#Wind loves his great great granddaughter very much and will fight Malladus
zephyrus-gremlin · 2 months
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Local train engineer gets adopted by two very normal birds that arent secretly his predecessors :D
Aka I gave Spirit (ST Link) animal companions for the sillies (More below)
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Wind (later named Lobster by ST Zelda) is a very loud but courageous seagull, and he spends most of his time flying beside the spirit train or in his favorite seat. (Spirit’s hat)
He loves to prank Spirit when he can, but helps a lot in the Spirit Tower. (It reminds him of the Temple of the Ocean King and he refuses to let Spirit go through it alone.)
Spirit considers him as an absolute menace (affectionate) but Zelda thinks he’s a very sweet bird.
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Four (Spirit calls him Rainbow) stays on Spirits shoulder most of the time or at the engine of the train when they travel. He’s very fascinated by the train and wants to know how to works. This has led to Spirit developing a habit of checking the train before departure, as Four tends to get stuck in the small spaces of the engine.
He likes to watch Spirit write notes on any of the maps he gets during his journey, and will sing along with Spirit when he plays his flute.
Four made sure to steal borrow some supplies so Spirit could properly clean his blade when needed.
Extra notes:
- Spirit met the two on his train when he went to get his engineer certificate. Since he was in a rush to get to the castle, Alfonzo scared them off.
- They show up again to attack the guards help Spirit sneak Zelda out, and the two are given new names (Lobster and Rainbow)
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