#Tiziana Drautos
a-world-in-grey · 1 year
Sola/Blood of my Blood - Sola and Tiziana
@secret-engima going back through your fem!titus tag and came across Tiziana getting put on guard duty for a heavily pregnant Aulea, and I'm like - Sola would be there. Sola would absolutely be there because from the moment she learns she's getting a little sibling she refuses to leave her mother's side she's so excited and determined to help her mom.
Just picture Tiziana's first real meeting with Aulea being the first time she really meets Sola. Tiz has heard of the Crown Princess of course, the entire Crownsguard knows of the Marshal's godsdaughter and how doting/protective he is of the girl. How proud he is of the little prodigy he trains nearly every day.
She doesn't expect, when Aulea introduces Sola to her, for the girl to look up at her with awe on her face and immediately say, "So tall."
"Yes, Drautos is very tall." Aulea says with amusement while Tiziana flounders for a response to that out of the blue comment.
"Taller than Uncle." Sola insists, looking like she wasn't aware such a thing was even possible.
Which is how Tiziana finds herself with an admirer.
Sola also fully believes Tiziana when she says that Aulea is going to have a boy, and she lights up at the idea of a little brother. Regis finds himself outnumbered at that point, and him asking if Sola doesn't want a little sister is met with a confused expression and Sola's innocent "But Mama's having a boy," backed up with the reasoning that "Mama and 'Draw-tos' say so."
Of course, then Aulea goes into premature labor, and Sola wants to come with to the hospital, and the only reason she's only breaking half a dozen traffic laws - mostly speeding laws - is because Sola's in the backseat with Aulea because Sola refused to be left behind and Aulea pointed out it wasn't worth the time it would take to argue with the girl. (Of course, Cor is not happy to hear Sola's voice in the background of Drautos' call, excitedly telling Cor that 'Mama's having the baby!' He orders Drautos to keep Sola with her at all times, even if Drautos has to go with the baby to the NICU.)
Fortunately, Sola seems fine despite the yelling Aulea is doing in the delivery room, more excited to tell Cor about how Drautos got Cor's car to start without any keys and how fast Drautos drove down the road. Sola looks up at Drautos and asks if she can learn to drive like that, and Drautos can feel Cor's stare drilling into the side of her head when she replies that Sola will have to wait until she's sixteen. But if she asks the Marshal very nicely, he might let her learn how cars work. Cor lasts approximately two seconds under Sola's stare before folding like wet paper, and Drautos hides a snicker.
And just... Tiziana becoming 'Aunt Tiz' well before Cor and Tiz get into a relationship. Tiz being the main female role model for Sola after Aulea's death. And then Tiz having to balance being Sola's Captain versus being her aunt after Sola joins the glaives. Not that Tiz goes any easier on Sola. If anything, Tiziana is even harder on Sola than the rest of the glaives, because she knows full well what kind of training Sola went through under Cor and Sola can handle it.
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secret-engima · 4 years
@secret-engima okay, but like, at formal events does she wear high heels? Just, Tol Wife is even Toller, at 6’11 or 7 feet tall, in a stunning dress that does not disguise the fact that she is sufficiently strong enough to effectively break people with her bare hands.  And her poor poor glaives have to reconcile the woman they’re used to seeing in full armor now looking like a noblewoman - not dainty, Titus couldn’t be dainty if she tried - and seeing Cor with the most lovesick expression.
Me: *wheezes* YES. OH ABSOLUTELY YES. Once they’re married (it takes a while) then Tiziana does actually sometimes dress up like a noblewoman. Most of the time she goes in uniform actually, but once in a blue moon she dolls up as Cor’s Wife instead of Captain of the Kingsglaive and just- there is no better power move than gliding in with a strapless cocktail dress that shows off her scars and Well-Defined Muscles while also rocking a pair of Serious Heels.
The gossiping noblewomen and socialites HATE her because she “stole” the Marshal from them and also oh so clearly blows them out of the water when she dresses up.
The first time she does it the glaives on guard duty are just- they are dead. Slain. Their brains are blank their mouths are gaping. More then a few crushes form against their will because OH NO. OH NO CAPTAIN IS HOT. WHAT HAPPENED. HOW. HOW IS THAT OUR CAPTAIN. IS THIS SOME KIND OF NOBLEWOMAN TWIN OF CAPTAIN AND NOT REALLY CAPTAIN??????
They might honestly toy with the doppelgänger idea until Drautos murmurs smugly at a gaping Tredd to “Don’t let the flies in Furia.” and it is just UNQUESTIONABLY CAPTAIN strutting around in a cocktail dress and towering at 7+ feet in her heels.
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