washedupfae · 2 months
The Official WeirdCore AU Artwork.
Thank you @saiyurimai for this beautiful image of WC Toriel!
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silverryu25 · 4 years
Get To Know Me tag game
Thank you for the tag @washedupfae X3
Name: SilverRyu
Nickname: Silver or Ryu
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 5′ 3′’ (160 cm)
Language: (my main or all I know? I’ll go with all I know) Croatian, English, German, (very very little) Italian
Nationality: Croatian
Favorite season: Spring
Favorite flower: Lily of the Valley
Favorite scent: lavender
Favorite animal: tigers (most big cats tbh), horses, wolves, dogs
Favorite character: Sans and Red :3
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: none? XD 
Average amount of sleep: 6-8h
Favorite color: purple, silver
Dog or cat person: dog :3
Number of blankets: two, but changes over seasons
Dream trip: anywhere tbh, just to get out of the country XD
Blog established: September 2016!
Follower count: 885 @_@
Random fact about me: When excited, I can either flap my hands like a freaking bird, or give off a sharp “EEEEEEEEEEIIII!” Depending on the situation
Gender: female mostly XD
Sexuality: asexual (and aromantic)
Hogwarts house: Rawenclaw
Where are you from: Main city kid, kinda suburbs but not exactly XD
Why did you start the blog: Undertale now and forever UwU
Most recently played album: No albums I’m stuck on, mostly just random playlists to fill up the quiet while working
Idk who to tag so I’m tagging anyone who likes stuff like this ;3
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thedragonlover · 4 years
10 for 10 for 10
It’s a game where you answer ten questions, create your own ten questions, and then tag ten people. It sounded fun!
I was tagged by @sleeeeepytea ! Thank you, lovely!
1; what’s your favourite kind of aesthetic? Hmm that’s tough! I swing between a lot of them with my moods. But if I had to choose one, and I had to look up a list of aesthetics for this because I’m so casual about this but, I’d go with Cloudcore. The sky has always been inspiring for me. I’ve written songs, poems, stories because I looked up and just couldn’t contain myself. A lot of my camera roll is probably clouds. (But I just saw the word Dracopunk hmmm)
2; do you have an irrational fear? if so, what of? Bees. And wasps and such, just, buzzing flying insects. I’ve never been stung, not once. But something about them terrifies me. They look cool in pictures though! And I wouldn’t advocate destroying any beehives, they’re important for the environment! Just, please keep them away from me. QwQ
3; who’s your favourite animal crossing villager? (if you don’t know animal crossing, just share your fave animal/s) You gotta make me CHOOSE?! Uhhh. Flurry, Tangy, Bob, Sherb, or Beau. That’s as much as I can narrow it down. I remember my first AC game’s villagers fondly tho, I’d probably invite some of them to my ACNH island.
4; how long has it been since you’ve received a gift? Not terribly long ago, I don’t think. A friend gave me an extra pin with my P5R preorder today, if that counts. Before that, my roommate brought me food from our favorite restaurant on it’s last day before permanent closing. And some regulars got me a gift card because they like me. I’m truly blessed by the people I know TwT
5; what colour would you describe yourself as? Just one color? Aaaaaa I guess silver? It’s a pretty chill color, but can look flashy in certain lights. Fits perfectly under moonlight. Playful like silver bells, interested in food like silver plates, bad to mess with like silver daggers. Easygoing with most other colors. I was going to say gray initially, but dragons deserve more sparkle!
6; do you have plans for the future or do you prefer to let things just play out? I’m not terribly good at long-term plans, but I’ve been working on being more organized at least in the short-term or mid-ground. My FEH planner helps! Also spontaneity takes too much energy, I need to plan my Do Things days and my Do Nothing days in advance.
7; favourite crystal/gemstone? Tiger’s eye, hands-down! I’ve always liked it, I carry one around in my pocket nowadays. The shimmering golds and browns, and how they’re layered! And if you believe in metaphysical stuff, it’s supposed to help with courage. No wonder child me loved it.
8; what’s one book/poem/line that has stuck with you/made an impact on you? To get cheesy, something my little brother said when I saw him last October. I have the exact wording on my phone but, it was along the lines of “the only one stopping you is yourself.” It has the same vibe to it as Kamina’s motivational speeches in Gurren Lagann. Which are also great and inspired young me.
9; do you have any piercings? if so, where? if not, do you want any? I have one in each earlobe, and that’s it. Tbh while I’m happy to use them now, I didn’t get them voluntarily. No parent should force it upon their child.
10; how many gaming consoles do you have? I have about five, I think? Six if you count computer. Wait, eight, if we also include my handhelds.
Now to make my own questions. Hmm.
1. What’s your favorite drink to make on a bad day?
2. What game/book are you really looking forward to the release date of?
3. Do you do preorders or no?
4. Has a game/book/etc has made you react out loud, loudly, while playing it?
5. What made you create a tumblr account?
6. If you made your personality into a candle, what would it smell like?
7. What makes you like a favorite character, in whichever recent fandom you’re in? (don’t worry about choosing the MOST favorite, just one you want to talk about)
8. What’s something you don’t like about fandoms?
9. What’s the story behind a trinket, toy, etc. in your room?
10. If you were a Pokemon, what type would you be? (If you never played, pick a Persona skill type or arcana, a Hogwarts house, an element from Avatar, or similar thing)
As for tagging! (You don’t have to do these if you don’t want to.)
@cumprinc @washedupfae @themerpenguin @pkwheezing @aihi8 @with-bells-upon @vannyxan @sunflowerkittycrafts @theninjamouse @loraliah or anyone else who feels like answering some questions!
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yore-donatsu · 5 years
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Oh god ! It's a long time I don't draw him ... almost 2 years !! O___O""" Thanks you a lot @washedupfae the Ko-fi ^^"
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washedupfae · 8 months
WeirdCore Au List
This will be updated as I continue to work on the AU.
Character Concept Posts:
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washedupfae · 6 months
Voting for Isekai story "So This Is How The Game Is Played"
Hello again, dear readers!
While I am working on Chapter Three of our Undertale Isekai story, I want to introduce a character we maybe encountering soon or perhaps later in the upcoming chapters.
The Moss Witch.
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She is one of four (Or more, depending on how things turn out) key elements we will be seeking out or perhaps stumbling across. Now the questions is..
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washedupfae · 8 months
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: TBA - Relationship Characters: Y/n - Character Additional Tags: Tags as well as rating and the character list will change as things progress, Tumblr voted options, Isekai Story Summary:
You were not given the best start in life but you never really let it get to you, well, fate can be cruel. A new life in a new world with so much potential, how could this go wrong?
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thedragonlover · 4 years
I was tagged by @sleeeeepytea with one of these Get To Know Me things! It's been a while since I've answered some questions. So here's some stuff to know!
Name: Megan
Nickname: Dragon, DL, Derg, Mow, God, and many more!
Zodiac: Cancer & (Metal?) Rooster, idk the deets
Height: 5'1" >:c
Language: English (with scattered words from inconsistent learning)
Nationality: American
Favorite season: easy, Autumn
Favorite flower: also easy, tulips
Favorite scent: hmm, sandalwood
Favorite animal: Uhh idk praying mantis maybe? I can't really choose
Favorite character: Shit uh well I guess if I have to choose one, Takumi from Fire Emblem Fates?
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Tea and hot cocoa gotta fight it out for top spot
Average amount of sleep: Between 5-12 hours I guess? It depends on what part of my Fucked Up Sleep Cycle I'm on
Favorite color: always liked scarlet for some reason
Dog or cat person: I hate choosing between those, I love them both, even if I have more experience with owning dogs
Number of blankets: Four or five total, only one rn (a weighted blanket)
Dream trip: Around the world, I want to see it all!
Blog established: Omg I keep looking this up, what is it, 2005 or something? I refuse to do this one again LMAO
Follower count: 280
Random fact about me: I do make cat noises randomly
Gender: Ehh AFAB but it's whatever
Sexuality: Gray
Hogwarts house: Slytherin, ambition baybee
Where are you from: Born in Maryland, only was there two weeks though
Why did you start the blog: Idk all the cool kids were doing it IG
Most recently played album: P5R's album probably
As for tagging? Hmm. @cumprinc @sunflowerkittycrafts @loraliah @vannyxan @washedupfae and anyone who wants to do this!
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thedragonlover · 5 years
What made you choose your current Tumblr URL?
Tagged by @enamoredfey @washedupfae ya little turd xP
The name is actually a callback to myself from elementary school. I used to write and RP a lot with my childhood best friend, and we each had "cool nicknames." Mine was DL, which stood for, predictably, Dragon Lover. It became TheDragonLover when I started making online accounts, and thankfully for many sites I've been able to snag it.
Hmmm. @crwn-juls @tsundereicequeen @alphamamaliger and @wildstuckcraft if you haven't already done this, feel free to share with the class! :3c
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thedragonlover · 5 years
What are 10 of your weird habits?
List 10 of your weird habits, and then tag 5 other people in the chain.
(I was tagged by a certain mischievous fey... @washedupfae youuuuu. Anyway, you can do a list if you prefer, but I like it better this way lol)
I walk up stairs on all fours; I meow randomly or for attention; I sit in chairs with legs under me, in pretzels or knees to my chest; I play music while I shower to keep track of time; I set several alarms with different tunes to tell my sleepy brain what time it is; I carry cat treats for strays; I only play MMO-style games with friends; I write good things/tasks I do each day on my calendar; I also have fictional characters’ birthdays on my calendar; and I get to sleep easier (mostly) with music/videos.
@lostsoulwolf @theninjamouse​ @crwn-juls @voidstifyinq @sunflowerkittycrafts
You guys don’t have to do it, but feel free to snicker over this weird derg *finger guns* 
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thedragonlover · 5 years
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@washedupfae is this you
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thedragonlover · 4 years
Tagged by @washedupfae​ :P
Rules: Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up. Then tag others and do the same.
1. 10 熱砂の荒野を抜けて大グレン団が行くのだ (aka a track from the Gurren Lagann OST LMAO)
2. “The Only One” by Evanescence
3. “Monster Inside” by NateWantsToBattle
4. “The Ultimate Harry Potter Fan Medley” by Peter Hollens
5. “Rhythmortis (Lobby Remix)” by Jake Kaufman from Crypt of the NecroDancer
6. “Brethren United” from Fire Emblem Fates
7. “Sally Mae [ft George Thorogo]” by John Lee Hooker
8. “Stone Cold Classic” by AKA George
9. “Birth” by Retro Family for Shelter 2
10. “Serenity” by Chipzel
A wide variety, I’d say! But even this broad look doesn’t include every genre in my music library LMAO
I’ve tagged too many people lately, whoever wants to do this can do it cuz I’m lazy
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