mamapawsblog · 5 months
Raising kids is like herding cats. It's a challenge, and you're never quite sure who's in control
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🐾😹 Life as a Cat Herder: Parenting Edition 😅👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Raising kids is a bit like herding cats—chaotic, unpredictable, and leaving you questioning who's actually in charge. 🐾😹
In this wild parenting adventure, you're armed with your best attempts at authority, trying to guide your little ones through the maze of daily routines. But, much like cats, they have their own agenda. One moment, they're following your lead; the next, they've decided that socks are the enemy, and it's a full-scale revolt.
Mealtime becomes a circus act, with spaghetti flung like confetti, and bath time turns into a waterlogged adventure resembling a cat's aversion to anything resembling cleanliness. And bedtime? Well, that's an Olympic-level event where they've perfected the "avoid the pillow" gymnastics routine.
As you navigate the feline-inspired challenges of parenthood, remember: It's okay not to have it all under control. In the grand cat-herding scheme of things, laughter is your best tool. So here's to the parents, embracing the cat-astrophes with a grin, because in this parenting circus, nobody knows who's truly in charge. 😹👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
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ashtynrayn · 7 years
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Woke up at 8am to a loud bang in my room, automatically went to check my phone and noticed some changes. Its currently 10:05 am for me and I'm literally so anxious for posting time. In the collage you can see a screenshot from my phone where my tumblr glitched which was eerily coincidental. Who's ready for this? Do you think the Fandom will fall apart?? Ugh 😬 @therealjacksepticeye
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ashmusicpdx · 6 years
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One of my other favs from the 80’s! Underrated great hardcore from AZ! #desecrationazhc #whosincontrol #machoman #originalpressing (at Portland, Oregon)
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To have Monday blues or to rock the socks off this Monday. You choose. #youcontrolyouroutlook @freak.andy . . . #proactive #notreactive #rockin #bethebestmonday #aperturehorizons #noblueshere #whosincontrol #classicrockers (at Pocket's Pool and Pub)
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merquimiel · 7 years
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Who else? Me!
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chaossince1970 · 7 years
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#iphone #demands #whosincontrol #maestro that's who. #siri
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tanashiarw · 6 years
Who’s in Control?
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The fruit of the Spirit came with The Spirit.
When you said I believe Jesus, Holy Spirit moved in with these fruit. We have to take hold of these fruit and stop acting like we can’t control ourselves.
You have Holy Spirit in you. YOu CAN help yourself.
You CAN help it!
You CAN love!
You CAN be kind!
You don’t want to!
You CAN have joy!
You CAN have peace!
It’s in you!!!
It doesn’t leave you when you do wrong. It’s still in there!
You CHOOSE what you do with what you have.
Everytime you get out of control,
Everytime you do wrong in anger,
Everytime you curse someone out and say you can’t help it
You are speaking out of ignorance
The truth IS you can help it!
The truth is you chose to let your emotions control you instead of controlling them.
Who’s in charge?
Your emotions or you?
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sethdvangsness · 8 years
Risky Possibilities
As my first post, I would like to thank you in advance for your time.Now to my first thought:
Who defines ‘possible’? And..who defines ‘risk’? I’m not talking about the trivial, everyday definitions. I mean, to everyone there are simply things that we must accept will never happen in our lifetimes- world peace, my car fixing itself, and the zero calorie Krispy Kream. And save the quantum physicist, this is not only acceptable, but the right set of assumptions in which to operate. After all, can you imagine a life where you start your car and hope it’s the one morning that your brakes work perfectly as though fixed by little elves?
I would argue our assumptions of possible are entangled with risk so inextricably that we can hardly think of one without the other. Who worries about the (perceived) impossible?  Likewise, if we are constantly evaluating risks, who’s not also aware of the possibilities of risky outcomes? As such, I see a world where our definitions of ‘possible’ shape our view of ‘risk’.
Let’s take this up a notch. What holds us back from chasing after our passions and dreams: risk and possibilities? You have kids so your time is so spent on their needs, that you think it impossible to find time to turn a hobby to a business. Likewise, your mortgage keeps your from finding a job somewhere you really want to live. Either low-possibility or high-risk notions are dream-killers.
Moreover, we can take this another level and consider what is ‘possible’ as less risky. Take moving across the globe, or even the country. What’s more risky: moving with a job or without? I think the most logical answer is without. 
But... if we call ourselves children of a living God, who says through Jesus “with God, all things are possible,” then they are equally as “un”-risky. And, moving with a job is no less risky, as we must confront the nature of being at others’ good faith- the very notion of which, is ultimately a cornerstone of understanding a sovereign God. Simply ‘willing’ things into being is not in our box of available tools, no matter what TV evangelists may claim. We hold ourselves at the mercy of those around us, and ultimately the God above us for our benefit, safety, and provisions.
What’s defining your possibilities and risks?
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