#Ultra Greed (Dagomet)
the-poke-nebula · 7 months
@skypxllar liked for a starter
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Huh... there was more portals around than just him and his siblings after all- did certain others follow through the splinters in the shield around this world..?
That's when he saw her. A glint in his eye as he approached, crushing a phone that he stole, electricity coursing through his arm... but it didn't seem to phase him.
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"Well, well... ain't YOU a sight for sore sensors..."
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the-poke-nebula · 7 months
The news would be broadcasting several reports on Ultra Wormholes across the entirety of the World. Soon, the television was shocked by an electric pulse and destroyed, from one of the seven in the room.
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"Eh, what a load'a crock. News wants t'show those holes, let 'em."
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"You forget, Dagomet, that we're here for a mission. We're supposed to be doing things quietly and discreetly. I know I certainly closed my portal, but who else but Aergia forgot?"
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"...What're you blamin' me for? You know I get blurry-headed after my nap."
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"Well you wouldn't HAVE to nap so much if you actually followed a physical routine like the REST of us! The same goes for SATO over THERE who's busy STUFFING HIS FACE."
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"Hey, YOU'D be hungry too, Eulises, if you had to go through a portal that was about as thin as Luxia's waistline."
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"...Y'know, SOME people would want to have been blessed with such things as a thin waist, or food to eat, or-"
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"ENOUGH!" The one known as Haben would slam the table next to him with a single fist, causing it to splinter. "We have our orders. We need to ask around, discreetly, for our information. Now, MOVE."
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the-poke-nebula · 6 months
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"...I realize what I wish to do is selfish; agonizingly so..."
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"...But I will not stop fighting for what I believe in. People and Pokemon must be seen as equals; no longer one as tools of war for the other, using their sick influence to get what they desire."
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"I've stopped caring about a 'moral compass' years ago.
When you've seen every outcome, every possibility, every timeline in every sense of the word... you need to see something new, don't you think~?"
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"I don't need to explain my reasons for what I've done on Pasio to any of you. What would you have done, in my place, finding out the one benefactor had plans to stab you in the back? You'd want revenge, too."
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"...t'put it simple, Me n' my sibs were literally made this way by our Father. What we do is by His design, no matter how we feel about it.
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...Sure, Arkha n' Tristana might have their hang-ups, but between you n' me? I love what I do."
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"There is no room for remorse in my heart. I've already made peace with my past, and I would do unto the world what I did over and over, if it meant that the world could be Reborn."
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the-poke-nebula · 7 months
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"Dagomet, I hope you have a... dear Father, what the hell happened to you this time?" She huffed, rolling her eyes. This seemed to be a common occurrence between the siblings.
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"What..? I thought you were a hemophiliac." He'd tease, before getting smacked on the shoulder. She wasn't in the mood for teasing it seemed. He'd smirk nonetheless before snatching a loose cloth to wipe himself off with.
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"Just thought you should know, that ol' Trissy's here. And if she's here, you can bet that clown and our brooding youngest is here too."
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"Hmph... I knew that Arkha was here, but... Tristana? The part of Father he shed so that he'd feel no remorse should it come to the worst with Sagira? I always thought she was too weak to really separate from Father's Heart."
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"One in th' same. Not t' mention some girl and her giant pet flyin' snake was the one that screwed me up bad. An' if THAT thing could screw me up bad...
What'd you think it could do to the Barrier~?"
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"Hmm...~! I like the way you think, brother... Perhaps I'll go and see to that... after I visit dear old Arkha a visit. I think I have a hunch where he may be- dark, secluded corners of the world that nobody could ever reach on their own..."
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the-poke-nebula · 7 months
The Powerful, Deadly Abilities of the Seven Sins
Under Cut for length and gore mentions.
All Seven of the Deadly Sins cannot die. As the amalgamation of Xibalba's Sins and Anger against Sagira brought to flesh, they each have inherited Xibalba's Immortality. Instead, when pushed to the brink of Death, they instead fall into a state of stasis, which can be averted by absorbing the Life Energy from other Pokemon or Humans. This can be done by literally draining their Life Essence from them (In Dagomet's, Luxia's, Aergia's, or Etaoin's case), or by literally devouring pieces or the entirety of them.
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For example, if Sato were to be put to near death, he'd literally kill and eat several humans just to survive.
They each, in addition, possess an ability that none of their fellows have.
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-Pride, AKA Haben; Extreme Strength. Being able to punch holes directly through mountains at the very least.
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-Greed, AKA Dagomet; Ability to siphon electric charge from a mile radius. This also acts as a substitute for draining Life Energy.
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-Lust, AKA Luxia; Ability to make any creature; male, female, or gender indeterminant, fall in love with her, even with Oblivious or Mental Herb.
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-Gluttony, AKA Sato; Ability to eat and digest just about anything, and bite through anything, including even solid steel and harder. Any non-organic material he eats can be used as lesser substitutes for Life Energy.
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-Sloth, AKA Aergia; Ability to create impenetrable barriers made of Ultra Energy while he sleeps. Sleeping also regenerates him as well as him absorbing Life Energy.
'Ultra Energy' is the energy that all Ultra Beasts expend, mainly in the form of Auras. Aergia has a lot of that energy stored in each lifeform of his Stakataka-self.
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-Wrath, AKA Eulises; Ability to slice through just about anything with his blade. His Blade also has elemental properties which adapt to his opponent. His blades are an extension of himself, which means any blood he gets on them absorbs their Life Energy too, which replenishes him as well.
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-Envy, AKA Etaoin; Ability to possess and masquerade as someone. Done while simultaneously draining their Life Energy. Eventually her host will shrivel and wither away, leading her to need to find a new host.
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