#Victor Frankenstein rp blog
vic-frankenstein · 1 year
Why is Henry meowing? Why is he doing that?
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alchemistein · 10 days
if any classic lit canon character or oc roleplay blogs would wish to interact with victor frankenstein or hamlet @danishprisoner just let me know! please read both pinned posts, though. the pinned on this account and the pinned on my hamlet blog
ignore the tags below for reach
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lansolot · 12 days
i'm thinking about making a rp blog again. i'd love to make a p blog for hamlet, martin mathias, horatio, or victor frankenstein, but i’m not sure yet!
i just fear people who have blogs of the same character getting uncomfortable with me also roleplaying as said character they're roleplaying as, but i’m sure that’s just a silly fear that my overthinking brain came up with
but, anyways, i'm looking for anyone who roleplays as classic lit or slasher characters that i could maybe make a blog to roleplay and interact with! i’m a very flexible person and can roleplay in a serious and non serious way. when i do make a canon character rp blog, i plan on roleplaying seriously and in a non serious way depending on the situation!
more of my rambles about this are in the tags. and some important info (possibly)
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danishprisoner · 10 days
if any classic lit canon character or oc roleplay blogs would wish to interact with hamlet or victor frankenstein @alchemistein just let me know! please read both pinned posts, though. the pinned on this account and the pinned on my victor frankenstein blog
ignore the tags below for reach
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I am Doktor Victor Frankenstein. Stay out of mein Labor. If you must be in mein lab, then do not touch anything unless I instruct you to. Now leave me to mein work.
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cxdemistake · 8 months
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—Time slips away!
Burn out, don’t fade!
Dance on my grave!
I will never be them!—
Indie multimuse, multifandom blog.
Canon and OC muses present
Currently mobile-only
Semi-selective, semi-active
Open to asks and messages
More info (link to OCs, list of canon muses, writer info, and rules) under the cut.
OC Links
*Note: A few characters’ appearances/voices have changed, so make sure to check out the tags on the blog. OCs are tagged with “; (name)”— for example, my character Myarel is tagged with “; myarel” (no quotations).*
Canon Muses
*Note: Many of these muses aren’t listed on my muse page due to being unable to update said page from my phone. Muse tags vary. Some are tagged with fancy tags but I may switch between those and regular tags. They’re listed here in alphabetical order by fandom.*
**Edit: I’ve also marked which fandoms/muses are most active. Very active fandoms will be bolded, semi-active italic, and dormant/needing some time before interaction are regular text. I’ll also put an asterisk after new muses/muses I haven’t played yet. I beg that if a fandom isn’t bolded or italicized that you discuss it with me before sending something in or making a starter— I have a lot of muses and it takes time to get into the swing of new ones when I’m not in the right mindset!**
The Arcana: Asra Alnazar*, Julian Devorak, Portia Devorak*, Faust
American Gods: Mad Sweeney
Assassin’s Creed: Ezio Auditore da Firenze*, Aveline de Grandpré
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Zuko*
Back 4 Blood: Karlee*, Evangelo*
Baldur’s Gate 3: Astarion*
Boondock Saints: Murphy MacManus*
Call of Duty: Simon “Ghost” Riley*, Johnny “Soap” MacTavish*
Chappie: Chappie*
Columbo: Lt. Frank Columbo*
Dead Island/Riptide: Sam B, John Morgan*
Detroit: Become Human: Connor, Markus*
Dirty Bomb: Vassili*
Disturbed (band): The Guy*
Dream Daddy: Damien Bloodmarch*, Robert Small*
Dying Light: Kyle Crane*, Rahim*, Karim*
FNAF: Cupcake
Hazbin Hotel: Alastor, Angel Dust, Charlie, Husk, Lucifer
Homestuck: Gamzee, Calsprite
I, Frankenstein: Adam
Into the Badlands: Baron Quinn*
Jet Set Radio Future: Yoyo*
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Jonathan Joestar*, Joseph Joestar, Jotaro Kujo*, Josuke Higashikata*, Giorno Giovanna*, Jolyne Cujoh*, Caesar Zeppeli
Kingdom Hearts: Axel
Left 4 Dead 2: Ellis, Nick
Marvel: Nightcrawler*, Moon Knight*, Eddie Brock/Venom*
Monster High: River Styxx*, Operetta*, Frankie Stein*
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack Skellington*
Obey Me!: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo
Onmyoji: Yasha*, Hiromasa*, Susabi*
Pirates of the Caribbean: Captain Jack Sparrow*
Portal: GLaDOS
Red Dead Redemption: John Marston*, Arthur Morgan*
Rise of the Guardians: Jack Frost*
Skullgirls: Valentine
Stardew Valley: Shane*
Steven Universe: Garnet*, Ruby*, Sapphire*, Sunstone*, Sardonyx*, Rainbow Quartz 2.0*
Spiritfarer: Gwen*
Suicide Squad: Diablo
Undertale/Deltarune: Papyrus, Sans, Susie*
Until Dawn: Chris*
The Village: Ivy Walker
Walking Dead/Fear: Negan Smith, Daryl Dixon, Morgan Jones, Shiva, Victor Strand*, Qaletaqa Walker*, Crazy Dog*
Warframe: Excalibur Umbra*
Warm Bodies: R, M
What We Do In The Shadows: Nandor the Relentless*, Viago*, Vladislav*
Info About The Writer
Hi! I’m Alistair— you can call me that, or you can use my username for pretty much everywhere else, TheetyPie/Theety. I don’t mind either way.
I’m a trans guy, I use he/they pronouns. I’m panromantic/asexual, and I’m 27 years old.
I have 3 cats, they’re my babies. I also (as you can tell from above) have a lot of OCs, and the number is still growing. I want to turn my ideas into a bigger creation someday, still not sure exactly where I want to go with it.
I do more than write. I do art, I like video games, music, and just collecting stuff. Current obsessions are Monster High, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, makeup, crystals, and jewelry.
The most important: I do not RP smut. In the past I’ve used the fade-to-black method, but I’m not entirely comfortable with that with most of my muses.
In the same vein, DO NOT FORCE SHIPS. I love ships as much as the next guy, but I would prefer to discuss it first, or for us to agree on it. It’s cool if your muse has a crush, totally fine— mine get crushes all the time! But make sure if you want to ship, we discuss it first.
In a similar vein to that one as well, no god-modding/powerplaying. If your character is strong, an immortal being, or whatever, cool! I have some of those too. But there should always be a limit. Don’t say your character is moving mine unless we’ve talked about that. Attempt to move them. Usually I follow along as long as boundaries aren’t pushed.
Don’t kill or seriously injure my muse without permission. Fights happen, of course, but again: discussion. I’m up for threads where my canon muses are injured or killed, but not where it happens to my OCs, unless we’re getting into a backstory and another OC that’s already deceased dies. Non-serious injuries are alright to come out of nowhere with, but if it’s a first meeting, I’d prefer to plot it out.
I’m semi-selective. I’m kind of particular about who I follow and who I thread with. I prefer us to be mutuals to thread, but you don’t have to be mutuals to send me things.
I’m very bad at keeping up with people. If you message me and I don’t respond, it’s usually bc I’m shy, I forgot, or I’m busy with work. It’s not you, I promise. Usually I don’t message first bc I’m nervous.
Back to shipping: I’m also multiship. Usually my ships are in different universes, unless discussed with all parties beforehand. The exception is a few of my OCs that are partnered together— ask about their availability. I love random ships, just talk to me about them!
I love duplicates of my muses. Whether it’s “x meets self” or I find someone I share a muse with, I love RPing with just about everyone. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if we have a muse in common!
One of my other most important statements, not really considered a rule, but it’s still important: if you want to know something about any muse, canon or OC, please tell me— ask or message me! I haven’t been able to write down a lot of info about any of them because I’m on mobile, but I will infodump for you if you need/want to know something. I love talking about my children, they’re precious to me.
If you send something in or make something for me when we haven’t even spoken, I might not feel comfortable responding. I’m very shy and nervous about not having any discussion beforehand. 😭
If there’s anything I left out or you need to know, just ask!
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w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l · 12 days
NAME: Harlow
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: DMs are better for me, I try to keep my discord seperate from my RP stuff so if you just wanna chat you can feel free to ask me for my discord or DM my main blog @megane-tapir
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: Misgendering any of my muses on purpose. I once was rping someone using one of my trans man muses and until their muse found out he was trans in the narrative they were using he/him pronouns but after their muse found out he was trans they refused to use any pronouns besides they/them or even she/her, and when they used to refer to him as “the other man” in their narrative writing, they now referred to him as “the female” no matter how many times I tried to correct them
MUSE PREFERENCE: I don’t really have preferences. It seems I roleplay opposite OCs but I love canon characters too! Variety is the spice of life 💚
PLOTS OR MEMES: I’m not great at plotting and with my ADHD I get decision fatigue a lot so I tend to use memes more but fuck I do love plotting with people so much
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Mid to longer, though I work hard to match my partner’s rp length so there’s genuinely no pressure for anyone to change their writing style for me
BEST TIME TO WRITE: It really depends! I’m Autistic and ADHD so my attention and energy levels are often unpredictable and on low dopamine days (which I’ve been having a lot of recently) it’s harder to reply. I do like doing it before bed to help me wind down tho
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: Even without meaning to I put a lot of myself in my muses, even the canon ones. I’m autistic and physically don’t even know how allistic brains work so I’ve accidentally made most of my muses autistic too. Some of them I mean to make autistic though, like there’s no convincing me that Victor Frankenstein from the book isn’t Autistic, that’s not gonna fuckin happen lol
Tagged by: @oddlies
Tagging: @kurtzbergsiblings @combeferre-the-mothman @avantgarderp @umbrellaroleplaysstuff love you guys 💚💚💚💚
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niklostones · 2 months
𓂅 ˙ ˖ nik, ela/dela, +21 - blog musing para os meus personagens afiliado ao rp lostoneshq. Fiquem a vontade para plotar ou combinar relações!!
conheça os personagens:
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𓂅 ˙ ˖ Oliver Moon Lovell
Antes um jovem sonhador, desejava ser um escritor de contos de fadas, até que uma tragédia atingiu sua família e passou a ser a pessoa mais fechada, fria e cética que conhecia. Optou por se torna um policial e não deixar que tragédias como a sua se repetisse, estava em uma tarde de folga quando recebeu o livro que o trouxe para a terra dos perdidos. Decidido a devolver o livro para o legitimo dono, teve seu caminho interrompido por um assalto, entrando em vias de fato com o meliante e antes que fosse morto pelo mesmo, foi transportado, caindo em uma estradinha de terra batida sem entender nada e longe de casa. Seu objetivo é muito simples: ir embora! ele não suporta a terra dos perdidos e mais ainda, está revoltado com o papel que foi lhe dado nesse novo mundo, afinal, passou boa parte de sua vida pronto para combater criminosos e agora ele se tornaria um? NUNCA!
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𓂅 ˙ ˖ Victor Frankenstein
Ah, vocês já conhecem a história do Victor e caso queiram saber mais sobre as alterações nela basta clicar aqui! Porém, sobre a chegada dos novos moradores vocês não sabem o ponto de vista dele e só existe uma palavra para descrever a reação de Victor quanto aos perdidos: REVOLTA! Ele não aceita e sequer consegue conceber a ideia de ter um rival, afinal, isso é praticamente impossível sendo que ele é o melhor medico da literatura desde Hipócrates. E quanto a sua criatura? Que criticas são essas que estão falando dos pontos que ele deu em seu monstro de estimação? Ele simplesmente ficou com raiva das criticas que recebeu sobre seu trabalho mais perfeito já feito! Tudo o que Victor quer é voltar a sua normalidade: seu laboratório no sótão, com um cadáver para ser reanimado e aldeões revoltados do lado de fora, ah, que nostalgia! Por isso, ele vai fazer de tudo o que estiver ao seu alcance para mandar de volta esse tal 'rival' para do buraco de onde ele saiu.
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Choi Hyun Jin, mais conhecido como Carver, teve uma vida regrada desde a infância. Ignorado por um pai severo que via o rapaz apenas como um legado, sofreu por ser relegado somente a isso, especialmente depois que a pessoa que ele mais amava no mundo faleceu, sua irmã. Quando adulto, resolveu seguir o caminho oposto do mais velho e estudar jornalismo, tornando-se um jornalista de um jornalzinho fuleiro de Seul, até decidir que iria investigar o recentes desaparecimentos que estavam acontecendo no mundo. Isso o levou diretamente até um dos livros que o trouxe para a Terra dos Perdidos. Atualmente, seus sentimentos com o local são mistos: vê como um novo começo, mas sua curiosidade ainda não está satisfeito com o que os trouxe até ali e com qual objetivo, mistério esse que pretende desvendar antes de virar um boneco de carValho!
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modernprometheuus · 1 year
so, update. it’s been a year since i was last here, and two years since posting anything ic, wow. honestly, i haven’t thought much about frankenstein at all these last two years, since i’ve mostly been preoccupied with other fandoms and rl stuff that’s been holding my brain hostage, lmao - but even so, I want to apologize for being gone! I really hope you’ve all been doing well.
but. i’ve been thinking about victor again lately, hence why i’m here making this post now! as a head’s up, i’ve been struggling hugely with writing and being active in any of my fandoms for a while now thanks to mental health stuff, so this blog is likely to remain low activity going forward, but... i’d like to try and write here again if i can.
i’ll probably be using this as both a rp blog for victor and a general frankenstein sideblog for thoughts/analysis/gushing etc, but yeah - i guess this post is just an update on where i’ve been and what you can expect here going forward! big hugs to everyone, you’re all the best and if you’re interested in it, i hope we can write again soon! <3
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
🌹 = my opinion on your character
🌻 = a character I wish to write with [in general, doesn't have to be one of mine lol]
🌱 = a plot I want to write with you
[aka never-took-a-lesson *..shoves their neglected other blogs behind their back*]
Send me a symbol and I will tell you…
🌹 = my opinion on your character
I was lukewarm to BATB: TEC, feeling the writing and canon it presented could have been far better than what we got, but your interpretation of Forte really knocked it out of the park, and then some, to the point that he's pretty much an OC I fell in love with lmao. He's definitely a case of a character I love to see even out of the BATB verse, which doesn't happen too often with any canon character, honestly. That's how much I enjoy him lmao.
🌻 = a character I wish to write with [in general, doesn't have to be one of mine lol]
I'd love to RP with more characters with deep connections with the mystica/supernatural as how tradition understands it instead of pop media. Less "Disney Tinkerbell"s and more asshole capricious fairies, so to speak. I'd love to interact with more mermaids who are petty bitches, or actual ugly-ass Gorgons, etc. If we're going by classic Hollywood monsters, then I want the actual Bram Stoker's Dracula, or the Victor Frankenstein's Creature as written by Mary Shelly. The truer to the roots, the better.
But of course, I'm not going to be an elitist tightwad prick about "canon" and all that good stuff, because just like with pop media canon characters, I'd like to see the writer's interpretation of that traditional/old school fantasy and have fun with it. I want to see how someone interprets the creation of life into the Monster that isn't nails in the dude's neck, or how their vampire gets around crossing moving water. I feel these sort of characters have been long lost, seeing the old traditions as stuffy, cliche, and predictable. And it saddens me.
🌱 = a plot I want to write with you
I've pretty much abandoned all ideas with Giovanni because, honestly, I am enjoying Forte's interactions with Guy MUCH MUCH more. Without sounding like a "fixer" arc, I am hoping for Guy to discover being a more positive presence in Forte's life as Forte is in his despite both (and arguably especially Forte all the more) being complete and utter hot messes. I just love seeing completely fucked up dumpster fires somehow becoming better people just by seeing a bit of each other that needs to improve/heal. And this can be in any verse with Forte, with or without Cogsworth being around or with Rose or vampire or BATB. Guy's flexible!
That, or Forte meets the other Seven, but I picture they wouldn't get along all too well xD
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vic-frankenstein · 1 year
My dearest Henry gave me a flower today. How he manages to find nature in the gloomiest of weathers is beyond me- a trait unique to him.
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alchemistein · 11 days
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rps are active | mod is active | askbox is open
tagging me under posts that remind you of me or to rp is welcomed
mod’s blog @lansolot
my hamlet rp blog is @danishprisoner
this is a rp and ask blog for victor frankenstein from the book frankenstein. asks, lit or not lit rps, memes, games, etc. are all welcome
victor is an adult
i'm new to running a rp blog on tumblr, so please be patient with me! however, i have been roleplaying for quite a while
i'm only comfortable with semi nsfw content and rps. please nothing too graphic
i would love to interact with other characters from frankenstein and other classic books! ocs are great too though!
i also apologize if I'm ever slow to respond to things
• asks ⟢ asks that i’ve replied to
• 🫀 ⟢ images, art, etc. of victor
• me core ⟢ anything that’s victor core
• art ⟢ other’s art that isn’t of victor
• fav ⟢ favorites
• int ⟢ interactions with others
• ooc ⟢ mod posts
• etc ⟢ misc. things
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walkingshcdow-a · 2 years
Things My Muses Are Thankful For This Year
Finnegan is grateful for his beloved husband, children, aunt, and friends. He is also immensely thankful for the mercy I’ve shown him by not torpedoing his life at every opportunity. 
Victor Frankenstein
Victor is thankful I got the mental health support I needed to write him. He’s also thankful thankful my RP partners held out for him for so long. The real MVPs. 
Elizabeth Frankenstein
Liz is thankful she got at least a little noticed in 2021. Seriously, she deserves more writing about her.
Percy Blakeney
Percy is thankful for the FaeU and for how it has given him more opportunities to do good, chaotically. 
Rudyard Funn
Rudyard is thankful for my Dadyard AU and also that my anon has been off for a few months. He’s also grateful Season 4 will be out next year because it will either mean there are new RPers in the fandom to write with or an opportunity to  better articulate my canon divergences. 
Stolas is thankful for his wife, daughter, and the dozens of others he’s gotten to meet and interact with since I brought him aboard. He is, like Rudyard, thankful my anons are off and that he is canon divergent 
Masha Voronina
Masha is thankful for her simp army her adoring husbands and the fact that she has been deemed worthy of sticking around this blog so long.
Anna Garcia
Anna is thankful she is the only sane and normal person on this blog, mun included. 
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danishprisoner · 11 days
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rps are active | mod is active | askbox is open
tagging me under posts that remind you of me or to rp is welcomed
mod’s blog is @lansolot
my victor frankenstein rp blog is @alchemistein
ooc info
this is a rp and ask blog for hamlet from the book hamlet. asks, lit or not lit rps, silly things, memes, games, etc. are all welcome
i hc hamlet to be at least 18 and no older than his mid 20s. i don’t hc him as being very old at all
i’m new to running a rp blog on tumblr, so please be patient with me! however, i have been roleplaying for quite a while
i’m only comfortable with semi nsfw content and rps. please nothing too graphic
i would love to interact with other characters from hamlet, shakespeare’s other works, and characters from other classic books! ocs are great too though!
i also apologize if i’m ever slow to respond to things
• asks ⟢ asks that i’ve replied to
• ⚔️ ⟢ images, art, etc. of hamlet
• me core ⟢ anything that is, well, hamlet core?
• art ⟢ other’s art that isn’t of hamlet
• fav ⟢ favorites
• int ⟢ interactions with others
• ooc ⟢ mod posts
• etc ⟢ misc. things
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aleximedicusa · 3 years
———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME! ♡     kyra
PRONOUNS! ♡     she / her
ZODIAC SIGN! ♡     gemini
TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡     single
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡     my first foray into online roleplaying was the forums on foopets. did anyone else use foopets? it was this site where you could adopt little virtual cats and dogs and take care of them, but there were also forum boards, and there was an rp section. it was the most terrible, cringey stuff. there was BIG drama when they shut down the rp forums and made the site pay-to-play. i was like... eleven lmao. back when we’d all say things like ‘glomp’ and use ‘XD’ in every sentence.
2! ♡     i got to black belt level in tae kwon do. i competed in competitions and everything. even got first place a few times. i quit when i was around sixteen, but i still kind of miss it sometimes.
3! ♡     i definitely have a muse type of ‘doctor / scientist with varying levels of questionable morals.’ my longest-running muse on tumblr is book-based henry jekyll — had him since 2013. i also wrote victor frankenstein for a while, and wolfe macfarlane from stevenson’s ‘the body snatcher.’ i don’t know why i’ve collected so many. i just love funky medical bastards who have never heard of ethics. 
PLATFORMS USED! ♡   foopets, various forums, facebook (the darkest timeline), tumblr, very briefly twitter. 
GENDER! ♡    i’ve mostly written male muses, for some reason, but i’ve got more of a balance now that i’ve made johanna. 
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S)! ♡    just anyone that looks too model-perfect. i can’t explain it, but i like faces that have something interesting or different to them, not the same cookie-cutter hollywood ideal that just walked out of a magazine. i can’t pinpoint specific names, but there are loads that fit this that i just don’t enjoy. 
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡   single. i tried the multi thing and it just wasn’t for me. i wish i could handle a multi, but i tend to get really fixated on one muse at a time, so it’s easier to just spend time on that muse’s blog. i felt really guilty when i had a bunch of muses on one blog and only wanted to write one for weeks at a time. 
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF:  eh, depends. it’s generally not my thing, but it has its place. 
ANGST:  depends, again. gratuitous angst can get a bit over the top. i like a healthy dose of it when it’s done well and in the right contexts. 
SMUT:  i prefer to write it privately. i don’t like doing it on the dash. 
PLOT / MEMES! ♡  i am... exceedingly bad with memes. if you’ve ever sent one in, you probably know this. i’ve tried to stop myself from reblogging memes unless i can force myself to answer most that come in, since i know i tend to reblog memes and then have no muse for actually answering them. plotting is MUCH more preferable. please plot with me. i almost enjoy plotting more than threads themselves, tbh. i am never not up for plotting.
tagged by :  stole it  tagging :  steal it 
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scepticiism-a · 3 years
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Hello and welcome! This is an independent RP blog for Grantaire from Victor Hugo’s novel Les Misérables. His portrayal is based mostly off the novel and the musical, with my own personal headcanons where things fit in. Down below, I’m linking a couple of things I recommend you check out. Thus far, I haven’t been able to set up a carrd for Grantaire, but it’s definitely all the way up on my to-do list!
My about page will give you an idea of what I have in mind for R.
My rules. Please, read them. I beg you.
@creaturemade​, which is my RP blog for Victor Frankenstein.
@cambriolcur​, where I’m currently working on rebooting my RP blog for Arsène Lupin.
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