#Uterus prolapse treatment
Are you looking for Herbal treatment of uterus prolapsed then must visit Kalpataru Herbal Therapy Centre they offered the best Ayurveda treatment for Uterus Prolapsed. Uterus Prolapse Treatment by Herbal is the best way to get a cure. Visit us http://bit.ly/3f0dGa7
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uterusprolapsed · 2 years
What are the Myths About Childbirth and Uterine Prolapse?
Childbirth prizes us with the implausible gift of kids, but variations to your body can linger long after your little one has grown up. One of the most imperious fatalities is damage to your pelvic floor muscles. This group of muscles, tendons, and tissues do the hard work of supporting your uterus, bladder, and rectum.
But keep in mind that these are tissues, so with adequate wear and tear, they can get weak. When these muscles deteriorate, things twitch to drop, like your uterus protruding down into your vagina, which is named prolapse. It is ideal to take one of the reputed ayurvedic centres for taking uterus prolapse treatment. Here are some myths that you should know about childbirth and uterine prolapse.
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·         Long or Difficult Labour Is Usually the Culprit
Although tough labour that includes breach births, protracted pushing, and deliveries that need forceps or vacuum pumps demonstrate stress for pelvic floor structures, prolapse can twitch long before delivery with gravidity itself.
Simply carrying a pregnancy does place a lot of strain on the care structures of the vagina and the pelvic floor which sets the phase for prolapse in the future.
·         C-Sections Prevent Pelvic Floor Disorders
Having a C-section does not defend you from prolapse or urinary dissoluteness. You are at the compassion of several other factors as well.
It is the carrying of the baby, your heredity, and bad blessing at play. That is since genes can determine muscle and tissue forte. Women born with weaker materials are at more risk for prolapse
Women should not make any quick decisions about how efficient their pelvic floor muscles are until they've had ample time to recover after the prenatal period.
These are some myths about childbirth and uterine prolapse. You can find a reliable herbal therapy provider to take uterus prolapse treatment.
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eezalign · 2 years
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drvinayshahmd · 1 year
Most common surgeries done by gynecologist surgeon
Gynecology surgery comprises any surgical procedure that involves the organs and structure of the female pelvic region: the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix, vulva, and vagina. There are several reasons why a woman might need to go through gynecology surgery. She might need treatment for a condition such as fibroids (benign tumors), endometriosis, cancer, ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding or uterine prolapse. Gynecology surgery can also be used as permanent birth control.
The most common surgeries done by gynecologist surgeon are as follows:
Cervical Cryosurgery
Abnormal cervical cells are at times discovered during a routine Pap smear. Abnormal cells do not always indicate cancer, but your healthcare provider will likely want to do some follow-up tests or procedures. One procedure they might recommend is cervical cryosurgery. This procedure is a highly effective gynecological treatment that freezes a section of the cervix. Cryosurgery destroys these cells to stop them from developing into cancer.
Hysteroscopy is a process that your healthcare provider may use to diagnose or treat uterine issues. This procedure might be used to:
Locate an intrauterine device
Remove adhesions (scar tissue)
Determine the cause of repeated miscarriage
During this procedure, a healthcare professional inserts a hysteroscope, a lighted, thin, telescope-like instrument, into your uterus through the vagina. Then, it sends pictures of your uterus to a screen for further test.
Pelvic Laparoscopy
Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure usually performed under general anesthesia. But it can be performed with other types of anesthesia while you are awake. It is used for:
Gallbladder removal
Tubal ligation (tying the fallopian tubes for permanent birth control)
Treating endometriosis and uterine fibroids
Hernia repair
The typical pelvic laparoscopy involves a small incision in the belly button or lower abdomen. A surgeon then pumps carbon dioxide into your abdomen to help them see your organs easily.
Dilation and Curettage 
It is one of the most common gynecological procedures. During this process, a healthcare provider removes a portion of your uterine lining with a suction device or a sharp curette. The procedure can diagnose uterine conditions, including: 
Uterine cancer 
Endometrial hyperplasia (an abnormally thick uterine lining)
Uterine polyps (overgrowth of tissue in the uterine lining)
In addition, D&Cs are commonly used for miscarriage, abortion procedures, molar pregnancy, and retained placenta.
Common gynecological procedures by gynecologist surgeon include colposcopy, cervical cryosurgery, D&C, LEEP, hysteroscopy, and pelvic laparoscopy. Most of these procedures can help healthcare providers get a better look at the cervix, uterus, and vagina and take samples for a biopsy. Some of them can also treat specific conditions.
Understandably, you might have concerns about any process your healthcare provider or gynecologist recommends. Learning as much as you can is a good idea. In addition, it is essential to ask your doctor any questions you might have. Finally, do not forget to tell them if you may be pregnant, even though they usually do a test to check first.
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greenbayorthopedics · 2 years
How Can You Take Care Of Your Pelvic Health?
People often think of Physical Therapy as just a treatment option for injury recovery for your neck, spine, shoulders, and so on. Still, the world of physical therapy also covers pelvic health. 
For both women and men, pelvic health is critical to your wellness. Pelvic therapy can help with many issues, including incontinence, post-surgery recovery, pregnancy preparation, and much more. It is a good therapy to reduce incontinence symptoms and more. But there are some tips you can follow to prevent pelvic floor disorder in the first place.
You can do many things to prevent or lessen pelvic floor damage. You don’t have to wait to have signs or symptoms to begin to strengthen your pelvic floor.
Here are a few tips that can effectively reduce incontinence and other issues related to your pelvic:
Do Kegel exercises. Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic muscles, which support the uterus, bladder, small intestine, and rectum. Kegel exercises can help you prevent incontinence and other pelvic floor problems.
Check for organ prolapse. Bladder, rectal, and uterine prolapse can cause bowel and bladder control issues, feeling of heaviness in the vagina, incomplete emptying, and pain with intercourse, among other things. Work with your urogynecologist and a pelvic floor rehab specialist to help alleviate and prevent future problems.
Small changes. Take control of constipation to prevent stress on the pelvic floor and strain these muscles by drinking enough water, eating fiber-rich foods, and using a squatty potty to relax the muscles during bowel movements.
Follow a good diet. Decreasing bladder irritants such as soda, coffee, carbonated beverages, sugars, and spicy foods can slow down an overactive bladder and urgency that can lead to leakage.
Mind your bathroom schedule. Avoid going to the bathroom less than every two hours but do not hold more than four hours. The ideal range is between two and four hours to avoid creating future problems related to retention.
You shouldn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed if you’re experiencing a pelvic floor issue. We encourage you to be open and reach out to a physical therapist with any questions or concerns you might have related to your pelvic health.
At Orthopedics & Spine Therapy, we have specialists who can help reduce incontinence symptoms, vaginal pain, and more. We're here to help as the best physical therapy clinic in Green Bay, WI. Please visit our website to discover more about pelvic health.
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ehgfywgayjd · 2 years
gynecological surgery
Before we jump into the nitty-gritties of the various surgical procedures discussed under the collective heading of the term gynecological surgery, we must define the term first. Gynecological surgery, in simpler words, refers to surgical procedures performed on female reproductive system parts[i]. Parts, here, refer to the vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. However, gynecological surgeries are a little more complex than the simplified version of events that you just read. More often than not, gynecological surgeries involve procedures on a female’s urinary tract as well.
We are cognizant of the fact that while this introduction does help in familiarizing one with the concept of gynecological surgery, it is nowhere near enough in terms of adequacy. Hence, to cover all the important aspects related to these surgeries, we are going to discuss them one by one in the following sections.
Common gynecological surgeries
Colposcopy is a procedure used to view the uterus and vaginal opening. Magnification of images is the primary goal of colposcopy. If tissue samples are taken for examination in the lab, then the procedure is termed as a cervical biopsy. Colposcopy is mostly prescribed to assist in the treatment of polyps, genital warts, and DES.
This is an abbreviation for dilation and curettage, a surgical procedure used to remove abnormal tissues found in the uterus region. As you might have guessed from the term, the first step in this surgical procedure is that of dilation of the cervix. In the next step, your surgeon will use a spoon-shaped tool to scrape out the endometrium. Endometrium, in case you are not aware, is the medical term used for uterus lining. Alternatively, D&C suction can also be used to remove the abnormal contents.
This is a gynecological surgery type in which the uterus is removed. However, the scope of the surgery is not limited to the uterus only. Ovaries as well as fallopian tubes can also be removed through a hysterectomy. The reasons because a hysterectomy might be prescribed are numerous. Some common reasons for this gynecological surgery are fibroids, endometriosis, uterine bleeding, and uterine prolapse.
This is a surgical procedure in which a part of the cervix but not the entire uterus is removed. In the radical version of the surgery, surrounding tissues are removed as well.
In this type of gynecological surgery, the vaginal wall is repaired surgically. It is one of the more common gynecological surgeries since the procedure is an effective one in the treatment of hernias.
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yourcorerestore · 3 days
Vaginal Prolapse After Hysterectomy
Vaginal prolapse is a condition where the vaginal walls or other pelvic organs descend into or outside of the vaginal canal. This can occur following a hysterectomy, a surgical procedure to remove the uterus. This article explores the causes, symptoms, risk factors, treatment options, and preventive measures associated with vaginal prolapse after hysterectomy.
Understanding Vaginal Prolapse
Vaginal prolapse is a type of pelvic organ prolapse (POP) characterized by the descent of the vaginal walls due to weakened support structures. This can be categorized into anterior vaginal wall prolapse (cystocele), posterior vaginal wall prolapse (rectocele), and apical prolapse (vaginal vault prolapse).
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Causes and Risk Factors
After a hysterectomy, the removal of the uterus can significantly alter pelvic anatomy, potentially weakening the pelvic floor. The risk of vaginal prolapse is influenced by several factors. Surgical techniques employed during hysterectomy may impact the stability of pelvic structures. Older age increases the likelihood of tissue weakening, contributing to prolapse. Genetics also play a role, as a family history of prolapse may predispose individuals to the condition. Additionally, multiple or complicated vaginal deliveries can cause damage to pelvic structures, and lifestyle factors such as heavy lifting, chronic coughing, or obesity increase pressure on the pelvic floor, elevating the risk of prolapse.
The symptoms of vaginal prolapse can be both physical and emotional. Physically, women may experience a sensation of pressure or fullness in the pelvis, a visible bulge in the vagina, urinary problems such as incontinence or difficulty emptying the bladder, bowel issues including constipation or straining, and discomfort or pain during intercourse. Emotionally, these symptoms can lead to feelings of embarrassment or anxiety, affecting the overall quality of life and intimate relationships.
Diagnosing vaginal prolapse involves a comprehensive approach. Medical history is crucial to identify symptoms and risk factors. A pelvic exam allows the assessment of the extent and type of prolapse. Imaging tests such as ultrasound or MRI may be used to evaluate the pelvic floor structures, and urodynamic tests can assess bladder function if urinary symptoms are present.
Treatment Options
There are both non-surgical and surgical treatment options for vaginal prolapse. Non-surgical treatments include pelvic floor exercises (Kegels) to strengthen pelvic muscles, the use of pessaries (devices inserted into the vagina to provide support), and lifestyle modifications such as weight management, avoiding heavy lifting, and managing chronic cough. Surgical treatments vary and can involve vaginal repair surgery to correct the prolapse through a vaginal approach, abdominal or laparoscopic surgery using minimally invasive techniques to restore support, and in some cases, mesh implants to provide additional support to weakened tissues, though these carry specific risks.
Preventive Measures
Preventive measures are vital in managing the risk of vaginal prolapse after a hysterectomy. Regular pelvic floor strengthening exercises, especially post-hysterectomy, play a crucial role in maintaining support for pelvic organs. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding constipation, and managing respiratory conditions, can reduce the pressure on the pelvic floor. Following medical advice for post-surgical care and avoiding activities that stress the pelvic floor are also important to prevent prolapse.
Vaginal prolapse after hysterectomy is a manageable condition with various treatment and preventive options. Early diagnosis and intervention, combined with lifestyle adjustments, can significantly improve outcomes and quality of life for affected women.
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enterprisewired · 4 days
Empowering Wellness: The Role of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy in Women’s Health
Pelvic floor physical therapy is a specialized form of physical therapy focused on treating conditions related to the pelvic floor muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues. These muscles play a crucial role in supporting the pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus, and rectum, and are essential for bladder and bowel control, sexual function, and overall pelvic stability. Pelvic floor dysfunction can occur due to various factors such as childbirth, trauma, surgery, chronic illness, aging, or lifestyle habits, leading to symptoms like urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction, and pelvic organ prolapse.
Let’s explore the importance of this therapy, the common conditions treated, the therapeutic techniques employed, and the benefits it offers for women’s health and well-being.
Understanding Pelvic Floor Dysfunction:
Pelvic floor dysfunction refers to a range of disorders affecting the pelvic floor muscles, including weakness, tightness, spasms, or poor coordination. Common pelvic floor disorders include:
1. Urinary Incontinence
Involuntary leakage of urine due to weak or overactive pelvic floor muscles, is often associated with factors such as pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, or obesity.
2. Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Descent or bulging of pelvic organs (e.g., bladder, uterus, rectum) into the vaginal canal due to weakened pelvic floor support, resulting in symptoms like pelvic pressure, discomfort, or vaginal bulging.
3. Pelvic Pain Syndromes
Chronic pelvic pain disorders such as dyspareunia (painful intercourse), vulvodynia (vulvar pain), interstitial cystitis (bladder pain), or coccydynia (tailbone pain) stemming from musculoskeletal, neurological, or visceral sources.
4. Sexual Dysfunction
Diminished sexual arousal, desire, or satisfaction due to pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, contributes to conditions like vaginismus (involuntary vaginal muscle spasms) or erectile dysfunction in men.
The Role of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy:
It aims to address pelvic floor dysfunction through specialized evaluation, manual therapy techniques, therapeutic exercises, biofeedback, and patient education. The goals of pelvic floor physical therapy include:
1. Pelvic Floor Assessment
A comprehensive assessment is conducted to evaluate pelvic floor muscle strength, tone, flexibility, endurance, coordination, and proprioception, as well as assess for any musculoskeletal or neurological impairments contributing to symptoms.
2. Individualized Treatment Plan
Based on the assessment findings, a personalized treatment plan is developed to address the specific needs and goals of each patient. Treatment may include a combination of manual therapy techniques, therapeutic exercises, biofeedback training, electrical stimulation, relaxation techniques, and lifestyle modifications.
3. Muscle Re-Education and Strengthening
Pelvic floor physical therapy focuses on re-educating and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles to improve muscle function, coordination, and support. Exercises may target pelvic floor muscle activation, relaxation, endurance, and coordination, incorporating techniques such as Kegels, pelvic tilts, bridges, squats, and diaphragmatic breathing.
4. Manual Therapy Techniques
Hands-on techniques such as myofascial release, trigger point therapy, soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilization, and visceral manipulation may be used to release muscle tension, improve tissue mobility, and restore pelvic alignment and function.
5. Biofeedback and Electrical Stimulation
Biofeedback therapy involves using sensors to provide real-time feedback on pelvic floor muscle activity, helping patients learn to control and strengthen their muscles more effectively. Electrical stimulation uses low-level electrical currents to stimulate pelvic floor muscles, improve muscle activation, and alleviate symptoms.
6. Education and Behavioral Modification
Patients receive education on pelvic anatomy and function, bladder and bowel habits, posture, body mechanics, ergonomics, and lifestyle factors that may contribute to pelvic floor dysfunction. Behavioral modifications such as fluid intake management, toileting techniques, and dietary changes may be recommended to optimize pelvic health.
Benefits of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy:
Pelvic floor physical therapy offers numerous benefits for women’s health and well-being, including:
1. Improved Bladder and Bowel Control
Strengthening and coordinating pelvic floor muscles can enhance bladder and bowel function, reducing symptoms of urinary and fecal incontinence and promoting continence and voiding efficiency.
2. Reduced Pelvic Pain
Manual therapy techniques and relaxation exercises can alleviate pelvic pain symptoms, improve tissue mobility, reduce muscle tension, and enhance overall pelvic comfort and mobility.
3. Enhanced Sexual Function
By addressing pelvic floor muscle dysfunction and promoting relaxation and flexibility, pelvic floor physical therapy can improve sexual arousal, sensation, and orgasmic response, leading to enhanced sexual satisfaction and intimacy.
4. Prevention and Management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Strengthening pelvic floor muscles and improving pelvic support can help prevent or reduce the progression of pelvic organ prolapse, alleviating symptoms and improving pelvic organ support and stability.
5. Optimized Pregnancy and Postpartum Recovery
Pelvic floor physical therapy can help prepare women for pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum recovery by strengthening pelvic floor muscles, optimizing pelvic alignment, and addressing musculoskeletal imbalances or dysfunction.
6. Empowerment and Self-Management
Pelvic floor physical therapy empowers patients to take an active role in managing their pelvic health and well-being through education, self-care techniques, and lifestyle modifications, promoting long-term symptom relief and self-efficacy.
Pelvic floor physical therapy plays a vital role in promoting women’s pelvic health and addressing pelvic floor dysfunction through specialized assessment, treatment, and education. By addressing underlying musculoskeletal, neurological, and behavioral factors contributing to pelvic floor dysfunction, physical therapists help patients achieve optimal pelvic function, comfort, and quality of life. With a personalized treatment approach focused on strengthening pelvic floor muscles, improving bladder and bowel control, reducing pelvic pain, and enhancing sexual function, this therapy empowers women to reclaim their pelvic health, confidence, and vitality.
Also Read: The 8 Dimensions of Health and Wellness: A Guide to Holistic Health
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uterusprolapsed · 1 month
6 Signs You Need Prolapsed Uterus Treatment
A prolapsed uterus, while not often talked about openly, is a prevalent issue affecting many women worldwide. It occurs when the uterus slips from its normal position into the vaginal canal. While it’s a treatable condition, early detection is crucial.
Here are six signs indicating you may need prolapsed uterus treatment.
1. Feeling of Pressure or Heaviness: One of the earliest signs of a prolapsed uterus is a sensation of pressure or heaviness in the pelvis. This discomfort may worsen when standing for extended periods.
2. Vaginal Tissue Protrusion: If you notice a bulge or lump protruding from your vagina, it could be a sign of uterine prolapse. This protrusion may vary in size and may be more noticeable during activities like coughing or lifting heavy objects.
3. Urinary Incontinence: Women experiencing a prolapsed uterus often report urinary incontinence, where they leak urine during activities such as laughing, sneezing, or exercising
4. Difficulty Emptying the Bladder: Some women find it challenging to completely empty their bladder due to a prolapsed uterus. This can lead to frequent urinary tract infections and discomfort.
5. Lower Back Pain: Persistent lower back pain, especially after standing or walking for extended periods, can be a symptom of uterine prolapse.
6. Pain During Intercourse: Women with a prolapsed uterus may experience discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse due to the displacement of the uterus.
If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider promptly. Early diagnosis and appropriate prolapsed uterus treatment can effectively manage the condition and improve your quality of life.
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Best Laproscopic Hysterectomy in Basavanagudi Bangalore — Himas Hospital
Laparoscopic hysterectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to remove the uterus. This technique has gained popularity due to its numerous benefits over traditional surgery, including reduced pain, shorter hospital stays, and quicker recovery times. When it comes to choosing the right hospital for this procedure, Himas Hospital in Basavanagudi, Bangalore, stands out as a top choice.
About Himas Hospital
History and Reputation
Himas Hospital has established itself as a leading healthcare provider in Bangalore. With a long history of excellence, the hospital has earned a reputation for delivering high-quality medical care across various specialties, including gynecology and laparoscopic surgeries.
Location and Accessibility
Conveniently situated in Basavanagudi, Bangalore, Himas Hospital is easily accessible to patients from all over the city and beyond. Its central location ensures that patients can reach the hospital without hassle, making it an ideal choice for those seeking specialized medical treatments.
Why Choose Himas Hospital for Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Advanced Technology and Facilities
Himas Hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and modern facilities that are essential for performing successful laparoscopic surgeries. The hospital continually upgrades its equipment to incorporate the latest advancements in medical science.
Experienced Surgeons
The success of any surgical procedure largely depends on the expertise of the surgeon. Himas Hospital boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced surgeons who specialize in laparoscopic hysterectomies. Their proficiency ensures that patients receive the best care possible.
Patient-Centric Approach
Himas Hospital places a strong emphasis on patient care. From the initial consultation to post-surgery recovery, the hospital provides personalized attention to ensure that each patient feels comfortable and well-informed throughout their treatment journey.
Understanding Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
What is Laparoscopic Hysterectomy?
Laparoscopic hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus using minimally invasive techniques. Small incisions are made in the abdomen through which specialized instruments are inserted, including a laparoscope that allows the surgeon to view the internal organs on a screen.
Benefits Over Traditional Surgery
Compared to traditional open surgery, laparoscopic hysterectomy offers several advantages:
Smaller incisions lead to less scarring.
Reduced pain and discomfort post-surgery.
Shorter hospital stays and quicker return to normal activities.
Lower risk of infection and complications.
Who Needs a Laparoscopic Hysterectomy?
Common Indications
Laparoscopic hysterectomy is recommended for various medical conditions, including:
Uterine fibroids
Chronic pelvic pain
Abnormal uterine bleeding
Uterine prolapse
Patient Eligibility
Not all patients are suitable candidates for laparoscopic hysterectomy. Factors such as the size of the uterus, previous abdominal surgeries, and overall health are considered when determining eligibility. A thorough evaluation by a qualified surgeon at Himas Hospital is essential.
The Procedure Explained
Pre-Surgery Preparations
Before the surgery, patients undergo a series of evaluations, including blood tests, imaging studies, and a detailed review of their medical history. Pre-operative instructions are provided, which may include fasting and medication adjustments.
Step-by-Step Surgical Process
Anesthesia: The patient is administered general anesthesia.
Incisions: Small incisions are made in the abdomen.
Insertion of Instruments: A laparoscope and other surgical instruments are inserted through the incisions.
Removal of Uterus: The uterus is carefully detached and removed through one of the incisions.
Closure: The incisions are closed with sutures or surgical glue.
Post-Surgery Care
After the procedure, patients are monitored in a recovery room. Pain management and care instructions are provided to ensure a smooth recovery. Most patients can return home within a day or two after surgery.
Types of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
In this procedure, the entire uterus, including the cervix, is removed using laparoscopic techniques.
Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy
Also known as partial hysterectomy, this surgery involves removing the upper part of the uterus while leaving the cervix intact.
Laparoscopically Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy
This hybrid technique combines laparoscopic and vaginal approaches to remove the uterus.
Preparing for Your Surgery
Initial Consultation
The journey begins with an initial consultation where the surgeon assesses your condition, discusses your medical history, and explains the procedure in detail. This is the time to ask questions and clarify any doubts.
Pre-Operative Instructions
Patients receive detailed pre-operative instructions to prepare for surgery. These may include guidelines on fasting, medication adjustments, and what to expect on the day of surgery.
Choosing Himas Hospital for your laparoscopic hysterectomy means opting for advanced medical technology, experienced surgeons, and a patient-focused approach. The hospital’s commitment to excellence ensures that you receive the best possible care from consultation to recovery. Whether you’re dealing with uterine fibroids, endometriosis, or other gynecological issues, Himas Hospital offers a safe and effective solution through laparoscopic hysterectomy.
Himas Hospital
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Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Borivali: Dr. Deepika Doshi
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Laparoscopic surgery has revolutionized the field of gynecology, offering patients minimally invasive procedures that result in faster recovery times and smaller scars. As the best laparoscopic surgeon in Borivali, Dr. Deepika Doshi has dedicated her career to providing exceptional care to women in need of these advanced surgical techniques.
About Dr. Deepika Doshi
Dr. Deepika Doshi is a highly skilled gynecologist, obstetrician, and laparoscopic surgeon with years of experience in her field. She has undergone extensive training in the latest laparoscopic techniques and is known for her meticulous approach to patient care. Dr. Doshi's commitment to excellence has earned her a reputation as one of the best laparoscopic surgeons in Borivali.
Types of Laparoscopic Procedures Performed by Dr. Deepika Doshi
Dr.  Deepika Doshi is proficient in a wide range of laparoscopic procedures, including:
Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy
Cysts can cause disruptive menstrual cycles, infertility, and pain during intercourse or periods. Dr. Deepika Doshi uses a minimally invasive approach to remove these cysts through small incisions in the abdomen.
Endometriosis Treatment
Endometriosis is a painful condition characterized by heavy periods and, in many cases, infertility. Dr. Deepika Doshi, Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Borivali, uses laparoscopic surgery to treat endometriosis by destroying endometrial cells and scar tissue with lasers, electricity, or a freezing process. This approach allows for precise treatment while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissues.
Ectopic Pregnancy Removal
When a pregnancy occurs outside the uterus, typically in the fallopian tube, it is considered an ectopic pregnancy. This condition can be life-threatening if left untreated. Dr. Deepika Doshi, Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Borivali, uses laparoscopic surgery to remove the product of conception and repair or remove the damaged portion of the fallopian tube.
Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy
This procedure is used to repair organ prolapse, a condition in which the bladder, intestines, or uterus have fallen back down into the pelvis. Dr. Deepika Doshi uses laparoscopic techniques to reconstruct the pelvic region's natural anatomic support, ensuring normal bladder and bowel function.
Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery
Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Borivali offers numerous benefits over traditional open surgery, including:
Minimally invasive approach
Faster recovery time
Smaller incisions and scarring
Reduced risk of infection and complications
Why Choose Dr. Deepika Doshi as Your Laparoscopic Surgeon?
When it comes to choosing a laparoscopic surgeon, experience and expertise are crucial. Dr. Deepika Doshi has years of experience in her field and is known for her meticulous approach to patient care. She uses state-of-the-art facilities and equipment to ensure the best possible outcomes for her patients making her the Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Borivali.
Consultation and Appointment Information
To schedule a consultation with Dr. Deepika Doshi, best laparoscopic surgeon in Borivali, please contact her office at +91 9324263464 / 022 2833 8378 or [email protected]. Her consulting addresses are:
Dhaval Apartment, Factory Lane, Near Railway Station, Borivali West, Mumbai – 400092
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jahnvikhurana · 17 days
Meet Dr. Sarita Bishnoi: Leading Gynecologist and Obstetrician at Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital
When it comes to women's health, having a trusted and experienced healthcare provider is crucial. At Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital, we are proud to introduce Dr. Sarita Bishnoi, a highly respected gynecologist and obstetrician. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for patient care, Dr. Bishnoi provides comprehensive services to women of all ages, ensuring their health and well-being.
About Dr. Sarita Bishnoi
Education and Training
Dr. Sarita Bishnoi holds an impressive educational background, including:
Medical Degree: She earned her MBBS and MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from prestigious institutions, where she excelled academically.
Advanced Training: Dr. Bishnoi has undergone specialized training in various aspects of women's health, including high-risk obstetrics, laparoscopic surgery, and reproductive endocrinology.
Professional Experience
With over a decade of experience in the field, Dr. Bishnoi has built a reputation for her expertise and compassionate care. She has worked in various renowned hospitals and has been instrumental in managing complex gynecological and obstetric cases.
Services Offered by Dr. Sarita Bishnoi
Comprehensive Gynecological Care
Dr. Bishnoi provides a wide range of gynecological services, including:
Routine Exams and Screenings: Regular check-ups, Pap smears, and HPV testing to ensure early detection and prevention of diseases.
Menstrual Disorders: Diagnosis and treatment of irregular periods, heavy bleeding, and other menstrual issues.
Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis: Expert management of chronic pelvic pain and conditions like endometriosis.
Fibroids and Cysts: Evaluation and treatment of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, and other growths.
Obstetric Services
Dr. Bishnoi is dedicated to providing exceptional care throughout pregnancy and childbirth:
Prenatal Care: Comprehensive prenatal check-ups, ultrasounds, and monitoring to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
High-Risk Pregnancy Management: Specialized care for pregnancies with complications such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and multiple pregnancies.
Labor and Delivery: Expert guidance and support during labor and delivery, including vaginal births and cesarean sections.
Postpartum Care: Continued care and support after childbirth to ensure a smooth recovery and address any postpartum concerns.
Advanced Surgical Procedures
Dr. Bishnoi is skilled in performing various gynecological surgeries, including:
Laparoscopic Surgery: Minimally invasive procedures for conditions like endometriosis, fibroids, and ovarian cysts.
Hysterectomy: Surgical removal of the uterus when necessary, performed with precision and care.
Reconstructive Surgery: Procedures to correct pelvic organ prolapse and other structural issues.
Patient-Centered Approach
Personalized Care
Dr. Bishnoi believes in a patient-centered approach, tailoring each treatment plan to the individual's needs. She takes the time to listen to her patients, understand their concerns, and provide personalized care that addresses their specific health issues.
Compassionate Support
Understanding the emotional aspects of women's health, Dr. Bishnoi offers compassionate support and counseling to her patients. She ensures that her patients feel comfortable and informed throughout their healthcare journey.
Commitment to Education
Dr. Bishnoi is committed to educating her patients about their health. She provides clear and detailed information about diagnoses, treatment options, and preventive measures, empowering women to make informed decisions about their care.
Dr. Sarita Bishnoi is a dedicated and experienced gynecologist and obstetrician at Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital. Her expertise, compassionate care, and patient-centered approach make her a trusted healthcare provider for women in Agroha and beyond. Whether you need routine gynecological care, specialized obstetric services, or advanced surgical procedures, Dr. Bishnoi is here to support you every step of the way. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Sarita Bishnoi today and experience the highest quality of women's healthcare.
Guru Jambheshwar Multispeciality Hospital at Adampur Road, Agroha-HR for expert healthcare services and compassionate care.
Call - +91 896 866 8079
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drchitrachampawat63 · 23 days
What are the most common types of gynecologist surgeries?
Gynecologists perform various surgical procedures to diagnose, treat, and manage a wide range of gynecological conditions. Some of the most common types of gynecological surgeries include:
1. Hysterectomy : This surgical procedure involves the removal of the uterus. It may be performed for various reasons including uterine fibroids, endometriosis, abnormal uterine bleeding, pelvic pain, or certain types of cancer.
2. Oophorectomy : An oophorectomy is the surgical removal of one or both ovaries. It may be performed as part of a hysterectomy or as a standalone procedure to treat conditions such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, or ovarian cancer.
3. Salpingectomy : This surgical procedure involves the removal of one or both fallopian tubes. It may be performed to treat conditions such as ectopic pregnancy, tubal ligation for permanent contraception, or to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.
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4. Myomectomy : A myomectomy is the surgical removal of uterine fibroids while preserving the uterus. It is often performed for women who wish to retain their fertility or who prefer not to undergo a hysterectomy.
5. Endometrial Ablation : Endometrial ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the destruction or removal of the endometrial lining of the uterus. It is used to treat heavy menstrual bleeding in women who do not plan to have children in the future.
6. Cervical Conization : Also known as a cone biopsy, cervical conization involves the removal of a cone-shaped piece of tissue from the cervix. It may be performed to diagnose or treat cervical dysplasia or cervical cancer.
7. Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery : Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the pelvic organs, such as the bladder, uterus, or rectum, bulge into the vaginal canal due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. Surgical procedures such as pelvic reconstructive surgery or vaginal mesh placement may be performed to repair the pelvic floor and support the organs.
8. Laparoscopic Surgery : Laparoscopic or minimally invasive surgery involves the use of small incisions and specialized instruments to perform surgical procedures such as hysterectomy, myomectomy, ovarian cystectomy, or treatment of endometriosis.
9. Tubal Ligation : Also known as "tying the tubes," tubal ligation is a surgical procedure for permanent contraception in women. It involves blocking, sealing, or cutting the fallopian tubes to prevent eggs from traveling from the ovaries to the uterus.
These are just a few examples of the many gynecological surgeries that may be performed by gynecologists to address various reproductive health issues. The specific type of surgery recommended will depend on the individual's condition, medical history, and treatment goals.
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Manage Gynaecological Health: Essential Insights & Solutions
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Gynecological problems are a major part of the sector of women's health and affect millions of the population in the world. These conditions should be managed properly with care and timely intervention to ensure women's health and quality of life. One cross-sectional study reported that 15% of Indian adolescent girls had one or the other gynecological morbidity.
A study found that 15% of women aged 45-59 reported experiencing some form of gynecological morbidity (GM), such as mood swings, vaginal bleeding, or uterus prolapse. However, only 41% of these women sought treatment, indicating a substantial gap in healthcare utilization in India. This detailed guide closely examines the practical strategies women can take in their lives to have a good life free of common gynecological issues. 
We'll also discuss how to find the best gynecologist in Delhi. But first, let’s understand the importance of gynecological health and the preventative measures you can take to ensure you maintain it.
Understanding The Importance of Gynaecological Health
Gynecological health involves comprehensive conditions from menstrual irregularities and pelvic pain to fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and many more. These may have profound effects on the life of any woman, and thus, proper management becomes essential. Routine screenings, such as pelvic examinations and pap smears, are very important when seeking necessary preventive care that may diagnose health-related problems in their early stages and treat them before they become major health issues. Women’s health can be further monitored by getting to know of the signs and symptoms of diseases and visiting a medical practitioner for advice and treatment in time.
Comprehensive Preventive Measures in gynecological Care
Routine Health Screenings: Routine health checkups establish the fundamental base for gynecological practice. This may involve pelvic examination and pap smear, which are highly valuable in abnormality detection.  
Early Diagnosis: Early diagnosis can help prevent the development of serious complications like cervical cancer. It enhances overall gynecological health and works to lower high mortality rates.  
HPV Vaccination: Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination could help reduce most cases of occurrences of cervical cancers and other related killer gynecological issues. This vaccine is essential in all strategies aimed at preventing long-term cancer. It prevents the first infection and functions by triggering the antibodies to the production of the body that binds to the virus, and therefore it will prevent the infection of cells.  
Diet and Exercise: The basis for good gynecological health is good nutrition and some exercise. These habits go a long way in healthily regulating body weight while avoiding susceptibility to various gynecological disorders arising out of obesity.   
Nutrition affects hormonal balanceand the general state of the reproductive system, while high-fat food and the overconsumption of carbohydrates can only worsen already-existing problems such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome).   
Physical activity helps to sustain a healthy weight and decreases the risk of being exposed to obesity-related gynecological issues, such as menstrual dysfunction and infertility.  
Avoid Harmful Habits: Both smoking and the consumption of excessive alcohol tend to aggravate gynecological conditions such as fibroids and irregularities in menstrual cycles. Smoking should be stopped, and alcohol should be consumed minimally to reduce these risks.  
Stress Management: Chronic stress can cause a number of problems, like pelvic pain or hormonal imbalance. Mindfulness and yoga have been found to substantially assist in decreasing stress levels and also beneficial in maintaining good mental and physical health, which would help balance hormonal functions. They also help reduce symptoms in gynecological conditions.  
Regular Physical Exercise: Regular physical exercise not only minimises stress but is also very beneficial for general health, like fitness, and specifically strengthens the pelvic floor muscles for gynecological health.
Managing Gynaecological Conditions
Gynecological conditions need to be treated when preventive measures fail. The kind of treatment offered ranges from medicinal treatment to surgical intervention and is governed by the severity and type of the condition.
Hormonal treatment and drugs: Hormonal treatments are vital for the control of many conditions that lead to gynaecological disorders, especially those arising from hormonal imbalances such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis.  On their part, irregular menstruation can efficiently be put under control, and the blood lost during menstrual cycles brought down to normal levels using medicines like birth control pills, hormonal IUDs, and other hormone-regulating drugs. The major goal of the treatments is to alter hormone levels to a more balanced state that might relieve the direct symptoms of these conditions.  For conditions such as PCOS, where insulin resistance is said to be one of the causal factors, drugs that can be prescribed include Metformin for the improvement of insulin sensitivity.  
Surgical Methods: Surgical interventions are required when medical therapy is inadequate or when the conditions are severe. Most of the common modalities of this kind include the laparoscopic removal of cysts and fibroids and the treatment of endometriosis.  The operation is carried out through small incisions and using a laparoscope (a small tube fitted with an optical fibre light and a camera), guiding the operation and usually allowing the patient to recover more quickly and with less post-operative pain than is involved with standard open surgery.  Other surgical options that might be offered include hysteroscopy for the removal and correction of other abnormal uterine conditions or major procedures such as hysterectomy when other treatment options are either not working or are not applicable.  
Multidisciplinary Method: The multidisciplinary method is essential in cases of chronic gynaecological conditions. This method incorporates a team of healthcare professionals; among them will be dieticians, physiotherapists, and mental health experts, who will work together in assisting and giving all that is needed for all-around care regarding the health of the patient. In the first instance, they help devise a nutritional plan wherein the plan is made in such a manner that these symptoms reduce and possibly not affect the overall reproductive health. 
Physiotherapists help control the pain by doing exercises and treatments of the pelvis. Mental health professionals care for the emotions attached to the trials of chronic ailments fueling such possible physical symptoms as anxiety and depression.
There are various gynaecological problems, and through a combination of good preventative practices and sound treatment options, they are manageable. Women's health needs to be prioritized, and they should be encouraged to take regular medical check-ups and holistic approaches. In this regard, our support and advice from experienced gynaecologists enable women to manage the effects of gynaecological conditions and promote better health outcomes as well as quality living. 
For more information regarding managing gynaecological conditions or to opt for the best minimally invasive surgical treatments for gynaecological conditions, visit MASSH. We specialise in minimally invasive surgeries and offer safe treatment with quick recovery and minimal risks for patients. Check out our website to learn more about gynaecological treatment at MASSH.
Source: https://massh.in/
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robertnelson2-blog · 1 month
Empower Your Core, Navigating Pelvic Floor Health with Confidence
We often look at the sky scrapers, forgetting the foundations that hold them. That’s what we have been doing coming to women’s health. There are many issues regarding women’s health ranging from irregular periods, bone health, etc,. And among them one of the most overlooked issues when coming to well being in women is the pelvic floor health, which is often ignored and overlooked due to societal norms, pressures and most importantly due to the lack of proper understanding. Embr wave menopause
Understanding the Pelvic Floor
Imagine a strong skyscraper standing tall and reaching heights, but what holds the sky scraper is the very foundation it is built on. The pelvic floor works the same, it is like a strong, flexible sheet at the bottom of your pelvis keeping your organs like the bladder, intestines, and the uterus in place and also preventing unwanted leakage. It’s very important and crucial to take care of pelvic floor health in order to maintain a healthy body which inturn leads to a healthy lifestyle. From supporting organ function to promoting continence and even enhancing sexual well-being, a strong and resilient pelvic floor is vital for overall health and quality of life.
How do you maintain pelvic floor health? Simply by incorporating simple exercises, practising good posture, and being mindful of pelvic floor health, you can ensure that this often-overlooked area of the body remains strong and functional for years to come.
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
We know that the pelvic floor is responsible for holding our organs together, but many women go through difficulties in controlling their bladder leading to bowel incontinence, which refers to the inability to control bowel movements, resulting in unexpected passage of stool. This condition can vary from occasional leakage of stool and gas to complete loss of control over bowel movements. Bladder incontinence and even pelvic organ prolapse, occurs when one or more organs within the pelvis descend from their usual position and protrude into the vagina.
Several other factors also contribute to pelvic floor dysfunction, categorised as modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors.
Modifiable Risk Factors include
Having a body mass index (BMI) over 25 kg/m²
Lack of exercise
Chronic respiratory diseases leading to persistent coughing.
Non-Modifiable Risk Factors encompass
Age, with risk escalating as individuals grow older
Family history of urinary incontinence
Overactive bladder, or faecal incontinence.
Additionally, gynaecological factors such as cancer and related treatments, previous gynaecological surgeries like hysterectomy, and conditions like fibromyalgia also heightens susceptibility.
Pregnancy and childbirth also play significant roles, particularly in instances where women are over 30 years old during childbirth, have previously given birth, or undergo specific labour-related events like assisted vaginal birth, occipito-posterior vaginal birth, prolonged second stage of labour, or injury to the anal sphincter during delivery.
These factors collectively underscore the importance of comprehensive pelvic floor health management strategies.
Exercises and Strategies for Preventing Incontinence and maintaining pelvic floor health
Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles enhances the support for the bladder and surrounding structures.
These techniques aid in controlling the anal sphincter muscle during bowel movements. Bowel retraining involves establishing specific times for bowel movements.
For individuals who struggle to discern when to have a bowel movement or face mobility challenges that hinder reaching the toilet independently, a specialised care is essential. They may develop a habit of delaying bowel movements due to difficulty accessing the toilet. To mitigate this issue, assistance should be provided to reach the toilet after meals and when the urge arises. Additionally, ensuring a safe and comfortable bathroom environment is crucial. Women and hot flashes
Utilising special pads or undergarments can offer a sense of security for individuals dealing with incontinence when venturing outdoors.
In the light of women’s health, the pelvic floor often remains overshadowed by other pressing issues, much like the unseen foundation beneath towering skyscrapers. Yet, its significance cannot be understated.
The pelvic floor serves as a crucial support system for vital organs, ensuring their proper function and preventing discomfort or embarrassment due to conditions like incontinence or prolapse.
By understanding the importance of pelvic floor health and adopting proactive measures to maintain it, individuals can safeguard their overall well-being and quality of life.
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hemant187 · 1 month
Cervical myomas (also known as cervical fibroids) are smooth, round benign tumors composed mostly of muscle tissue. These fibroids are present in the cervix, the lower part of the uterus, and are rare. They are usually accompanied by uterine fibroids, in the larger upper part of the uterus. Based on their location, cervical myomas can be classified as extra cervical (sub-serosal myoma) and intracervical. Cervical fibroids can further be anterior, posterior, lateral, and central depending on their position.
There are different types of uterine fibroids depending on where they’re located and how they attach. Specific types of uterine fibroids include:
Intramural fibroids:  Intramural fibroids are the most common type and they are embedded into the muscular wall of your uterus.
Submucosal fibroids: These fibroids grow under the inner lining of your uterus.
Subserosal fibroids: Subserosal fibroids grow under the lining of the outer surface of your uterus. They can become quite large and grow into your pelvis.
Pedunculated fibroids: These are the least common type of fibroids and they attach to your uterus with a stalk or stem. They’re often described as mushroom-like because they have a stalk and then a wider top.
  However, they can cause serious problems in some cases, especially if they are large. They may block part of the urinary tract or prolapse through the cervix and into the vaginal canal. Prolapsed myomas may develop ulcers, which could cause abnormal bleeding or infection.
Most cervical fibroids eventually cause symptoms. It’s unclear why fibroids develop. A couple of different factors may influence their formation:
Hormones: The ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone. These hormones cause the uterine lining to regenerate during each menstrual cycle and stimulate the growth of fibroids.
Family history: Fibroids may run in the family. If your mother, sister, or grandmother has a history of this condition, you may develop it as well.
Risk factors:
People are at greater risk of developing fibroids if they have one or more of the following risk factors:
Due to their family history 
If they are 30 years or above
Body weight is high.
The surgical treatment of cervical leiomyomas poses more difficulty; due to the risk of intraoperative Hemorrhage and the potential injuries because of contiguity and dislocation of adjacent organs.
Mild cervical myomas may not cause any problems while moderate to severe myomas may cause one or more of these symptoms:
1. Painful or excessive bleeding during the period.
2. Bleeding between your periods.
3. Menstrual clots.
4. Anemia, as a result of heavy bleeding, accompanied by fatigue
5. A feeling of fullness in your lower belly (abdomen)/bloating.
6. Frequent urination (this can happen when a fibroid puts pressure on your bladder).
7. Dyspareunia
8. Low back pain and pain in the pelvis.
9. Constipation or feeling pressure on your rectum.
10. Long-term (chronic) vaginal discharge.
11. Inability to pee or empty your bladder.
12. Increased abdominal distention (enlargement), causes your abdomen to look pregnant.
The symptoms of uterine fibroids usually stabilize or go away after you’ve gone through menopause because hormone levels decline within your body.
Small myomas that do not cause symptoms may not need to be treated. However large fibroids/myomas that are causing pain, bleeding, or urinary problems can be surgically removed via myomectomy. Depending on the size and location of the cervical fibroid/myomas, the doctor may perform one of three procedures.
Drug therapy may be an option for some women with fibroids/myomas. Heavy bleeding and painful menstrual cycle caused by fibroids/myomas may be controlled with medications. They may not prevent the growth of cervical myomas. Surgery may not be avoidable. Drug treatment for fibroids includes the following options:
Birth control pills (oral contraceptives) and other types of hormonal birth control methods: These drugs often are used to control heavy bleeding and painful periods.
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists: These drugs stop the menstrual cycle and can shrink fibroids. They sometimes are used before surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding.
Progestin intrauterine device (IUD): An option for women with myomas that does not distort the inside of the uterus. It reduces heavy and painful bleeding. The medication does not treat the myomas.
A procedure in which the surgeon conducts the operation through one or more tiny incisions near the belly button. A thin, flexible, lighted instrument, called a laparoscope, helps the doctor to see the surgical site.
 It is an open surgical procedure in which the surgeon removes the myomas through a larger abdominal incision.
Complete surgical removal of the uterus and sometimes the ovaries. If the fibroids are very large, this may be the surgeon’s only option. After a hysterectomy, the female patient can no longer become pregnant. 
These are the fibroids that are present in the cervix and different factors like hormonal imbalance or family history might be the cause. Anemia and pain in the abdomen are the common symptoms. The basic treatment is myomectomy, in some cases, mediation is used. Treatments like laparoscopy, laparotomy, and hysterectomy are surgical procedures to remove fibroids.
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