#UM hope its ok to put this in the tag. its long i shouldve put a readmore but eh
baalzebufo · 9 months
Your plutocrat family and headcannons and doodles are so amazing I love them so much??? I was so neutral on the guy BUT YOU ARE WINNING ME OVER , please tell more!
yeees yes my sneaky scheme is working
so ive already said briefly that I think hes from a big family. mostly, I just thought it'd be fun to have a big cog-italian family of mobsters themed after the planets (and dwarf planet, in this case). cosmo is the newest build and kind of the runt of the litter
hes originally from Palomertá, on the isle of Cosicilia (yes its just cog sicily) and was built into money and privilege. his dads, solaris and luna, both pretty rich crime lords who wanted to solidify their partnership and expand their family, and also expand the family. kind of a win/win for them. they get kids AND the Astrolini-Cogleone family gets more powerful. its just a smart move in their legitimate business
ive not thought about his siblings at all yet but i imagine tensions in the family are frequent and theres lots of splinters and fallings out. when your entire fam is involved in organized crime its bound to happen. cosmo himself actually rejected his dads giving him start-up money because he wanted to be a self-made man. its NOT common for a cog to ever reject free money, but he considered it a point of pride. he didnt want to ride on his dads coattails, yknow? he wanted to forge his OWN family on his own work. which, to his credit, hes done. dude has what could arguably called a moral code even if it does involve illegal stuff 90% of the time
naturally this caused a bit of a sore spot since cosmo was seen as 'abandoning the family business' but they came around with time, and despite the occasional snide comment theyre on fine terms now. he goes home every now and then for big birthdays and occasions (he kind of hates it because it gets pretty hot back home but yknow. he tolerates.) and sol especially has a tendency to boast about his boy to anyone who will listen
i know ive said the word 'family' like 7 billion times in this response but it is truly one of the most important things to cosmo. its why hes so close with the satellite investors- they trusted him and he trusts them. theyre His Boys, yknow? the exact nature of their relationship is a little vague but he cares about them, genuinely. they aint throwaway mooks to him. he calls them lugheads and they test his patience daily and he wouldnt admit it, but he loves those dudes
UM this is getting pretty long and im fairly disjointedly rambling now but. most of my ideas are still kind of vague and floaty, i'll probably write up things in a more coherent 'backstory document' fashion at some point. to sign off, a random headcanon
cosmo can play piano. luna taught him, and he took to it pretty well. he rarely plays nowadays and considers himself pretty rusty but hes planning on installing a piano into the restaurant so he can tap away whenever the urge strikes
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