#Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
ahchumah · 9 months
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Kakashi en la UNAM
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kuramirocket · 2 years
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Mexican chemistry researcher Ana Cristina Garcia Alvarez
Mexican chemistry researcher Ana Cristina Garcia Alvarez has worked to understand a chemical process that mimics part of photosynthesis and could possibly produce hydrogen as part of clean energy solutions.
Ana Cristina Garcia-Alvarez, now a postdoctoral researcher in the Chemistry Department at University of California Irvine (UCI), says that her previous research was inspired by the process of photosynthesis held by plants and some algae, specifically in a protein complex called Photosystem II.
Cubanes are a synthetic hydrocarbon molecule with eight carbon atoms at the corners of a cube and Garcia-Alvarez used these cubane-type complexes with metals like cobalt, nickel and manganese for mimicking the active site of Photosystem II.
"I developed a novel and practical route of synthesis for cubanes that mimic this site, these compounds are structurally very similar to the one that is found in nature," she says, "Therefore, it was possible to mimic the function of the PS II."
Garcia-Alvarez says these kind of compounds let us to understand in a better way just a piece of the huge machinery that process of Photosynthesis represents.
"It was a big challenge due to trying to mimic nature is so complex and this topic is very important because during the process we generate protons that could be reduced to H2 (hydrogen gas), which could be used like a renewable energy source," she says, adding that it was with this project that she got keen on activation of small molecules, catalysis and energy.
"This is the reason why I am currently working in the synthesis of heterobimetallic compounds for CO2 reduction as an alternative to the environmental problematic we are facing nowadays, all this as part of my work as postdoctoral scholar at UCI," she says.
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Cubane-type compounds for water oxidation
A Passion For Math
Garcia-Alvarez grew up in the small city of Toluca, (southwest of Mexico City), where as a child she always enjoyed solving books of maths problems.
"I always focused on natural sciences, but it took many years to find out my real passion, inorganic synthesis," she says, adding that discovered her passion for inorganic synthesis while working in a chemistry lab during her undergraduate degree in Chemistry in Toluca.
After her masters degree, Garcia-Alvarez went on to doctoral studies at the biggest university of in Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
Garcia-Alvarez says she is proud to be part of a Latin American community of researchers.
"We share a lot of cultural characteristics as a huge scientific Latin community," she say, "I am proud to be part of it, and I feel the duty to do my best and help my society to develop the skills to face the current global challenges, like global warming, employment of renewable energy sources (directly focused on what I work as example)."
“So, if we promote education, science and technology in our countries we will have a better future, facilitating the access to science for new generations and developing our own potential," she says, "I am very convinced that education is a great way to help younger people and I found it crucial to expand visibility for girls and women in STEM, motivate and support youth to expand their horizons."
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Ana Cristina Garcia Alvarez in the Bioinorganic and Supramolecular Lab at the Chemistry Institute of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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zoomdigitaltv · 5 months
Los libros arriban al Espacio Infantil Universum
El acervo de la biblioteca contará con más de 600 títulos con temas tan variados como teoría de la luz, formación de identidad, conducción sonora, sustentabilidad y reconocimiento de emociones. El proyecto es apoyado por empresas como 3M, Natura, Fundación FEMSA, Kimberly Clark, Casa Córdoba, Skippy, Siete Colores, Asolmex, Fundación ALSEA, Comex y Fondo Unido México. Continue reading Untitled
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notienfoque · 8 months
UNAM da a conocer nombres de los 10 finalistas que buscan la rectoría
La Junta de Gobierno revisó la trayectoria, los logros profesionales y la experiencia académico-administrativa La mañana de este jueves 12 de octubre, la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) dio a conocer los nombres de las 10 personas que aspiran a ser rector o rectora de la máxima casa de estudios. La UNAM indicó que de conformidad con los términos de la convocatoria publicada el…
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sociedadnoticias · 9 months
López Obrador llega a su quinto año de gobierno con altibajos en la economía: LACEN-UNAM
López Obrador llega a su quinto año de gobierno con altibajos en la economía: LACEN-UNAM #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #Peso #UNAM #Exportaciones #Competitividad #LANCEN @FES_ACATLAN @UNAM_MX @UNAM_FCPyS
Desigualdad en ingresos persiste en México, afirma el laboratorio de la UNAM Por Martín García | Reportero El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador alcanza su quinto año de mandato con una marcada variabilidad en el desempeño económico del país, , así lo afirmó el Laboratorio de análisis en comercio, economía y negocios (LACEN) de la UNAM. Su coordinador, José Ignacio Martínez Cortes, afimró…
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foxounderscorecube · 20 days
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Playing playing!
[Image description: traditional art of a pink axolotl floating in blue water, looking happy. It's surrounded by smiling yellow stars. End ID.]
I've listed the original of this piece for sale on my Etsy shop!
Acrylic markers, watercolour, watercolour pencil, and gel pen :)
This drawing is Glazed. My unGlazed art is available for Ko-Fi supporters!
If you're able, adopt an axolotl to help keep their habitat alive:
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fuckyeahmexico · 7 months
Acapulco necesita muchísima ayuda. Tras el paso del huracán Otis, el famoso paraíso guerrerense quedó terriblemente afectado. No hace falta que salgas de la CDMX para apoyarlos. En diferentes puntos de la capital se han montado centros de acopio que estarán recibiendo productos y víveres.
Eso no es todo, aquellos animales que viven en refugios, también merecen recibir ‘una patita’ de ayuda. Aquí te decimos cómo puedes aportar y dónde.
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Centros de acopio en CDMX para ayudar a Acapulco
1. La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), anunció que abrió un par de centros de acopio a partir del mediodía de hoy, jueves 26 de octubre. Están ubicados al lado de las astas bandera del Estadio Olímpico Universitario y en el Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco.
2. En horas recientes fue creado el perfil de Instagram @hazelbienxaca por la activista Saskia Niño de Rivera. La iniciativa destinada a reunir víveres tanto para personas como para mascotas damnificadas del puerto. El centro de acopio está en la calle Sierra Gorda 495, Lomas de Chapultepec, alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo. De 8:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m.
3. El restaurante ‘Degú, cocina de casa’, también ha instalado un centro de acopio. Estarán reuniendo víveres en la calle Huichapan 25, en la Condesa, muy cerca del Parque España. Enviarán un camión a Acapulco con todo lo reunido el día 3 de noviembre. Más información en su Instagram: @degu.cocinadecasa.
4. Atma Yoga, estudio con 2 sucursales en CDMX, también se unió a Degú e instaló centros de acopio, ubicados en la calle Yucatán 69, colonia Roma Norte y calle Goldsmith 38, en Polanco.
Por su parte, la Cruz Roja Mexicana anunció que en las instalaciones de la Sede Nacional recibirán productos para los afectados. Se localiza en la calle Juan Luis Vives 200, Colonia Los Morales Polanco, alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo. Todos los días de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m.
Lee también: Huracán “Otis” afectó 80% de hoteles en Acapulco, reporta la gobernadora de Guerrero
¿Qué cosas debo llevar a los centros de acopio?
Aunque toda ayuda sirve, es recomendable primero revisar comunicados o redes sociales de los centros de acopio para tener conocimiento de los artículos que recibirán o que son de primera necesidad. En general, se está recolectando lo siguiente:
Para el hogar: escobas, cubetas, cloro, jabón en polvo, guantes de plástico, fibra, cepillo tipo plancha, limpiador para pisos, jalador, recogedor, franelas y jergas.
Alimentos: aceite, arroz, frijol, lenteja, azúcar, sal, agua embotellada, leche en polvo; enlatados como atún/sardinas, café soluble, chiles, mayonesa y mermelada; en sobres como sopas de pasta, cubos de consomé, harina para atole y chocolate en polvo.
Higiene personal: rollos de papel higiénico, jabón de barra, pasta dental, toallas femeninas, zacate, toallas húmedas, desodorante, pañales, rastrillos, peines, cepillos dentales y toallas faciales.
Artículos de primeros auxilios: gasas, vendas, suero, agua oxigenada, alcohol, desinfectantes de heridas, gel antibacterial.
Herramientas: carretillas, barretas, palas y picos.
Ropa en buen estado.
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Ayuda a un refugio de Animales en Acapulco
Porque los seres humanos no fueron los únicos que vivieron el devastador paso de Otis. Cientos de perros, gatos y demás animales también severamente afectados, por lo que ellos también necesitan ayuda.
La organización comunitaria ‘Patitas Felices Acapulco’ se encarga de proteger y salvaguardar a animalitos en situaciones vulnerables en su refugio temporal. Ahora, están pidiendo ayuda para poder comprar alimento para las mascotas y para poder reparar los daños de su refugio.
Si deseas ayudar, puedes hacer un donativo a las siguientes cuentas, a nombre de Elsa Cristina Salgado Gama:
Spin de Oxxo: 4217 4700 4909 3640.
Banamex: 5256 7833 6571 9690.
Clabe interbancaria: 0022 6190 3723 2878 82.
Fuente: El Universal
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mybeingthere · 8 months
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José Miguel Covarrubias (1904 - 1957), also called "El Chamaco" ( Spanish for "The Boy" ), was a Mexican painter, caricaturist , ethnologist and art historian.
In 1932 she accompanied Nicholas Muray on his study trip through Southeast Asia, Africa and Europe, which had enabled him to receive a Guggenheim scholarship . That same year, the two went to Mexico City, where Covarrubias attended the National School of Anthropology and History at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México(UNAM) taught the subject of ethnology. He represented, among other things, diffusionist positions and pointed out the similarities between ancient Central American art and Asian forms.
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insurgentepress · 2 months
Convoca UNAM a concurso de fotografías con celulares de Eclipse Solar 2024
Redacción InsurgentePress/Ciudad de México.- El Instituto de Geofísica de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) convocó a participar en el concurso de fotografía del Eclipse Solar 2024, con imágenes captadas a través de celular, equipo avanzado y cómo vivieron el fenómeno astronómico. A través del Departamento de Ciencias Espaciales la UNAM emitió la convocatoria al público en general…
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noosphe-re · 2 years
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Espacio Escultórico, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City, 1979, Federico Silva, Helen Escobedo, Hersúa, Manuel Felguérez, Mathias Goeritz y Sebastián
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andiatas · 3 months
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March 13, 2024 | King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia visited Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) on Day 2 of Sweden's state visit to Mexico. The university has over 350,000 students and is ranked in the top hundred list of the world's best universities. Upon arrival, the university's headmaster, Leonardo Lomelí Vanegas, received the King and Queen. After a presentation of the university and the signing of a cooperation agreement between the physics departments at UNAM and the University of Gothenburg, the King and Queen met a group of Mexican students studying Swedish.
Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT
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myrddin-wylt · 6 months
you can virtually adopt an axolotl and they'll give you live updates on their health. virtual adoption is about $35, but if you want to spend less, you can buy them dinner for $10. very cute, 10/10
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loquefuimos · 8 months
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La UNAM Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México es autónoma desde el 26 de julio de 1929
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octavio-augusto · 1 year
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Después de sangre, sudor y lagrimas se logró 🩸 A todas las personas que me acompañaron en este proceso se les quiere y agradece 🌙✨ #qufo#nohagodrogas#lasvendo#scienciebitch#hashtag (en UNAM Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnStINaPP6c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kuramirocket · 10 months
Ana María Cetto: The Mexican Pioneering Theoretical Physicist & Activist
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Ana María Cetto is a Mexican theoretical physicist who has made contributions to the fields of biophysics of light, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics, and stochastics. 
Cetto was born in Mexico City in 1946 and is a research professor at the Institute of Physics and lecturer at the Faculty of Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). She holds an M.A. degree in Biophysics from Harvard University and M.Sc and Ph.D degrees in Physics from UNAM. Her main field of research is theoretical physics (foundations of quantum mechanics). She has published 14 books and 120 research articles. Prof. Cetto is former Dean of the Faculty of Sciences (UNAM) and UNESCO consultant for the World Conference on Science. From 2003 to 2010 she was Deputy Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (Nobel Peace Prize 2005). She is founding president of LATINDEX, an online information system for Ibero-American and Caribbean scholarly journals. Prof. Cetto has held honorary positions in a number of international organisations, including the International Year of Light Steering Committee, and the Executive Boards of the Third World Organisation for Women in Science (TWOWS, Co-Founder), International Council for Science (ISC), International Foundation for Science (IFS), United Nations University (UNU), International Network of Engineers and Scientists (INES) and the Pugwash Conferences (Nobel Peace Prize 1995).  
In addition to her work as a theoretical physicist, she is also known as an activist who champions more women taking up science, particularly physics. 
A Natural Curiosity and a Critical Spirit 
When asked about what led Cetto into the field of physics, she stated that as a child, “I had a fortunate and fruitful combination of curiosity and critical spirit.” Physics wasn’t Cetto’s sole interest within the scientific field as she also had a curiosity towards chemistry and biology, but she maintained that physics was her primary choice, and that it was a good choice because it has given her a way of living. Ms. Cetto explained that when she finally decided to study physics, it was something very natural and attributed this to her lifelong curiosity that was primarily nurtured by her parents and in school. With a gratified smile on her face, Cetto proclaimed that, “physics is in my blood, as we say in Spanish.”
Throughout her career, Cetto managed to couple her academic interests with her activism, and stated that it was all about “working hard, because you have to work on both sides, and you have to be serious and professional about them. You cannot take them superficially, you have to work hard, and with conviction.”
Cetto stated that it was discussions with her university friends and her readings that got her interested in nuclear disarmament.
Being a Woman in the STEM Field 
In light of being a woman in the male dominated STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) field, Cetto shared some sound advice: “you have to learn to gently put your foot down.” Cetto reasoned that this method is more effective than those that involve confrontation and fighting, and will result in men respecting you more, as a woman. Cetto claimed that male domination is something that has pervaded not only the STEM field, but whole societies. In order to counteract this pattern, Cetto illuminated that “it becomes clear that negotiating is not about making concessions, it’s about understanding the others.” Cetto is a big advocate for putting yourself in others’ shoes, and reasons that if you want people to respect you, then you should speak out for them to listen, and that in turn, you must also listen to them. Cetto emphasized that “it is important that we listen to each other.”
Cetto also mentioned that she thinks it’s important to stand up for what you believe in on certain things and to not compromise on your principles, thus striking a balance between not assuming a conflictual, threatening approach but also retaining your values and beliefs.  
Promoting Latin American Information Programs and Women in STEM
Cetto is still very much involved in the scientific information programs, based in Latin America, that promote Open Access to scientific information, going back 25 years. Cetto explained that there are a handful of very big commercial enterprises based in the North, namely Europe and in the United states, that have control over the international scientific publishing arena. This privatized way of dealing with information represents a highly profitable business for them, with Cetto stating that these companies make over a 30% net profit a year. Furthermore, academics have to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to have their academic literature peer reviewed, accepted and published  in journals that are controlled and owned by one big commercial enterprise.
Therefore, this system is a highly profitable business for the publishing corporations, but a big financial burden for academic institutions, not only in developing countries, but around the globe. Cetto explained that “this has an effect of overshadowing valuable contributions to science from our countries, specifically from developing countries, because our journals are underrepresented in big commercial information services.” Cetto stated that in Latin America, “we have our own way, perhaps, of doing science in the world, but we also contribute to international science from our perspective and from our point of view.” Cetto believes that this adds value to the scientific field and should not be disregarded by the standards of the north. 
“For me, cultural diversity, linguistic diversity, knowledge diversity, knowledge source diversity, and even gender diversity, in all areas of human activity, are as important as biological diversity. So, I’m pro diversity in general. I think that all these aspects of diversity are essential for human survival, the survival of humankind.”
Cetto asserted that “if we do not give visibility to these contributions, if we don’t value them and promote them, nobody will do it for us. So, this is why I took the initiative to create this information system.” Cetto was also happy to mention that these programs have had an incredible impact as there are now other information systems people can use from many journals online, produced in Latin America and in other parts of the world. The promotion of academic literature from around the world is still an ongoing effort. Cetto further specified that “journal publishing, for us, is not a business, it’s part of the knowledge production and dissemination process.”
 “In the STEM field, I would say go ahead girls, you won’t regret it. It is a never-ending adventure, it’s endless.”
Cetto explained that when you explore the STEM field, you have a better idea of how nature is, how it has evolved, and how it works, which makes you cultivate your critical spirit and nurture it. Moreover, Cetto explained that science offers countless opportunities to learn new things, to create and invent, and it gives you a degree of freedom.
Sources: (x) (x) (x)
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sociedadnoticias · 10 months
Emite UNAM convocatoria para elegir nuevo rector
Emite UNAM convocatoria para elegir nuevo rector #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #Rectoría #UNAM #Acatlán #FESAcatlán #HechoEnLaUNAM @FES_ACATLAN @UNAM_MX
El nuevo Rector será elegido para el periodo 2023-2027, por lo que la Máxima Casa de Estudios iniciará el proceso de selección de los aspirantes. Por Carlos Lara Moreno | Reportera                                               La junta de gobierno de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) emitió su convocatoria para el proceso de selección del nuevo rector de la máxima casa de…
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