#Vinyl Aurum
sullivantwissarcana · 7 years
RWBY Original Character 11
Name: Vinyl Aurum
Origin and Influence: I thought that a DJ character would make a cool RWBY character and I decided to make Vinyl; “Vinyl” comes from vinyl records which are normally black in color, while “Aurum” is Latin for gold.
Age: 17 (Birthday is March 27th)
Symbol: A record with three scratches across it
Species: Human
Appearance: 5′5″ with light skin with cerise-colored eyes, a toned dancer physique, and average figure; short blonde hair dyed a neon blue and styled with her bangs near her right eye (after the Vytal Festival, she only dyes her bangs the neon blue color while the rest is her natural blonde); always seen with a pair of sunglasses with amethyst-colored lens and a black frame as well as a pair of white headphones with her symbol in a gold color; Vinyl’s normal attire consists of a pair of purple arm-warmers that resemble fingerless gloves, a white short-sleeved jacket with a gold trim, a matching skirt with her emblem on the hip, purple leggings, and blue sneakers; after Volume 3, Vinyl’s attire changes to a white hoodie with a gold trim, a pair of purple fingerless gloves, a white skirt with a gold-colored belt buckle, her purple leggings, and blue sneakers; she also wears several pins on her hoodie (such as a rainbow-colored pin and several with emblems) and now applies blue lipstick
Personality: Vinyl is a helpful girl who always offers her assistance with whatever she can do; Vinyl absolutely loves music and is always seen listening to her headphones; she will even offer to share her love of music with others, even if she has just met a student she never saw before like Azalea when they were on the airship to Beacon together; Vinyl prefers to stay quiet and only talks when it’s time to be serious about something, everybody that knows her immediately listens to her when that happens; because of her taciturn behavior, she uses other ways to communicate like with her body language, instant messaging, writing, and even sign language; Vinyl is also very energetic when it comes to music or fighting, putting on a performance like she is the life of the party; she also believes that music can help anyone who is in a bad mood and even hosts concerts where she acts as a DJ; despite people believing she is a quiet girl who only pays attention to her music, Vinyl knows how to read her environment for what to do such as reading lips or using the battlefield to her advantage
Backstory: Vinyl grew up as a regular girl who didn’t know what to do with her life, but that all changed on the day her older brother, Gin Aurum, took her to her first concert. During the event, Vinyl discovered the joy and other emotions that music gave, she decided to learn all she could and eventually learned that some weapons that Huntsmen used could be used to fight Grimm with music. Intrigued by the idea of it, Vinyl began to train herself to fight at Signal Academy for combat and even built her own weapon that could play music as she fought. Her skill eventually got her a chance to go to Beacon Academy.
Theme Song: Be The One from Kamen Rider Build and Got To Keep It Real from Kamen Rider OOO (including Trance Remix)
Weapon: Vinyl’s weapon is a set of Hard Light Projection Braces (HLPB) called “Rhythm Scratch” that can create holographic hard light weapons similar to Velvet Scarlatina, however with only a limited number of forms to compensate for them staying around as long as Vinyl wants; the three weapons that Vinyl uses are a pair of clawed gauntlets (similar to the Dramon Destroyers/Killers of Wargreymon from Digimon), a katana that can be projected from any of the parts on Vinyl’s arms or legs, and energy discs that can be manipulated a multitude of ways such as platforms or shields; the weapon also has a set of speakers to not only play music, but also allows the weapons that Vinyl uses to vibrate at frequencies that can weaken molecular bonds of whatever that make contact with (this also turns the color of her projections from blue to gold); this allows them to cut into targets easier and block stronger attacks from foes; the two main weaknesses of this weapon are that it can only hold one form at a time before Vinyl needs to change it for the one needed at hand as well as the fact that the weapon is very high maintenance and needs to be observed to make sure it doesn’t malfunction in combat like if the speakers are blown out from overuse
Aura and Semblance: Vinyl’s Aura is average at best when it comes to defending, so she can’t take hits from powerful foes and is a Glass Cannon most of the time; Vinyl’s Semblance is a unique Energy Blast that comes from her palms (and eventually feet) and produces a loud sound like a drumbeat. She can blast bullets of energy to strike enemies from afar when she can’t use Rhythm Scratch and can use these blasts in a variety of attacks. From a rapid-fire storm to heavy blasts equivalent to a cannonball, Vinyl can deal with enemies with this power. Unfortunately, this can also burn through her Aura reserves and using the blasts too much can render her hands (or feet) numb and unable to aim properly
Fighting Style: Vinyl’s fighting style revolves around confusing the enemy with her movements like Capoeira and breakdancing before striking them hard; her dance-like movements allow her to avoid attacks with ease before delivering counter attacks; she takes the chance to deliver a blow that can disorient an opponent and uses the opportunity to continue her combination; using her hard light weapons allows her to block attacks with more ease when she needs to and gives her extra reach; Vinyl can also use her weapon’s speakers to blare loud noise directly in her enemy’s ears to harm them before making her next move; the main weakness of this battle style is that direct attacks can hurt her too much, so Vinyl has to keep moving to avoid getting hurt; she is also susceptible to long range fighters like snipers and has to make sure her Hard Light Braces aren’t too damaged
Done with a new character! Hope you like her!
@unashamed-shipper @vitt-99 @snowembrace @theniceacefriend @strawberrysweetlove35 @ventus-rogue @kjthetalekeeper @boku-awww-crap @galaxygamerhearts @emmathehalf-bloodhunter @neon-apocalypse @miss-zei @niceghostsaysitwillbedaijouboo @nalufever @megapixelpichu
Eventually, I’ll get to revealing the rest of Vinyl’s team and even an actual antagonist for my RWBY OC’s. Just know this for now, Vinyl is NOT the leader of her team. That will be her partner.
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schalakitty · 6 years
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Got a special request from the wonderful @frankandnats to make custom skill icon can cozies for members of their FFXV cosplay group! This was such a fun commission!
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deltaponline · 5 years
Δ p report: “Habermann is back”
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  Stefan Leuchtenberger (left) and Thomas Schäfer When a pump specialist, like Stefan Leuchtenberger, becomes a pump manufacturer, then he exactly knows what he is doing. Since the middle of this year, he has been responsible for Technology, Production and Services at Habermann Aurum Pumpen GmbH in Bochum, Germany, and underlines his ambitions with a clear message: “Habermann is back”. We have managed to clarify what he means by this in an interview with him and his management partner, Thomas Schäfer, responsible for Sales and Operational Activities at Habermann Aurum Pumpen GmbH. Leuchtenberger describes himself as 'fanatic about pumps'. Those who know him personally know that he is certainly one of the most experienced pump experts in Europe. He has been responsible for all of the pumps in a large chemical company for more than a decade. Following that he worked for almost another decade repairing pumps. Leuchtenberger has recently become a pump manufacturer. As was the case in his entire working life, he did not choose the easy path for this step. Since 1 May 2019 he has been a member of the management board at Habermann Aurum Pumpen GmbH in Bochum. “It was the chemical industry, where  I designed, purchased and operated pumps, that laid the foundation for my pump craziness. I was also a Habermann customer. Once I took the next step and became involved in maintenance, from my wealth of experience, the only thing lacking was one pump manufacturer. I am now looking forward, in the next few years, to bringing my experience to Habermann Aurum Pumpen and of course being able to leave an impression.” Schäfer on him: “Habermann has always been focused on understanding and offering solutions from a user’s point of view. Stefan and I have known each other for a long time and the fact that he has added his wealth of experience to Habermann Aurum Pumpen’s focus on the user’s point of view, fits perfectly well. We talk to pump operators and look closely at what's going on both in front of and behind the pump. The search for a solution is always the search for a suitable solution for the user, without having to operate from a standard. That's why Stefan fits in well with our team. Thanks to his experience, now more than ever, we are speaking the language of pump operators. Nowadays, we have a deep understanding of the needs of pump operators and have therefore focussed our in-house processes accordingly.”
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The new facility of Habermann Aurum Pumpen GmbH in Bochum, Germany Leuchtenberger on his ambitions: “The exciting thing about this assignment is that we have a lot of freedom here to set a young and very dynamic company, with a world-renowned, long-standing reputation as experts for liquid-solid production, on a future-oriented way. The main challenge is to form a real team and to take everyone on that journey in order to be able to grasp completely new things. Thomas and I have known each other for so long that we do not demarcate our fields of responsibility, but approach them cooperatively. We solve the problems of our customers together and pull together. I am sure that sets us apart from other companies, because in our current 50-strong team, we set no limits to our competence.” Schäfer adds: “This type of cooperation runs through the entire company. All our employees think and act as a team so that we are able to quickly develop solutions for our customers.” Leuchtenberger adds: “We are shaping this company into a very modern medium-sized company. So we are currently in the process of establishing a suggestion system. In addition, one of our employees has just started his apprenticeship as a pump specialist engineer.”
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“Also, we are expanding technologically speaking,” says Schäfer. “We complement our existing polyurethane and rubber qualities with polymer casting to coat our pumps. This lining variant, consists of a more than 80% silicon carbide filler mixed in a vinyl ester resin and expands our solution options. This liner is mixed under vacuum and placed in our existing cast housings to ensure a firm connection of the housing and liner. A key benefit of this new liner is that it can be used as an option in all of our existing HPK series pumps. This gives operators the opportunity to replace a Habermann pump in an existing system 1: 1 with the polymer cast variant. At the same time, this optimises our solution options, because in the future we will be able to better protect highly-stressed components against wear and ensure less-stressed components with more cost-effective linings. This will provide us with even more opportunities to optimally solve operational challenges.” “We can therefore also offer completely new solutions,” says Leuchtenberger, “by analysing which component of the pump is exposed to particularly high demands and then providing this specific component with an optimised coating. It makes sense to look at each individual case and ask yourself which component fails first. This is exactly where we start with our solutions. It takes a lot of experience to recognise this, but that is our strength.” A quick look at our history and our future In 2015, Aurum Pumpen GmbH, the long-standing sales partner of Arthur Habermann GmbH & Co. KG, seized the opportunity to take over Habermann’s division of solid matter pumps. This began with a small core team of former Habermann employees. In the last 4 years, the company has grown significantly. The foundations were laid by former Habermann employees, who brought their experience from all areas to the new company. Therefore, almost nothing of Habermann's competence in solid and sludge production, which has been world-famous since 1927, has been lost. Schäfer on this: “We were, and still are a real niche supplier. It is very important that we can, on the one hand, draw on the know-how of experienced specialists, and, on the other hand, that we have an entrepreneurial framework today that is clearly oriented towards new and further developments. Today, we are fully capable of providing solutions for all existing pumps, including the supply of spare parts, using all of Habermann's expertise. And at the same time, on this basis, we are working on further developments and also on material modifications to make our pumps future-proof.” Leuchtenberger: “Habermann pumps have always been a niche product for complicated solutions. Today, we are working on alternative, much more resistant materials or digitalisation solutions, to enable predictive maintenance. We also optimise and streamline our product range by broadening standards. Individual solutions based on these standards are our top priority and reflect our customers´opinion: if Habermann develops a solution, then we will buy this solution. Conversely, if a customer comes to us with a specific problem, then we will solve it.” Schäfer gives a recent example: “In 2017 we received a development order from an international construction company, which told us that they had been looking for a solution partner for a long time, but - so they said - you are the only one - providing both the right expertise and a real technological advantage. We implemented this task by constructing and delivering four prototypes just-in-time, which we now continue to support during their trial operation. “This is exactly how anyone can approach us with their solids recovery problems. We are looking for solutions for abrasive and chemically aggressive challenges, which may also include high delivery pressures for suspensions,” adds Leuchtenberger. “We look forward to assignments from all sectors of industry - from chemistry, pigment chemistry, mineral raw material extraction and processing, to infrastructure projects with tunnelling or mining. Goodies include, for example, solid matter pumps with extreme operating depths of more than 200 metres of liquid coverage. Such solutions require comprehensive know-how. A tunnel pump is not just a pump, it must fit exactly into the assembly conditions and the specific operating conditions of the machine. This brings us back to our claim at the beginning that we speak the language of our customers and understand their problems.” Another of Leuchtenberger’s areas of responsibility is the expansion of service offerings: “The biggest challenge for sure, is that our pumps are used worldwide. If one fails, this is usually associated with high costs for the plant operators. So we have to be able to react very quickly and act competently. In all instances, our customers receive original parts so that they can be sure that their pump will look the same after repair and have the same performance as when new. At Habermann Aurum Pumpen, service means much more. In the future, we also want to help users to optimise their repair process, their spare parts warehouse or even the process itself.” Success speaks for itself: In 2018, in the solid matter pumps division, Habermann Aurum Pumpen generated a turnover of over EUR 10 million, and subsequently almost reached the volume that the former Arthur Habermann GmbH & Co. KG achieved with twice as many employees. Read the full article
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~Pre-WonderCon Update to ISEB Followers~
I’m in the throes of costume making as the home stretch to WonderCon looms in the near distance. My sewing studio looks like it’s been hit by a yellow vinyl tornado of the Cindy Aurum variety, but never fear—my laptop is also littered with all kinds of NSFW Ignis smut in various stages of completion. I also have exactly two Asks left in my inbox to answer (thank you to the kind Anons who’ve been waiting so patiently for my responses), so if you’re in the mood for a Chocobro headcanon (and don’t mind a bit of a delay), I’m always open for new recipehs.
I’ll try and have the new fic I’m working on posted by the end of the week, but I’ll leave you a hint as to what it’s about:
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And here’s a quote to whet your appetite:
“Apologies. It’s just that I call all my lovers ‘Darling’—makes it easier not having to recall every one of their names when there are so many of them.”
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fidg3ty-blog1 · 5 years
Awesome Cable Ethernet Electro Depot
Awesome Cable Ethernet Electro Depot
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pursehouse-blog1 · 5 years
Awesome Cable Ethernet Electro Depot
Awesome Cable Ethernet Electro Depot
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
The best extension cords you can buy
The Insider Picks team writes about stuff we think you'll like. Business Insider has affiliate partnerships, so we get a share of the revenue from your purchase.
The Insider Pick:
From temporary uses like hanging lights during the holidays or powering tools for a home repair project to more permanent applications like connecting a floor lamp to that outlet hidden behind the couch, extension cords are a must-have for modern life. The Coleman 16 Gauge Extension Cord is our top choice because it's durable, flexible, and suitable for just about every application in and around the home.
Extension cords aren't glamorous. They aren't interesting or exciting, and you probably don't spend much time thinking about them in the course of any given day. But when you need an extension cord — whether to power a leaf blower or saw, to light up the trees and roofline of your property with thousands of festive lights, or to connect the television to an outlet across the room — having the right extension cord is the difference between a quick and easy solution and serious bout of frustration.
Care to hear a quick personal anecdote? (Just say yes, I won't know if you skipped right to the product reviews below, anyway.) Last winter, having moved back to the east coast after 12 years in lovely Los Angeles, I found myself in need of an outdoor extension cord suitable for powering a snow blower. Unaccustomed to the effect frigid temperatures and about a foot of snow could have on an extension cord, I opted for the lowest-cost cord that offered the length I needed.
Big mistake! Within a few minutes of being used outside in the wintry weather, the cord was so stiff and rigid that it was essentially useless, severely curtailing my ability to move around the driveway and sidewalk. I ended up spending the winter shoveling instead of using the snow blower, which was just as well, really, because that too proved a pretty disappointing piece of hardware. Sigh.
So listen, I get it: Buying an extension cord is kind of boring. But if you're willing to spend a few minutes on research (which evidently you are — well done!) and you're willing to spend a few extra dollars to get a quality option, you're going to thank yourself later. The good news is that most well-made extension cords will last for years and years, so you don't have to devote time and cash to their purchase all that often.
When considering which is the best extension cord for your needs, think about where you will use it (inside at home, inside at work, outside in a static placement, or outside moving around during use), when you will use it (for winter holiday lights, fall leaf blowing, or summer weed trimming, e.g.) and of course what devices will be connected to the cord (how many amps does that skill saw need for ideal performance, again?). Read on to see which of our extension cord picks is best for your needs.
Although the Coleman 16 Gauge Extension Cord is our top pick, for the reasons laid out in the slides below you should also consider the AmazonBasics Vinyl Outdoor Extension Cord, the HOLSEM Power Strip Extension Cord, the Watt's Wire 14 Gauge Extension Cord, and the Aurum Cables Extension Cord.
The best extension cord overall
Why you'll love it: The Coleman 16 Gauge Extension Cord is affordable, reliable, and quite long, too. It delivers 1,250 watts of power 100 feet away from the outlet.
If you're only going to buy one extension cord to help out with everything from running a vacuum inside to running a saw outside to connecting outdoor decorations or speaker equipment to serving as a semi-permanent lighting solution in a garage or workshop, you won't go wrong with this 100-foot cord from Coleman Cable.
This extension cord features water-resistant blades, a moisture, sunlight, and abrasion resistant exterior, and it comes in the classic high-visibility orange, so it's a great choice for outdoor use even in inclement weather conditions. Thanks to the cord's flexibility, it can also be used inside, run along or underneath furniture with the excess length coiled out of the way. Its PVC jacket is non-marking, so it won't leave scuffs on walls, flooring, or furniture.
For the record, you'll be hard-pressed to find a decent 100-foot extension cord for a better price.
Even after more than 2,000 people have left reviews of this cord, it still has a glowing 4.5-star rating on Amazon. A satisfied buyer named Gerald called it a "great extension cord for operating power tools," while another customer noted that it worked "well during the winter months when using the cord with the snow blower."
A writer with Lawn Dethatcher Guide called the Coleman Cable Basic Power 16 Gauge Extension Cord "made for durability and flexibility." In its review, TopProducts.com said the cord "works well outdoors" and noted its rather light 5.3-pound weight.
Pros: Great price for long cord, water and weather resistant, flexible at most temperatures
Cons: Not suitable for larger power tools, heats up with heavy use
Buy the Coleman Cable Basic Power 16 Gauge Extension Cord on Amazon for $27
The best low-cost extension cord
Why you'll love it: It's bright orange, it's 50 feet long, and it's rated for 13 amps. But most importantly it's just 17 bucks. It's the AmazonBasics Vinyl Outdoor Extension Cord.
The AmazonBasics Vinyl Outdoor Extension Cord is a best seller primarily for one obvious reason: It's cheap. But I say that not in a pejorative sense, for this cord is cheap in price only. It's actually reasonably well made. Its low cost is due to the juggernaut power that is Jeff Bezos's Amazon.
This 50-foot AmazonBasics extension cord features 16-gauge all-copper three-wire components and it can handle an impressive 13-amp, 1625-watt power load. (Quick primer: amps are like the volume of electricity, volts are like the pressure under which the energy is transmitted, and watts are essentially the actual power output; greatly simplified, you can think of it like AMPS x VOLTS = WATTS. But some professional electricians and engineers will probably choke on their coffee when they read that.)
The cord is durable enough for long-term outdoor use in all weather conditions and coils up small enough for easy storage when you don't need it.
More than a thousand people have chimed in with their thoughts on this cord, and by in large, the reviews are glowing. It has a 4.5-star average rating, with the most common sentiments perfectly summed up by an owner named Cole who says: "Amazon has done it again and produced something that will last for years and allowed me to save some money."
The pros over at HVACTraining101.com call the AmazonBasics Vinyl Outdoor Extension cord "lightweight" and "durable" and appreciate its "bright orange jacket" that is "highly visible on the job site."
Pros: Great low price, good power load capacity, high visibility orange
Cons: Thin insulation, tends to tangle easily
Buy the AmazonBasics Vinyl Outdoor Extension Cord on Amazon for $16.99
  The best extension cord for offices
Why you'll love it: The HOLSEM 12 Outlet 3 USB Power Strip Extension Cord can accommodate more plugs than you'll need.
The HOLSEM 12 Outlet 3 USB Power Strip Extension Cord is a purpose-built piece of hardware. Whereas most extension cords are designed to be used in the yard, in the home, in the shop, and so forth, this unit was designed for use in the office or the computer lab where computers, printers, and other such technology is critical for daily operations. 
The heavy-duty UL listed extension cord is six feet long, an ideal length to stretch from a wall outlet to beneath a table or at the intersection of a bank of desks, cubicles, or other workstations. And from there, you can connect devices aplenty.
The true genius of this extension cord/power strip isn't its plethora of outlets, but their placement. It features a row of six outlets perfect for standard two- or three-pronged plugs. But it also has six outlets that are spaced well apart from one another. The outlets can accommodate large, bulky plugs with built-in surge protectors or irregular plugs, such as those with a right angle orientation to the prongs and cord. Thanks to the three USB slots at the base of the unit, the total number of devices that be connected to this plucky power strip is fifteen.
For the record, if you try to operate 12 table saws using this extension cord/power strip, you're going to have a bad time. But 12 computers? No problems there.
There is an undeniable surge of enthusiasm around this HOLSEM power strip. It has a stunning 4.8-star rating on Amazon. One owner calls it the "best surge protector" power strip he has ever used, while another says it's capable of handling "more watts than the average person will be demanding from it on a daily basis."
In a review from BestSeekers.com, the tester called the HOLSEM reasonably priced and noted its reliable "surge protection [for] your devices. An AmaPerfect.com write up focused on the impressive number of devices that could be connected at one time.
Pros: Impressive number of outlets, excellent surge protection, also features USB ports
Cons: Extension cord too short for some applications
Buy the HOLSEM 12 Outlet 3 USB Power Strip Extension Cord on Amazon for about $30 (originally $65.99)
See the rest of the story at Business Insider from Feedburner http://ift.tt/2x2dSiz
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graffiti-vibe-blog · 7 years
Original Rude Boy Neville Staple (The Specials, Fun Boy Three) Releases New Album 'Return of Judge Roughneck'
On February 17, legendary Specials and Fun Boy Three founding member Neville Staple will be releasing his new studio album ‘Return of Judge Roughneck’ via Cleopatra Records. This double LP features brilliant new re-workings of classic Jamaican cuts, some brand new material, and a few gems from Neville’s past, along with a bonus dub album offering serious bass-bin shaking mixes. Known as The Original Rudeboy, Neville Staple is a Jamaican-born British singer credited with changing the face of pop music not only once but twice. His 35-year career in the music business is well documented, from the early days with The Coventry Automatics, The Specials and Fun Boy Three to collaboration with Ranking Roger in The Special Beat and various other collaborations during his solo career from the 90s until the present day. About his musical legacy, Neville Staple comments: “The way we brought it was mixing Jamaican music with the English style, which was actually punk at the time. Now most people are into ska, they listen to all the people that we talked about that they might not have listened to before... This has happened again and again with the different waves of ska. I am hearing lots more young bands now also putting their own spin on ska – some with dance music and some with a rock beat. It's all good. The music just makes you want to dance. Even when singing about tough times, every-day things or bad things, the beat and the rhythm makes you want to move!"  In 2004, Neville formed The Neville Staple Band, releasing the critically acclaimed album 'The Rude Boy Returns', with contributions from Clash guitarist Mick Jones and Damned drummer Rat Scabies, with Flipron's Joe Atkinson on organ. The group also featured former members of the British ska band Bad Manners. Following on from the 2009 Specials reunion and Neville’s departure from the band in late 2012, he continues to be a forerunner of the ska movement. 
The Neville Staple Band continually thrilling audiences, touring relentlessly and playing many festivals, including a headline slot on the Avalon Stage at Glastonbury Festival. As Staple continues his critically acclaimed solo career path, ska’s reigning Rude Boy will be releasing ‘Return of Judge Roughneck’ this month. His previous album ‘Ska Crazy’ was released in May 2014, featuring guest vocals from his wife Christine ‘Sugary’ Staple and long time friend, DJ and artist Daddy Woody.  
The new album involves members of the Neville Staple Band and guest musicians, including violinist Jessy Greene (The Jayhawks, Geraldine Fibbers), producer Ed Rome and Neville’s wife Christine ‘Sugary’ Staple, who co-produced the album with Neville and Tom Lowry (Planet Studios) with Mike Bennett providing additional mastering. ‘Return of Judge Roughneck’ will be available on both CD and in a special limited edition 2LP vinyl package! Here Neville Staple recreates his famous Judge Roughneck character, who first emerged as part of the ‘Stupid Marriage’ song from The Specials’ debut album on 2 Tone Records. Be prepared for a super ride through classic Jamaican early reggae tunes, ska stomping rhythms and new tracks, fitting perfectly with echoes of 2 Tone and Bluebeat mixed with Trojan music styles. In Part 2 of the album, a full set of bonus dub remixes, takes you on a journey with atmospheric vibes, toasting fun and twisted song versions. 
The lead track ‘Return of Judge Roughneck’ is a fun ska dance video filled with Judge Roughneck’s take on the world of politicians, bankers and bullies, along with dancing barristers and cocky jailbirds. Shot by Lee Cogswell and Daniel Thompson (production storyline & casting by Christine Sugary Staple, who also features here), the video is shot at various locations in the historic 2 Tone city of Coventry in the UK’s West Midlands. Ironically, the video was partially shot at the heritage building of the historic ‘Coventry County Court’ (now a restaurant called the Establishment), where Neville was once sentenced to borstal (a youth detention center), along with sites at Coventry University’s Moot Room, the local Council Chambers, St Mary’s Guildhall and the Belgrade Theatre.  Neville’s autobiography ‘The Original Rude Boy’ was published in the UK by Aurum Press in May 2009. This amazing story traces Neville’s interest in music in the early ‘60s to his relationship with Pete Waterman (record producer, songwriter, radio and club DJ, and television presenter) and his rise from hell into stardom. The Neville Staple Band is playing shows all around the UK in late winter and spring in support of ‘Return of Judge Roughneck’, which will be available on Vinyl, CD, iTunes and Bandcamp.
News story provided by Shameless Promotion PR
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sullivantwissarcana · 6 years
RWBY Original Character 26
Name: Gin Aurum
Origin and Influence: “Gin” is Japanese for “silver”; “Aurum” is Latin for “gold”
Age: 24 (Birthday is October 6th)
Symbol: A naginata passing through an oval-shaped portal
Species: Human
Appearance: 6′2″ with light skin, cerise-colored eyes, a toned and muscular physique; has short golden blond hair with silver highlights; wears a set of samurai armor in battle consisting of a bodysuit with a belt, helmet, chestplate, shoulder guards, shin guards, and boots (overall, the armor is a simplified version of this); eventually, Gin upgrades his armor to resemble this
Personality: Gin is a cheerful man who loves to help people and this was is motivation for becoming a Huntsman; he’s a loving and accepting big brother to his sister, Vinyl, who really looked up to him and was partially the reason she chose to become a Huntress herself; with his own experience as a Huntsman, Gin knows that the world of Remnant is a harsh and dangerous place, but continues to move forward and keep protecting others who deserve it; he can also be childish at times by using his powers and skills for mundane uses or even just show off; while Gin is also the type to hold a grudge against people who anger him, he won’t allow them to be hurt if they are only a bystander with no means of defending themselves; he will kill Grimm, but he’ll never take a human or Faunus life unless absolutely necessary; Gin will also prioritize the safety of innocents and teammates over a mission’s success or his own honor; Gin is not without his own dark moments and can be very brutal against somebody who angered him
Backstory: After recently graduating from Beacon Academy and becoming a Huntsman, a more naive Gin was on a mission with his team when they ended up battling a horde of Grimm that ended up injuring his teammates severely. When the Grimm were defeated, Gin was the only one with minor injuries and he tried to bring his friends to safety. Managing to bring the three warriors to a nearby village, Gin collapsed from exhaustion and woke up to the news that his friends died from their injuries despite the treatment that they were getting. Hearing that their last words were about how he did his best to save them, Gin continued to push forward and continue being a Huntsman.
Theme Song: “Just Live More” and “Raise Up Your Flag” from Kamen Rider Gaim
Weapon: Gin uses a variety of different weapons such as kunai, swords, bows, shields, guns, and various other melee weapons, but he prefers to use a katana with a built-in handgun and a sword that can be combined into a naginata; several of his weapons aren’t that very special, but he makes up for it by having numerous of them at his disposal; After working alongside Vinyl to create a new weapon, Gin also uses a high-tech matchlock-style gun that fires an assortment of energy rounds. By moving the disk on the side of the weapon, he can switch between different energy rounds such as machine gun fire, cannonballs of energy, and shotgun blasts. The gun can also combine with one of his swords to create a larger and stronger blade that is useful against tougher foes at the cost of extra weight and requiring two hands to use more powerful slashes.
Aura and Semblance: Gin’s orange-colored Aura allows him to defend against several types of attacks and utilize his Semblance very well; Gin’s Semblance, “Connection”, takes the form of a pocket dimension that he can access through glyphs that bare his emblem after he says “Connect” (he doesn’t have to say it, but he prefers to because it’s fun); while he can use this pocket dimension to travel short distances within his line of sight by opening another glyph near where he can see, his primary use of this power is storing weaponry and other objects that he can easily grab whenever he needs them; the pocket dimension perfectly preserves the objects stored inside as if time itself stands still while the object remains there; this power is especially useful in combat as Gin can grab whatever weapon he needs for the situation at hand or even throw something as a distraction (such as a fruit he was saving for later); Gin can also create a glyph near an object in order to grab it or next to an unsuspecting enemy to strike them when they can’t see the portal (this can also be used in reverse as a defensive tactic to redirect enemy attacks)
Fighting Style: Gin’s battle style mostly revolves around use of his various weaponry which he has trained extensively with, but he is also skilled in hand to hand combat and dance for when he doesn’t fight with his weapons; using agile movements, Gin can maneuver past most foes before striking with great power; Gin is also a good shot with his ranged weapons, but prefers close quarters combat; using a number of different weapons at his call, Gin’s battle style can be very unpredictable and tricky when he’s armed; the main weakness of his battle style is that he isn’t as strong in hand-to-hand combat against other opponents, so he’s more vulnerable if he can’t get to one of his weapons
Done with another character that I’ve been trying to figure out for a while.
@bunnyhoplollipop @ventus-rogue @unashamed-shipper @kjthetalekeeper @jkl930 @lilglitteringstar @chuckles-the-jester @dark-chocolate-fudge-sweetracer @nalufever @nightlockedx3 @emmathehalf-bloodhunter @neon-apocalypse and anyone else who’s interested in seeing my newest RWBY OC.
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partymedia · 4 years
NUFF Podcast 102 by Aurum Miles by NUFF MUSIC
Enjoy the special guest mix from Vilnius, Lithuania based dj adn producer Aurum Miles Aurum Miles is artist/producer/DJ from Lithuania, based in Vilnius. Born in late '80s with a Queen 'A Kind of Magic' vinyl in the hands. Whole childhood he was inspired by Classic Rock and Shoegazing Brit Music. Later discovered world of electronic sounds by touching JUNO-6 for the first time, what made a substantial effect in his future life. After a lot of years of practising playing guitar, keyboards, drums and everything what make sounds, Aurum Miles finally started producing some kind of Weird Electronic music combining Rock, Psychadelic and Electronic Sounds. Never settle to one style, always experimenting with compositions of different type of sounds. His production and dj sets come from pink to dark...from vanilla to chocolate...or...whatever. In short, you never know what to expect from Aurum Miles. @aurummiles facebook.com/aurummiles
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partymedia · 4 years
PREMIERE110 // Favio Inker - Perdido (Aurum Miles Remix) by Sexy Dinosaur From Outer Space
We have the pleasure of premiering “Recluído”, Logia Records second EP. Featuring this time Favio Inker, a skilled and promising DJ/producer from Buenos Aires, the Argentinian label delivers three strong originals with dark basslines and strong melodies and five vital remixes (three for “El Disparo” and two for “Perdido”) provided by Disco Mortale (a.k.a. Dani Monaco), Aurum Miles, Velax, Umvral and Future Hero. The remix we chose to review was made with love by Aurum Miles, a producer, songwriter, DJ and co-founder of the Quixotical Records, based in Vilnius, Lithuania. Born in the late '80s with a Queen’s "A Kind of Magic" vinyl in the hands, he was inspired during his whole childhood by classic rock and shoegazing Brit music. Later, he discovered the world of electronic sounds by touching a JUNO-6 for the first time, which made a substantial effect in his future life. After many years practising and playing the guitar, keyboards, drums, and everything that makes sounds, Aurum finally started producing some kind of weird electronic music, combining rock, psychedelic and electronic elements. Never settling to one style, always experimenting with compositions of different genres, his sonority varies from pink to dark, from vanilla to chocolate, or… whatever. For his interpretation of “Perdido”, he decided to bring his psychedelic rock influences and combine with… bleepy video-game-like FXs. A curious and unlikely combination that resulted in a stompy and upbeat interpretation, proving that you never know what to expect from Aurum Miles. You can find (and buy) this and other music pearls on the Beatport page of the label: https://www.beatport.com/label/logia-records/87314
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partymedia · 4 years
Playground Podcast #035: Aurum Miles by Playground Records
https://soundcloud.com/aurummiles Aurum Miles aka. Aurimas Milesinas is producer/songwriter/dj from Lithuania, based in Vilnius. Born in late '80s with a Queen "A Kind of Magic" vinyl in the hands. Whole childhood he was inspired by clasic rock and shoegazing brit music. Later discovered world of electronic sounds by touching JUNO-6 for the first time, what made a substantial effect in his future life. After a lot of years of practising playing guitar, keyboards, drums and everything what make sounds, Aurum Miles finally started producing some kind of weird electronic music combining rock, psicholedic and electronic sounds. Never settle to one style, always experimenting with compositions of different type of sounds - his production comes from pink to dark..from vanilla to chocolate...or...whatever. In short - you never know what to expect from Aurum Miles. In 2015 Aurum Miles was a member of temporary project BlowEnder. He influensed the bright and groovie side of BlowEnder style. Sadly but this project was "chilled and shuted down" after first EP. Despite this fact, Aurum Miles is continuing producing electronic music and searching for new fresh sounds. You won't see Aurum Miles playing in the disco very often. But if you get lucky to witness that...just...please..."don't burn your house on Sunday morning".
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partymedia · 4 years
PREMIERE #933 | Aurum Miles - Sweat And Wet [Coquelicot] 2020 by 44,100Hz Social Club
Aurum Miles aka. Aurimas Milesinas is producer/songwriter/dj from Lithuania, based in Vilnius. Born in late '80s with a Queen "A Kind of Magic" vinyl in the hands. Whole childhood he was inspired by clasic rock and shoegazing brit music. Later discovered world of electronic sounds by touching JUNO-6 for the first time, what made a substantial effect in his future life. After a lot of years of practising playing guitar, keyboards, drums and everything what make sounds, Aurum Miles finally started producing some kind of weird electronic music combining rock, psicoledic and electronic sounds. Never settle to one style, always experimenting with compositions of different type of sounds - his production comes from pink to dark, from vanilla to chocolate or whatever. In short - you never know what to expect from Aurum Miles. "Sweat and Wet" is already the 5th EP in his discography. This time Aurum Miles goes back to the roots and brings the transformation of guitars, dirty synths, sexy and dehumanised vocals into electronic weirdness. Dark, with cold emotional tone that embraces ears with cynical guitar licks, sharp wooshes and prickly main synths. 4-Tracker digital record out April 30th. https://soundcloud.com/aurummiles https://soundcloud.com/coquelicot-records
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partymedia · 4 years
Aurum Miles & In Link - Mental State (ORIGINAL MIX) by ESTHÉTIQUE
BUY : https://www.beatport.com/release/mental-state/2801614 Aurum Miles aka. Aurimas Mileöinas is producer/songwriter/dj from Lithuania, based in Vilnius. Born in late '80s with a Queen "A Kind of Magic" vinyl in the hands. Whole childhood he was inspired by Classic Rock and Shoegazing Brit Music. Later discovered world of electronic sounds by touching JUNO-6 for the first time, what made a substantial effect in his future life. After a lot of years of practising playing guitar, keyboards, drums and everything what make sounds, Aurum Miles finally started producing some kind of Weird Electronic music combining Rock, Psychededic and Electronic Sounds. Never settle to one style, always experimenting with compositions of different type of sounds. His production comes from pink to dark...from vanilla to chocolate...or...whatever. In short, you never know what to expect from Aurum Miles. In 2015 Aurum Miles was a member of temporary project BlowEnder. He influensed the bright and groovie side of BlowEnder style. Now, Aurum Miles is continuing producing electronic music and searching for new fresh sounds. You won't see Aurum Miles playing in the disco very often. But if you get lucky to witness that...just...please..."don't burn your house on Sunday morning". REMIXES FROM SKELESYS & KUUNDE FOLLOW : @aurummiles @skelesys @kuunde Release date : 2020/01/16 Artwork by : Dounia Chemsseddoha douniachemsseddoha.com Mastering : K-EFFECT (www.facebook.com/K.EffectMusik/)
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partymedia · 4 years
PREMIERE041 // Aurum Miles & In Link - Mental State (Skelesys Remix) by Sexy Dinosaur From Outer Space
Aurum Miles aka Aurimas Mileöinas is a producer, songwriter and DJ from Lithuania, based in Vilnius, born in the late '80s with a Queen's "A Kind of Magic" vinyl in the hands. During his whole childhood he was inspired by Classic Rock and Shoegazing Brit Music. Later, he discovered the world of electronic sounds by touching a Roland’s JUNO-6 for the first time, fact that made a substantial effect in his future life. After a lot of years practising, Aurum learned how to play guitar, keyboards, drums and everything that makes noise. Eventually, he started producing "some kind of weird electronic music", combining Rock, Psychedelic and Electronic sounds. He never settled to one style, always experimenting with compositions from different music genres. His productions vary from pink to dark... from vanilla to chocolate... or... whatever. In short, you'll never know what to expect from him. That's why the versatile Esthétique is one of the best labels to lodge his music, especially when a release solid like this comes with remixes from Kuunde and Skelesys (SXDNS139), two of the best producers of the next generation. We decided to premiere the latter’s version of "Mental State" – a collaboration between Aurum and In Link – because, well, dinosaurs love rock, and Skelesys' interpretation is definitely the most rock influenced track of the EP. The EBM-like guitar riffs definitely enhanced the already powerful original. Special credits to K-Effect (Toledo, Spain) for the mastering. You can find (and buy) this and other music pearls on the Bandcamp page of the label: https://esthetiquerecords.bandcamp.com/
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partymedia · 4 years
PREMIERE #772 | Aurum Miles - Don't Touch My Synths (Kuunde Doesn't Sleep Remix) [Esthetique] 2020 by 44,100Hz Social Club
Aurum Miles aka. Aurimas Mileöinas is producer/songwriter/DJ from Lithuania, based in Vilnius. Born in late '80s with a Queen 'A Kind of Magic' vinyl in the hands. Whole childhood he was inspired by Classic Rock and Shoegazing Brit Music. For its 19th release french digital imprint Esthetique records, present you the "Mental State" EP, from this promising young producer, tastefully diluted by remixes from Skelesis and Paulino Kuunde, the last of which we bring to your attention today. "Mental State" EP out on digital format and will be available here, from 16th January: http://classic.beatport.com/release/mental-state/2801614 https://soundcloud.com/aurummiles https://soundcloud.com/kuunde https://soundcloud.com/esthetique-lab
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