#Using incredible amounts of violence on behalf of said gang
rotzaprachim · 11 months
ok some seriously chewy thoughts I’ve had before about kaz breakers out-of-narrative white quasi Western European privilege
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pistolslinger · 2 years
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@compluras​ said:
perhaps it was the kvas from earlier that bolstered an already inflated confidence. or maybe it was just the itch to fight, to flex and feel something real, lean into the violence and flex the muscles he had to keep hidden. elbow nudges companion, and despite being a considerable amount taller than the two men squaring up to them, the others — stockier and more gruff — did not appear intimidated. ‘ two of them and two of us, ‘ theofan is already rolling up his sleeves, preparing to face off against arms bearing tattoos just visible enough that he knew they didn’t bear the crow and the cup. ‘ shoddy double date if you ask me, ‘ fingers curl and uncurl. he would not be the first to attack, but he wouldn’t hold back once the fight had begun.
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     HIS IMMEDIATE PROBLEM is that they aren’t anywhere near dregs territory, and any acts of violence will most likely be paid back swiftly; jesper isn’t new to this, and he knows when he’s being provoked into starting something that may turn into a problem for his own gang.  if he were still new to this — navigating barrel politics — he would have shot off without a second thought.
     as theofan nudges him, jesper turns in his direction without looking at him, his eyes trained on the pair of nitwits trying to square up to them out in the open, where anyone who recognised jesper would likely not intervene on their behalf.  jesper may not know the extent of theofan’s willingness to engage in a street brawl — but if the taunt he lets out does nothing else, it tells jesper that he’s not scared of a pair of razorgulls flapping their stringy wings at him.  good.
     “ i don’t know, the way they’re eyeing you up — something tells me they’re out for something a little more intimate that a little ol’ double date, hmn? ”  his grin is sharp, eyes narrowed on the others.  these two — definitely lower ranking by the looks of them — aren’t worth fighting.  but they sure could use a lesson in manners, and jesper is only too happy to help.  “ i don’t share, though.  sorry boys — maybe try your luck elsewhere.  there’s plenty of pretty boys milling around, ”
     if the pair of gulls had any sense, they would have taken that as their cue to go.  so, naturally — they don’t.  as both of them square up to throw punches, shedding their coats and huffing and puffing incoherent taunts, jesper sighs, and turns to really look at theofan.  “ i know i promised you drinks, but would you mind terribly if i asked you to slap some sense into them with me?  it’s incredible, the amount of effort their mamas put into teaching them manners that just went to waste on them. ”
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yasminsqueendom · 5 years
Antique the Vamp Geek Pt1 Ep8
CW:Potential starvation, more economic talk, discrimination.
A/N: Another Q and A
W/C: 1357
Whooooo lawd! I'm on 10 today babes!
So let's get into it.
You have questions and so do I. So let's talk.
Starting off with a question from @beyonbeat313: I can’t believe I let my daughter listen to your show! Why would you say those things about weird sex? She’s too young to hear things like that!
Ok. So, you do bring up a good point that I should at least rate the content of the shows. Thank you for the reminder. I suppose it would be much more helpful to control the content that your children engage in. I don’t know how old your daughter is, but the site that all my casts are posted to does in fact specify that adult topics are going to be discussed, and that parental discretion is advised. You would know this if you bothered to further look into it. 
I don’t apologize for any of my content because ultimately, it’s all true. The real life experiences of my listeners, and my own personal experiences are what fuel the content of my casts. I can be more mindful of my ratings, but I will not stop my discussions about my status and the state of the society I live in.
But anyway, next a question from @CCIT021: Hey, Tique! Your cast about how expensive being a vamp is was really interesting. The cost is astronomical! Would you say that the reason baby vamps die at such an alarming rate is because of the cost?
Yes and no…..
Yes, because the majority of baby vamps are from low income households. Every once in a while, one might be adopted by an older, wealthier vamp, but at the end of the day that doesn’t happen often. It’s only really romantic like that in the movies. The expenses do make it feel almost impossible. Interesting fact: baby vamps in areas with a lower population have a slightly higher survival rate. That is largely do the cost of living in urban (read black) areas being so high. But, that’s a different discussion.
No, because baby vamps are usually turned by other inexperienced baby vamps that don’t know any better. So essentially, there is no education on what you’ve become and how to deal with it. Some people are religious and feel that they have become some sort of demon. Those ones usually kill themselves or go on a killing spree (which still ends with them dying). Some start out ok, but they reveal themselves to their parents, and their parents kill them. Some of them already were a part of gangs or in areas of high violence, and they are killed the ways that regular humans are. Some get turned in jail, and die or locked in solitary and eventually starve. 
It all depends upon the circumstances. Some are lucky enough to link up with few good people and find themselves a source. Sources are really the saving grace of baby vamps. There are links to several resources regarding safe sourcing on the station’s website. 
Another one from @okurrrr.b!tch318: How have you been surviving? I know you said your source/plug or whatever stopped coming through. It’s been weeks. Do you have a source?
Just in case you didn’t know this already, while the government can’t technically make it illegal for normal humans to bleed (and others to drink it), they can make it illegal for that blood to be sold for use by vamps. And they have, in a way. If a regular human reports that a vamp has sourced any blood from them, and decides to press charges, that vamp is arrested immediately, without question.  There are other little sneaky loopholes, too. For example, family members can call authorities on their vamp relatives if they are caught sourcing blood. For any documented vamps, there is a mandatory Power of Attorney signed to give legal authority to a relative to make decisions on the behalf of the vamp. The reason for this is the likelihood of the virus taking over, and the vamp immediately becoming unable to make sound decisions. There are lots of sneaky things like that happening. 
You may wonder why I went on that random ass tangent. Basically, I can’t say shit about that. I cannot risk getting caught revealing any info about my feeding habits. It would put my life in immediate danger due to my family’s beliefs. I want to talk to you guys, but my health matters too much for me to discuss anything more personal than I already have. 
I don’t know if you’re a fucking cop or something. 
So please stop asking. I won’t tell you. I’m alright. I appreciate the concern if it’s genuine. That’s all you need to know.
Another question from @danielthemaniel.shadeking1: How is the situation with your school working out? Have you reported your status yet?
So……. no I haven’t reported my status yet. It gives me an absurd amount of anxiety and I’m terrified that I could lose everything. There are no laws that forbid suspending government assistance based on infection status. And, as I’ve stated, a couple of my grants come from religious-based institutions. Also, my college is Catholic. I don’t know how bad it would be, but I know that nothing good would happen if I disclosed my status. I’ve been seeing if I could transfer to a public university in the even that I have to drop out of here. I’ve only got about a month left until the deadline. 
A question from @qween.sansa98: Can you share the links for all the info to help baby vamps adjusting? I’m terrified after reading your last post. 
Certainly! It takes a few loopholes to get through everything, but if you’re determined to go through them.... It’s more like there are chat rooms where people share info anonymously. But if someone decides they don’t trust you, the room will be closed and a new one will be set up under a different name. For baby vamp safety, these rooms change and rotate regularly. I can point you in the right direction, but you have to do the work. 
Also, I hate your handle. Sansa fucking sucks.
One last question from @lolo.appointments.qw33n: Your statistics for the rates of survival for baby vamps is incredibly disturbing, but also isn't it beneficial that there isn't a large number of baby vamps around? Doesn't it benefit the society that everyone isn't getting infected because at some point there would be no fresh sources of blood? Shouldn't we be concerned about the repercussions of providing any assistance to vamps?
….ok…. It took me a minute to think of a response for this one. A lot of people feel that our existence is a direct threat to humanity. 
We are not a fucking threat for simply existing. 
Our kind has been existing right alongside you for FUCKING EVER. Completely unregulated by government. At no point has there ever been an overwhelming amount of us that has in any way threatened uninfected humanity. 
We are not draining medical resources away from the sick people that “really” need it. 
Which fucking reminds me that those of us who are turned have a goddamn medical condition! We need that blood to survive as well. Our kidneys don't do what they're supposed to either. We aren't stealing resources from other patients. WE ARE THE PATIENTS.
Everyone gets infected when you try to ignore it to make it go away. Innocent people die when you just try to kill it away. Assisting poor people never robs the rich of anything. Stop telling that bullshit story. Most of us don't even want to spread it. We just don't want to starve to death. 
Anyway. Look forward to Tique 9 for more excitement. Or just more loud ranting from me. I'm tired of answering y'all questions today. Keep ‘em coming though. I'll get to you eventually. 
Stay safe and follow me on all my social media. Links posted to the main site.
Stay moisturized and hydrated y'all.
Love Tique
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