An atheists live reaction on Easter service, which my family thankfully streamed, because god knows the irl crowd wasn’t wearing masks.
School apparently equals ceaser and turns children into heathen romans. ThInK oF tHe ChILdReN
“Can’t call it 666, bc that’s not Christian LOL”
“Cars just don’t have CD players anymore” *upset sad sigh*
“ReAd My FrEe ChRiStIaN book”
“Society sees this day as foolish” (boy didn’t we all get off work for Good Friday? And today?? We didn’t get off for Passover tho?)
“The CulTuRe sees us as rubbish”
“The CuLtUrE hates this day bc it proves our religion”. (BOY? I got off 2 days from school. Also where’s the proof? Where is the undeniable proof? There’s not even proof Jesus was ever born. Try again.)
No masks, not anywhere. Lots of cozying up too
*baptist hand shaking commences*
*amazed gasps as pastor explains how the grave was broken open*
*more singing, now ft. Off key voice which was apparently wrecked due to covid*
*white people raising their hands*
*voice cracks, note is flat*
Pastor is wearing a blue suit coat, blue vest, and matching blue tie which all match his jeans a little too well
*white women in the background trying to sing like gospel choirs. Off key and tune*
Seriously, a packed house and not a single damn mask, tf, y’all all old as hell too. Y’all got a death wish?
Everyone is standing and flailing their arms around
Oop, one woman has a mask, she’s using it as a chin strap
“ThAnK yOu, you may be seated”
Singing preacher left, time for the old talky talky one
*bad joke abt east Texas being full of sinners*
*monotone scripture reading*
“OuR nAtUrE sHoUlD be like JESUS” practice what you preach pal
“Every knee shall bow” I could hear this line a thousand times, it never gets less kinky
“I still believe in miracles-“ * 🎶I do believe in miracles, you sexy thang🎶*
I miss children’s Bible study
“Idc what’s going on in the world, our biggest problem is NO JeSuS!!”
“Physical healing is temporary, we’re all gonna die” fuckin mood pal
“Praise him! Not just this day but FOREVER!!!! 😤😤”
I fell asleep
Hand holding and piano jamming
Piano session is still going.
I fell asleep
They’re doing the blood n body thing
Yum, Eucharist grape juice, kind of jealous
More piano
Some old man is singing “Jesus loves me”
I fell asleep
Oh yay! It’s over!
Aw fuck, we’re watching a different service now.
No masks and an even bigger crowd in this one
“EvEn NoN-bEliVeRs KnOw JeSuS eXiStEd” (bitch where. The census that should have documented his birth never happened, and the gospel was written in GREEK about 60yrs after he “died”)
I fell asleep again.
No one is wearing a mask
Some white girl is jumping around in stage trying to sing
Still no masks
I fell asleep.
“*something vague about how our country is headed for chaos and destruction, with the implication that it’s Biden’s fault instead of, ya know, A GLOBAL PANDEMIC THAT DECIMATED OUR ECONOMY AND SLAUGHTERED HALF A MILLION PEOPLE*”
More vague bitching about Biden
Shoe horning in some reference to those who “blatantly sin so near the holiday” so nice of Lil Nas X to make an appearance
I fell asleep
My mom said “wow! I can’t believe how packed it is!” Really? Really mom?
Pastor didn’t even talk about the crucifix or sacrifice. WHERE IS MY BLOOD AND GORE? I DEMAND BLOOD AND GORE ON EASTER
Apparently the microwave of life isn’t childbirth, it’s forgiveness. We need to forgive people “because they know not what they do”
Pastor sir, your 17 yo son knew that girl was 13 and hit her up for nudes anyway, we all remember. Gross.
Ya know what, at least he looks dope today, that suit is fly Pastor sir.
More singing, more Baptist physical affection. A pandemic? In the house of the LoRd?! Never
Fin. I’m going back to bed.
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
Mar 31 Bevel’s Movie Night - Rugrats Passover & The Prince of Egypt
Today, Prowl learned about human history. It’s wild, but like, not really any more wild than Cybertron’s early history? He can handle a talking shrub with hologram flames that hands out snakes with stick alt-modes.
Today Bevel 7:30 pm *she's a little subdued tonight, but the room's set up, and she's sitting on the floor fiddling with something laying on the floor in front of her* Ratchet 7:33 pm *pops in* Bevel 7:34 pm *looks up and smiles at Ratchet* Hi, Ratchet. Ratchet 7:34 pm Heya, kiddo. Whatcha got there? Bevel 7:37 pm Part of my ship's engine. I gotta fix it before I leave. Ratchet 7:39 pm Oh! *flomps down beside* What's the issue with it? Bevel 7:41 pm I think *she points to a mess of wires inside the panel she's working on* something got crossed wrong. Or a circuit board is wrong. I can fix the first one tonight but the circuit board means I gotta weld stuff. I cannot do that during the documentaries. Ratchet 7:44 pm Hmm. Doesn't seem like too much trouble, then. Bevel 7:45 pm ((this is so bad, I'm gonna just... Ratchet 7:45 pm [[ it is truly terrible ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 7:47 pm *Soundwave creeps in, smelling faintly of smoke and melted plastic. He'll sit down like nothing's wrong and give the other two calm nods.* Bevel 7:48 pm No, just annoying. *she sticks her glossa out at the reek from Soundwave* Hi, Soundwave. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:48 pm *What are you calling a reek. FAINTLY.* Ratchet 7:49 pm *he smell bad* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:49 pm *LISTEN HERE* Ratchet 7:49 pm *DECEPTICON STANK* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:49 pm *This is the scent of MORALS* Ratchet 7:50 pm *Ratchet doesn't mean that he knows Soundwave is not a Decepticon* ItsyBitsySpyers 7:51 pm [[What will you be showing tonight?]] Bevel 7:52 pm Passover documentaries from Earth and something Miko said I would like. ((gonna start on the hour so if everyone needs food, drinks, potty breaks, now is a good time. Ratchet 7:54 pm [[ this is reminding me there was a really cute Jewish family who I was on the same plane with on the way both to and from TFCon last year ]] Bevel 7:54 pm ((heee Bevel 7:57 pm One of them is about a prince in Egypt? Ratchet 7:58 pm Sounds interesting. I've met a prince from.... huh. I can't remember what country he was from. Bevel 7:59 pm Was he nice? Ratchet 7:59 pm Yeah! He helped the Aerialbots out. ItsyBitsySpyers 7:59 pm [[Ah, he knows that story. He has seen it before. It is most satisfying.]] Bevel 8:00 pm Awesome. *to both things, she goes back to poking at her project* Ratchet 8:01 pm [[ THAT is Prince of Egypt music ]] VProwl 8:02 pm ((... i can't find a chat log for it so i guess prowl hasn't seen it before. has it been since before i was on prowl that i saw it in a stream??)) Ratchet 8:03 pm [[ last time i saw it in stream u were drift and i was sadie ]] VProwl 8:03 pm ((i DID find the stream log on drift, so i guess it's been... almost 3 years... wow)) Ratchet 8:03 pm [[ unless there's been a time since then??? i thought maybe there was.... ]] Bevel 8:04 pm ((Oh good I don't feel so bad reshowing it then VProwl 8:04 pm ((i thought there was too, but i don't have a log, so...)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:05 pm ((someone showed it like a year ago but i think i'm the only one who went?)) Ratchet 8:06 pm [[ i know whirl has seen it at least twice. i was there when whirl saw it a second time and was still delighted by heqet ]] [[ he pointed it out to windchill ]] Bevel 8:06 pm *giggles quietly at Angelica's idea of freedom* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:06 pm *Soundwave settles in to see this story. He hasn't seen this version of it.* Bevel 8:08 pm ...mom acts like this sometimes if you mention Optimus. It is less funny when she does it. VProwl 8:08 pm *A human holiday. Those are dangerous.* ... When in this holiday? Bevel 8:08 pm Right now! ItsyBitsySpyers 8:08 pm *Soundwave thinks it's hilarious, but he's not sad about the Prime's loss.* VProwl 8:09 pm Oh. *If anons were going to try to harass him into celebrating it, they probably would have done so by now. He must be safe.* All right. Bevel 8:09 pm Hi, Prowl. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:10 pm *That sounds like Laserbeak's requirements for a holiday* Ratchet 8:10 pm Oh! Hey, Prowl. VProwl 8:10 pm ... Hi. *Oh. Yeah. He didn't really greet everyone. He sort of just snuck in as it was starting.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:10 pm *Nods to Prowl, who is almost certainly going to sit with Ratchet, and continues listening* Bevel 8:11 pm Why not the other babies? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:11 pm [[He dislikes the youngling with the yellow hair.]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:12 pm [[HA.]] Bevel 8:12 pm *laughs* VProwl 8:12 pm *Soundwave is right; Prowl does so.* Maybe the others didn't have baskets. Ratchet 8:13 pm Hehehe. I've done that a time or two. *Ratchet is on the floor with Bevel* *just so Prowl knows where he's sitting* VProwl 8:13 pm *On the floor he is.* Bevel 8:14 pm *floor bots yay* VProwl 8:15 pm ... Building a pyramid upside-down is actually a far more impressive architectural achievement than the regular way. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:16 pm [[Clearly, the pharoah knows nothing.]] VProwl 8:18 pm ((... i didn't know the subs could keep going while the picture is frozen)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:18 pm ((...neither did i)) Bevel 8:18 pm ((hulu really ItsyBitsySpyers 8:19 pm ((i was sitting here like 'oh that's clever, not having to animate all that')) Ratchet 8:19 pm [[ me too lmao ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:21 pm [[Toning it down for the bitlets, he sees.]] ((LMAO THE PHONE)) VProwl 8:23 pm They could have chosen better actors for the dramatic reenactment. It's not very dramatic. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:23 pm [[You'll like the other version better, he thinks.]] Bevel 8:23 pm Is it more serious? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:23 pm [[Quite.]] Bevel 8:24 pm *nods* Ratchet 8:25 pm *snickers* VProwl 8:25 pm ((that pun oh my god)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:25 pm ((the baby bath water joke omg)) Ratchet 8:25 pm *baby with the bathwater* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:26 pm *Soundwave isn't familiar with the expression or he'd have found that hilarious.* Bevel 8:26 pm So much for Pharaoh. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:27 pm [[Indeed.]] VProwl 8:27 pm ... Somehow I feel like the original story was... bloodier. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:28 pm *Soft huffing. Prowl isn't wrong.* Ratchet 8:28 pm [[ that was really cute though i haven't seen rugrats passover before ]] [[ *wiggles* ]] [[ honestly we could watch this movie every week and i would never get tired of it ]] Bevel 8:29 pm ((I love the Rugrats Passover so much ((same ItsyBitsySpyers 8:29 pm ((PoE is hard to watch sometimes but i love it so)) Bevel 8:30 pm I guess we will find out now, Prowl. This is a much longer documentary. *she forgets her tinkering for the moment* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm *Soundwave scoots forward on his seat and rests his chin on his hands. A history lesson, a story he can get behind, and music. What's not to like?* VProwl 8:31 pm *They're singing. And Prowl's already on high alert for dogs.* Bevel 8:31 pm ((omg prowl ItsyBitsySpyers 8:31 pm *No, no. That's Monday.* Ratchet 8:33 pm *leans back on his palms* *this music. mm.* VProwl 8:33 pm *Well. It's already bloodier than the last documentary.* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:35 pm [[This youngling was extremely fortunate to have avoided certain death so many times.]] Ratchet 8:35 pm [[ what i appreciate most about this movie as an adult, tho, is that there's not a single damn white person in it. ...... at least in the way that they're animated. ]] Bevel 8:36 pm ((same VProwl 8:36 pm ((v good job they did there)) ItsyBitsySpyers 8:36 pm ((ye)) VProwl 8:36 pm ... Do humans usually adopt each other that fast? Bevel 8:37 pm *shrugs* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:38 pm [[He has not seen many tales of human adoption.]] *Huff.* [[One might say they have a nose for trouble.]] Bevel 8:39 pm This looks like a fun race. Ratchet 8:39 pm *sputtering* SOUNDWAVE. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:39 pm *Bobbing quietly.* Bevel 8:39 pm *giggles* VProwl 8:40 pm Pff. Bevel 8:41 pm *frowns* Bad dad. Bevel 8:43 pm ((my new thing, that line kills me every time ItsyBitsySpyers 8:44 pm *Low, irritable buzz.* Bevel 8:45 pm *scowls* VProwl 8:45 pm Ugh. Bevel 8:45 pm Ha. *and she's back to frowning* VProwl 8:46 pm ... Does he have ANY experience in architecture? ItsyBitsySpyers 8:46 pm [[Presenting another living being as a gratification toy. They deserved to have their fingers bitten off by her.]] [[And it is unlikely.]] VProwl 8:50 pm Hm. *okay the architecture thing isn't as offensive as the slavery thing. but it's pretty offensive.* Ratchet 8:50 pm *did YOU have any experience Prowl* Bevel 8:51 pm Oh he got it. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:51 pm [[Music can be a powerful cause of recall.]] VProwl 8:52 pm *he had one hell of a crammed education, five architecture and construction experts guiding him, and the willingness to turn to the people who were supposed to be working for him and tell them he was clueless and needed their help.* Bevel 8:52 pm *nods and hums* ItsyBitsySpyers 8:54 pm [[He would like to see the archives from this time. He is sure they do not move like this, but they must still contain many stories.]] VProwl 8:54 pm *certainly hopes they don't move like this.* Ratchet 8:55 pm [[ it is raining real hard and butter* is lookin out the window all interested like ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 8:55 pm [[You deserved to be risen against, human.]] Bevel 8:55 pm Yeah. VProwl 8:56 pm The best way to not be risen against is to be the kind of person against whom it would not be beneficial to rise up. ItsyBitsySpyers 8:57 pm *Nodding.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:00 pm [[Good.]] Bevel 9:00 pm *gasps* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:01 pm *Knew it was coming and still took every delight in seeing the whip-holder thrown.* Ratchet 9:04 pm [[ one of these days....... ONE OF THESE DAYS i am gonna get around to writing a prince of egypt/transformers mash up type fic with megatron as moses and optimus prime as rameses ]] Bevel 9:05 pm ...whoa, is that a thing that really happens on Earth? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:05 pm [[It is.]] Ratchet 9:05 pm [[ because in my heart of hearts i am a dirty decepticon sympathizer ]] Bevel 9:06 pm Does Cybertron have them too? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:06 pm [[The rust sea has a version of them.]] Bevel 9:07 pm Oh hey it is the bitey girl. *mental note to never go to the Rust Sea* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:09 pm *Is gonna try his damnedest to see that pattern anyway.* Ratchet 9:09 pm That's a lovely tapestry. Bevel 9:09 pm *...this is Bevel's favorite song so far* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:09 pm *Feeler wiggle. It's hard not to be caught up in this one.* VProwl 9:10 pm *a thread can certainly see its part in a tapestry; it just needs some well-placed mirrors.* *............ and eyes, but.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:11 pm ((amazon what is your PROBLEM lately)) Bevel 9:11 pm ((amazon I'm gonna VProwl 9:11 pm ((amazon needs to get its shit together)) Ratchet 9:14 pm [[ omg i never noticed the reprise of that theme before...... ]] [[ this is ur home ]] Bevel 9:14 pm ((masterpiece of a movie Ratchet 9:14 pm [[ it's so good ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 9:15 pm *Ohhh, the part with the voices. It intrigues him so.* VProwl 9:16 pm *... what in the world is going on here?* *hologram? some kind of bioluminescence?* VProwl 9:18 pm *kind of a rude deity. he raised reasonable objections.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:19 pm *Soundwave has no idea. The first time he saw it, he thought the human was hallucinating. He stopped thinking that after the... whatever the substance was that moved him around. Now he doesn't have a clue.* Bevel 9:20 pm *is fairly certain it was the human's version of Primus. whoever. whatever it is* VProwl 9:20 pm *well sure, but if primus had started talking out of a weird non-burning fire prowl would be asking how HE did it too* Bevel 9:21 pm *magic?* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:22 pm *Ask him how he made the carved tabletop move ilke the scene in this film while you're at it, Prowl. Soundwave still can't puzzle that out.* VProwl 9:22 pm *magic is merely insufficiently understood science* Bevel 9:22 pm *if you say so, Prowl* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:23 pm [[He wonders how long the Moses human was gone.]] [[Egotistical, isn't he.]] Omicron 9:24 pm *IceQueen peers in* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm [[Good evening, Ice Queen.]] Bevel 9:25 pm *waves to Ice Queen with her spanner* Omicron 9:25 pm O,o Bevel 9:25 pm Is this gonna be the gods fighting now? The human did not mention this in the first story. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:25 pm *Whirl's voice:* [][][]Praise Heqet.[][][] *The mech isn't here to do it himself. Someone had to.* VProwl 9:26 pm ... Is THIS where that was from? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm [[It is.]] Omicron 9:26 pm *wonders at the spanner, settles down on the floor in her bot mode with murmering hatchling on her shoulders* hello VProwl 9:26 pm Whirl worships a human Egyptian god? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:26 pm [[Apparently.]] VProwl 9:27 pm I'd assumed Heqet was—I don't know. A gun manufacturer. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:27 pm *Soundwave IMMEDIATELY shakes up a storm* Bevel 9:27 pm God fight. *points to the snakes* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:28 pm [[That does seem like the kind of thing he would have worshiped, doesn't it.]] Omicron 9:29 pm hmm Bevel 9:30 pm 😔 Omicron 9:32 pm Racer: *climbing down Icy's back* Bevel 9:33 pm *sits forward so she can see what Moses is going to do this time* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:34 pm [[There is your 'bloodier'.]] VProwl 9:35 pm I didn't mean literally, but—yes, I suppose so. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:36 pm *He knows what Prowl meant. There will be that, too.* Omicron 9:36 pm well this is an interesting way of doing a speach ItsyBitsySpyers 9:37 pm *Soundwave's feeler claws cilck. A favorite sequence comes now.* VProwl 9:37 pm *Doesn't consider faith alone much of a counterbalance to the power to take lives, but okay.* Omicron 9:37 pm *a hatchling might be eyeing the feeler, or the derection* Bevel 9:37 pm *Bevel changes her mind, this is her favorite song* VProwl 9:38 pm *Plagues and small creatures are a good counterbalance.* *... And fireballs.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:39 pm [[Stubborn fool.]] Bevel 9:39 pm *so faith?* Omicron 9:39 pm very VProwl 9:40 pm *No no, not faith. A big friend with bigger powers than their enemy. Whether or not they have faith in said friend doesn't change that friend's power.* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:40 pm [[How his own citizens did not rise against him for subjecting them to this to save his own pride, he does not know.]] Bevel 9:40 pm *maybe it does for the friend but Bevel doesn't know anything about this particular god* VProwl 9:40 pm Propaganda blaming it on Moses and the Hebrews, I'm sure. Omicron 9:40 pm guards? VProwl 9:42 pm ... When lower castes try to demand equality to upper castes, the leader refuses, and the lower castes cause trouble, who do the upper castes generally blame for the trouble? The leader, for standing up to social upheaval, or the lower castes, for not knowing their place? Omicron 9:43 pm *rumbles, and pets her hatchling's back* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm *Soft vent.*
[[All right. He knows. He simply - wishes it was not always so. Here. And... other places.]] Omicron 9:44 pm ........what ItsyBitsySpyers 9:44 pm [[It is as he says. The first creation of every Egyptian will perish.]] VProwl 9:44 pm ... Mm. Omicron 9:44 pm >C ItsyBitsySpyers 9:45 pm *There it is again. The... whatever that is. Smoke?* Lingo 9:45 pm ...So an alien comes out of a wormhole and eats all the human firstborn? Bevel 9:45 pm I think it is the human's Primus. Lingo 9:45 pm How can it tell which is which? Omicron 9:46 pm this....they take out everything on the youngest that can not defend or have a say in what their elders do? Bevel 9:46 pm Well, the Hebrew's god. The Egyptians have different ones. Lingo 9:46 pm well that was distressing. Bevel 9:46 pm *who sadly aren't doing much to stop things, maybe they thought the slaves should be freed as well?* VProwl 9:46 pm ... A brutal god. But most stories of gods I'm familiar with tend to be. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:47 pm [[The humans with the blood painted on their doors were not touched. That is how it knows. And only those forced to be slaves knew to do it.]] Lingo 9:47 pm I've heard a few stories about Egyptian gods. They seem to operate like reality tv casts Bevel 9:47 pm Casts? Like a play? VProwl 9:47 pm And brutality is sometimes a necessity. Omicron 9:47 pm *Icy gives a low growling in her spot, racer tries to minic* Lingo 9:48 pm Well more like a bunch of drunken people who have no business sharing a house together ItsyBitsySpyers 9:48 pm [[It is retribution for what was done to the creations of the slaves under their rule.]]
*He has always disliked that younglings were forced to suffer, but... what else could be done?* Bevel 9:48 pm Oh. Lingo 9:48 pm than like a cast of a play VProwl 9:48 pm Sometimes. *he's not going to openly support or criticize this one's choices.* Lingo 9:49 pm There's apparently quite a bit of hooplah concerning who receives the semen ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm *Soundwave nods at Prowl.* [[What do sailors have to do with gods?]] Bevel 9:49 pm Seamen? Lingo 9:49 pm No more like a milky human byproduct They seem very hung up on it ItsyBitsySpyers 9:49 pm [[Ugh. Human ooze.]] [[Please, say no more.]] Bevel 9:50 pm Ha. Omicron 9:50 pm *snorts* Lingo 9:50 pm Apparently there is a kind of lettuce who also produces a similar textured milky white byproduct Omicron 9:51 pm yeah, lets not get into those human oddies Lingo 9:51 pm ....and something about necrophilia? but I think that might be an unrelated story to the lettuce. Bevel 9:51 pm *shrugs, humans and their gods are strange she guesses* ((so glad they actually put the words instead of [singing in Hebrew] Omicron 9:52 pm at least there are many more young ones that have been freed Ratchet 9:52 pm [[ YES i've always wondered what the words were that was really nice ]] Omicron 9:53 pm ((yes!)) ItsyBitsySpyers 9:53 pm *...He may not be THAT fond of organics, but he's oddly pleased by the humans' happiness. Look at how thrilled they are to be freed. He remembers moments like that.* Bevel 9:53 pm Cybertronian stories about the Thirteen are weird too. I can send you some. Lingo 9:53 pm You can leave out the ones about Micronus.
I'm not speaking to him currently. VProwl 9:53 pm ... They probably could have got the same result with much less loss of life if, instead of killing every firstborn offspring, their deity had just killed the pharaoh. Bevel 9:53 pm *nods* Ok. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:54 pm [[He has thought that a few times, himself.]] [[THAT is a power.]] VProwl 9:54 pm *gestures* And the pharaoh wouldn't be around to send an army, either. Bevel 9:54 pm There is one about Solus that I think someone who did not like her wrote about her getting murdered by one of the other Thirteen who was being really creepy. It was stu--*distracted by awesome fire* Lingo 9:55 pm Egyptians killed pharaohs all the time, though. Less than a day someone else would have the reigns Omicron 9:55 pm O-o primus it takes all the fire breathers on the ship to do a firestorm close to that Bevel 9:56 pm *this is so much cooler than the first version* VProwl 9:56 pm *how many things can that stick do* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:56 pm *Isn't it, though.* Lingo 9:56 pm It'd be like killing the prime. Yeah there's a hit to morale but the matrix just gets handed off to the next guy in line and if he dies it goes off to someone else and so on. The fancy hat is the same. Ratchet 9:56 pm .... *and Ratchet thought he didn't like SOUNDWAVE* Bevel 9:57 pm ((I would like to say that in the original story, Aaron was actually really awesome and it is my only complaint about this movie that he's mostly relegated to whining here Omicron 9:57 pm .........skybite? *Icequeen and Racer perk up* ItsyBitsySpyers 9:57 pm *...He would almost like to walk within a sea like that himself. Imagine all the strange underwater life forms he could see up close. Not just octopuses, either.* VProwl 9:58 pm ... What's keeping the fish from swimming out of the wall. Does the same forcefield that's keeping the water up also keep the fish in, or are they able to see where the water ends and avoid it? ItsyBitsySpyers 9:58 pm [[He assumes it is the field.]] Omicron 9:58 pm *sound wave could do a see visit sometime with Icy's crew* Bevel 9:58 pm Killing the Prime is to a big deal. Omicron 9:59 pm .....well.... that's inadvertent tactics? VProwl 9:59 pm *gestures* And the pharaoh ends up dying anyway. Ratchet 9:59 pm Thank you, Bevel. ItsyBitsySpyers 9:59 pm [[The idiot did not see a trap as plain as the evening and morning star he claimed to be.]] Lingo 9:59 pm Well yes it's a big deal but it doesn't upset the daily grind for more than a week Ratchet 10:00 pm *stands up* Have a good evening, Prowl. Bevel 10:00 pm Yeah it does! *she slams the spanner down onto the floor* Ratchet 10:00 pm Thank you for the movies, Bevel. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:00 pm [[Goodnight, Ratchet.]] VProwl 10:00 pm Evening, Ratchet. Omicron 10:00 pm have a peaceful evening medic VProwl 10:01 pm Even if it WASN'T an obvious trap, who would walk between through tenuous walls of death liquid without the-- oh, he isn't dead. Without the reassurance that the being who SPLIT those walls is on your side? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:01 pm [[A final miracle. He should have been dashed against the stones.]] Bevel 10:01 pm It upsets everything. VProwl 10:01 pm *Dryly.* Aren't miracles supposed to be good? Omicron 10:02 pm he should have been crushed by the water pressure alone, let alone it coming down most mecha can't survive water pressure at depths alike to that ItsyBitsySpyers 10:02 pm *Light venting at Prowl.* [[He enjoys every opportunity to see that documentary. Thank you for giving him another.]] Bevel 10:03 pm *she might have been able to shrug Lingo's comment off last week but the weld over that wound has been torn clean off with the loss of the Star Saber* Lingo 10:03 pm *Whoo hokay gonna be backing out of range of slamming tools* Bevel 10:04 pm *fuming on the floor like y'do* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:04 pm *Soundwave's just. Gonna stretch a feeler out and gingerly rest it on Bevel's back.* Bevel 10:05 pm *she trembles for a moment at the touch before dropping the spanner to the floor* Sorry. Lingo 10:05 pm .......................... *is only very smol and not sure if Soundwave has back or not but best not to bank on that*
Okay so maybe I'm off base here. I've never actually had.. a prime in my lifetime until recently so it's a little ... weird...? to me...?? Bevel 10:05 pm Sorry. I will... I have one more thing to show. Lingo 10:05 pm I'm- uh- sorry.. Ratchet 10:05 pm *halfway home, and remembers he was going to offer Bevel a hand with that engine* Bevel 10:05 pm *nods jerkily to Lingo* Ratchet 10:06 pm @Bevel ::Let me know if you need a hand with anything, hey? I'm pretty good with repairs, myself.:: Bevel 10:06 pm ... @Ratchet: ...yeah. Ratchet 10:07 pm [[ boyz II men ayyy ]] Bevel 10:08 pm ((one last thing to wind down to ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm @L: [[He does not disagree, but you speak to the spawn of one, and one who is recently deceased at that. Do not change your mind for another's benefit, but you must also know your audience.]] Omicron 10:08 pm ((having a happy spazz here XD just got a second draft of Icy-commission )) Bevel 10:08 pm ((congrats! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:08 pm [[...What is this?]] Bevel 10:09 pm Um, Steven Universe. It is about aliens on Earth. Miko thought I would like it. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:09 pm [[Earth is a popular destination these days.]] [[PRIMUS BELOW.]] [[What is -that-.]] Bevel 10:10 pm Monsters. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:10 pm [[He can -see- that they are monsters. What -are- th--]] Aha. Century poodles. VProwl 10:11 pm ((century poodles: what happens when you bury a poodle to ferment)) Omicron 10:11 pm huh ItsyBitsySpyers 10:11 pm ((LMAO)) Lingo 10:11 pm @slendy: Well if yours is anything like mine you'll have a zombie prime wandering around if you give it enough time...... Omicron 10:11 pm ((LOL)) Lingo 10:12 pm Oh this is that show With the little green one ItsyBitsySpyers 10:13 pm *...He can see who Prowl's favorite is going to be.* VProwl 10:13 pm *okay Prowl already likes the one that's talking about the trajectory of petals falling* Bevel 10:13 pm *Bevel already pegged that one as Prowl too* VProwl 10:13 pm *HOW DID YOU GUESS* Omicron 10:14 pm O,o Omicron 10:15 pm ..........so, this is their equivalent of their learning how to transform? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:15 pm *...Doesn't think he relates to any of the four, really, but he's curious about this gem business.* Omicron 10:15 pm Racer: *stands up and flops, transforming attempt fail* Bevel 10:15 pm HA. Omicron 10:15 pm .........Pffffffffft! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:16 pm [[What is he going to do when he is out of the cookie cats?]] Bevel 10:16 pm *well this helped make her feel a little better* VProwl 10:16 pm Learn the recipe? Lingo 10:16 pm I dunno, Garnet kind of reminds me of you, Soundwave Omicron 10:16 pm learn how to make icescream? VProwl 10:17 pm *The one Prowl relates to is named Pearl. INTERESTING.* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:17 pm [[It seems very inconvenient.]]
[[And why is that?]] Lingo 10:17 pm Tall, stoic, stretchy arms, visor? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:18 pm [[Connecting with the energies of the universe is... really more Drift's business.]] Omicron 10:18 pm sounds like something Skybite would go on about Lingo 10:18 pm A pokeball! ItsyBitsySpyers 10:19 pm [[Urgh.]] Omicron 10:19 pm *might be purring* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:20 pm *...Idly wonders if Prowl knows how to use a spear as well?* Bevel 10:20 pm ((just one unless y'all wanna watch another VProwl 10:20 pm ((sure!)) Bevel 10:21 pm *transforms her fists... into bigger fists* VProwl 10:21 pm *Soundwave is welcome to ask.* Lingo 10:21 pm (( I'd be down but I'm like two hours behind you if you're getting tired )) ItsyBitsySpyers 10:22 pm *You know what? He's going to do that.*
@P: [[...It occurs to him that he has never looked into your full set of weapons skills. Are you trained with spears?]] Bevel 10:22 pm ((one more and then I'll switch to music ItsyBitsySpyers 10:23 pm [[...Generally speaking, floating optics are not good.]] VProwl 10:23 pm @S «No, I've never used them.» ItsyBitsySpyers 10:24 pm @P: [[What -do- you use? Aside from blasters, your missiles, and acid, if you do.]] Omicron 10:24 pm ...well Bevel 10:24 pm At least they tried. Omicron 10:24 pm that's a predacon tactic if I ever saw one Lingo 10:25 pm Why is his coloration so weird? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:26 pm [[Hopefully your Predacons are better at improvising than these crystal-gem aliens.]] [[...Clean your slagging storage shed, human.]] Omicron 10:27 pm Generally we are Soundwave. There aaare moments though...of...moments VProwl 10:27 pm @S «Shock batons and a couple types of martial arts.» ItsyBitsySpyers 10:29 pm *Shock batons? Martial arts? Despite knowing what his own Prowl could do, he didn't expect either of those.*
@P: [[...He would be interested in seeing demonstrations of both, some time. If you were willing.]] Omicron 10:30 pm at least those two have a positive relationship it seems ItsyBitsySpyers 10:31 pm *Hmm. That says something about how much the Rose alien liked the Greg human.* Bevel 10:32 pm I want a cannon like that. VProwl 10:32 pm @S «I don't spar very often, but I'll try to remember to let you know next time I do.» ItsyBitsySpyers 10:33 pm *Confirmation ping. And maybe a set of markers for enthusiasm and impatience. A 'can't wait', if you will.* Ratchet 10:34 pm [[ okay i'm sleep good night ]] ItsyBitsySpyers 10:34 pm ((night!)) Bevel 10:34 pm ((night! Omicron 10:34 pm (rest well!) Bevel 10:36 pm *she picks the spanner back up and goes back to poking at the engine on the floor* VProwl 10:37 pm @S «I'm not spectacular with any of them.» *he figures Soundwave probably knows and probably doesn't care, but he thought it only fair to warn him anyway.* Lingo 10:38 pm *inches over towards Bevel out of curiosity* ....whatcha working on...? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:38 pm *Nope. Doesn't care. That is, he cares enough to want to see what Prowl can do, but he remembers Prowl saying the best trainers in the Autobots could only teach him so much. He just wants to see for himself without people needing to be in mortal danger first.* Bevel 10:39 pm *tenses slightly before shrugging* I have to fix my ship before I leave. It was easier to pull this part of the engine out to work on it. I wanted to show the documentaries. *she likes having people visit* Lingo 10:41 pm That's a handy skill to have. I don't know much about engine repair. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm *...Maybe one day see how much of an offense Prowl can throw at him without anything bad needing to inspire that either. He might not have liked being -forced- to be a gladiator, but he does still enjoy testing people's strength from time to time.*
[[Before you leave? Where are you going?]] Bevel 10:42 pm *nods and whatever she's about to say is cut off by the question from Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:42 pm @P: [[That's fine. He's never used shock batons, himself.]] ((I love this sooooong)) Bevel 10:43 pm The Star Saber is not on Cybertron. Mom checked. *while yelling at her about playing with greyface magic* Omicron 10:43 pm O,o the prime sword? Bevel 10:43 pm *nods* ItsyBitsySpyers 10:44 pm [[...This is the most sensible post-departure song he has heard in millennia.]] [[And where IS it, then?]] Bevel 10:44 pm I do not know but I am going to find it. ItsyBitsySpyers 10:45 pm [[...By yourself?]] Omicron 10:45 pm ...do you need any help? Bevel 10:45 pm Rolodex does not want to come. Um, if you want to. What about Racer? Lingo 10:46 pm ......do you have like, a honing beacon on it...? Omicron 10:47 pm He rides along with the crew all the time. and Dreaded Wings is starting to get rather good with jumping now that our bridges make it between worlds Bevel 10:49 pm Yeah, but I gotta be closer for it to work. I was just gonna... go toward Earth and see if maybe it went back there. *it didn't but well it's a start* Bevel 10:50 pm If you want to. I do not know how long it will take to find. Lingo 10:51 pm Well.... I'm on Earth. I can listen and see if I hear any chatter about a huge sword appearing suddenly? Bevel 10:51 pm Thank you. Lingo 10:52 pm @Slendy: I think I recall something about it breaking during the war...? ItsyBitsySpyers 10:53 pm @L: [[Ours is not broken. Bevel had it just days ago.]] Lingo 10:55 pm @Slendy: mmkay... well I'll keep an ear out... Omicron 10:59 pm *watching raver keep jumping off her knee or tail, doing a weird flip or twist for a while now* Bevel 11:00 pm *wiggles her fingers at Racer* Lingo 11:01 pm (( slendy your attention is needed briefly on skype )) Bevel 11:01 pm ((she's having a computer hiccup it'll be a moment Omicron 11:02 pm Racer: *Fingers! wing flaps a trot over to pounce them* Lingo 11:02 pm (( ( =3=)b )) Bevel 11:03 pm *giggles and keep them just out of reach* Omicron 11:06 pm Racer: *he's getting strong little bit by little bit...also, he's been eating metals so jumps for it with wing flap* Bevel 11:07 pm *she swoops her hands down to grab him up and toss him gently into the air before catching hold of him again* Omicron 11:10 pm Racer: BAH! *wing POOF at the toss, and sits in the hold, wings out, looking confused....omg do that again* Bevel 11:11 pm *smiles and tosses him up again* Omicron 11:12 pm Racer: *exited chitters, wings flapping, trying to get the flying concept, has a while to learn* ((ooh, possible good song if you don't mind the fandom it was made in? its close to Icy's voice 😅)) (-hides in shy blanket-) Bevel 11:15 pm ((sure thing ((lemme know what it is and I'll play it next ItsyBitsySpyers 11:15 pm *Soundwave has a lot of nervous energy going nowhere because he doesn't know what to do about Megatron yet. He kind of wants to move around but doesn't want to leave but doesn't want to dance in public. Damn it.* Bevel 11:16 pm *would pat you on the back if she knew but well* Omicron 11:17 pm *would offer the planet she's on for a run around on too* Bevel 11:18 pm *Bevel could offer a fight since she's been itching for one, but Soundwave would probably kick her butt super fast* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:18 pm ((oh my god it ended with the train fight)) *Yes. Yes, he would.* Bevel 11:18 pm *Go pick a fight with Elita, Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:19 pm *He'll kick her aft too.* *Any aft except terrorcon aft, for the moment. He's not quite prepared to deal with that.* Bevel 11:19 pm *hey now she'd at least give him a good fight* Omicron 11:20 pm *he could go say hi to Dreaded Wings? distracting* Lingo 11:20 pm *is only a tiny thing she would get punted like a football* Bevel 11:20 pm ((omi~ what's the song you wanted me to play Omicron 11:22 pm ('changling Queen') Bevel 11:24 pm ((Excellent voice choice. I like it. Omicron 11:24 pm (I'm working on something that works for predacons) (but if you ever wanted to know what Icy is like or what she sounds like singing) *humming* ItsyBitsySpyers 11:28 pm ((*casually reminds everyone present of the Singing Favors Deal*)) Omicron 11:28 pm (?) Bevel 11:28 pm ((hehehe Omicron 11:29 pm (??????) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:30 pm ((okay so)) Bevel 11:30 pm ((...i may have lied accidentally when I said Elita couldn't sing ItsyBitsySpyers 11:32 pm ((It is NOT common knowledge at all but soundwave will deliver one free favor within reasonable limits to anyone who sings specifically for him if they ask to collect on it, one time and one time only. uncommon as in most people who have sung for him for one reason or another don't even know that's an option.)) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:33 pm ((basically you have to be clever enough to a) find out that he collects those files and b) realize exactly how much it means to him so you can insist he owes you for it.)) Omicron 11:34 pm (hmm....) (that thread with him coming to Dreaded wings, he's most likely to hear not just the living ship sing but Icy lead her crew in something. They do it to bond, as well as plays) ItsyBitsySpyers 11:36 pm ((well, if she ever learns enough about him to put it all together, she might be able to call on it. but it'll be a while yet 😃 )) Bevel 11:36 pm ((Bevel would sing for free ngl Omicron 11:36 pm (something for the future possably. In the mean time he can get pulled in- not having to sing but hear the crew and Icy sing) Bevel 11:37 pm ((But does it count if she can sound like anyone she's heard before? Omicron 11:40 pm Racer: *noming on a pede?* Bevel 11:45 pm *she makes a triumphant sound and pulls a bent circuit board out from the engine part in front of her, problem found* I have to go work now. ((mun is getting tired Lingo 11:45 pm (( nini <3 have good sleep )) Bevel 11:45 pm ((night <3 Omicron 11:45 pm (<3!) [rest well] Bevel 11:46 pm ((song played in the most loving of ways, I do appreciate everyone who showed up and enjoyed the movie and cartoons tonight Omicron 11:46 pm *Icy comes up and picks up her sparkling* let me know if you might need some help. Living attack class ships are good for back up ItsyBitsySpyers 11:47 pm *Well, there's no escaping reality now. Back to confronting the truth.* *He'll get up and get going.* Bevel 11:47 pm I will. Night, Soundwave. VProwl 11:47 pm *disappears* Bevel 11:47 pm *bye Prowl*
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agitatogrande · 7 years
Falsettos Passover Headcanons
So I figure that Jason's baseball game was in April 1981 (Baseball is a spring sport but April can still be kinda cold, hence Trina's long sleeves and Mendel's sweater). If we assume that Marvin and Whizzer got together again THAT DAY, they would be a couple during Passover, because Passover was late that year. So the TKF was all together! Yay!
Marvin, Trina and Mendel all argue over what haggadah to use. Marvin's family has used the Maxwell House Haggadah for years, Trina's parents always had to wing it because her father is Ashkenazi and her mother is Sephardi and they compromised by creating their own haggadah together but Trina doesn't want to go all the way out to Westchester to get copies of it, and Mendel wrote a version of the haggadah with the Jewish student union at Columbia when he was an undergrad and it's full of typos and Whizzer is like "what is this hippie shit?" and Mendel's like "oh, please, your grandmother's name is Mary Kate Catherine McCatholic, don't come after me about my haggadah."
They decide to compromise: they'll use Mendel's haggadah, they'll serve the foods that Trina's family had at their seders when she was growing up, and Marvin gets to read all his favorite parts.
Cordelia is super interested in all things Jewish, and asks Jason a ton of questions about the holiday. Because Jason's still studying for his bar mitzvah at this point, he's in hardcore Jewish Mode and tries his best to answer the questions so he can tell Trina he's doing something Jewish but still avoid having to learn his Torah portion. Cordelia finds out that it's another one of those "they tried to kill us, we survived, let's eat" holidays and offers to help Trina cook. Because most Passover food is pretty narsty even before Cordelia's influence, Trina doesn't notice how atrocious Cordelia's attempt at Jewish cuisine is until after the holiday, which is why Trina hires her for the bar mitzvah.
Trina and Marvin also argue about matzah ball soup. Marvin likes his matzah balls light and fluffy, Mendel and Trina like theirs heavy and dense, Jason prefers to have multiple small matzah balls that he can launch across the room with a spoon into the dog's mouth, and Charlotte is very confused by the idea of matzah balls in general.
Charlotte has a bunch of medical books and Jason decides it's appropriate to show everyone what boils look like when they get to the "Plagues" part of the seder. Nobody wants to eat after that.
Whizzer makes a lot of constipation jokes. He is in charge of dessert and brings those gross kosher-for-Passover rainbow cookies, and Marvin's like "that's too gay, even for me," and Jason refuses to eat them after Trina tells him that they won't make his poop rainbow.
Jason is in charge of the after dinner entertainment. He subjects all six of his parents to a two hour long stuffed-animal reenactment of the Exodus story, complete with musical numbers. At the end, he gives out autographed copies of the script and it is revealed that he and Whizzer have been working on it together for six months over the phone (Jason dictates because Whizzer is a much faster typer).
The dog finds the afikomen before Jason does. Jason's not even mad because the image of the dog running around with a big sheet of matzah in his mouth is so funny. It's less funny when the dog tries to bury the matzah in Jason's bed and Jason spends the next three months finding crumbs everywhere.
Charlotte has a lot of Jewish friends, but this is the first seder that she's been to and she reads everything as it's written, figuring that any typos she sees are just Hebrew words she doesn't know. Marvin has to correct her and be like "no, that's a typo, it's 'boils,' not 'bolis,' and that's salt water, not 'slat water,' Mendel's just a sloppy typer."
Whizzer smiles through the whole seder, and Jason's happy because he thinks it's because Whizzer and Marvin are back together, but really Whizzer is just trying to hold back laughter at the various ways Cordelia pronounces "Charoset."
Jason is sick of always having to be the one reciting the four questions, so Cordelia asks if there's anything she could do to make it better for him. He says yes, and that's why she beatboxes while he recites them.
Charlotte reads Ms. Magazine and passes her old copies on to Trina. Trina discovers a "Women's Haggadah" in a 1976 issue and decides that she'll have a "lady seder" one year if she and Mendel have a daughter together (my headcanon is that they eventually have several).
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murdershegoat · 7 years
Hey! hi, what's up, hows work/life? Just thought I'd check in. I'm like in the middle of v slowly coming out. It's so weird and scary but also freeing. my family has no idea tho and it's funny to me that they still think I'm straight haha
hey buddy! ive had a long ass weekend bc of the last days of passover overlapping with easter so like, did not leave my house for a solid five days, missed two paid days of work. now im at uni and i forgot my wallet and headphones at home so im fucked bc im here til 6 with a massive break lmaoooooooooooooooooooooo i hate my life
yay im glad youre slowly coming out!!! have you told friends? also how funny is it when youre out to enough people but ur family doesnt know and u constantly have in jokes with urself where u could make a gay joke but u dont so u just laugh to urself
it makes the crippling anxiety a tad more enjoyble
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