitude trying to compensate for his insecurity being a more interesting and better quality for the "cocky leading man" role than the way Matteo is written. He's pathetic you could say, but in a charming and likable way, which makes you root for him. I cannot say I find Matteo likable at all
Gaston and Nina not communicating and having their relationship suffer because of that is realistic but hard to see
Yam and especially Jim give out so many positive vibes these season, it makes me happy whenever they have lines lol
It's funny that the show wants us to root for Matteo in general when Simon is the one encouraging Luna to support Matteo more while he's jealous. He also has way more people supporting him during the competition with the only ones supporting Matteo outside of Luna being Gaston and Ramiro.
The biggest example of Matteo sucking though is he's salty both Simon and him won and is visibly annoyed by this news, while Simon is just ecstatic that he gets the opportunity at all
The Simbar sparks are forming, and I can already see why people love them
Xavi is not someone I really care about or like, but I do appreciate the end of his story being that he understands Nina isn't into him and not getting remotely mad. It's a positive example, and something I think more shows could stand to depict.
Luna being concerned about Simon getting hurt when getting close to Ambar gives more romantic energy than anything between Matteo and Luna lmao
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slingshotfanart · 4 months
The moment when you two favorite characters in a tv show have completely different kinds of storylines within the show’s canon
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iridescentis · 1 year
i've already started thinking about it and i must write it down SO
Here is my take on what happens after the s3 finale:
The roller team continue to pursue professional rollerskating events amongst their busy schedules. The next year, Nina leaves to study literature in Oxford (ehehehe), breaking up with Eric, and Jim and Yam start at their college. Luna stays at home with her family and helps Ámbar run the Jam & Roller while she trains for various skating opportunities. Matteo pursues his career as a soloist and is successful, and eventually brings Luna on his first tour. Simón and Pedro visit Nico in New York and they reunite the band, and with help from Matteo's new contacts they get a record deal and go on tours too. Luna gathers the roller team as often as she can, even if it's just for one performance at the Roller, she always makes sure they train and skate together as often as they can.
In the further future, Luna is a full time professional skater and still lives in the mansion with her family and Matteo who is successful in his career as a soloist and has multiple songs with his friends but many with Luna. Ámbar and Simón move to Cancun (I've seen people say that before and I love it) and they of course get married there. Ámbar opens another Jam & Roller there and coaches a rollerskating team. Simón continues his music career with the roller band. Jim and Yam spend a few years pursuing separate careers but ultimately become a duo. Ramiro also becomes a full time professional skater and has actually competed several times against Luna. Nina returns after she has finished college and would you look at that she's engaged to Gastón oh what a surprise! Delfi and Pedro stay together, they have rough patches from a lot of long distance when Pedro is on tour with the band but they work it out. Jazmín continues with her channel and works alongside all of her friends covering everything in their careers (and personal lives of course), travelling with them all wherever they go keeping the world in touch with the roller team.
Eventually, everyone finds the time to return to where they started and they make the collective decision to go on one huge tour as the roller team before leaving it in the past, but they all stay friends.
There are things I would do differently during the seasons but this is all post-canon instead of changing anything that happens
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l00k4tm4m45c415 · 1 year
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Yamila Toledo
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trappedwell · 2 months
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My new legacy with Yamila and Elias <3 They are just moved into new unfurnished house ✨ (I'm taking a break from my old save and Valter Legacy for now)
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These two rarely get to interact so when they did I had to screenshot as much as I could <3
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mearpsdyke · 1 year
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ahora sí, BUEN DÍA 🇦🇷
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hermywolf · 11 months
people on twitter have such an incredible ability to hate people i also hate in ways that are genuinely so stupid that i end up having to defend people i hate against them. its incredible
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petuniapolar · 4 months
I love how the SL writers realized they made Jim and Yam a little too much lesbians, so they forced them into straight relationships but those relationships were soooo badly executed that it only made them even more lesbian coded
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