chibimyumi · 3 years
I have to agree with your criticisms about season two's plot, but I was wondering how you felt about the characters themselves in season two? Like, did you find Alois annoying, or sympathetic? Did you think Claude was creepy, or cool? Did you like the triplets better after The Spiders Intention, or were they still flat for you? Who is your favorite trancy servant? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
【Response to: “are there any S1 or S2 OVAs you enjoyed?”】
Dear Anon,
I am very sorry for the late reply! I made you wait this long and it’s not even going to be a very good reply m(_ _"m) This is just going to be a rant actually....
The short answer is: I am sorry, but no. I found none of them interesting. I don’t even have a describable opinion for any of them, because they gave me nothing to form an opinion on. The only thing I feel is confusion.
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I think the characters had potential at the beginning. But then even the creators themselves decided Alois isn’t interesting enough by turning Ciel into the main object of conflict in the entire series. In my opinion, all new characters lack a core, and are only the most superficial descriptions of themselves added with a surprise sauce. The picture below is to me what represents all new characters.
"Give me banana bread with a topping!"
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By making Claude’s objective becoming Ciel soul, Alois was delegated to the sidelines as the jealous boyfriend, so to say. It would have been interesting if Alois did more than just whine why Claude would rather have Ciel instead. But his main tactic was just...... I don’t even understand what he was trying to do (=v=) Alois was inconsistent and vague, and I think the creators noticed, so they just settled with calling him DERANGED, and called it a day. Listen creators, deranged characters have a set of logic and consistency too; they’re governed by their own laws. SHOW IT.
Same problem as with Alois at his core. He was the stoic but eccentric demon, which was cool and all, in theory. But Claude didn’t have his own principles or internal logic which should be the axis of any character. Making him do random shit like tapdancing and literally throwing cream at Sebas does not make him “interesting”. His entire character was just: “wack around, and antagonise Sebastian because he has better food”.
Ms. Fanservice has a lot of potential, but none of the potential was used until CUZ PLOT. Why was she sortaaa the main villain-ish????? who has so much power, and YET she allowed all that shit to happen to her at the beginning, which in the end served no single purpose except showing how deranged Alois is?
The Triplets
They are very forgettable. They could be left out of the entire series and nothing would change.
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The problem with Season II is that the entire premise was milked from the concluded ending of the first, and left to curdle. The main objective of the first series was Ciel’s revenge, but the revenge had already been solved (according to Season I, at least).
The creators decided to keep the solved case the driving force of Ciel, and it would have been amazing if they stayed focused on Sebas having to win his payment back after someone sabotaged it, while gaslighting Ciel in believing his goal was not reached.
HOWEVER!!! The makers never bothered writing how Sebas can do so in a way that wasn’t just a mobile game’s turn-based slapping. They were too incompetent to write new rules, so they had to milk everything that was prefabbed till its last drop. There was very little milk, so they just watered down everything, and added a bunch of artificial food flavours in hope to disguise the hollowness of the core.
There was just so much going on too, the point basically became pointless in the sea of points.
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And even if we don’t stop to ask how exactly the flipping hell Alois got his hands on so many demons (except PLOT), then it still beats me why anyone needed that many demons if none of them did anything for real. Season II really reminded me of bad Pokemon episodes where each monster was just there to do a few moves in a turn-based combat system, but always swapped out for reasons unknown. BUT WHY IS KUROSHITSUJI TURN-BASED?!
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Thanks for reading my rant.
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mayorwhiskerss · 6 years
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when u got a girl pregnant when u cheated on ur perfect and beautiful gf and you’ve been living with the preggo girl for the past 5 months cuz ur mum made you and ur having triplets and it’s only just hit that ur having fUCKING TRIPLETS but its too late cuz ur at the hospital now
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tcthinecwnself-a · 6 years
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“I think everyone loves Dewey more than me and Huey.”
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