shimmering-jewels · 1 year
FLAME FLAME !! look at this cat gif i found !! ^_ speaking of, does your cat not have eyes or are they just impossible to see ? thanks bye ! - Entropic Stars
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gojngdown · 5 years
why every tøp song is for the gays
there’s at least one reason for each tøp song as to why it’s for the gays. so please enjoy. if i missed anything please feel free to add it in. written by a disaster nb lesbian.
implicit demand for proof: the first time i heard this song, i was in world history class. we were learning about ancient greece at the time. ancient greece is literally the gayest place on the planet. implicit demand for proof is for the gays.
fall away: the backing vocals of “la da da da da” are just . it’s Gay. fall away is for the gays. also there’s that one live video of fall away with an epic trumpet solo and i watch it religiously and i’m gay. fall away is for the gays.
the pantaloon: i am too lazy to draw it out but the rhythm of this song is roughly the same as “mama” by my chemical romance. if mcr isn’t for the gays, i don’t know what is. the pantaloon is for the gays.
addict with a pen: this is my crush’s favorite song. addict with a pen is for the gays.
friend, please: this song is so meaningful and powerful, just like gay rights. friend, please is for the gays.
march to the sea: this song mentions spaceships. space is gay. march to the sea is for the gays.
johnny boy: simply because it is a Huge Bop that also has really relatable lyrics, johnny boy is for the gays.
oh, ms. believer: one of the prettiest songs tøp has ever wrote. you know who else is pretty? GIRLS. oh, ms. believer is for the gays. snow is also super cool just like gay rights. oh, ms. believer is for the gays.
air catcher: this song flows with passion, just like me when i see any girl ever. air catcher is for the gays.
trapdoor: “everyone gather around for a show.” show = theater. theater is gay. trapdoor is for the gays.
a car, a torch, a death: again this is one of the prettiest songs tøp has ever wrote. and who else is pretty? GIRLS. a car, a torch, a death is for the gays.
taxi cab: the live performance of this song absolutely knocks everyone off of their feet. this is also one of the safest songs on the planet. it’s also my favorite song off of self titled and i’m gay. taxi cab is for the gays.
before you start your day: “put on the glitter that your soul hides behind” can be alluded to closeted gay/trans kids having to hide who they are because they’re closeted. before you start your day is for the gays.
isle of flightless birds: “we put our worth in giving birth and stuff” single-handedly, this line makes the whole song for the gays. we put our worth in heterosexual intercourse when the most important thing is to be gay and do crimes. isle of flightless birds is for the gays.
(i did the songs on rab that are not on vessel!)
slowtown: “i put my socks on my feet.” a beautiful, meaningful line. also a very very gay line slowtown is for the gays. also this song mentions pokemon and pokemon is for the gays. slowtown is for the gays.
forest: the whole chorus is just,,, it’s so gay. like bringin all ur friends out and just singing songs in the middle of a forest there’s no heterosexual explanation for that. forest is for the gays.
kitchen sink: this is @serainechor’s favorite song and sera is a LGBTQ+ ICON. kitchen sink is for the gays.
lovely: the ending. that’s just. it’s. words fail. lovely is for the gays.
anathema: the whole last rap part is from no phun intended, aka For The Gays. anathema is for the gays. also it’s the song playing during that one scene from dreamers at best by @vialism u all know that scene yep. anathema is for the gays.
ruby: “UR AN ANGELLLLLLLLLL”- me @ girls. ruby is for the gays.
be concerned: “where’d you go, HUUUUUUH?” that line is so gay like u hear it and u just Know. be concerned is for the gays.
clear: so many good puns and misheard lyrics can be made out of this song, and we all know memes are for the gays. clear is for the gays.
ode to sleep: literally half of this song is from npi which as we all know is a Gay Album. ode to sleep is for the gays. also this song practically SCREAMS be gay do crimes. ode to sleep is for the gays.
holding on to you: tyler held up a gay pride flag during the live version of this song. holding on to you is for the gays.
migraine: AMM I THE OOOOONLY ONE I KNOOOOOOOW that’s gay that’s so amazing and Gay Culture also i listened to this on repeat on the way back from a band field trip and band field trips are gay. migraine is for the gays.
house of gold: this is the first ukulele song tøp ever released. it’s common knowledge that playing the ukulele is gay culture. house of gold is for the gays.
car radio: just the fact that tyler screams half of this song makes it for the gays. also during the alter ego festival, tyler said “peace” after this song which is gay. car radio is for the gays. also josh takes off the mask at the same time as tyler but no one notices and that’s also very meaningful just like gay rights. car radio is for the gays. tyler illegally climbs a lot during this song and once he literally built his own tower which is chaotic and gay. car radio is for the gays.
semi-automatic: hope is ur friend!! that is very gay and very powerful also keep telling me those sun metaphors those are extremely gay. semi-automatic is for the gays.
screen: another uke song. ukes are for the gays. screen is for the gays. “excuse us while we sing to the sky” is a Gay Line. screen is for the gays.
the run and go: DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO thats just the grandest gayest lil tune what a Bop also tyler called josh baby on stage during this song “oh hello josh! hello josh”. the run and go is for the gays.
fake you out: this song is very sad and very real- just like me. i’m gay. fake you out is for the gays. “i have committed dirty crimes” HEY BE GAY DO CRIMES. fake you out is for the gays.
guns for hands: turn ur guns into a fist. rise against the homophobes who spread hate. guns for hands said gay rights. guns for hands is for the gays.
trees: the live performance of this is everything and is enough of a reason as to why it’s for the gays. trees is for the gays.
truce: a meaningful yet simple song about staying alive. fantastic as Fuck. it’s also in the key of G aka the best key ! truce is for the gays.
heavydirtysoul: THERES AN INFESTATION IN MY MINDSIMAGINJDHDJDNDBSJBBSBM. heavydirtysoul is for the gays. also the drum tabs are chaotic just like the gays. heavydirtysoul is for the gays.
stressed out: this is the tøp song that so many people heard first. as we all know, the clique is very very gay. stressed out is for the gays.
ride: once again, a song that a lot of people heard first. and the clique is like, SUPER FUCKING GAY. ride is for the gays. during alter ego fest, tyler said during this song “save the best for first” aka the most chaotic and gayass thing i’ve ever seen. ride is for the gays.
fairly local: the contradiction between the first and second verse is gay. fairly local is for the gays. also YEEEEEEEEEEAH is gay. fairly local is absolutely for the gays.
tear in my heart: this song is about jenna. tear in my heart is for the gays. it’s also the first tøp song i ever heard and i’m a gay icon. tear in my heart is for the gays.
lane boy: the riff on this boi. i mean Wow. lane boy is for the gays. “will they be alive tomorrow” he’s talking bout the straights that shit on the awesome lgbtq+ community i don’t make the rules. lane boy is for the gays.
the judge: i listened to this song on repeat when i first got my gay haircut. the judge is for the gays. tyler did a mashup of this and holding on to you (quite obviously for the gays, of course.) on the ukulele (a gay instrument.) the judge is for the gays. the simple act of screaming “JOSH DUN!” is gay culture. the judge is for the gays.
doubt: “don’t forget about me” me @ my crush. doubt is for the gays. no to be completely serious i interpret this song as a message to god and i feel like a lot of lgbtq+ ppl can relate to that sort of interpretation. doubt is for the the gays.
polarize: this is @poisonous-vibrations’s favorite tøp songs. ty is a LGBTQ+ ICON AS WELL. polarize is for the gays.
we don’t believe what’s on tv: tyler once dedicated this to josh. wdbwotv is for the gays. it’s also a ukulele song and the uke is a gay instrument! wdbwotv is for the gays. “YEAH YEAH YEAH” is gay. wdbwotv is for the gays. this is my brother’s favorite tøp song and my brother is a gay icon. wdbwotv is for the gays.
message man: this song just slaps u in the face and screams GAY RIGHTS. message man is for the gays. also the sleepers version of this is on the ukulele a gay instrument. message man is for the gays.
not today: the brassline in this is absolutely gay. not today is for the gays. JUST BECAUSE I PLAY THE PIANO DOESNT MEAN IM NOT WILLING TO TAKE U DOWN im sorry. that’s the gayest and most chaotic thing i’ve ever seen Hello???? not today is for the gays.
goner: tyler screaming is gay culture and he screams a lot during this song. goner is for the gays. “i wanna be known by you” me @ my crush. goner is for the gays. to be serious this song is so meaningful and powerful and raw and i love it so much. goner is for the gays.
(there isn’t a yellow this is home of phobia)
jumpsuit: tyler screams in this one too and that’s gay culture. jumpsuit is for the gays. i feel like anyone who joined this fandom before july remembers exactly when and where they were when this came out. and of course, the clique is very gay. jumpsuit is for the gays. also throwing yellow flowers on ppls head is gay culture. jumpsuit is for the gays.
levitate: tyler fuckin rapping a mile a minute non stop is the epitome of gay culture! levitate is for the gays. also vultures = clifford. clifford is a gay icon. levitate is for the gays.
morph: every line of this song is gay! i don’t make the rules. morph is for the gays. (gorph is for the mays) the simple act of morphing to someone else is a metaphor a lot of gay/trans kids can relate to. morph is for the gays. “not done not done not done josh dun” is the gayest thing ive seen in a while. morph is for the gays.
my blood: this one is all about family and friends. a lot of lgbtq+ people have a chosen family, and i feel like my blood emulates not only family by blood but your chosen family as well. my blood is for the gays.
chlorine: ned is a gay icon. chlorine is for the gays. the arpeggio in the second chorus is gay culutre. chlorine is for the gays. red carnations were used by the gays to tell other gays they were gay. chlorine is for the gays. josh wearing a bucket hat is my aesthetic and i am gay. chlorine is for the gays.
smithereens: this song is about jenna. smithereens is for the gays.
neon gravestones: neon has a very important message. 100% for the gays. also it’s a very pretty song and i know ive said this twice already but who else is pretty? GIRLD. neon gravestones is for the gays.
the hype: the second verse is all about not caring what others think of you! the hype is for the gays. a sample in this song is from the two piece video and that is ... :((((( the hype is for the gays. the bridge has a uke in it and ukes are gay. the hype is for the gays.
nico and the niners: EAST IS UP im fearless when i hear this on the low EAST IS UP wearing rebel clothes is gay culture. nico and the niners is for the gays. flying from a fire is also gay culture. natn is for the gays.
cut my lip: “though i am bruised face of contusions know i’ll keep moving” gays have always persisted thru prejudice and u can totally take that line as 100% gay. cut my lip is for the gays.
bandito: this song is all about the fans. the clique is so gay y’all have no idea holy fuckin shit. bandito is for the gays. also it’s such a pretty song ,,,,, repeat after me ,,,,, who else is pretty . GIRLS ! bandito is for the gays.
pet cheetah: THE BOP OF THE CENTURY. absolutely gay culture. pet cheetah is for the gays. also josh takes his shirt off right before this song so. pet cheetah is for the gays.
legend: me and sera were talking abt how ned is a legend and we referenced this song. two gay icons talking abt a gay icon. legend is for the gays. also !! ukulele song. ukes are gay. legend is for the gays.
leave the city: i have no words to describe this song other than that.......... it’s definitely for the gays. <3
heathens: once again a song that brought many more gays to the clique. heathens is for the gays. the piano intro to this song live makes u ascend to heaven. heathens is for the gays.
cancer: this is a mcr cover. my chemical romance is gay culture. cancer is for the gays. this song is also super frickin pretty and girls are also pretty. cancer is for the gays.
two: so eerie and pretty at the same time. just,, really hard to describe. but definitely , definitely two is for the gays. me and sera are gonna do a two piano duet when we meet and we’re both gay icons. two is for the gays.
time to say goodbye: this is my favorite tøp song . the song i DO NOT SHUT UP ABOUT. as such, it’s automatically gay culture. ttsg is for the gays. also it was the first tøp song josh ever heard i’m not crying you’re crying. ttsg is for the gays.
in conclusion: every tøp song is for the gays and i just proved it.
thanks for reading this whole thing i really hope u liked it this took me two hours but hey . Gay Rights.
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THE 04/02/17 UPDATE
Welcome to the... sixth update today? I hope this isn’t getting excessive. It probably is. OH WELL, i dont care. lets just hurry this up and GET ON WITH THIS SINGLE PAGE.
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80%, huurrry up. I just realized, these updates are a LONG while apart, so this download probably is meant to represent how LONG they’d have to wait. There’s a flash for the 100th page, so im gonna assume thats what was eating up their time.
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PLugging something in. Also, I just wanna mention how perfect Rose’s sassy pose is. John’s explaining more shit with Karkat, and DAD’s watching over appropriately.
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Oh. Kanaya looks upset about something (could it be how rose was totally checkin jade out). Dirk looks confused, or just kinda like everybody’s missing something he thinks is obvious. Jade seems content. Jake is looking kinda insecure. Terezi still seems bothered by Vriska’s absense. Roxy and Calliope are smiling next to Dave’s neutral self. and OH. Looks like Hal plugged in the audio, because now we get to see a pesterlog!
or... bunnylog
JOHN: are we all good? JOHN: is that everything? DIRK: I really fucking hope so. JADE: yes, john JADE: thats everything
JOHN: so i can finally, FINALLY open the stupid door? ROSE: Yes, again, John. The stupid door is yours for the opening. JOHN: anyone have any issues with the plan? TEREZI: W3 JUST T4LK3D 4BOUT 1T PR3TTY 3XT3NS1V3LY TEREZI: 1F SO TH3N TEREZI: TOUGH SH1T, 1 S4Y JOHN: so we're even good on all the weird ectobiology stuff?? KANAYA: I Reserve The Right To Alter My Stance On That At Any Time KANAYA: Though Not Necessarily Right Now
Hmm.. did Kanaya not want to use ectobiology for baby stuff? Or maybe she finds the mixing genes thing to be odd. Maybe she wanted to make baby’s the old fashioned way with rose ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
lenny looks weird on tumblr.
KARKAT: EXCUSE ME, *I* RESERVE THAT SAME RIGHT. KARKAT: BECAUSE APPARENTLY I’VE BEEN IMPLICATED IN THAT MESS SOMEHOW? KANAYA: Yes Precisely JOHN: that’s fine, i guess? JOHN: we have everything we need for that no matter what you decide, anyway. JOHN: earth is all de-flooded for sure, right jade? JADE: yeah! like i said before, i can even see my island back above sea level! JADE: or, rather, jakes island JAKE: Youre welcome to share it with me. JAKE: If you want. JAKE: Though i presume its somewhat different from the version you grew up on... JADE: aw! thanks, jake JADE: well see JADE: i definitely want to at least see the changes up close!
That could be awkward though! Jake doesn’t seem to be a people person, annnd... Well, Jade only just met him. Would it really be that great to live with somebody you’ve only just met? even if he is your grandpa. I just realized, the person Jake got along with the best was Tavros. And in another universe... Tavros fucking murdered Jake. Irony.
DAVE: i cant believe that reverse noahs ark scheme worked DAVE: well actually i can DAVE: this game would be in need of some serious balancing if it wasnt permissible by virtue of kicking so much ass DAVE: i mean think about it DAVE: were like DAVE: actually gods DAVE: and we just congregated on this circular platform and discussed how wed shape an entire civilization DAVE: except instead of taking six days we all had a quick thirty minute powwow and decided yeah this is probably good enough lets skip to the sabbath already DAVE: so maybe more like zeus and his pantheon on mt olympus or whatever
Dave dont get a god complex. thats all i have to say.
ROXY: lol ROXY: weve still got a long way to go before were all like ROXY: greco-roman levels of omnipodouche ROXY: though i bet that jade n i could def construct a marble palace 4 u john ROXY: on top of some ridiculously tall mountain ROXY: from which u can rule the skies and shoot lightning bolts from ur fingertips at pesky disobedient ectobabies
Yes, Jade and her need to build it together (I need some version of Jade Lalonde to come true dammit im sorry.)
JOHN: that sounds cool and all, but... JOHN: even if i could smite people, i don’t think i would! JOHN: i’d rather just get inside people’s heads and talk shit. JOHN: mwahahaha.
JADE: how diabolical! JADE: no palace for you, then JOHN: damn. JOHN: how about a dungeon? JADE: maaaaaybe :P CALLIOPE: oh! i think i know what stories yoU’re referring to! CALLIOPE: it does seem apropos, doesn’t it. CALLIOPE: does this mean that i have a place among the rest of yoU at the oUtset of this odyssey? ROXY: ofc it does! ROXY: ur like ROXY: an integral part! JANE: You know what? Callie, do you still have the book we were writing in earlier? CALLIOPE: Um. i think so. JANE: I think it would be perfect if you were our official scribe! JANE: You could keep record of everything so these important moments are preserved for future generations. CALLIOPE: !!! :U CALLIOPE: i woUld love that! ROSE: I did something somewhat similar over the course of the last three years. ROSE: It’s fairly therapeutic. CALLIOPE: oh? CALLIOPE: i might be a bit more aware of what yoU’re referring to than yoU know. ~_u CALLIOPE: therapUtic is right. ROSE: ... ROSE: If I’m understanding you correctly. ROSE: You and I are going to need to chat. ROSE: Specifically about private things that are best left out of the clutches of the impressionable coming ages. ROSE: Or, better yet, forgotten altogether. KANAYA: (I Disagree) ROSE: (Kanaya!) KANAYA: (Heh)
UGhh, you guys need to stop being cUTE AND OPEN THE DOOR.
IM sorry, how can I not get anxious when theres a fucking flash coming up, and everybody’s acting all happy.. .
CALLIOPE: of coUrse! CALLIOPE: thoUgh... no promises! CALLIOPE: i can hardly wait to get started on all this! DIRK: Yeah. I for one, would love to see myself in a history book. DIRK: Nothing better to stroke your own ego. DIRK: But in order for any of that to happen. DIRK: We should probably, you know. DIRK: Get on with it.
Thank you Dirk, listen to him he knows what’s up. This game is nothing but disaster after disaster, but most disasters come when everybodys being STUPID. so use your brains and open the door before somehow you all die due to a session in your new universe having such a powerful prototype ring that their queen and/or jack manages to get to your session and fuck you all up.
JOHN: oh. JOHN: yeah, you’re right. JOHN: damn it, we got side tracked again! TEREZI: W3LL 1F YOU DONT W4NT 1T TO H4PP3N 4G41N TEREZI: M4YB3 YOU SHOULD JUST OP3N TH3 STUP1D DOOR 4LR34DY! KARKAT: AND DO IT QUICKLY. NO DRAWING IT OUT! JOHN: okay, i’m opening it! JOHN: the moment we’ve all been waiting for-- KARKAT: WHAT DID I *JUST* SAY? JOHN: hehe! sorry, couldn’t resist. JOHN: for real this time. JOHN: here goes!
ughh theyre all gonna die... I guess we’ll see on the next update, so STAY TUNED FOLKS
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