#Transitioning from Wantrepreneur to Successful Entrepreneur
readerviews · 6 months
"Rite of Passage" by V. Michael Santoro
A New and Improved Approach to Success #books #bookreview #reading #readerviews
Rite of Passage V. Michael SantoroIndependently Published (2023)ISBN:  979-8396583467Reviewed by Tammy Ruggles for Reader Views (11/2023) “Rite of Passage: Transitioning from Wantrepreneur to Successful Entrepreneur” by award-winning V. Michael Santoro, is a dynamic, non-traditional business guide that draws from the human condition in the pursuit of successful entrepreneurial success. The…
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topicprinter · 4 years
Hi! I'm Gabriel and I'm a maker just like you. I struggled to find high quality advice that I could apply myself on the Internet. To help other makers avoid the same problem, I'm writing this post so we can learn and grow together.In this post, I interviewed Danny Postma, who runs LandingFolio.com and many other side projects. They all complement his main product and add to his revenue streams. I also interview Tom Cafferkey who runs a remote jobs board for developers.Key Takeaways for Young MakersStart your own project that you can own and be proud of to show to peopleGreat products solve a problemAdd paid products early onBe consistent and keep growing your trafficUse site traffic analytics to figure out affiliate income opportunitiesGrow recurring revenue as early as possibleCreate content that compels people to share them“The best time to start is last year”Be consistent and keep growing your businessMaking 5-Figure Revenue from Showcasing Landing PagesToday we have Danny Postma from Landingfolio.com with us. He built Landingfolio as a side project and turned it into a good income stream for himself. He has very creative ideas about how to make money online as a maker. And he has the results to prove it works. Let's hear it from him.Why did you make it? In 2015 I decided it was time to start my own side project. Working for clients is fun, but you are always working on something that is not yours.I wanted my own product. Something I could be proud of and show to people. Great products are the ones that solve a problem. As a marketer and landing page designer, I had one big problem. There are no galleries for the best landing pages. And that's how Landingfolio was born.In one weekend I hacked the site together with only HTML. Added a bunch of design examples and launched it on ProductHunt. This launch completely blew up, receiving 12,000 visitors to the site. My mistake was that I didn't add any paid products to the site, so traffic eventually slowed down. I honestly didn't do much anymore with the site after that..What did you make your first profit on?Well, 2 years after launching the site, I decided to take a quick look in Google Analytics. I then found out over 200 users a day visited my site. I was completely shocked by it, so I decided to figure out what happened.I found out that the site ranked #1 for a lot of search queries containing "landing page". One of the most visited pages of the site was a blog post reviewing three landing page tools. They were Instapage, Leadpages and Unbounce.After noticing that I decided to join Instapage affiliate program and add some of their links to the blog post. These affiliate programs offer you a whopping 33% lifetime revenue. Meaning that for every user I send to them, I would get $30 every month!If you don’t mind sharing, how much did you make?After a few months of having this program online, I earned $1000 a month. Now, I was backpacking for a year, so Instapage in a way, paid for my trip around the world. Not bad for one weekend of work.Unfortunately, revenue has decreased a lot since last year. Instapage decided to change their complete business model. And sales declined to almost $0.How did you decide on the business model?I've decided to stop relying on affiliate marketing. It's an amazing easy way to start generating revenue when you get traffic. But, you're 100% dependent on another company. In recent days with Amazon cutting their affiliate payouts, that is not something to rely on.Over the last year or two, I've transitioned to selling my own products on Landingfolio. I wrote a book ($7000 revenue and growing) and created templates and UI Kits.Last month I launched the new version of Landingfolio. This was when I started focusing on recurring revenue. To do so, I offer more content, extensive functions and free product downloads to paid users.Recurring revenue is one of the best business models you can rely on. You know exactly what your revenue is going to be next month. The best part is that it's compounding. Every month new members sign up, and if you're doing well, most won't leave. This means that your revenue grows every month.Where is the product now?In September 2019 I decided it was time to take Landingfolio to the next level. No longer only for inspiration, but something bigger. For four days a week, including the weekends and evenings, I started learning how to program.I decided to create Landingfolio using Nuxt. A framework for Vue.js. I expected a way bigger learning curve, but Vue is an amazing library to learn. Especially when you don't have that much background with programming.Six months and over 500 hours later the site was finally finished. I've had to push a LOT of features to the "later" section.A lot of indie hackers have a fear of launching their products. I was not planning on letting this happen. So I first decided what the minimal viable product would be for Landingfolio. Way before coding anything.Currently Landingfolio gets around 1000 visitors per day. Revenue is increasing since the introduction of the membership model. On average, I get a new member every day paying $9 a month. The current MRR is $270 since the launch on the 2nd of April 2020.Looking back, what would you do differently?I would have added more templates I made and built a bigger email list. When I first started, there wasn’t a lot of competition but now there is.“The best time to start is last year”– Seth GodinWhat are you working on now?I'm still working hard on finding the perfect product market fit. I'm in a difficult market. Designers come for inspiration and aren't that much in a buyer's mood. They're busy working on their designs and don't want distraction. So, for the next few months I'll keep on launching new products and see which ones stick. How Landingfolio got profitable in 8 Steps.Start a website where you give away free content. People are more compelled to share those.Start showing your products to other people. Launch on Producthunt, Reddit, Twitter. Anywhere. This gives you a lot of backlinks, and Google looooves backlinks.Don't expect traction immediately. It took me 1.5 years to rise in Google. But now it sends me 700 visitors a day. (1.5 years is long, but remember I built it in a weekend)Collect visitors email addresses with a newsletter. Or by giving them something for free as a lead magnetLearn from your visitors and figure out what their actual problem is.Create a product that solves their problem in Step 5. My audience struggled with coming up with good headlines. So, I wrote Headline Formulas.Promote the product to your newsletter and on your site.Profit!Interview with Tom CafferkeyWe have Tom from EmployRemotely.com. His product helps developers to find remote jobs anywhere. We have his flash pitch here. And we hope successful makers will read and reach out to provide their advice for Tom.✋ **Profitable makers, got advice for Tom? Reply with your advice.**It’ll go in the next reddit post and newsletter – help a maker out, get visibility.What are you making?I’m making a 100% remote working jobs board and newsletter. They target developers only.Why are you making it?Job boards often cater to a vast array of professions. That makes it difficult for a software developer like myself. The sheer amount of professions make it hard to filter out relevant job openings. I found that it took unnecessary effort to discover jobs which used technologies I knew. Or jobs ones with technologies I am interested in learning, or had past experience in using.What are you trying now to get to profitability?We’re currently trying to increase our newsletter subscriber count. Making amends to the website to drive the amount of subscribers up where we can get sponsors. As well as this we are working on a Stripe integration to begin charging for job postings.How are the results so far?We have currently not started monetizing the service so we are not making any revenue. We plan to do so soon. We currently have over 210 subscribers and 20,000 page views in the last month.What’s your biggest challenge right now that you need advice for?Our biggest challenge so far is marketing. As a developer, I don’t have much experience in marketing a product and this is a huge learning curve for me.We have tried various paid ad channels. The best results come from manual outreach to individuals on Twitter. But finding time and content to put out on social accounts is difficult to do.Like what you read?Thank you so much for reading this! I hope it helps other entrepreneurs who are starting out, or struggling to make more revenue.For the wantrepreneurs, "the best time was last year". So start today with an MVP!For entrepreneurs already making money, consider finding other income streams. You'll never know until you try. Look beneath your Google Analytics data. You might find some interesting opportunities.If you enjoyed it, I would appreciate it if you checked out my newsletter for makers. I write a weekly email full of interviews like this. They all come with actionable advice you can apply. 😊
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Dr. Patricia Rogers: New 'Entrepreneurs Living The Dream' Events Planned for 2021
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=35067&wpwautoposter=1620129607 Dr. Patricia Roger's company, Unity in Service, Inc., sponsors events for entrepreneurs and “wantrepreneurs” to come together so that they can build their professional network and obtain even more wealth. Speakers for the conference and attendees come from all walks of life to experience the rewards of collaboration and cooperation. Since the “Pandemic Shock,” Pat transitioned to virtual events, and in 2020, she hosted eight virtual events and is on the fourth event for 2021, serving thousands of entrepreneurs who want to be seen and heard by the masses. Dr. Pat Rogers, CEO, and Founder is one of a kind, full of energy and inspiration, determined to leave her mark wherever she goes! Her focus is, “People need people!” According to Rogers, “Getting up, suiting up, and showing up is the only way that you can achieve more in your life.” The two-day event features 14 speakers, 16 expert panelists, and 15 sponsored vendors. Dr. Rogers explained, “Our community takes pride in the relationships that are born before, during, and after each event.” Dr. Pat Rogers knows that “People need people,” and her zone of genius lies in being an Event Coordinator where she sets a platform for public speakers to share their message from the stage.  Since 2013 she has been hosting annual conferences, monthly luncheons, and workshops to educate, rejuvenate, and inspire entrepreneurs. Pat takes pride in connecting entrepreneurs to build relationships to support each other’s dreams and assist each person in realizing their business vision and creating more wealth. Dr. Rogers has been featured in several magazine articles and has achieved numerous awards for her community activism and support of entrepreneurs. Awards include: Former Florida Chapter Leader for World Women Conference & Awards, Recipient of She Inspires Me Award, Shining Star Award, Uncommon Leadership Award, Jean Lynch Lifetime Achievement Award, Speech Competition Award, Caregiver’s Award, & Business Icon Award. Her most recent is Honorary Doctorate Award from “Theophany University.” She is an active member of various organizations, including IAW (International Association for Women), GTC (Global Trade Chamber of Commerce), BCC (Biscayne Chamber of Commerce) and WPN (Women’s Prosperity Network), and WWV (Women with Vision), where she holds the position of Social Media Manager. The conferences that she hosts for entrepreneurs to share their message from the stage, assist them in building relationships and increase their “Brand.” By working together, entrepreneurs can achieve more and grow their businesses exponentially. To view some of the LIVE and Virtual events that “Entrepreneurs: Living the Dream” host, go to https://PatriciaRogers.com/event/About Dr. Pat Rogers To be a speaker at future events, schedule a 45-Minute Session at http://www.Calendly.com/PatRogers Email her at: [email protected]. The story of her journey will inspire you to “Get Up, Suit Up, & Show Up!” Complimentary GIFT: Dr. Patricia Rogers has a passion for videos, and she shows entrepreneurs how to use their “Smartphone” as a Branding Tool! Complimentary (10) Networking Video Tips Here!  CEO Pat Rogers is a retired Correctional Lieutenant. Rogers completed 29 years in law enforcement for Miami-Dade County, where she trained thousands of employees to excel in their careers. Retiring in 2016, Pat invested in herself by receiving the coaching, public speaking training, and guidance that she needed to become a successful entrepreneur and public speaker. She discovered her gifts, talents, and hobbies and turned them into a business that she loves. Pat has positioned herself as an International Public Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, Event Coordinator, Promoter & Marketer. She provides affordable Legal & Identity Theft Services for entrepreneurs, families, and individuals. Protect Your Legal Rights Here! To learn more about Patricia Rogers and connect with her on all her social media platforms, visit: https://PatRogers360.com, or visit her Pat’s Website.  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MsPatRogers3708Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mspatrogers/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MsPatRogers YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJU-yw3zvELRQUogDbjJBuQ Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/networkingqueen/, https://vimeo.com/386795593/9b3f2ca931 
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Dr. Patricia Rogers: New 'Entrepreneurs Living The Dream' Events Planned for 2021
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=35067&wpwautoposter=1620122404 Dr. Patricia Roger's company, Unity in Service, Inc., sponsors events for entrepreneurs and “wantrepreneurs” to come together so that they can build their professional network and obtain even more wealth. Speakers for the conference and attendees come from all walks of life to experience the rewards of collaboration and cooperation. Since the “Pandemic Shock,” Pat transitioned to virtual events, and in 2020, she hosted eight virtual events and is on the fourth event for 2021, serving thousands of entrepreneurs who want to be seen and heard by the masses. Dr. Pat Rogers, CEO, and Founder is one of a kind, full of energy and inspiration, determined to leave her mark wherever she goes! Her focus is, “People need people!” According to Rogers, “Getting up, suiting up, and showing up is the only way that you can achieve more in your life.” The two-day event features 14 speakers, 16 expert panelists, and 15 sponsored vendors. Dr. Rogers explained, “Our community takes pride in the relationships that are born before, during, and after each event.” Dr. Pat Rogers knows that “People need people,” and her zone of genius lies in being an Event Coordinator where she sets a platform for public speakers to share their message from the stage.  Since 2013 she has been hosting annual conferences, monthly luncheons, and workshops to educate, rejuvenate, and inspire entrepreneurs. Pat takes pride in connecting entrepreneurs to build relationships to support each other’s dreams and assist each person in realizing their business vision and creating more wealth. Dr. Rogers has been featured in several magazine articles and has achieved numerous awards for her community activism and support of entrepreneurs. Awards include: Former Florida Chapter Leader for World Women Conference & Awards, Recipient of She Inspires Me Award, Shining Star Award, Uncommon Leadership Award, Jean Lynch Lifetime Achievement Award, Speech Competition Award, Caregiver’s Award, & Business Icon Award. Her most recent is Honorary Doctorate Award from “Theophany University.” She is an active member of various organizations, including IAW (International Association for Women), GTC (Global Trade Chamber of Commerce), BCC (Biscayne Chamber of Commerce) and WPN (Women’s Prosperity Network), and WWV (Women with Vision), where she holds the position of Social Media Manager. The conferences that she hosts for entrepreneurs to share their message from the stage, assist them in building relationships and increase their “Brand.” By working together, entrepreneurs can achieve more and grow their businesses exponentially. To view some of the LIVE and Virtual events that “Entrepreneurs: Living the Dream” host, go to https://PatriciaRogers.com/event/About Dr. Pat Rogers To be a speaker at future events, schedule a 45-Minute Session at http://www.Calendly.com/PatRogers Email her at: [email protected]. The story of her journey will inspire you to “Get Up, Suit Up, & Show Up!” Complimentary GIFT: Dr. Patricia Rogers has a passion for videos, and she shows entrepreneurs how to use their “Smartphone” as a Branding Tool! Complimentary (10) Networking Video Tips Here!  CEO Pat Rogers is a retired Correctional Lieutenant. Rogers completed 29 years in law enforcement for Miami-Dade County, where she trained thousands of employees to excel in their careers. Retiring in 2016, Pat invested in herself by receiving the coaching, public speaking training, and guidance that she needed to become a successful entrepreneur and public speaker. She discovered her gifts, talents, and hobbies and turned them into a business that she loves. Pat has positioned herself as an International Public Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, Event Coordinator, Promoter & Marketer. She provides affordable Legal & Identity Theft Services for entrepreneurs, families, and individuals. Protect Your Legal Rights Here! To learn more about Patricia Rogers and connect with her on all her social media platforms, visit: https://PatRogers360.com, or visit her Pat’s Website.  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MsPatRogers3708Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mspatrogers/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MsPatRogers YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJU-yw3zvELRQUogDbjJBuQ Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/networkingqueen/, https://vimeo.com/386795593/9b3f2ca931 
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Dr. Patricia Rogers: New 'Entrepreneurs Living The Dream' Events Planned for 2021
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=35067&wpwautoposter=1620111694 Dr. Patricia Roger's company, Unity in Service, Inc., sponsors events for entrepreneurs and “wantrepreneurs” to come together so that they can build their professional network and obtain even more wealth. Speakers for the conference and attendees come from all walks of life to experience the rewards of collaboration and cooperation. Since the “Pandemic Shock,” Pat transitioned to virtual events, and in 2020, she hosted eight virtual events and is on the fourth event for 2021, serving thousands of entrepreneurs who want to be seen and heard by the masses. Dr. Pat Rogers, CEO, and Founder is one of a kind, full of energy and inspiration, determined to leave her mark wherever she goes! Her focus is, “People need people!” According to Rogers, “Getting up, suiting up, and showing up is the only way that you can achieve more in your life.” The two-day event features 14 speakers, 16 expert panelists, and 15 sponsored vendors. Dr. Rogers explained, “Our community takes pride in the relationships that are born before, during, and after each event.” Dr. Pat Rogers knows that “People need people,” and her zone of genius lies in being an Event Coordinator where she sets a platform for public speakers to share their message from the stage.  Since 2013 she has been hosting annual conferences, monthly luncheons, and workshops to educate, rejuvenate, and inspire entrepreneurs. Pat takes pride in connecting entrepreneurs to build relationships to support each other’s dreams and assist each person in realizing their business vision and creating more wealth. Dr. Rogers has been featured in several magazine articles and has achieved numerous awards for her community activism and support of entrepreneurs. Awards include: Former Florida Chapter Leader for World Women Conference & Awards, Recipient of She Inspires Me Award, Shining Star Award, Uncommon Leadership Award, Jean Lynch Lifetime Achievement Award, Speech Competition Award, Caregiver’s Award, & Business Icon Award. Her most recent is Honorary Doctorate Award from “Theophany University.” She is an active member of various organizations, including IAW (International Association for Women), GTC (Global Trade Chamber of Commerce), BCC (Biscayne Chamber of Commerce) and WPN (Women’s Prosperity Network), and WWV (Women with Vision), where she holds the position of Social Media Manager. The conferences that she hosts for entrepreneurs to share their message from the stage, assist them in building relationships and increase their “Brand.” By working together, entrepreneurs can achieve more and grow their businesses exponentially. To view some of the LIVE and Virtual events that “Entrepreneurs: Living the Dream” host, go to https://PatriciaRogers.com/event/About Dr. Pat Rogers To be a speaker at future events, schedule a 45-Minute Session at http://www.Calendly.com/PatRogers Email her at: [email protected]. The story of her journey will inspire you to “Get Up, Suit Up, & Show Up!” Complimentary GIFT: Dr. Patricia Rogers has a passion for videos, and she shows entrepreneurs how to use their “Smartphone” as a Branding Tool! Complimentary (10) Networking Video Tips Here!  CEO Pat Rogers is a retired Correctional Lieutenant. Rogers completed 29 years in law enforcement for Miami-Dade County, where she trained thousands of employees to excel in their careers. Retiring in 2016, Pat invested in herself by receiving the coaching, public speaking training, and guidance that she needed to become a successful entrepreneur and public speaker. She discovered her gifts, talents, and hobbies and turned them into a business that she loves. Pat has positioned herself as an International Public Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, Event Coordinator, Promoter & Marketer. She provides affordable Legal & Identity Theft Services for entrepreneurs, families, and individuals. Protect Your Legal Rights Here! To learn more about Patricia Rogers and connect with her on all her social media platforms, visit: https://PatRogers360.com, or visit her Pat’s Website.  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MsPatRogers3708Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mspatrogers/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MsPatRogers YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJU-yw3zvELRQUogDbjJBuQ Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/networkingqueen/, https://vimeo.com/386795593/9b3f2ca931 
0 notes
Dr. Patricia Rogers: New 'Entrepreneurs Living The Dream' Events Planned for 2021
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=35067&wpwautoposter=1620104478 Dr. Patricia Roger's company, Unity in Service, Inc., sponsors events for entrepreneurs and “wantrepreneurs” to come together so that they can build their professional network and obtain even more wealth. Speakers for the conference and attendees come from all walks of life to experience the rewards of collaboration and cooperation. Since the “Pandemic Shock,” Pat transitioned to virtual events, and in 2020, she hosted eight virtual events and is on the fourth event for 2021, serving thousands of entrepreneurs who want to be seen and heard by the masses. Dr. Pat Rogers, CEO, and Founder is one of a kind, full of energy and inspiration, determined to leave her mark wherever she goes! Her focus is, “People need people!” According to Rogers, “Getting up, suiting up, and showing up is the only way that you can achieve more in your life.” The two-day event features 14 speakers, 16 expert panelists, and 15 sponsored vendors. Dr. Rogers explained, “Our community takes pride in the relationships that are born before, during, and after each event.” Dr. Pat Rogers knows that “People need people,” and her zone of genius lies in being an Event Coordinator where she sets a platform for public speakers to share their message from the stage.  Since 2013 she has been hosting annual conferences, monthly luncheons, and workshops to educate, rejuvenate, and inspire entrepreneurs. Pat takes pride in connecting entrepreneurs to build relationships to support each other’s dreams and assist each person in realizing their business vision and creating more wealth. Dr. Rogers has been featured in several magazine articles and has achieved numerous awards for her community activism and support of entrepreneurs. Awards include: Former Florida Chapter Leader for World Women Conference & Awards, Recipient of She Inspires Me Award, Shining Star Award, Uncommon Leadership Award, Jean Lynch Lifetime Achievement Award, Speech Competition Award, Caregiver’s Award, & Business Icon Award. Her most recent is Honorary Doctorate Award from “Theophany University.” She is an active member of various organizations, including IAW (International Association for Women), GTC (Global Trade Chamber of Commerce), BCC (Biscayne Chamber of Commerce) and WPN (Women’s Prosperity Network), and WWV (Women with Vision), where she holds the position of Social Media Manager. The conferences that she hosts for entrepreneurs to share their message from the stage, assist them in building relationships and increase their “Brand.” By working together, entrepreneurs can achieve more and grow their businesses exponentially. To view some of the LIVE and Virtual events that “Entrepreneurs: Living the Dream” host, go to https://PatriciaRogers.com/event/About Dr. Pat Rogers To be a speaker at future events, schedule a 45-Minute Session at http://www.Calendly.com/PatRogers Email her at: [email protected]. The story of her journey will inspire you to “Get Up, Suit Up, & Show Up!” Complimentary GIFT: Dr. Patricia Rogers has a passion for videos, and she shows entrepreneurs how to use their “Smartphone” as a Branding Tool! Complimentary (10) Networking Video Tips Here!  CEO Pat Rogers is a retired Correctional Lieutenant. Rogers completed 29 years in law enforcement for Miami-Dade County, where she trained thousands of employees to excel in their careers. Retiring in 2016, Pat invested in herself by receiving the coaching, public speaking training, and guidance that she needed to become a successful entrepreneur and public speaker. She discovered her gifts, talents, and hobbies and turned them into a business that she loves. Pat has positioned herself as an International Public Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, Event Coordinator, Promoter & Marketer. She provides affordable Legal & Identity Theft Services for entrepreneurs, families, and individuals. Protect Your Legal Rights Here! To learn more about Patricia Rogers and connect with her on all her social media platforms, visit: https://PatRogers360.com, or visit her Pat’s Website.  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MsPatRogers3708Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mspatrogers/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MsPatRogers YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJU-yw3zvELRQUogDbjJBuQ Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/networkingqueen/, https://vimeo.com/386795593/9b3f2ca931 
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Dr. Patricia Rogers: New 'Entrepreneurs Living The Dream' Events Planned for 2021
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=35067&wpwautoposter=1620093669 Dr. Patricia Roger's company, Unity in Service, Inc., sponsors events for entrepreneurs and “wantrepreneurs” to come together so that they can build their professional network and obtain even more wealth. Speakers for the conference and attendees come from all walks of life to experience the rewards of collaboration and cooperation. Since the “Pandemic Shock,” Pat transitioned to virtual events, and in 2020, she hosted eight virtual events and is on the fourth event for 2021, serving thousands of entrepreneurs who want to be seen and heard by the masses. Dr. Pat Rogers, CEO, and Founder is one of a kind, full of energy and inspiration, determined to leave her mark wherever she goes! Her focus is, “People need people!” According to Rogers, “Getting up, suiting up, and showing up is the only way that you can achieve more in your life.” The two-day event features 14 speakers, 16 expert panelists, and 15 sponsored vendors. Dr. Rogers explained, “Our community takes pride in the relationships that are born before, during, and after each event.” Dr. Pat Rogers knows that “People need people,” and her zone of genius lies in being an Event Coordinator where she sets a platform for public speakers to share their message from the stage.  Since 2013 she has been hosting annual conferences, monthly luncheons, and workshops to educate, rejuvenate, and inspire entrepreneurs. Pat takes pride in connecting entrepreneurs to build relationships to support each other’s dreams and assist each person in realizing their business vision and creating more wealth. Dr. Rogers has been featured in several magazine articles and has achieved numerous awards for her community activism and support of entrepreneurs. Awards include: Former Florida Chapter Leader for World Women Conference & Awards, Recipient of She Inspires Me Award, Shining Star Award, Uncommon Leadership Award, Jean Lynch Lifetime Achievement Award, Speech Competition Award, Caregiver’s Award, & Business Icon Award. Her most recent is Honorary Doctorate Award from “Theophany University.” She is an active member of various organizations, including IAW (International Association for Women), GTC (Global Trade Chamber of Commerce), BCC (Biscayne Chamber of Commerce) and WPN (Women’s Prosperity Network), and WWV (Women with Vision), where she holds the position of Social Media Manager. The conferences that she hosts for entrepreneurs to share their message from the stage, assist them in building relationships and increase their “Brand.” By working together, entrepreneurs can achieve more and grow their businesses exponentially. To view some of the LIVE and Virtual events that “Entrepreneurs: Living the Dream” host, go to https://PatriciaRogers.com/event/About Dr. Pat Rogers To be a speaker at future events, schedule a 45-Minute Session at http://www.Calendly.com/PatRogers Email her at: [email protected]. The story of her journey will inspire you to “Get Up, Suit Up, & Show Up!” Complimentary GIFT: Dr. Patricia Rogers has a passion for videos, and she shows entrepreneurs how to use their “Smartphone” as a Branding Tool! Complimentary (10) Networking Video Tips Here!  CEO Pat Rogers is a retired Correctional Lieutenant. Rogers completed 29 years in law enforcement for Miami-Dade County, where she trained thousands of employees to excel in their careers. Retiring in 2016, Pat invested in herself by receiving the coaching, public speaking training, and guidance that she needed to become a successful entrepreneur and public speaker. She discovered her gifts, talents, and hobbies and turned them into a business that she loves. Pat has positioned herself as an International Public Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, Event Coordinator, Promoter & Marketer. She provides affordable Legal & Identity Theft Services for entrepreneurs, families, and individuals. Protect Your Legal Rights Here! To learn more about Patricia Rogers and connect with her on all her social media platforms, visit: https://PatRogers360.com, or visit her Pat’s Website.  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MsPatRogers3708Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mspatrogers/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MsPatRogers YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJU-yw3zvELRQUogDbjJBuQ Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/networkingqueen/, https://vimeo.com/386795593/9b3f2ca931 
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Dr. Patricia Rogers: New 'Entrepreneurs Living The Dream' Events Planned for 2021
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=35067&wpwautoposter=1620086408 Dr. Patricia Roger's company, Unity in Service, Inc., sponsors events for entrepreneurs and “wantrepreneurs” to come together so that they can build their professional network and obtain even more wealth. Speakers for the conference and attendees come from all walks of life to experience the rewards of collaboration and cooperation. Since the “Pandemic Shock,” Pat transitioned to virtual events, and in 2020, she hosted eight virtual events and is on the fourth event for 2021, serving thousands of entrepreneurs who want to be seen and heard by the masses. Dr. Pat Rogers, CEO, and Founder is one of a kind, full of energy and inspiration, determined to leave her mark wherever she goes! Her focus is, “People need people!” According to Rogers, “Getting up, suiting up, and showing up is the only way that you can achieve more in your life.” The two-day event features 14 speakers, 16 expert panelists, and 15 sponsored vendors. Dr. Rogers explained, “Our community takes pride in the relationships that are born before, during, and after each event.” Dr. Pat Rogers knows that “People need people,” and her zone of genius lies in being an Event Coordinator where she sets a platform for public speakers to share their message from the stage.  Since 2013 she has been hosting annual conferences, monthly luncheons, and workshops to educate, rejuvenate, and inspire entrepreneurs. Pat takes pride in connecting entrepreneurs to build relationships to support each other’s dreams and assist each person in realizing their business vision and creating more wealth. Dr. Rogers has been featured in several magazine articles and has achieved numerous awards for her community activism and support of entrepreneurs. Awards include: Former Florida Chapter Leader for World Women Conference & Awards, Recipient of She Inspires Me Award, Shining Star Award, Uncommon Leadership Award, Jean Lynch Lifetime Achievement Award, Speech Competition Award, Caregiver’s Award, & Business Icon Award. Her most recent is Honorary Doctorate Award from “Theophany University.” She is an active member of various organizations, including IAW (International Association for Women), GTC (Global Trade Chamber of Commerce), BCC (Biscayne Chamber of Commerce) and WPN (Women’s Prosperity Network), and WWV (Women with Vision), where she holds the position of Social Media Manager. The conferences that she hosts for entrepreneurs to share their message from the stage, assist them in building relationships and increase their “Brand.” By working together, entrepreneurs can achieve more and grow their businesses exponentially. To view some of the LIVE and Virtual events that “Entrepreneurs: Living the Dream” host, go to https://PatriciaRogers.com/event/About Dr. Pat Rogers To be a speaker at future events, schedule a 45-Minute Session at http://www.Calendly.com/PatRogers Email her at: [email protected]. The story of her journey will inspire you to “Get Up, Suit Up, & Show Up!” Complimentary GIFT: Dr. Patricia Rogers has a passion for videos, and she shows entrepreneurs how to use their “Smartphone” as a Branding Tool! Complimentary (10) Networking Video Tips Here!  CEO Pat Rogers is a retired Correctional Lieutenant. Rogers completed 29 years in law enforcement for Miami-Dade County, where she trained thousands of employees to excel in their careers. Retiring in 2016, Pat invested in herself by receiving the coaching, public speaking training, and guidance that she needed to become a successful entrepreneur and public speaker. She discovered her gifts, talents, and hobbies and turned them into a business that she loves. Pat has positioned herself as an International Public Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, Event Coordinator, Promoter & Marketer. She provides affordable Legal & Identity Theft Services for entrepreneurs, families, and individuals. Protect Your Legal Rights Here! To learn more about Patricia Rogers and connect with her on all her social media platforms, visit: https://PatRogers360.com, or visit her Pat’s Website.  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MsPatRogers3708Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mspatrogers/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MsPatRogers YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJU-yw3zvELRQUogDbjJBuQ Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/networkingqueen/, https://vimeo.com/386795593/9b3f2ca931 
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Dr. Patricia Rogers: New 'Entrepreneurs Living The Dream' Events Planned for 2021
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=35067&wpwautoposter=1620064808 Dr. Patricia Roger's company, Unity in Service, Inc., sponsors events for entrepreneurs and “wantrepreneurs” to come together so that they can build their professional network and obtain even more wealth. Speakers for the conference and attendees come from all walks of life to experience the rewards of collaboration and cooperation. Since the “Pandemic Shock,” Pat transitioned to virtual events, and in 2020, she hosted eight virtual events and is on the fourth event for 2021, serving thousands of entrepreneurs who want to be seen and heard by the masses. Dr. Pat Rogers, CEO, and Founder is one of a kind, full of energy and inspiration, determined to leave her mark wherever she goes! Her focus is, “People need people!” According to Rogers, “Getting up, suiting up, and showing up is the only way that you can achieve more in your life.” The two-day event features 14 speakers, 16 expert panelists, and 15 sponsored vendors. Dr. Rogers explained, “Our community takes pride in the relationships that are born before, during, and after each event.” Dr. Pat Rogers knows that “People need people,” and her zone of genius lies in being an Event Coordinator where she sets a platform for public speakers to share their message from the stage.  Since 2013 she has been hosting annual conferences, monthly luncheons, and workshops to educate, rejuvenate, and inspire entrepreneurs. Pat takes pride in connecting entrepreneurs to build relationships to support each other’s dreams and assist each person in realizing their business vision and creating more wealth. Dr. Rogers has been featured in several magazine articles and has achieved numerous awards for her community activism and support of entrepreneurs. Awards include: Former Florida Chapter Leader for World Women Conference & Awards, Recipient of She Inspires Me Award, Shining Star Award, Uncommon Leadership Award, Jean Lynch Lifetime Achievement Award, Speech Competition Award, Caregiver’s Award, & Business Icon Award. Her most recent is Honorary Doctorate Award from “Theophany University.” She is an active member of various organizations, including IAW (International Association for Women), GTC (Global Trade Chamber of Commerce), BCC (Biscayne Chamber of Commerce) and WPN (Women’s Prosperity Network), and WWV (Women with Vision), where she holds the position of Social Media Manager. The conferences that she hosts for entrepreneurs to share their message from the stage, assist them in building relationships and increase their “Brand.” By working together, entrepreneurs can achieve more and grow their businesses exponentially. To view some of the LIVE and Virtual events that “Entrepreneurs: Living the Dream” host, go to https://PatriciaRogers.com/event/About Dr. Pat Rogers To be a speaker at future events, schedule a 45-Minute Session at http://www.Calendly.com/PatRogers Email her at: [email protected]. The story of her journey will inspire you to “Get Up, Suit Up, & Show Up!” Complimentary GIFT: Dr. Patricia Rogers has a passion for videos, and she shows entrepreneurs how to use their “Smartphone” as a Branding Tool! Complimentary (10) Networking Video Tips Here!  CEO Pat Rogers is a retired Correctional Lieutenant. Rogers completed 29 years in law enforcement for Miami-Dade County, where she trained thousands of employees to excel in their careers. Retiring in 2016, Pat invested in herself by receiving the coaching, public speaking training, and guidance that she needed to become a successful entrepreneur and public speaker. She discovered her gifts, talents, and hobbies and turned them into a business that she loves. Pat has positioned herself as an International Public Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, Event Coordinator, Promoter & Marketer. She provides affordable Legal & Identity Theft Services for entrepreneurs, families, and individuals. Protect Your Legal Rights Here! To learn more about Patricia Rogers and connect with her on all her social media platforms, visit: https://PatRogers360.com, or visit her Pat’s Website.  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MsPatRogers3708Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mspatrogers/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MsPatRogers YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJU-yw3zvELRQUogDbjJBuQ Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/networkingqueen/, https://vimeo.com/386795593/9b3f2ca931 
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Dr. Patricia Rogers: New 'Entrepreneurs Living The Dream' Events Planned for 2021
https://authoritypresswire.com/?p=35067 Dr. Patricia Roger's company, Unity in Service, Inc., sponsors events for entrepreneurs and “wantrepreneurs” to come together so that they can build their professional network and obtain even more wealth. Speakers for the conference and attendees come from all walks of life to experience the rewards of collaboration and cooperation. Since the “Pandemic Shock,” Pat transitioned to virtual events, and in 2020, she hosted eight virtual events and is on the fourth event for 2021, serving thousands of entrepreneurs who want to be seen and heard by the masses. Dr. Pat Rogers, CEO, and Founder is one of a kind, full of energy and inspiration, determined to leave her mark wherever she goes! Her focus is, “People need people!” According to Rogers, “Getting up, suiting up, and showing up is the only way that you can achieve more in your life.” The two-day event features 14 speakers, 16 expert panelists, and 15 sponsored vendors. Dr. Rogers explained, “Our community takes pride in the relationships that are born before, during, and after each event.” Dr. Pat Rogers knows that “People need people,” and her zone of genius lies in being an Event Coordinator where she sets a platform for public speakers to share their message from the stage.  Since 2013 she has been hosting annual conferences, monthly luncheons, and workshops to educate, rejuvenate, and inspire entrepreneurs. Pat takes pride in connecting entrepreneurs to build relationships to support each other’s dreams and assist each person in realizing their business vision and creating more wealth. Dr. Rogers has been featured in several magazine articles and has achieved numerous awards for her community activism and support of entrepreneurs. Awards include: Former Florida Chapter Leader for World Women Conference & Awards, Recipient of She Inspires Me Award, Shining Star Award, Uncommon Leadership Award, Jean Lynch Lifetime Achievement Award, Speech Competition Award, Caregiver’s Award, & Business Icon Award. Her most recent is Honorary Doctorate Award from “Theophany University.” She is an active member of various organizations, including IAW (International Association for Women), GTC (Global Trade Chamber of Commerce), BCC (Biscayne Chamber of Commerce) and WPN (Women’s Prosperity Network), and WWV (Women with Vision), where she holds the position of Social Media Manager. The conferences that she hosts for entrepreneurs to share their message from the stage, assist them in building relationships and increase their “Brand.” By working together, entrepreneurs can achieve more and grow their businesses exponentially. To view some of the LIVE and Virtual events that “Entrepreneurs: Living the Dream” host, go to https://PatriciaRogers.com/event/About Dr. Pat Rogers To be a speaker at future events, schedule a 45-Minute Session at http://www.Calendly.com/PatRogers Email her at: [email protected]. The story of her journey will inspire you to “Get Up, Suit Up, & Show Up!” Complimentary GIFT: Dr. Patricia Rogers has a passion for videos, and she shows entrepreneurs how to use their “Smartphone” as a Branding Tool! Complimentary (10) Networking Video Tips Here!  CEO Pat Rogers is a retired Correctional Lieutenant. Rogers completed 29 years in law enforcement for Miami-Dade County, where she trained thousands of employees to excel in their careers. Retiring in 2016, Pat invested in herself by receiving the coaching, public speaking training, and guidance that she needed to become a successful entrepreneur and public speaker. She discovered her gifts, talents, and hobbies and turned them into a business that she loves. Pat has positioned herself as an International Public Speaker, International Best-Selling Author, Event Coordinator, Promoter & Marketer. She provides affordable Legal & Identity Theft Services for entrepreneurs, families, and individuals. Protect Your Legal Rights Here! To learn more about Patricia Rogers and connect with her on all her social media platforms, visit: https://PatRogers360.com, or visit her Pat’s Website.  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MsPatRogers3708Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mspatrogers/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MsPatRogers YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJU-yw3zvELRQUogDbjJBuQ Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/networkingqueen/, https://vimeo.com/386795593/9b3f2ca931 
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topicprinter · 5 years
When I started on this subreddit almost 4 years ago I was a wantrepreneur like the majority of this sub (every budding entrepreneur who wants financial freedom starts out as a wantrepreneur!) I do feel like the /r/entrepreneur subreddit gave more value in the past and it truly was full of successful entrepreneurs and a lot less of inexperienced bad advice (not saying all advice on here is bad)...Successful guys used to tell their stories, answer questions, and help without anything in return. It still happens from time to time, but not like it used to! Anyways, I'll give a little bit of my background.BackgroundI'm a founder of a pretty successful tech startup (success is all relative, but I'm happy with what we've accomplished). Today, we operate 2 and soon to be 3 products; a lead generation platform in the home service industry, a spin-off niche focused AI chat service, and we're working on an additional product in ad-tech which ties everything together. Also toying with the idea of buying a small ad-tech company to expedite this initiative.We started out with NO technical co-founders and learned as we moved along! I have now transitioned into an operational role and managing a team of 7 full-stack developers (you can learn a lot in 3 years). In total, we have 21 employees ranging from direct sales, channel sales, engineers, team leads, execs, customer success, channel success, etc.We are predominately bootstrapped and have raised just shy of $400k which really isn't a ton for how far along we are. We have turned down a lot more money than we have taken and have a valuation in the 8 figure range (about as low 8 figures as you can get).We ended the year with a couple million in revenue and were very profitable in the lead generation arm of our business and projecting profitability around our AI tools at the start of Q2 2019 (hoping for Q1!).If you guys are interested in asking questions, I'm happy to talk about our growth, growth strategies, pivots along the way, hiring/firing, raising money, taxes, company structure, equity distribution, finance, technology, strategic processes, managing people, really anything. We've been through a lot and I feel like I have a few nuggets that some of you may be able to learn from!
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topicprinter · 7 years
For the last two years i have been a "wantrepreneur" and have dabbled through various projects. I opened a local cleaning services in my area that has been somewhat successful but hasn't quite freed me from my day job.My health has taken a significant decline due to my constant abuse of my supervisor. I have family responsibilities for feeding my family and 7 year old kid. But today, i have decided no more. Its time to make the jump and transition into the unknown.I have decided to open a small VA agency to help entrepreneurs and small businesses with their customer service. It's just going to be myself initially and eventually hire others. The reason why I chose VA, it's because I enjoy dealing with customers after running my local cleaning service. The interaction with prospects and current customers is essential to running any business. I understand the importance of what it means.I have set a launch time of 2-2.5 weeks from this post. This is what I will bring to the table:-Customer Service: Answering emails and phone calls from customers. Live chat support will be encouraged for any website management.-Social Media Management: Curating content, replying to comments, and other community management tasks.-Scheduling/Booking Customers (Service business focused)-Research: Looking for a list of bloggers/influencers to reach out to or curating stats or examples you can use in a piece of content.-Store Management: Order fulfillment, inventory management, running sales for you (Shopify Platform).-Data-entry: Bookkeeping or inputting data from different sources into a spreadsheet.-Cold Calling: Making cold calls (usually provided with a script and canned responses to common questions), and scheduling meetings between you and prospects.-Basic Graphic Design/Marketing: Setting up Facebook Ads/Craigslist posting, simple graphic design for social media posts/ads.-US based (Central Time), fluent in English and Spanish.-Experience in Ecommerce (Shopify Online Stores) and service businesses.I am not going to be either cheap or highly expensive. If you want a cheap service, go to upwork.com and hire someone for $2/hr. But keep in mind of your branding, audience and end goals.Pricing tiers will be : $1500/month for 60 hours a month and $750/month for 30 hours a month. It will be month to month, feel free to opt out at any time and then come back but please give 7 days notice of any changes.Again, if this is not allowed on this sub please remove. I am just looking to make this big significant change in my life. I thought this would more appreciate on this sub.Edit: I changed from week to month.
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