#Top Orthopaedic Doctors in Chandigarh
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jointpaindoctor · 15 days
How to Prevent and Treat Runner's Knee
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For avid runners and athletes, staying injury-free is crucial to maintaining peak performance. One common injury that can sideline even the most dedicated runners is runner’s knee, also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome. As a leading Orthopedic Doctor in Chandigarh, Dr. Manu Mengi offers expert advice on preventing and treating this condition to keep you on track.
Understanding Runner’s Knee
Runner’s knee is characterized by pain around the kneecap, often due to overuse, misalignment, or muscular imbalances. Symptoms include a dull, aching pain, particularly when running, squatting, or climbing stairs. If untreated, it can lead to more severe issues and prolonged downtime.
Prevention Tips
Strengthen Your Muscles — Strong quadriceps and hip muscles help stabilize the knee. Incorporate exercises like squats, lunges, and leg presses into your routine. Visiting an Ortho Clinic in Chandigarh for professional guidance can ensure you’re performing these exercises correctly.
Improve Your Running Technique — Proper running form reduces stress on your knees. Focus on landing softly and keeping your knees slightly bent. Consult a Knee Specialist in Chandigarh to evaluate and correct your running technique.
Wear Appropriate Footwear — Shoes that offer good support and cushioning can prevent knee injuries. Replace your running shoes every 300–500 miles to maintain optimal support.
Gradual Increase in Activity — Avoid sudden increases in your running intensity or mileage. Follow the 10% rule: increase your weekly mileage by no more than 10% to avoid overloading your knees.
Cross-Training — Incorporate low-impact activities such as swimming or cycling to reduce repetitive stress on your knees while maintaining cardiovascular fitness.
Stretch Regularly — Tight muscles can contribute to a runner’s knee. Stretch your hamstrings, calves, and IT bands regularly to maintain flexibility. Orthopedic Clinics in Chandigarh often offer physiotherapy services to help with proper stretching techniques.
Treatment Strategies
Rest and Ice — Give your knee a break and apply ice to reduce inflammation and pain. Rest is crucial for recovery. Dr. Manu Mengi, one of the Best Orthopedic Doctors in Chandigarh, advises icing the knee for 15–20 minutes several times a day.
Physical Therapy — A tailored physical therapy program can address muscle imbalances and improve knee function. The Best Orthopedician in Chandigarh can create a rehab plan that includes specific exercises to strengthen weak muscles and improve flexibility.
Orthotic Devices — Custom orthotics or knee braces can provide additional support and alleviate pain. Consult with an Ortho Doctor in Chandigarh to determine if orthotics are appropriate for you.
Pain Relievers — Over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen can help manage pain and inflammation. Always follow the advice of a healthcare professional before taking any medication.
Gradual Return to Activity — Once the pain subsides, gradually return to your running routine. Start with low-impact activities and slowly increase intensity. An Orthopedic Doctor in Chandigarh can guide you on the safest way to resume running.
Preventing and treating a runner’s knee requires a comprehensive approach that includes strength training, proper technique, and professional care. As the Best Ortho Doctor in Chandigarh, Dr. Manu Mengi and his team at the Ortho Clinic in Chandigarh are dedicated to helping runners stay healthy and active. If you experience knee pain or need personalized advice, don’t hesitate to visit an Orthopedic Clinic in Chandigarh to get back on your feet and continue your running journey pain-free.
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sohanahospital · 18 days
Experience the best healthcare facilities with Sohana Hospital in Chandigarh. It is the best hospital in Chandigarh known for its exemplary services in Orthopaedics, ophthalmology, dental care and cancer treatment. The hospital has a range of top-notch medical care facilities at prices that won't pinch your pockets. Visit Sohana Hospital and get yourself consulted by the most experienced doctors.
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toshhospital1 · 2 years
The best hospitals for hip replacement surgery in India
The best hospitals for hip replacement surgery in India offer the cutting edge diagnostic methods and advanced technology supported by the treatment options for the bone related problems.
The Top Hip Replacement Surgery Hospitals in India are located at Mumbai, Pune, New Delhi, Bangalore, Gurgaon, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Kochi, Goa, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Noida, Nagpur, Kerala, etc.
Our Hip Replacement Surgeons In India are highly qualified and have vast experience in performing hip replacement surgery. Our collaboration with the highly efficient and experienced team of doctors provides highest quality medical treatments and excellent care to our patients.
Following are the various Types of Hip Replacement Surgeries 
Total Hip Replacement
Partial Hip Replacement
Hip Resurfacing
Minimally Invasive Hip Replacement
Double Hip Replacement
Revision Hip Replacement
Robotic Hip Replacement Surgery
An orthopaedic surgeon (a physician who specialises in joint and bone problems) will advise you about which treatment is right for you based on your specific case history.
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Medical Courses in India
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
April 25, 2019
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
Pursuing a medical courses in India is far tougher than taking a decision to become a doctor. But, hats off to those who pursue their studies with as much as interest as when they were dreaming to become a doctor. Also, the zeal to serve others, the passion to think of other people’s wellness and the drive to come out of comfort zone and look what best you can do for others, so that people can feel every beat of life and make most of it;  is not a small thing to have in one’s mind. Similarly when youth is going behind technology, there are few who understand the price of one’s life and opt medical. Because no matter how much wealth a person hoards, it’s just incomparable to health.
Furthermore, the Medical Council of India is the regulatory authority which has laid down rules and regulations to medical education, so that good education standard can be attained by every medical student.  There are various medical courses in India that have been running from long, everyone have their own importance, you can choose according to your area of interest. Have a look:
Top 5 Medical Courses in India:
It is one of the most popular medical courses in India. It’s full form is bachelor of masters and bachelor of surgery. Medical entrance exams are conducted on a National Level and State Level to select suitable medical students for undergraduate medical programs. The MBBS degree holder can run their practice as a physician because they possess good knowledge for every right disease. While the total MBBS duration is 4.5 years academic education + 1 year mandatory internship.  Some of the popular entrance exams for MBBS are given below:
AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences): Most prestigious entrance exam
AIPMT (All India Pre medical Test): Conducted by CBSE
Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore: Minority run  private & research institute
Armed Force Medical College (AFMC): Manages by Indian Armed Forces
2. BDS:
BDS is the only educational and professional program of dental surgery in India. It offers knowledge and skills related to general dental anatomy. The full form of this medical course in India is Bachelor of Dental surgery. BDS includes the treatment as well as prevention of a wide range of diseases of the mouth. Certainly, the main objective of the dentistry program is to produce a dentist who is socially acceptable and is able to work safely & effectively on patients in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and oral diseases. The duration of BDS degree ranges from 3 years to 5 years.
Popular BDS entrance exams are:
Banaras Hindu University  Medical Entrance Exam
Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical Entrance Exam
Christian Medical College Entrance Exam
Delhi University Medical/Dental Entrance Exam
All India Post Graduate Dental Entrance Test
Amrita University Medical Entrance Exam
Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges Exam
3. BHMS:
BHMS stands for Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery. BHMS is an undergraduate degree program in medical field. Furthermore, this medical course in India treats patients with the help of heavily diluted preparations of chemicals. While, it is an ancient medicine form originated from Germany. Also, it works on the principle of stimulating body’s immunity to heal oneself by giving small doses of highly diluted substances. BHMS course is of 5½ year duration including an internship. The best homeopathy colleges in India are:
National Institute of Homeopathy, Kolkata
Shivaji University, South Maharashtra
Motiwala Homeopathic Medical College, Gangapur
Rajasthan Vidyapeeth Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital
4. BAMS:
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) is an integrated Indian Degree in the medical field. This degree program is conferred to those students who have studied the modern medicines and traditional Ayurveda. Ayurvedic science is one of the ancient medical systems of the world. It traces its roots to the Vedic period. Also, BAMS is 5 and a half years course. Best ayurveda colleges in India are:
Shri Dhanwantri Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar
JB Roy State Medical College, Kolkata
Ayurvedic Medical College, Kolhapur
5. MD/MS:
MD is a post graduation degree, stands for masters in medicines and MS is a post graduation degree stands for masters in surgery. Both of them are a 3 years course for medical Graduates (MBBS) that deal with the branches which do not require surgical skills. MD is awarded in both non-clinical as well as clinical branches.
Likewise, the future prospects of MD and MS as medical courses in India are generally same. An individual who completes MS becomes a surgeon whereas the one who takes up MD is a physician. Finally, a surgeon can work in place of a physician with more study of medicine while a physician cannot be a surgeon. In contrast, financially, a surgeon can earn a lot more money than a physician, if he or she is skilled.
The Popular specializations in MS and MD are:
The obstetrics & Gynecology, Endocrinology, Orthopaedics, Neurology and the Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Paediatric, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radio diagnosis and the Pathology.
Pediatric surgery, plastic surgery, cardio-thoracic surgery, Urology, Cardiac surgery, Cosmetic surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Obstetrics and the orthopedics.
So, usually it takes three years to complete the MD or MS but for s super specialization the student needs two years more after MD or MS.
Furthermore, some of the best Medical Courses in India & colleges offering post graduation in surgery/medicine are given below:
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi
Armed Forces Medical College(AFMC), Pune
Christian Medical College(CMC), Vellore
Maulana Azad Medical College(MAMC), Delhi
University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital , Delhi
Sri Ramchandra Medical College and Research Institute(SRMC), Chennai
Seth G S Medical College, Mumbai
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (AMU), Aligarh
Certainly, apart from them, there are few other medical courses in India which are also gaining popularity these days, some of them are:
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Bachelor in Unani medicine and surgery
Bachelor in Science in Nursing
Most noteworthy, medical is a noble profession, no matter which course you opt, but study with full of interest and practice your profession with full honestly, because with medical degrees, you are asked not to work with objects, stationery but with Human body, the most precious wealth of one’s life.
For more relevant information please follow Twitter | Facebook | Linked IN
Medical Courses in India
Popular BDS entrance exams
Popular specializations in MS and MD
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
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4 thoughts on “Top 5 Medical Courses in India”
[…] Now #Latest on Finance courses #Medical Courses in India #Engineering Degree #UPSC Exams #India National sports #Sports updates #Top School for Masters in […]
Nice post. …..I have geography, nutrition, biology and chemistry in my hs. ….what is the best career option for me?
MEWAugust 2, 2020 at 2:31 pmReply
Hi, as you have asked for the opportunities of pursuing a career after 12, we are giving few options that you may pursue according to your interest
1. Pursue B.Sc/B. A Nutrition or B.Sc Food Technology. It is a 3-year course focusing on a wide variety of topics, such as human physiology, basics of nutrition, food biotechnology, health, weight-loss strategies, human physiology, etc. The degree not only focuses on general health but also provides expertise in areas such as public health, maternal and child nutrition, etc. 2.B.Sc. Food Technology: It is a 3-year course that focuses on the safe use of food. Food technology is the process in which various principles of food science are applied to the selection, preservation, packaging and safe distribution of food. class 12th with any stream (Science with Biology is preferred).
3.D. Pharm (Ayurvedic Siddha Medicine) it’s a 2 years course
4.BOT (bachelor of occupational therapy • deal with physically, mentally, morally, and mentally challenged people. • manage the dysfunctions caused due to social, biological, and economic reasons.
5.Careers after a bachelor degree in Geography The careers for bachelor’s degree holders in Geography can include Geography teacher, Research assistant/associate in projects related to the environment, sustainability and social development, jobs related to Corporate Social Responsibility etc.
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optimisticanchornut · 3 years
Medical Courses in India
Medical Courses in India
April 25, 2019
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
Pursuing a medical courses in India is far tougher than taking a decision to become a doctor. But, hats off to those who pursue their studies with as much as interest as when they were dreaming to become a doctor. Also, the zeal to serve others, the passion to think of other people’s wellness and the drive to come out of comfort zone and look what best you can do for others, so that people can feel every beat of life and make most of it;  is not a small thing to have in one’s mind. Similarly when youth is going behind technology, there are few who understand the price of one’s life and opt medical. Because no matter how much wealth a person hoards, it’s just incomparable to health.
Furthermore, the Medical Council of India is the regulatory authority which has laid down rules and regulations to medical education, so that good education standard can be attained by every medical student.  There are various medical courses in India that have been running from long, everyone have their own importance, you can choose according to your area of interest. Have a look:
Medical Courses in India:
It is one of the most popular medical courses in India. It’s full form is bachelor of masters and bachelor of surgery. Medical entrance exams are conducted on a National Level and State Level to select suitable medical students for undergraduate medical programs. The MBBS degree holder can run their practice as a physician because they possess good knowledge for every right disease. While the total MBBS duration is 4.5 years academic education + 1 year mandatory internship.  Some of the popular entrance exams for MBBS are given below:
AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences): Most prestigious entrance exam
AIPMT (All India Pre medical Test): Conducted by CBSE
Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore: Minority run  private & research institute
Armed Force Medical College (AFMC): Manages by Indian Armed Forces
2. BDS:
BDS is the only educational and professional program of dental surgery in India. It offers knowledge and skills related to general dental anatomy. The full form of this medical course in India is Bachelor of Dental surgery. BDS includes the treatment as well as prevention of a wide range of diseases of the mouth. Certainly, the main objective of the dentistry program is to produce a dentist who is socially acceptable and is able to work safely & effectively on patients in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and oral diseases. The duration of BDS degree ranges from 3 years to 5 years.
Popular BDS entrance exams are:
Banaras Hindu University  Medical Entrance Exam
Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical Entrance Exam
Christian Medical College Entrance Exam
Delhi University Medical/Dental Entrance Exam
All India Post Graduate Dental Entrance Test
Amrita University Medical Entrance Exam
Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges Exam
3. BHMS:
BHMS stands for Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery. BHMS is an undergraduate degree program in medical field. Furthermore, this medical course in India treats patients with the help of heavily diluted preparations of chemicals. While, it is an ancient medicine form originated from Germany. Also, it works on the principle of stimulating body’s immunity to heal oneself by giving small doses of highly diluted substances. BHMS course is of 5½ year duration including an internship. The best homeopathy colleges in India are:
National Institute of Homeopathy, Kolkata
Shivaji University, South Maharashtra
Motiwala Homeopathic Medical College, Gangapur
Rajasthan Vidyapeeth Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital
4. BAMS:
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) is an integrated Indian Degree in the medical field. This degree program is conferred to those students who have studied the modern medicines and traditional Ayurveda. Ayurvedic science is one of the ancient medical systems of the world. It traces its roots to the Vedic period. Also, BAMS is 5 and a half years course. Best ayurveda colleges in India are:
Shri Dhanwantri Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar
JB Roy State Medical College, Kolkata
Ayurvedic Medical College, Kolhapur
5. MD/MS:
MD is a post graduation degree, stands for masters in medicines and MS is a post graduation degree stands for masters in surgery. Both of them are a 3 years course for medical Graduates (MBBS) that deal with the branches which do not require surgical skills. MD is awarded in both non-clinical as well as clinical branches.
Likewise, the future prospects of MD and MS as medical courses in India are generally same. An individual who completes MS becomes a surgeon whereas the one who takes up MD is a physician. Finally, a surgeon can work in place of a physician with more study of medicine while a physician cannot be a surgeon. In contrast, financially, a surgeon can earn a lot more money than a physician, if he or she is skilled.
The Popular specializations in MS and MD are:
The obstetrics & Gynecology, Endocrinology, Orthopaedics, Neurology and the Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Paediatric, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radio diagnosis and the Pathology.
Pediatric surgery, plastic surgery, cardio-thoracic surgery, Urology, Cardiac surgery, Cosmetic surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Obstetrics and the orthopedics.
So, usually it takes three years to complete the MD or MS but for s super specialization the student needs two years more after MD or MS.
Furthermore, some of the best Medical Courses in India & colleges offering post graduation in surgery/medicine are given below:
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi
Armed Forces Medical College(AFMC), Pune
Christian Medical College(CMC), Vellore
Maulana Azad Medical College(MAMC), Delhi
University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital , Delhi
Sri Ramchandra Medical College and Research Institute(SRMC), Chennai
Seth G S Medical College, Mumbai
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (AMU), Aligarh
Certainly, apart from them, there are few other medical courses in India which are also gaining popularity these days, some of them are:
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Bachelor in Unani medicine and surgery
Bachelor in Science in Nursing
Most noteworthy, medical is a noble profession, no matter which course you opt, but study with full of interest and practice your profession with full honestly, because with medical degrees, you are asked not to work with objects, stationery but with Human body, the most precious wealth of one’s life.
For more relevant information please follow Twitter | Facebook | Linked IN
Medical Courses in India
Popular BDS entrance exams
Popular specializations in MS and MD
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
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4 thoughts on “Medical Courses in India”
[…] Now #Latest on Finance courses #Medical Courses in India #Engineering Degree #UPSC Exams #India National sports #Sports updates #Top School for Masters in […]
Nice post. …..I have geography, nutrition, biology and chemistry in my hs. ….what is the best career option for me?
MEWAugust 2, 2020 at 2:31 pmReply
Hi, as you have asked for the opportunities of pursuing a career after 12, we are giving few options that you may pursue according to your interest
1. Pursue B.Sc/B. A Nutrition or B.Sc Food Technology. It is a 3-year course focusing on a wide variety of topics, such as human physiology, basics of nutrition, food biotechnology, health, weight-loss strategies, human physiology, etc. The degree not only focuses on general health but also provides expertise in areas such as public health, maternal and child nutrition, etc. 2.B.Sc. Food Technology: It is a 3-year course that focuses on the safe use of food. Food technology is the process in which various principles of food science are applied to the selection, preservation, packaging and safe distribution of food. class 12th with any stream (Science with Biology is preferred).
3.D. Pharm (Ayurvedic Siddha Medicine) it’s a 2 years course
4.BOT (bachelor of occupational therapy • deal with physically, mentally, morally, and mentally challenged people. • manage the dysfunctions caused due to social, biological, and economic reasons.
5.Careers after a bachelor degree in Geography The careers for bachelor’s degree holders in Geography can include Geography teacher, Research assistant/associate in projects related to the environment, sustainability and social development, jobs related to Corporate Social Responsibility etc.
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educations-blog · 2 years
A Must-Read Guide For Those Pursuing An MBBS degree
MBBS or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery is an undergraduate course. It has a duration of 5 ½  years of which 4 ½ years account for the academic year and the remaining 1-year accounts for internships. To get admitted to MBBS colleges a student has to complete his 12th standard or equivalent with subjects of physics, chemistry and biology with a minimum of 50% aggregate. The student also needs to qualify for the NEET entrance examination. 
MBBS course structures
The Medical Council of India (MCI) is the authority which decides the MBBS course structures and duration of the course. MBBS. The syllabus for MBBS is chiefly divided into three subjects - Pre-clinical, Para-clinical and clinical are those subjects. These three subjects comprise various subjects like pathology, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology. All these are divided into three phases:
Phase 1- Here pre-clinical subjects are taught and it goes on for 2 semesters.
Phase 2- Here Para-clinical subjects and some parts of clinical subjects are taught and it goes on for 3 semesters.
Phase 3- Here the study of clinical subjects continues and it lasts for a duration of 4 semesters. 
Various specialisations that are in high demand and which a student can opt for while pursuing MBBS:
General surgery
This niche deals with the surgery and treatment of various body parts like the abdomen, stomach, intestine, etc.
This niche deals with the treatment of heart-related problems. The doctor can also perform heart-related surgeries.
General medicine
In this specialisation different medical-related problems are being diagnosed by the doctors who are known as general physicians.
This specialisation refers to the medical issues related to children.
This specialisation deals with the problems related to bones and bone disorders.
The doctors specialising in this field deal with the problems related to pregnancy and the female reproductive system.
Some of the Top Institutes from which a student can choose to move forward with his MBBS:
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh.
Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore.
Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Manipal.
Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi.
Till humanity prevails this world will always need doctors. There are constant technological advancements in the field of medicine which create new specialisations, this increases the demand for new MBBS aspirants. There are few chances that a doctor won't get a job anywhere, above all a medical practitioner can also start his own clinic and be of service to humanity.
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These are some of the top elements you will need to have a check with. However, if you are seeking for the best orthopedic surgeon Chandigarh, then it is recommended to do thorough research beforehand to ensure you are making the right decision
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pharma-view-blog · 5 years
Top Pharma Company Chandigarh | Manimajra | Gurnex Biotech
Welcome To Gurnex Biotech
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Best Pharma Company Chandigarh Gurnex Biotech, a GMP and an ISO 9001:2008 certified pharmaceutical company was consolidated in 2015, guileless and experienced professionals with “care” and “quality” as their precursor tenet. We are having more than three decades of pharmaceutical manufacturing experience and our business is having operations and attendance pan India. Our company has spent precious time in the market and it was consolidated under the pilotage of Dr Anmol Kapoor (Canada) to accomplish the requirements of specialized healthcare products and Comply with to needs of a quality-aware public. We are a multinational pharmaceutical firm and are reputed for persevering to excellent quality parameters. Our company has in copartnership with its partners in Calgary, Canada. We are offering different modus of high-quality pharmaceutical drugs and other services to clients’. Further, we cater to varied needs of customers’ and also accomplish the peerless and individual requirements of doctors and pharmacists.
We are known for adhering to industry leading parameters and presently, we are on the protection for serious businessman, who are experienced and are ready to begin the dealership, distributorship or franchisee of our wide arrays of medicines. Currently, we are providing various pharma products, ranging from Gynae, cholesterol-lowering etc. Formulations consisting of creams, ointments, injections, syrups, capsule etc. Our range consists of Protein Powder, Anti Allergic Tablets, Anti Allergic Syrup, Anti Allergic Ointment, Orthopaedic Injections, Gastro-Intestinal System Drug, Multi-Vitamin Tablets, Multivitamin Capsules, Vitamin Supplement Tablets, Vitamin Injection, Analgesic Tablets, Injections, Pain Relief, Tablets, Injection. Our highly talented, qualified, and experienced employees are consistently involved in formulating best quality drugs at reasonable rates. Our team members are highly skilled and have adequate knowledge of the Pharmaceutical Industry. Further, we are involved in surveys to accomplish market tastes and clients’ requirement. We cater to the varied requirements of customers’. Our professionals are also offered training from time to time so as to keep them abreast of industry’s changing needs.
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Best Pharma Company Chandigarh Gurnex Biotech Infrastructure & Storage Facilities
Our state of infrastructure is equipped with machines needed to process fine quality products. Further, these products are properly checked in our laboratories to ensure quality pharma products. We store them in completely hygienic and package them from fine materials. Our professionals are also adept at providing timely deliveries.
Best Pharma Company Chandigarh Gurnex Biotech Reasons Of Our Success
* Effective medicinal products, * Sound infrastructure, * Qualified team members,
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* Quality packaging solutions, * Competitive pricing, * Fine storage conditions
Best Pharma Company Chandigarh Gurnex Biotech Our Philosophy
We believe to provide good quality products to our clients as well as our consumers as our company objective at Consumer Satisfaction
Our prime motivation is our consumers and the clients. Their solid support and continuous help will make both of us skyrocket and instate a coveted height.
Best Pharma Company Chandigarh Gurnex Biotech Attraction
Trusted Product Quality
An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Co.
Reasonable Price Range
Timely Product Delivery
Click Here for product list
Click Here for more detail about Best Pharma Company Chandigarh Gurnex Biotech
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jointpaindoctor · 22 days
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jointpaindoctor · 1 month
Experience Expert Back Pain Care in Chandigarh with Dr. Manu Mengi
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Looking for the Best Back Pain Treatment in Chandigarh? Look no further than Dr. Manu Mengi, a renowned Back Pain Specialist and Orthopedic Doctor dedicated to providing top-notch care and relief. With a commitment to excellence and a wealth of experience, Dr. Manu Mengi stands out as the premier choice for individuals seeking effective solutions for back pain.
As a Back Pain Specialist in Chandigarh, Dr. Manu Mengi offers comprehensive and personalized treatment plans tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient. Whether you're suffering from acute or chronic back pain, Dr. Manu Mengi employs cutting-edge techniques and evidence-based approaches to alleviate discomfort and restore mobility.
At Dr. Manu Mengi's Ortho Clinic in Chandigarh, patients receive compassionate care in a welcoming environment. From thorough evaluations and accurate diagnoses to advanced treatments and follow-up care, Dr. Manu Mengi ensures that every individual receives the attention and support they deserve on their journey to recovery.
With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to patient satisfaction, Dr. Manu Mengi has earned recognition as the Best Back Pain Doctor in Chandigarh. His dedication to delivering exceptional outcomes has helped countless individuals regain control over their lives and enjoy improved quality of life.
Don't let back pain hold you back any longer. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Manu Mengi, the Best Doctor for Back Pain in Chandigarh, and take the first step towards a pain-free future. Experience the difference that expert care and personalized attention can make at one of Chandigarh's leading Orthopedic Clinics. Your journey to relief starts here!
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jointpaindoctor · 1 month
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jointpaindoctor · 1 month
Tailoring Arthritis Treatment: Insights from a Leading Specialist in Chandigarh – Dr. Manu Mengi
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In the realm of arthritis treatment, customization is key. Each patient presents with unique symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle factors that influence the management approach. As an Arthritis Specialist in Chandigarh, Dr. Manu Mengi recognizes the importance of understanding the different types of arthritis to deliver personalized care. From rheumatoid arthritis to osteoarthritis, let’s delve into how treatment approaches are customized for optimal outcomes.
Understanding the Landscape of Arthritis
Arthritis encompasses a spectrum of conditions characterized by inflammation and stiffness in the joints. Among the most prevalent types are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder, while osteoarthritis is typically associated with wear and tear on the joints. Each condition demands a tailored approach to treatment.
The Role of a Rheumatoid Arthritis Specialist in Chandigarh
As a leading Rheumatoid Arthritis Specialist in Chandigarh, Dr. Manu Mengi specializes in managing this complex autoimmune condition. Rheumatoid arthritis requires early intervention to prevent joint damage and disability. Dr. Manu Mengi employs a multifaceted approach that may include disease-modifying medications, lifestyle modifications, and physical therapy to alleviate symptoms and preserve joint function.
Customized Care for Osteoarthritis
In contrast, osteoarthritis often necessitates a different treatment strategy. As the Best Orthopedic Doctor in Chandigarh, Dr. Mengi focuses on addressing pain management, improving joint mobility, and optimizing overall musculoskeletal health. From tailored exercise regimens to minimally invasive procedures, his goal is to enhance quality of life for patients living with osteoarthritis.
Ortho Clinic in Chandigarh: A Hub of Comprehensive Care
At Dr. Mengi’s Ortho Clinic in Chandigarh, patients receive comprehensive and compassionate care for a range of orthopedic conditions, including arthritis. As the Best Ortho Doctor in Chandigarh, he combines expertise with a patient-centric approach to deliver optimal outcomes. From diagnosis to treatment and rehabilitation, Dr. Manu Mengi and his team are committed to empowering patients on their journey to improved joint health.
Navigating Treatment Options
With advancements in medical science and technology, the landscape of arthritis treatment continues to evolve. Dr. Manu Mengi stays at the forefront of innovation, offering cutting-edge therapies tailored to each patient’s needs. Whether it’s exploring biological medications for rheumatoid arthritis or recommending lifestyle modifications for osteoarthritis, his approach is rooted in evidence-based medicine and personalized care.
Orthopedic Clinics in Chandigarh: Your Path to Joint Wellness
For individuals seeking the Best Orthopedic Doctor in Chandigarh, Dr. Manu Mengi’s clinic stands as a beacon of hope. Beyond treating arthritis, his expertise extends to a myriad of orthopedic conditions, ensuring comprehensive musculoskeletal care under one roof. From diagnosis to treatment and follow-up, patients can expect unparalleled support on their healing journey.
In conclusion, understanding the different types of arthritis is essential for tailoring treatment approaches that address each patient’s unique needs. As a renowned Arthritis Specialist in Chandigarh, Dr. Manu Mengi embodies this personalized approach, offering hope and healing to individuals living with arthritis.
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jointpaindoctor · 2 months
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jointpaindoctor · 2 months
Your Arthritis Solution: Expert Orthopedic Care in Chandigarh
Are you seeking relief from the debilitating effects of arthritis? Look no further than Dr. Manu Mengi, the Leading Arthritis Specialist in Chandigarh. With unparalleled expertise and dedication, Dr. Mengi offers comprehensive care and innovative treatments to alleviate your pain and improve your quality of life.
As a renowned Rheumatoid Arthritis Specialist in Chandigarh, Dr. Mengi understands the challenges faced by patients dealing with this condition. He combines his vast knowledge with state-of-the-art medical technologies to provide personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's needs.
At our Ortho Clinic in Chandigarh, patients receive the highest standard of care from a compassionate and skilled team led by Dr. Manu Mengi. Whether you're seeking relief from osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or any other orthopedic condition, we are here to help.
Dr. Manu Mengi isn't just recognized as the Best Ortho Doctor in Chandigarh; he's also renowned as the Best Orthopedic Doctor Chandigarh has to offer. His commitment to excellence and patient-centred approach make him the go-to orthopedician for individuals seeking top-notch care.
Don't let arthritis dictate your life. Take the first step towards a pain-free future by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Manu Mengi today. Experience the difference that expert orthopedic care can make in your journey towards better health and mobility.
For the Best Arthritis Treatment in Chandigarh, trust Dr. Manu Mengi and his dedicated team at our Orthopedic Clinics in Chandigarh. Your well-being is our priority, and we are here to support you every step of the way.
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jointpaindoctor · 3 months
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