thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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As soon s father went to bed, I got dressed and went directly to the Goth Mansion. Something was not right with father.  I was almost certain some kind of spell had been put on him by either, Maggie or Dante.  I need to see Philip and I had to do it now, before father left to go to the mountains with her.  I was unable to feel any thing much from either of them, but I just knew that something was not right.  Bella was my first inclination. She didn’t like Dante, at all...
As soon as I reached the doors to the Goth’s they opened and Timothy and Joanna were there to great me....
JOANNA- “Elias Boedell, do come in. My father has been expecting you.”
TIMOTHY- “Hello Eli, they are downstairs, I can take you down.”
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ELIAS- “I think I can find my own way, Timothy, but thank you.”
JOANNA- “Oh, Elias, don’t be so funny. Timothy was not being hospitable, that is the only way you can go downstairs, you need a chaperone, dear....You must learn the ways soon or you may very well not last very long, my dear boy...”
TIMOTHY- “Ignore her, Eli, she has been drinking.  Follow me, please. Alex is downstairs as well.”
Just the mention of his name, and my heart jumped. It had been days since our encounter in the garden. I could still feel his lips on mine, even if it wasn’t a kiss of romance, I wanted to feel it again...
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gothfactory · 6 years
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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I followed Timothy down the stairwell, and then to the second leading to the crypt as I called it. He stopped me before entering...
TIMOTHY- “I will announce you, you must be invited in, sorry.”
He walked behind the door, I could hear him as he spoke...
TIMOTHY- “Grandfather, Elias Boedell is here...”
PHILIP- “Elias!!  Do come in, we have someone here for oyu to meet, we have been waiting for you.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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PHILIP- “Timothy, it is vital that we act now!  Don’t you understand?  No, of course you don’t, you never wanted part of this.  I had to force you to use your gifts. If we do not do something now, our kind will be destroyed, and our powers will be of no use.  All will turn to dark magics. This Boedell boy is the 13th of his generation, he is of Boedell and pure Goth Blood. If we do not show him what is about to happen, it will be for another 13 generations before we can do anything!  By then, we will be finished and it will be too late!”
TIMOTHY- “Forgive me Grandfather. I do understand.”
PHILIP- “This boy HAS to come into his gifts!  He HAS to!!! So this dinner will be the stepping stone tonight. We have to get to him, before they do.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Philip looks at his other grandson, Timothy, who is younger than Alex and is somewhat separated from all of this, as he has been away at Windenburg at school...
PHILIP- “Timothy, what do you make of your brother? Is he turning soft on us, or maybe he is falling in love with this beautiful Boedell boy? These Boedell’s seem to have a power over us Goth’s, do you think your brother has been smitten?”
Timothy looks at his brother, not knowing what to say, and not wanting to cause any animosity towards his brother, but at the same time, wanting to be respectful of his grandfather...Alex sees his dilemma...
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ALEX- “Grandfather, nothing is going on with Elias and I like that. I just like the guy. He has lived his life in a shell regarding his gifts, and he is powerless against them, and they have controlled him...”
JOANNA- “The boy had no recourse, because his grandmother refused to allow he and his father to be what they are!!”
PHILIP- “And for the sake of all of us, it is our responsibility to see to it that he is educated and brought into the light before the darkness completely over takes him, and eventually all of us!!”
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Timothy finally speaks....
TIMOTHY- “You make this sound so melodramatic and apocalyptic., Grandfather. This war has been going on for generations between those of us in the light, and those that practice the dark magics. This Boedell’s boy’s own ancestors were killed trying to save our family from their evil. Why is it now, so important that we do this? It’s an ongoing battle, and always will be.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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PHILIP- “So this Boedell Boy, he knows nothing about what is going on?”
ALEX- “If he does he has not given me any indication in regards to any of it. His grandmother did very well at seeing to it that the Boedell Legacy became dead in the world of magics.”
PHILIP- “And such a dis-service to all of us I may add. We have to enlighten this boy, Alex. You have done good getting him here for dinner.”
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ALEX- “Just so you know, I don’t feel good about any of it. I really like this guy, and he is totally unaware of his gifts, if he even has any. I feel like I got him here under false pretenses, and once he realizes that he is going to hate me...hate all of us.”
PHILIP- “He must know, Alex.  It is for all of our benefits, including his own, and that of his father, his legacy! The dark magics are running rampant, and if we do not do anything to stop it, they will conquer not only the remaining white-lighters, but the non witch community as well.  You know this Alex!”
ALEX- “I do...yes, and I understand.  I just wish that there was another way to reach out to him. Be more honest. I really do like him, and he has been hurt and I just don’t want to add to his pain right now.”
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