tree-services · 1 year
How to Plant a Buckeye Tree Seed
How to Start a Buckeye Tree From Seed
Buckeye trees are beautiful additions to any landscape. These trees produce beautiful foliage and provide attractive fall colors. They also require a little care and attention to keep them healthy. However, if you aren't willing to invest in an established tree, buckeye trees can be grown from seed.
Condition of the Soil
During the first year, buckeyes will need regular watering. The soil should be slightly acidic. A 2-inch layer of compost helps protect the young root system.
Depends on the Variety
In the first year, a buckeye tree should be placed in a location that receives full or partial sun. It will grow to about 50 feet high. Depending on the variety, it can produce fruit as early as eight years old.
The Soil of Buckeye Trees
Buckeyes will thrive in most soils. Their native habitat is acidic woodland soil. If your soil is too acidic, it may be necessary to add lime.
In the winter, buckeye seeds are dormant. In order to break this dormancy, you need to stratify the seeds. This can be done in a container. You will need to place the buckeye seeds in a 50:50 mixture of sand and peat moss. After a few weeks, the buckeyes will start to sprout.
When Ready for Planting
When the buckeyes are ready for planting, you should loosen the soil by about a half inch. Make sure that you remove any twigs or branches. Before you fill in the hole, it is a good idea to check the roots to make sure they are not root-bound.
Best Tree Professionals
TruCo is a team of professional irrigation technicians, landscapers, licensed fertilizer applicators, certified arborists, and top-notch management staff who deliver quality services that you'll be proud to showcase at your home or business.
Truco Services, Inc.
4640 Commerce Drive
Murray, UT 84107
(801) 466-8044
https://posts.gle/KGXFPv Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or professional in the appropriate administration.
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legalassistant · 1 year
How can I permanently remove a hackberry tree?
Whether you are looking to transplant a new tree or simply need to remove a hackberry tree, there are steps you can take to ensure that the process goes smoothly. First, you'll need to consider your location and soil type. If you live in an area with heavy clay or very sandy soil, you may need to consider transplanting to a less-draining site.
Hire Tree Services
If you are not comfortable removing your own tree, you can hire a tree removal service. They can do the work in an hour or two. The costs vary depending on the amount of work that needs to be done and whether or not you need to install a protective barrier around the tree.
Removing a hackberry tree
If you have a mature hackberry tree, you may need to prune the tree to prevent future issues. If you do, it is a good idea to prune the tree during the dormant season.
If you are trying to remove a small hackberry tree, the best option is to use a foliar spray. This treatment is a fungicidal spray that should be applied at seven to 14-day intervals.
During the dormant season, you can also apply neem oil to your hackberry tree. The oil will help treat the aphids that cause galls. You can also use a hose nozzle to spray the aphids.
If you want to remove a mature hackberry tree, you'll need to use an herbicide. Herbicides are absorbed into the roots of the tree and will eventually kill it.
Call one of the best Tree Services right now!
TruCo Services can help you with ALL TYPES of tree issues.
Truco Services, Inc.
4640 Commerce Drive
Murray, UT 84107
(801) 466-8044
https://posts.gle/KGXFPv Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or professional in the appropriate administration.
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tree-services · 1 year
Types of Trees for Yule Logs
Species of Trees to Use for Yule Logs
The traditional tree used for the Yule log is an oak, but there are several other species that can be used. You can find a variety of trees that grow in different regions, and it is best to make sure that the species you are choosing is suited to your location.
Alberta Spruce
If you have a small yard, you might consider purchasing a dwarf Alberta spruce or a 12-foot-tall Alberta spruce. These varieties will be easier to maintain than other types of trees. However, you may want to consider a larger tree, if you are able.
Douglas Fir
Douglas firs are another good option. They have a pyramidal shape that can support heavy ornaments. Their needles are soft and sweet-smelling. This makes them ideal for holiday decorating.
Other Choices
Other choices include balsam fir, concolor fir, and noble firs. Noble fir is especially large. When cut, they are often left with a few needles still on the branches.
Colorado Blue Spruce
For a symmetrical shape, you might consider a Colorado blue spruce. This is a local favorite in the Rocky Mountains. It is characterized by its narrow pyramidal shape, and it is known for its bluish or silvery needles.
Hardiness Rating
Some spruce trees can grow in the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 2, and other species can be grown in the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 3. A tree with a hardiness rating of 5 or below is generally a good choice.
Fraser Fir
Fraser firs are another popular choice. They have a rich green color and can be used for Christmas decorating.
Best Tree Professionals
TruCo is a team of professional irrigation technicians, landscapers, licensed fertilizer applicators, certified arborists, and top-notch management staff who deliver quality services that you'll be proud to showcase at your home or business.
Truco Services, Inc.
4640 Commerce Drive
Murray, UT 84107
(801) 466-8044
https://posts.gle/KGXFPv Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or professional in the appropriate administration.
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tree-services · 1 year
Professional Tips for Pruning
Pruning Tips From Tree Trimming Experts
If you're unsure about the proper way to prune your tree, you should consult an expert. They can tell you how much to prune and when to prune it. The right trimming is essential to the health and beauty of your trees.
Effects of Pruning too Much
One of the most important things to remember when pruning is not to cut too much at once. This can damage your tree's structure and prevent it from recovering. Rather, try to cut branches one at a time.
When you prune, your goal is to remove branches that have become a hazard or are infected. These branches can wreak havoc on your property or even your family.
Cutting with an Angle
When you're cutting, make sure to do it at an angle. If you're doing it right, you'll be able to avoid damaging your tree's trunk bark. And if you're not careful, you might leave a wound that will rot and attract insects.
It's also important to ensure you use a spike-free technique. Spiked shears can damage your tree, or worse, cause an infectious fungus to grow.
Trimming Trees
You may also want to trim your trees after a storm. Especially if you live in an area where heavy snow and ice can be a constant threat. Your goal is to limit the damage from the storm to your trees and to promote healthy new growth in the spring.
Pruning should also be done during dormancy, as it reduces the risk of disease. Leaving branches that are bare or infected can also lead to pest infestations.
Best Tree Professionals
TruCo is a team of professional irrigation technicians, landscapers, licensed fertilizer applicators, certified arborists, and top-notch management staff who deliver quality services that you'll be proud to showcase at your home or business.
Truco Services, Inc.
4640 Commerce Drive
Murray, UT 84107
(801) 466-8044
https://posts.gle/KGXFPv Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or professional in the appropriate administration.
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tree-services · 1 year
Is it Possible to Grow a Tree without its Seedling
Is it Possible to Grow Trees Without Seedlings?
Growing trees from seed is a rewarding and cost-effective activity. Not only are they a great investment, but they can offer many benefits to you and your community. They offer privacy, shade, and lower energy bills. As long as you provide the proper care, you'll have a tree for years to come.
Installing a Water Sprinkler
Trees require a lot of water to survive. While you may water them more often in the hot weather, you should water them less often in the fall and winter. Watering them too often can cause them to dry out. To protect them from drying out, you can wrap them in wet burlap or peat moss. You can also place them in a bucket of water.
Cultivating Seedlings
Most tree seedlings are cultivated indoors in a greenhouse. This can help you control the environmental conditions and germinate more seeds. However, it is important to remember that some species require a period of stratification before they will germinate.
Consult a Local Tree Service
If you are unsure about how to grow a tree from seed, you can consult your local forest. Local forests will have native tree seedlings and a demonstration of how they naturally sprout.
Selecting a Tree to Plant
The first step in selecting a tree to plant is identifying the right soil for the species. For a list of the key soil properties and to learn more about the different types of trees, visit or contact TruCo Services.
Seedlings should be planted early in the spring. When you're planting a tree for the first time, you're putting it in an unfamiliar environment. In addition, the roots have a small root system and aren't used to new nutrients and water.
Best Tree Professionals
TruCo is a team of professional irrigation technicians, landscapers, licensed fertilizer applicators, certified arborists, and top-notch management staff who deliver quality services that you'll be proud to showcase at your home or business.
Truco Services, Inc.
4640 Commerce Drive
Murray, UT 84107
(801) 466-8044
https://posts.gle/KGXFPv Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or professional in the appropriate administration.
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tree-services · 1 year
Trees To Avoid Being Cut Down
What Are the Trees That You Should Avoid Being Cut Down?
If you've got a tree on your property that you want to get rid of, you'll need to consider the risks associated with cutting it down. It can be a dangerous job. You'll also have to make sure that you don't cut the tree in such a way that it will fall onto someone.
Felling a Tree
Before you start felling a tree, you'll need to know what laws exist in your city. You'll also need to wear the proper safety gear. The tools you use will determine the hazards of your work.
Consult with an Arborist
If you're not experienced in using a chainsaw, you should not try to remove a large tree by yourself. Instead, you should consult with an arborist. They are trained to do the job correctly.
Cutting the Tree
When you're cutting a tree, you should check for signs that the tree is diseased or hazardous. A tree that is damaged, leaning to one side, or overhanging a home may require removal. Some tree diseases are manageable, but others can be devastating.
If you're cutting down a tree, you'll need to get a permit. Without a permit, you could end up with a fine. In some states, there are specific rules for private properties.
Wearing Safety Equipment
While you're out removing a tree, you should always make sure that you're wearing the correct safety equipment. This includes a helmet with ear protection and a face screen.
Be sure to wear steel-toed boots to prevent injuries. Also, make sure that you've brought an emergency kit. You don't want to accidentally hurt yourself or damage the structure of your home.
Best Tree Professionals
TruCo is a team of professional irrigation technicians, landscapers, licensed fertilizer applicators, certified arborists, and top-notch management staff who deliver quality services that you'll be proud to showcase at your home or business.
Truco Services, Inc.
4640 Commerce Drive
Murray, UT 84107
(801) 466-8044
Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or professional in the appropriate administration.
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tree-services · 1 year
How to Take Care of a Fruit Tree
How to Care For a Fruit Tree
Fruit trees are wonderful to grow in your backyard. However, they require more attention than other plants. They also face a variety of problems. Thankfully, there are a few simple tips you can follow to help ensure your tree is healthy and productive.
Dormant Stage
During the winter months, most fruit trees go into a dormant stage. This is a time when they need a lot of water and light. If they don't get these things, they may die.
Promoting Growth
In the summer, fruit trees have extra sunlight to promote growth. It's also a good time to protect them from disease and pests. You can do this by pruning away dead, broken, or diseased branches.
Leaving a small amount of space between branches will help strengthen their angles. You can achieve this by bracing branches away from the trunk with wooden clothespins or fishing lines with weights tied to the ends of the smaller branches.
Mulching a Tree
You can also mulch around the base of the tree. This will protect the soil and increase the health of the tree. Materials you can use include wood chips, compost, or pine needles.
Watering Plants
Watering is important in the early morning. The earlier you water, the more efficiently your plant can use the water. A hose can sit at the base of the tree for about 10 minutes to provide the moisture it needs.
Cleaning Fungal Issues
Keeping the leaves clean will prevent fungal issues. It's also a good idea to burn leaves if you see signs of fungal infestation.
Best Tree Professionals
TruCo is a team of professional irrigation technicians, landscapers, licensed fertilizer applicators, certified arborists, and top-notch management staff who deliver quality services that you'll be proud to showcase at your home or business.
Truco Services, Inc.
4640 Commerce Drive
Murray, UT 84107
(801) 466-8044
Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or professional in the appropriate administration.
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tree-services · 1 year
The Benefits of Tree Trimming
The Benefits of Hiring Tree Trimming Experts
Tree trimming is one way to enhance the overall look of your property. Besides enhancing the appearance of your home, trees are also beneficial to your garden. They provide shade and help keep your home cooler during the summer.
Healthy Trees
When trees are healthy, they produce more fruits and flowers. Also, well-kept leaves allow more sunlight to enter the tree. This improves photosynthesis and enables the plant to utilize a greater amount of its nutrients.
Safe from Damages
You should trim your tree at least once a year. It helps keep your home safe from damage and reduces the risk of personal injury. If you have a large tree, you may need to hire an arborist to help you with the process.
Tree Trimming
A good tree trimmer can also remove diseased branches, as well as dead ones. Dead branches can fall on you, on cars, or on the walls of your home. These branches can also provide entry points for pests, so it's important to make sure they are cleaned up regularly.
Hiring a Tree Service
Whether you're looking to increase your home's value or maintain its beauty, there are plenty of benefits to hiring a tree service provider to trim your trees. The company can also offer advice on the best tools to use for the job.
Prevent Falling Branches
You can keep your home safer by preventing fallen branches from crashing into power lines and causing expensive repairs. Trimming back overgrown branches can also make your tree appear more symmetrical.
Trees in the wild have many competitors for resources. Without pruning, these competitions can overwhelm the tree and prevent it from growing properly. By pruning, you can help the tree absorb more sunlight and get all the necessary nutrients from the soil.
Best Tree Professionals
TruCo is a team of professional irrigation technicians, landscapers, licensed fertilizer applicators, certified arborists, and top-notch management staff who deliver quality services that you'll be proud to showcase at your home or business.
Truco Services, Inc.
4640 Commerce Drive
Murray, UT 84107
(801) 466-8044
Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or professional in the appropriate administration.
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tree-services · 1 year
Difference Between an Ash Tree and a Maple Tree
Can You Tell the Difference Between an Ash Tree and a Maple Tree?
When you're choosing a tree for your yard, you may want to consider whether you're looking for an ash tree or a maple tree. Both species have similar characteristics. However, there are some key differences that you should know about.
Ash Tree
Ash trees are found on 4.3 million acres in Minnesota. They are most common in the white and green ash varieties.
Maple Tree
Maple trees are found in the Northern United States and Canada. Sugar maples grow in the Great Lakes area and as far west as Minnesota. The sap from these trees is used to make maple syrup.
The difference in Appearance
While both ash and maple trees are native to the northern US, they differ in their appearance. Maples are usually white or light-colored. Their sapwood has a smooth texture and mineral streaks. This type of wood is used for fine furniture and artisan crafts.
Maple Trees Maintenance
Maples are relatively low maintenance and don't need pruning unless the tree is unhealthy. If the tree has a canker or other issue, it can be removed.
Most maples have girdling roots. These roots wrap around the trunk and cut off water from the top. It's important to check for insects before you prune.
A Beetle that can Destroy Maples
The Asian longhorned beetle is a destructive insect that can kill maples and other hardwoods. This insect has been found in Bethel, Ohio, but it's not yet known how many Maples it's killed.
The fungus can also affect maple trees. Soil fungus can cause the upper leaves to curl. Additionally, the leaves can turn brown or yellow.
Best Tree Professionals
TruCo is a team of professional irrigation technicians, landscapers, licensed fertilizer applicators, certified arborists, and top-notch management staff who deliver quality services that you'll be proud to showcase at your home or business.
Truco Services, Inc.
4640 Commerce Drive
Murray, UT 84107
(801) 466-8044
https://posts.gle/KGXFPv Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or professional in the appropriate administration.
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tree-services · 1 year
Why do Trees Lean on Houses and Buildings
Why Do Trees Lean Toward Houses Or Other Buildings?
Leaning trees are common in nature, but they pose a real safety concern for homes. They can fall on houses and other buildings, leading to severe property damage and even deaths.
What Causes Leaning Trees
To prevent this type of damage, it is important to understand what causes leaning trees. Most of the time, the reason for this is root disease. If you suspect that your tree may be infected, contact a certified arborist immediately to assess the situation. A certified arborist can help you determine if you need to remove the tree.
Know Whether you need to Remove a Tree
The best way to know whether you need to remove a tree is to take a look at the roots. The soil around the base of the tree should be loose. Disturbed soil is a sign that the roots are no longer stable.
The roots of a tree can become exposed if there is a significant storm. The roots can also break if the tree is hit by a car or riding a lawn mower. Roots may also be affected by flooding.
Contact a Certified Arborist
If you are worried that your tree has a weakened root structure, it is a good idea to have it assessed by a certified arborist. If the roots are healthy, they should be able to absorb water and nutrients. However, if the roots are broken or infected, the roots will be weak and the tree may fall.
Once you have decided to have the tree removed, you need to figure out the best way to direct the fall. You can use temporary supports to keep the tree upright until new roots grow.
Best Tree Professionals
TruCo is a team of professional irrigation technicians, landscapers, licensed fertilizer applicators, certified arborists, and top-notch management staff who deliver quality services that you'll be proud to showcase at your home or business.
Truco Services, Inc.
4640 Commerce Drive
Murray, UT 84107
(801) 466-8044
https://posts.gle/KGXFPv Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or professional in the appropriate administration.
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tree-services · 1 year
The consequence of Removing a Tree
What Are the Consequences of Removing a Tree?
If you have a tree that is threatening your neighbor's property, you may want to consider getting it removed. This can help protect you from injury and property damage. However, it is important to know what the consequences of removing a tree are.
Cutting a Tree
Depending on the state you live in, you might be on the hook for damages if you cut a tree down without permission. In the state of Connecticut, the Supreme Court has ruled that a person cutting a tree on another person's property is a trespasser.
The state of Mississippi also has a statute on intentional tree damage. You might be liable for up to double the actual damages you caused if you damaged a tree intentionally.
Contacting the Insurance Company
Regardless of whether you are on the hook for damages, you should contact your insurance company. You can ask them to pay for the costs of removing a tree if it falls onto your house. Also, you can have your insurer reimburses you for any damage done to your neighbor's property.
Removing a Dead Tree
You can remove a tree that is dead, or if it has a large limb. However, you should not try to do it yourself. Many homeowners have suffered injuries from attempting to remove a dangerous tree. A trained professional with the proper equipment can do the job safely.
Consult an Arborist
Some states require special permits for tree removal. In San Jose, for example, you must get a permit for trees that are two feet high or have a 56-inch trunk circumference. It is also recommended that you consult an arborist about the process.
Best Tree Professionals
TruCo is a team of professional irrigation technicians, landscapers, licensed fertilizer applicators, certified arborists, and top-notch management staff who deliver quality services that you'll be proud to showcase at your home or business.
Truco Services, Inc.
4640 Commerce Drive
Murray, UT 84107
(801) 466-8044
https://posts.gle/KGXFPv Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or professional in the appropriate administration.
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tree-services · 1 year
What to do with Yule Trees after the Holidays
What Do You Do With Your Yule Tree After the Holiday is Over?
The Yule tree is evergreen conifer species that are popular for use as a holiday tree. This tree is known across the world for its scenic beauty and unique symbolism. A few common symbols include ivy, pine cones, pine needles, mistletoe, holly, and berries.
Performing a Blessing
If you plan to decorate your Yule tree, you may wish to take the time to perform a blessing. You can do this by playing a few Christmas songs, lighting scented candles, or even making a circle around the tree.
It is also a good idea to ask the tree for permission before cutting it down. Some families choose to perform a blessing ceremony when they cut down the tree.
The traditional Yule log is usually made from evergreen, oak, or cedar trees. However, you can also use artificial wood. In some countries, the large candle is used instead of the Yule log.
As you are cutting the tree down, it is a good idea to have a neighbor or a public works department chip it for you. Many towns will also provide mulch.
Origin of Burning a Yule Log
The tradition of burning a Yule Log dates back to medieval times. It is believed to have its origins in pagan worship rites and rituals.
Symbols of a Yule Log
Originally, the Yule Log was made of an entire tree or a piece that was larger than the tree itself. It was a symbol of the health and fertility of the land. It was also a symbolic way to banish negative energy.
Best Tree Professionals
TruCo is a team of professional irrigation technicians, landscapers, licensed fertilizer applicators, certified arborists, and top-notch management staff who deliver quality services that you'll be proud to showcase at your home or business.
Truco Services, Inc.
4640 Commerce Drive
Murray, UT 84107
(801) 466-8044
https://posts.gle/KGXFPv Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or professional in the appropriate administration.
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tree-services · 1 year
Choosing the Right Location to Plant a Tree
How to Choose the Right Location to Plant a Tree
When you choose a tree to plant, you must consider a variety of factors. These include soil type, drainage, structure, and pH. You may also wish to consult an arborist for advice.
Best Time to Plant
The best time to plant trees is in spring. Trees require at least an inch of rain a week to survive. Adding mulch can help improve the quality of the soil.
Most trees grow best in well-drained, deep soil. If you are unsure about your soil type, you can get a soil test done. This can tell you what nutrients are available and how much you may need to add.
Type of Shade
You should also take into consideration the type of shade you want. Deciduous trees tend to be more suitable for south-facing homes. Evergreen trees are best for west-facing properties.
Besides providing shade, trees can also be used to block wind and provide visual screens. They can also provide food for wildlife. However, they can be susceptible to many diseases, insects, and damage.
Some trees grow quickly, which means that you must consider their location carefully. For example, you should avoid planting trees near sidewalks. Their branches will drop messy fruit and sap. Also, you should avoid planting a tree close to an underground utility line.
Benefits of Having a Tree
Trees can be a valuable investment. Not only do they enhance the aesthetics of your home, but they can protect it from storms and prevent soil erosion. As with any other landscaping feature, it's important to choose a tree that will suit your area's climate.
Best Tree Professionals
TruCo is a team of professional irrigation technicians, landscapers, licensed fertilizer applicators, certified arborists, and top-notch management staff who deliver quality services that you'll be proud to showcase at your home or business.
Truco Services, Inc.
4640 Commerce Drive
Murray, UT 84107
(801) 466-8044
https://posts.gle/KGXFPv Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or professional in the appropriate administration.
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tree-services · 1 year
How to Make a Yule Tree at Home
How Can I Make My Own Yule Tree at Home?
Yule is a pagan celebration of the winter solstice, which is celebrated in many countries. The festival originally involved twelve days of celebration beginning on the eve of the winter solstice.
Yule Season
The traditions of the Yule season are different in each country and include feasting, lighting candles, and decorating with evergreens. Many families also consider blessing their tree.
Decorating a Yule Tree
One way to decorate a Yule tree is to buy a pre-lit model. These are usually sold in a variety of art styles and are available for any budget. Some independent crafters create them as well.
A good rule of thumb is to avoid using plants with silky or woolly leaves. They can cause irritation and vomiting. Also, avoid using herbs as they can be toxic.
You can use pinecones, ivy, and cinnamon sticks as decorations. For a little more sparkle, add dried berries or pine needles. Or, you can play some holiday music and light scented candles.
Artificial Yule Tree
If you prefer a natural or artificial tree, you can either purchase one or make your own. However, you should be aware that artificial trees do not have the same aesthetic appeal.
Alternatively, you can choose to purchase a ceramic tree, which will be smaller and less expensive. Most ceramic trees come in six to sixteen-inch sizes, and you can bend them to fit against a wall or flat against the floor.
Yule Tree Traditions
Whether you choose to burn a Yule Log or not, it is important to remember the traditions and history of this holiday. Historically, the log was set ablaze on the Winter Solstice. This ritual symbolizes burning away problems from the year before.
Best Tree Professionals
TruCo is a team of professional irrigation technicians, landscapers, licensed fertilizer applicators, certified arborists, and top-notch management staff who deliver quality services that you'll be proud to showcase at your home or business.
Truco Services, Inc.
4640 Commerce Drive
Murray, UT 84107
(801) 466-8044
https://posts.gle/KGXFPv Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or professional in the appropriate administration.
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tree-services · 1 year
How to Identify an Ash Tree?
How to Identify an Ash Tree
There are many species of ash trees throughout the world. In fact, there are over 60 different varieties of ash. Identifying ash trees is easy if you know what to look for.
There are two main types of ash trees: simple and compound. Simple trees are one-piece leaves, while compound leaf trees have more than one leaflet per leaf.
Types of Ash Tree
There are several species of ash, but the majority grow to about 50 to 80 feet in height. They are commonly used as lawn trees but also are useful in urban environments.
Young ash trees have a light gray bark and smooth leaves. As the tree grows older, the bark becomes rougher. The leaves of ash trees typically have 5-11 leaflets on each leaf.
The Leaves of an Ash Tree
Leaves of an ash tree are pinnately compound, meaning that the leaflets are arranged in rows on opposite sides of the stem. Ash trees usually have 5-9 leaflets per leaf, with the terminal leaflet being an exception.
Ash leaves respond to light. Usually, the top layer of an ash leaf is a rich green color. During the fall, the leaflets turn yellow or brown.
Another characteristic of ash trees is their flowers. Ash flowers bloom before the leaves appear in the spring. These flowers attract night-flying insects.
Where Ash Trees are Common
Ash trees can be easily identified as they are commonly found in a wide variety of North American forests. Their hearty and graceful form makes them an essential part of the forest ecosystem.
Best Tree Professionals
TruCo is a team of professional irrigation technicians, landscapers, licensed fertilizer applicators, certified arborists, and top-notch management staff who deliver quality services that you'll be proud to showcase at your home or business.
Truco Services, Inc.
4640 Commerce Drive
Murray, UT 84107
(801) 466-8044
https://posts.gle/KGXFPv Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or professional in the appropriate administration.
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tree-services · 1 year
Graffiti Removal for Public Trees
Graffiti Removal From a Tree on Public Property
Graffiti is any mark, drawing, or symbol that is permanently attached to tangible property. Regardless of its purpose, it has the potential to detract from the aesthetics of a community. It can also encourage further criminal activity.
Get help from the Authorities
Fortunately, there are many ways to clean up graffiti on public and private properties. A good first step is to contact the local police department or the Adopt-a-Street program. They can help you get graffiti removed quickly and efficiently. You can also take a photo and send it to your insurance company for insurance purposes.
If the graffiti is located on private property, you can contact the DPW or the code enforcement office for removal. The department will provide you with a waiver of liability form that you must sign. Before abatement, you must return the form to the DPW.
It is considered a Crime
Graffiti is considered a crime and can lead to a citation. Typically, a fine of up to $1000 can be issued for damaging street trees.
The Value of a Home
Graffiti can also affect the value of a home. This means that you might want to consider landscaping around the areas that tend to attract vandals. Some ideas include growing vines, installing a fence, or planting vegetation. Also, consider improving lighting to prevent future vandalism.
Public Works Department
Graffiti on private property is typically the responsibility of the property owner. However, if the graffiti is on public property, you can report it to the Public Works Department.
When reporting graffiti, you need to specify the exact location of the graffiti. Additionally, you must describe the type of graffiti.
Best Tree Professionals
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https://posts.gle/KGXFPv Disclaimer: This is not professional advice and is simply an answer to a question and that if professional advice is sought, contact a licensed practitioner, or professional in the appropriate administration.
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