#Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing.
grace-journal-of-cl · 2 years
Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing.
Margolis, J., & Fisher, A. (2003)
Women must be part of the design teams who are reshaping the world, if the reshaped world is to fit women as well as men.
Reflection: It's easy to draw this conclusion, but it's hard for women to actually design something for women. On the one hand, the design teams may offer limited chances for women to participate in. Even if women are already in design teams, their voices may be still depressed by other male members or leaders. On the other hand, even if women invent something brilliant, there's a good chance that it won't be recognized by the mainstream. There is gender bias in the world, especially for asian society. For example, as long as there is an avoidable car accident or irregular driving in China, commenters will always maliciously speculate that the car must be driven by a female driver. Although in reality male drivers have a higher accident rate than female drivers.
For this to happen, women must know more than how to use technology; they must know how to design and create it.
Reflection: Even women know all about this, the chances for them to change this male-dominated world are still low.
He continues, “Well, my father is not very patient in teaching her, but I keep trying to teach her and help her out.” The computer-impaired mother is a stock character in many students’ stories.
Childhood behaviors, however conditioned by gender socialization and genetics, tend to set computing on the male side of the gender divide.
Reflection: It's so typical that in a typical family, the father is always trying and mastering new things like computers or cell phones, while the mother is far away from or even afraid of these new technologies. Young children definitely will notice this phenomenon which may shape their expectation of their own sex. So, as we try to get more young girls involved in developing computational thinking, we should also try to get their mothers to change their cognitions and develop their own computational thinking too.
In addition, in another class (LAI 689 embodiment in education), we need to write a proposal for final project. For that project, I wanted to write something about how to apply multimodal communication and embodiment theory to develop young girls' and their mothers' interest and confidence in computational thinking. All the things that I can think about is using a tangible toy named code-a-pillar( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYEKD1Befg8). I'd like to hear your suggestions.
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azspot · 5 years
One researcher was Allan Fisher, then the associate dean of the computer-science school at Carnegie Mellon University. The school established an undergraduate program in computer science in 1988, and after a few years of operation, Fisher noticed that the proportion of women in the major was consistently below 10 percent. In 1994, he hired Jane Margolis, a social scientist who is now a senior researcher in the U.C.L.A. School of Education and Information Studies, to figure out why. Over four years, from 1995 to 1999, she and her colleagues interviewed and tracked roughly 100 undergraduates, male and female, in Carnegie Mellon’s computer-science department; she and Fisher later published the findings in their 2002 book “Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing.”
What Margolis discovered was that the first-year students arriving at Carnegie Mellon with substantial experience were almost all male. They had received much more exposure to computers than girls had; for example, boys were more than twice as likely to have been given one as a gift by their parents. And if parents bought a computer for the family, they most often put it in a son’s room, not a daughter’s. Sons also tended to have what amounted to an “internship” relationship with fathers, working through Basic-language manuals with them, receiving encouragement from them; the same wasn’t true for daughters. “That was a very important part of our findings,” Margolis says. Nearly every female student in computer science at Carnegie Mellon told Margolis that her father had worked with her brother — “and they had to fight their way through to get some attention.”
Their mothers were typically less engaged with computers in the home, they told her. Girls, even the nerdy ones, picked up these cues and seemed to dial back their enthusiasm accordingly. These were pretty familiar roles for boys and girls, historically: Boys were cheered on for playing with construction sets and electronics kits, while girls were steered toward dolls and toy kitchens. It wasn’t terribly surprising to Margolis that a new technology would follow the same pattern as it became widely accepted.
At school, girls got much the same message: Computers were for boys. Geeky boys who formed computer clubs, at least in part to escape the torments of jock culture, often wound up, whether intentionally or not, reproducing the same exclusionary behavior. (These groups snubbed not only girls but also black and Latino boys.) Such male cliques created “a kind of peer support network,” in Fisher’s words.
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allbestnet · 7 years
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