timelord-emmet · 9 months
The Differences of Sneaslers
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TimeLine A and B are known to mirror each other but also have differences like how some pokémon have some certain patterns.
TimeLine A:
Lady Sneasler’s fur is naturally scruffy, has a extra diamond on her chest and spike pattern.
TimeLine B:
Lady Sneasler has a more floofy and curved fur to help stay warm in the cold Highlands with some softer patterns .
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minyoukyung · 4 years
BTS Imagine #14: Quarantine (Part 1)
Word count: 2,039
Members featured: All
Description: The COVID-19 quarantine has been affecting everyone across the globe, but in South Korea, being quarantined with the global stars known as BTS is an entirely different experience, in many unexpected ways.
"Coffee," Yoongi murmured sleepily. "Need coffee."
I slid his usual black ceramic mug across the table towards him, the delicate tendrils of steam floating upwards. He inhaled slightly, taking in a whiff of the freshly brewed drink before sipping tentatively.
"Mmm, thank you," he said softly, already lifting the mug back up to his lips.
I smiled at him. He was always so cute in the mornings.
Quarantine... was not ideal, to say the least. Even though we were past what was considered the worst of it, I hadn't been able to go back to my apartment for weeks. I had been advised to avoid contact with my house mates, so I'd been staying at the dorms, which was a little much sometimes. Living with seven boys part-time pre COVID-19 had been one thing; living with them full-time was another thing entirely.
Of course, I could never be upset about being able to share small, quiet moments like this with Yoongi.
I sat down at the table across from him, my own cup of coffee in hand. His eyes were still blurry with sleep, his nose scrunched cutely as he continued to sip at his coffee. He extended his hand wordlessly and I accepted it. Our hands were almost exactly the same size, which meant that our fingers laced together effortlessly.
"Tsk tsk, Youkyung," Seokjin reprimanded teasingly as he walked into the kitchen. "Big Hit doesn't pay you to hold Yoongi's hand."
"I thought that's exactly what I get paid to do?" I said, feigning confusion.
Yoongi smiled shyly, his cheeks turning pink over the brim of his mug.
"Are we going to get started on breakfast?" Jin asked, changing the subject with an expression of mock disgust on his face.
"More coffee," Yoongi mumbled, holding out his now empty cup.
"Do I look like a maid to you?" Jin demanded.
I got up from the table, patting Jin's shoulder as I passed him on the way to the coffee pot.
"Noona, you baby him too much," Jimin commented, wandering in still wearing his soft Chimmy pajamas. "Baby me instead."
"Like she doesn't always baby you, you brat," Taehyung teased, he and Jungkook following behind him in their own Tata and Cooky pajamas.
"Does everyone have BT21 pajamas but me?" I complained, envious.
"We can get you some!" Jimin promised immediately. "And then when we all have our pajamas, we can have a giant sleepover in the living room!"
"But whose pajamas would you get?" Hoseok wondered out loud, strolling into the room and the conversation casually. He was not wearing his Mang pajamas but I bet he had them in his room somewhere.
"Maybe Van?" I suggested. "Since Van doesn't really belong to any one member."
Namjoon sat down at the table, his hair still messy and his loose T-shirt wrinkled. He leaned forward on one elbow, hand cupping his cheek adorably and brow furrowed slightly.
"Who is your favorite BT21 character, noona?" he asked.
I froze.
None of the members had ever been inside of my room at my apartment, but if they had, they would have seen shelves lined with RJ products, as well as the RJ standing doll that I kept on my bed for cuddling purposes.
I wasn’t about to admit all of that.
The boys were all staring at me, Namjoon in particular completely oblivious to the chaos he had unknowingly caused inside of my head, so I tried to keep my expression neutral.
"Noona really likes pink so maybe Cooky?" Jungkook guessed, although his expression looked a little smug.
Truthfully speaking, I had at least one thing of every BT21 character, but all of my RJ possessions far outnumbered the rest. The only other character that came close was Shooky, out of loyalty to Yoongi.
"I think to be fair, I should just get Van pajamas," I said evasively.
"I think you're hiding something," Jin said shrewdly, raising an eyebrow at me.
"I think you should get started on breakfast, Kim Seokjin," I told him flatly.
"What am I--"
"'A maid?'" I finished his question. "Yes, absolutely. Would you like me to tie your apron for you?"
I took his apron that was hanging on one of the cabinet knobs and stood on tiptoe to pull it over his head. It was pink and had the words “Please do nothing to the cook” stitched on the front.
"Make omelets, everyone likes those," I said softly as I tied a pretty bow in the back.
Jin’s face was bright red, all the way to the tips of his ears. I squeezed his arm and then walked back to the kitchen table where Yoongi was staring at me strangely. I made a face at him and he made the face back.
"Oh no, the twins are at it again with their silent communication," Hoseok said jokingly.
Yoongi and I both turned to look at him with our mouths stretched into a line, making identical expressions just to fluster him.
"What's on our schedule for today?" Namjoon wondered.
"Studio," I answered. "For the Japanese album."
BTS didn't stop during quarantine. They'd had to cancel their tour but they had decided to make use of the time they now had to work on new music. I'd already spent a good amount of time in Genius Lab with Yoongi while he worked on lyrics. It was one of the places we could go for the time being, but as the weeks dragged on, it was already becoming as confining to me as the dorms.
"You can all take your lessons during your breaks from recording," I continued. "I finished the lesson plan last night."
Namjoon nodded in affirmation and Hoseok chirped out an “Okay!” Yoongi and Jin both hummed to indicate that they understood; and Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook all shot me a thumbs up in unison.
Trying to squeeze English lessons into their hectic schedules was a bit easier now, but they still had to be done in small increments. Jungkook always tried to drag them out, eager to join Namjoon during interviews, but I had been specifically instructed not to make their lessons too lengthy. They had to be designed to fit into whatever free time they had, so their progress was not as fast as any of them would have liked.
While Jin got started on the omelets the maknae line went to go get changed; and Hoseok and Namjoon relocated to the living room to talk about lyrics for the new Japanese album. Yoongi and I remained at the kitchen table, drinking our coffee and whisking waffle batter.
“So are you going to tell me why you were flirting with Jin earlier?” Yoongi asked me nonchalantly as he plugged the waffle maker into the outlet on the wall closest to the table.
“I wasn’t flirting with him,” I disagreed. “I was teasing him. He should know what it feels like from time to time, since he does it to everyone else.”
“It looked like flirting.”
“Well, it wasn’t.”
Yoongi shrugged, pouring batter into the waffle maker as if it didn’t really matter to him either way. I huffed audibly and he smiled, even though his attention was on making sure the batter spread evenly.
Life during quarantine had become pretty stagnant. I didn’t want to say that I was bored, because being the English tutor for the biggest group in the world could never be boring. I also didn’t want to say that I was fed up because there were certainly worse people to be stuck at home with. It was just difficult not having space to breathe sometimes. Everywhere I went, one of the boys was there. I missed my apartment, my room, my things--everything that made it my space.
As I watched Yoongi manning the waffle maker diligently, I felt a little guilty for wanting separation. He was my favorite person in the world and I had so much of his attention. I tried to push the intrusive thoughts out of my mind, taking a sip of my coffee to ground myself again.
Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook came back, dressed in casual attire yet looking so effortlessly beautiful, it was unfair.
“What do you kids want on your waffles?” I asked them.
The room was immediately filled with the sounds of five different voices shouting their favorite toppings. I rolled my eyes. They really were like children sometimes, children I attempted to raise even though we were close in age. I left Yoongi at the table to mind the waffles, grabbing a clean cutting board and knife so that I could start chopping up fruit.
“Smells good, Jinnie,” I complimented, inhaling the delicious aroma of garlic, butter, and cheese.
“Of course it does,” he huffed. “I am an amazing chef, after all.”
I shook my head fondly, concentrating on the fruit I was cutting up. On anyone else, I would think that Jin’s behavior was insufferable, but he always got away with it. It was just the way things were.
Without tour dates and flights to factor in, my daily life had changed a little bit more than the boys’ had during this quarantine. I powered through entire books like it was nothing, something that I hadn’t done since I had been in university. I played Just Dance Now pretty religiously, my choice of fitness activity since I hated working out. I took on kitchen duty much more often just to have something to do, although I didn’t mind since I loved cooking; and cooking with Yoongi and Jin was always an enjoyable experience. I started writing again, fictions that sprung from the depths of my imagination and formed brilliant universes of their own. I worked on getting better at photography. I focused on taking care of myself.
All those things were good, healthy, productive... but I went from the dorms to the Big Hit building to Genius Lab and back to the dorms again, day in and day out. It wasn’t bad, but it was... something.
I sighed.
Jin heard me, looking over at me questioningly. I shrugged it off, sliding the neatly cut fruit off the cutting board into a glass bowl with my knife. I placed the cutting board and knife into the sink to wash later and took the bowl of fruit to the table.
The stack of waffles in front of Yoongi had grown. I ruffled his hair affectionately with my free hand and he leaned into my touch.
What a softie, I thought.
A few more flips of the waffle maker later and breakfast was ready. I helped Jin plate all the omelets, which were filled with gooey melted cheese, fresh spinach, truffles, and grape tomatoes cut in halves.
“Yay! Thank you for making breakfast, hyungs and noona!” Jimin cheered, clapping his adorably tiny hands happily.
A chorus of “thank you”s floated around the table.
“You kids better be grateful,” Jin said, no real firmness in his tone.
As the eight of us sat around the kitchen table--an extra large dining set that the company had purchased just to accommodate all of us--I felt the familiar warmth in my chest that I usually felt whenever I looked at my little family. I soaked up the feeling, reveling in the fondness and love I had for each of them. I couldn’t keep being selfish, wanting space from them when there were no better people to be quarantined with.
Yoongi, sensing my emotional state, reached for my hand under the table, squeezing gently. I squeezed back, smiling at him. I slung an arm around Jungkook, who was sitting on my other side. I looked around the table.
“I love you guys,” I told them.
Immediately, a round of “aw”s met my ears and before I knew it, I was crushed beneath the weight of seven boys who had latched onto me in a giant group hug.
“We purple you, noona,” Taehyung said earnestly.
I felt tears well up in the corner of my eyes. I knew how much the phrase meant to him and how much it meant coming from him.
My family. My perfect little family.
“Alright, get off, you’re squishing me!”
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timelord-emmet · 10 months
TimeLine B (Role Reversal)
Warden Emmet
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Placed him Pearl Clan cause i can .
First Partner a full blown Mismagius .
Size of pokémon : Large ( not a Alpha, just big)
Personality : Mischievous
Info: Emmet doesn’t know why but something about having a purple ghost around him reminds him of something or SOMEONE important who had a purple ghost too.
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timelord-emmet · 10 months
New Header Art::
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As time goes by and Emmet adjusts to his powers and managing the multiple time streams he started realising he can edit the space around him or plane of existence that he usually floats in when looking at the time streams.
Of course he found out he can make a sort of order and categorisations , he made a station for himself that helps him jump between TimeLines .
TimeLine A is HIS Timeline while TimeLine B is the role reversal Timeline where HE disappeared and Ingo was left behind becoming a TimeLord instead, the two sometimes meet as they appear on the same platform when managing the place.
Its super weird honestly
: Note: I SUCK at digital art so used a template for a real simple look and its a bit rough cause I hardly do this and have such patience with it:
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minyoukyung · 4 years
BTS Imagine #14: Quarantine (Part 3)
Word count: 1,904
Members featured: All
Description: What better people to be quarantined with than BTS? The eight of us have a sleepover in the living room, watch movies, and talk about what we want to do once the quarantine has been lifted.
"Noona! There's something here for you!"
I looked towards my door, hearing the faint sound of Jimin's voice calling me from the living room.
I looked back down at the lesson plan I was working on. It wasn't going to finish itself but after being stuck for the past hour and a half, a break wouldn't hurt.
"Noona, noona, noona!" Jimin gushed, practically bouncing with excitement.
"What is it?" I asked him, tilting my head to one side in confusion.
Taehyung was holding a box in his arms, which he was holding out to me. Jungkook handed me a pair of scissors to slice through the masking tape. While Taehyung kept a secure grip on the box, I cut it open, the contents revealing themselves as a pair of brand new BT21 pajamas with all eight characters on them.
I took the pajamas out of the box, holding them up to get a better look at them.
"Those haven't been released yet," Namjoon informed me.
I looked away from the pajamas at the sound of his voice, now noticing that all seven members had gathered in the living room to watch me open the package.
"They're part of the new home collection that's supposed to drop next month," Hoseok added. "We thought you should test them out before everyone else."
"I know you said you wanted to get Van pajamas to be fair to everyone," Jungkook said, doe eyes twinkling. "But since you're our friend, we thought you should have some with all of the characters, so that you have a small piece of each of us with you when you wear them."
"Kookie," I whispered, tears welling up in the corners of my eyes. "Why would you say something like that?"
"Ah, noona's crying!" Jimin exclaimed, running up to me and throwing his arms around me.
I immediately found myself in the middle of a maknae line plus Hoseok group hug.
“You know what this means, right?” Jungkook told me, his voice muffled thanks to the surrounding bodies. “This means you’re ours, noona! No one else can have you!”
"What it means is that now we can have our sleepover!" Taehyung said cheerfully. "Let's go shopping for snacks!"
I wiped my eyes with my free hand, the other still holding onto the pajamas.
"Okay," I started, sniffling slightly. "Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jimin will go get snacks. Seokjin and Hoseok will set up the living room. Yoongi and Jungkook will pick the movies. I'm going to go finish this lesson plan and then we'll all meet back here in an hour, alright?"
Everyone made noises of agreement and Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jimin left at once to stock up on snacks for the night. Jin and Hoseok started searching the dorms for all the pillows and blankets they could get their hands on to make the living room extra comfortable. Jungkook immediately started poring over the collection of DVDs that were kept on the shelves by the TV.
Yoongi leaned in to whisper in my ear.
"I got you Shooky slippers to go with that," he admitted, referring to the pajamas. "Just so everyone knows where your loyalties lie."
I covered my face with my hands, knowing that I would now wear nothing else around the dorms except those slippers.
An hour later, the eight of us met back up in the living room, all wearing our BT21 pajamas.
"Why are you wearing those?" Seokjin demanded at once, pointing at my Shooky slippers.
"Yoongi got them for me," I replied defensively.
"Hyung! That's cheating!" Jimin whined, his lips puckered in full pout mode.
Yoongi shrugged.
"I did nothing wrong."
"You did nothing wrong?" Seokjin repeated, dumbfounded. "The whole point of us getting Youkyung pajamas with all of the characters was so that we are all equally represented and you just--"
"Okay, which movie are we going to watch first?" I asked hastily, grabbing Yoongi's hand and dragging him over to one of the sofas and away from Jin's murderous glare.
Namjoon went to fetch the bags of snacks and drinks that he, Taehyung, and Jimin had bought at the nearest convenience store, dumping the contents on the floor so everyone could view the selection. Taehyung immediately tossed me some of my favorites, as well as some of Yoongi's.
"Mmm, banana milk," Jungkook sighed happily, the plastic straw already between his lips as he put the first movie into the DVD player.
"Wh-whose idea w-was it t-to watch The L-L-Lion King?" Hoseok spluttered, tears streaming down his face twenty minutes later.
Yoongi pointed a finger at Jungkook at once, not willing to take an ounce of blame for Hoseok's distraught condition.
After finishing The Lion King, we took a break to play some casual ice breakers and really dig into the snacks and drinks.
"Would you rather..." Seokjin paused for dramatic effect, wiggling his eyebrows mischievously. "Never be able to walk again or... never be able to hear again?"
"Never be able to walk again," Yoongi replied predictably. "If I have use of my ears, I can still write and produce music."
"I would miss going places," Jimin said thoughtfully, "but if I couldn't hear, I would never get to enjoy the sounds of the members’ laughter."
"Cheesy," I teased him.
"What about you, noona?" Taehyung asked me.
"I'd rather be able to hear," I answered honestly. "I would die if I couldn't listen to music anymore. Besides, Yoongi can just push me around in my wheelchair."
"Good luck with that," Hoseok snickered. "What if his legs are broken, too?"
"Then Jungkook and Namjoon can push us," Yoongi decided. "They have the most muscular arms."
"You know I would push your wheelchair, hyung," Namjoon said seriously.
"I would push noona's wheelchair everywhere! Wherever she wanted to go!" Jungkook declared, sticking his chest out proudly.
"Don't make promises you can't keep," I teased him. "I'm very demanding."
"Well, I would do it!" he insisted.
"Cute," I told him, reaching out and pinching his cheek affectionately.
"Okay, I have one," Taehyung said, eyes lighting up. "What's the first thing you want to do once quarantine's over?"
"Concert!" Jimin shouted immediately, raising his tiny fists high. "Tour! Meet ARMYs!"
"Travel," Namjoon replied thoughtfully.
"Mhm, travel," Hoseok agreed.
"Fishing!" Seokjin added. "In another country! I never thought I would say this but I'm tired of playing games at home."
I let out an exaggerated gasp, placing a hand over my heart dramatically.
"Kim Seokjin? Tired of playing games?"
"I know, I can't believe it, either," he said with a sigh. "Yoongi-ah, go fishing with me in Norway."
"Ah, why me?" Yoongi complained.
"Because you like fishing," I answered for Jin, poking Yoongi in the ribs playfully. "And you like fishing with your hyung."
"Wow, look at noona exposing hyung like that and he doesn't even blink," Jungkook pointed out.
Yoongi ignored them, his cheeks tinged with pink. I grabbed his hand, squeezing it to help alleviate some of his embarrassment.
"I want to go to Paris," I told the others. "I want to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower at night and look at the stars."
"I want to go back to all the places we visited during our last tour," Taehyung said. "It would be nice to spend more time there."
"You haven't told us what you want to do, Yoonie," I reminded Yoongi, squeezing his hand for emphasis.
He pursed his lips thoughtfully, thinking for a few moments before he said, "I want to go to another Dodgers game."
"Hmm, all of our answers involve travel in some form," Namjoon commented, taking a sip from his Yakult. "I guess I'm not really surprised. Travel is the foundation of experience, to a certain extent."
"Eloquent as always, Joonie," I said, touching my Yakult to his. "Cheers!"
After sharing our thoughts with each other, we started another movie, the first Iron Man film--and another Jungkook selection, without a doubt.
"You let him pick all the movies, didn't you?" I muttered to Yoongi so that only he could hear.
He shrugged, his expression slightly sheepish.
"He looked so happy picking out the movies," he replied defensively. "I didn't have the heart to veto any of his choices."
A second later--
“Did Jungkook pick all the movies?” Jimin demanded.
“Bingo,” Namjoon answered. “You know Yoongi lets Jungkook do whatever he wants.”
Yoongi shrugged, unaffected by their accusations even though he had been embarrassed when I had posed the same question only moments ago.
We managed to get through another round of games and another movie before Jimin had started falling asleep against Taehyung’s shoulder and Namjoon had started snoring, his head back. Hoseok was cuddled up next to Jimin, fighting the urge to fall asleep; and Yoongi was laying across the couch, his head in my lap and his eyes half open as I combed my fingers through his hair. Seokjin and Jungkook, both of whom had extensive experience staying up late to play games, were the only ones still mostly alert.
Jin and Hoseok had moved the couches around so that there was plenty of room for all of us to sleep on the floor, which was piled high with various blankets and pillows.
“I think it’s time to hit the lights, kids,” I said, taking in the varying states of drowsiness around the room.
Everyone started to arrange themselves in their sleeping positions for the night, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Hoseok making up the biggest cuddle party in one area of the room. Namjoon and Seokjin each claimed their own spot; and Yoongi and I moved to a spot on the other side of the room from them. Yoongi had grabbed all the pillows he could get his hands on, knowing that I needed to have my head propped up to keep from coughing while I was asleep.
Before I could reach over to the nearest light switch to turn off the living room lights, Seokjin had darted forward with surprising speed and agility, snatching the Shooky slippers that were dangling off my feet. In the split second before my finger flipped the light switch, he had tossed them towards the kitchen.
At first, there was darkness and silence as everyone held their breath.
And then--
“Kim Seokjin!”
When the lights came back on, Yoongi was sitting upright, his expression stony as he glared daggers at Jin, who stared back at him innocently from across the room. The younger ones all watched with wide eyes and open mouths while Namjoon and Hoseok exchanged glances of discomfort. I couldn’t even look at the fiend as I ran to the kitchen to fetch my slippers, cradling them in my arms as I took them back to my room to protect them from Jin.
“Let’s go to sleep,” I huffed when I returned, turning the lights off again.
Even in the dark, I could tell that Yoongi was still sitting up. I reached out for his arm in the darkness, tugging on his pajama sleeve. Feeling the tugging sensation, he laid down and we shifted until we were both on our sides facing each other. I could barely make out his features in the dark, so I reached out and took one of his hands, squeezing it reassuringly.
“It’s okay,” he whispered to me. “I’m going to get you a Shooky sleep mask, too.”
“Min Yoongi, don’t you dare!”
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minyoukyung · 4 years
BTS Imagine #14: Quarantine (Part 2)
Word count: 1,528
Members featured: Yoongi, Seokjin, Jungkook, and Hoseok
Description: I accompany Yoongi, Seokjin, and Jungkook to the shooting of the music video for a new Agust D song and there are, of course, laughs and shenanigans to be had.
"Come on, you guys need to be in makeup!"
I pushed Yoongi, Jin, and Jungkook in the right direction. I didn't know why I was here when there were no English lessons to be had, but I suspected that Yoongi had asked for me to be there, which was often the case when I ended up at things where I was not really needed.
Yoongi was filming the music video for "Daechwita," the lead single on his new mixtape, D-2. Jin and Jungkook were to be extras, boasting that Yoongi had begged them to be in it. Yoongi, of course, had scoffed in denial.
It wasn't up to me to decide what the truth was.
Yoongi had been swearing up and down the timeline to fans that Agust D2 was not happening anytime soon, just to throw them off. He wanted it to be a pleasant surprise and he wanted everyone to be impressed with what he had created.
As I watched the makeup noonas bustle around the three of them, I remembered sitting on the couch in Genius Lab and listening to the mixtape for the first time. I was so fiercely proud of him. Everything he touched turned to gold, his genius both bountiful and awe-inspiring.
I went outside to take a call from Manager Sejin, who was asking for an update on the shoot.
When I came back inside, Seokjin had a beard, Jungkook looked like his usual cute self, and Yoongi had a striking scar on his face.
"Wow," I whistled. "Look at you."
"Even like this, I look handsome," Jin said, stroking his fake beard. "But that was to be expected."
I rolled my eyes.
"Alright, let's go," I said, herding them to the filming location. "We're on a schedule, boys."
I tried to pay attention to what was going on during the shoot but I had other tasks to attend to. I had brought my tablet with me, using the attached wireless keyboard balanced on my knees to draft another lesson plan, send emails, and keep everything in order. Sejin may have been BTS's manager but Big Hit really should have made me his assistant after everything I did to keep the seven of them from falling into complete chaos..
There was an upcoming break noted on the schedule, so I went to grab some coffee for Yoongi.
When I came back, he was already jogging over to me, making grabby hands.
"Coffee, coffee, coffee," he chanted happily.
"So cute," I whispered, handing him the cup.
He sipped at it gratefully, closing his eyes in contented bliss. He made such a contrasting picture, dressed to look like an intimidating scoundrel while he clutched his coffee cutely.
"Alright, back to makeup," I reminded him. "I'll see you when you're done. I need to update Sejin-nim."
He dropped a kiss on my forehead with coffee-scented lips before heading off to the makeup noonas again.
I tried not to seem so affected. His little gestures of affection still caught me off guard at times, even after several months of living with him.
By the time Yoongi had returned, I had finished talking to Manager Sejin. When I looked up from my phone, my breath caught in my throat a little.
Yoongi still had the scar from before, only now he was dressed in ornate ceremonial clothing of black and gold. But more stunning than his outfit was his beautiful, long, blond hair.
"Do I look okay?" he asked me, his voice tentative and unsure.
"Okay? Do you look okay?" I shook my head. "Min Yoongi, don't tell Jin I said this but you're the most beautiful man alive."
"You're just saying that because we're family," he teased, although his cheeks had turned pink.
"No, I really mean it," I insisted, grabbing his hand. "I don't know why you're so much prettier than me. It's so unfair."
"Stop it," he said, squeezing my hand. "We can get a blonde wig for you, too."
I choked on air.
"Okay, you--need--to go," I coughed. "They're--waiting for you."
He squeezed my hand again then dashed off to resume filming. Jungkook and Jin, both back in regular clothing, came out after having all their makeup washed off to join me.
"Wow, Yoongi-hyung is really something," Jungkook said, pure adoration in his voice.
"He's okay," Jin said dismissively.
I glared at him.
"Kidding!" he said at once, holding up his hands defensively.
I watched Jungkook watching Yoongi with stars in his eyes. He admired his hyung so much, it was adorable. I looped my arm through his, squeezing his bicep. He smiled at me with his bunny teeth before turning his attention back to Yoongi.
When he was done filming, he passed by us on his way to get his makeup and wig taken off. I followed him in, watching as he sat down in the chair and the makeup noonas started cleaning his face.
I locked eyes with him in the mirror, keeping my expression as serious as possible.
"Can he keep the wig?"
The makeup noonas all giggled. Yoongi raised his eyebrows at me, still looking at me in the mirror.
"I just think that this is a look for you," I said nonchalantly. "So you should consider keeping it on. All the time. 24 hours a day, seven days a week."
Yoongi said nothing. Instead, he pulled out his phone, snapped a quick selca, then tapped away on the screen. A few moments later, my phone buzzed inside my bag. I pulled it out, choking when I saw that he had sent the selca to me.
"Don't post that," he told me seriously.
"Never," I promised.
Like I would ever share such a precious image with the public, I thought.
I tried not to look disappointed as the makeup noonas took the wig off Yoongi's head. When he was all cleaned up, he left to change back into his regular clothes.
"Coffee?" he asked me hopefully when he returned.
"Funny you should mention it," I said, smiling. "Come on."
I led him to where Jin, Jungkook, and Hoseok were standing outside in front of a coffee truck, adorned with banners bearing Yoongi's face.
"Congratulations, hyung!" Hoseok exclaimed, throwing an arm around Yoongi enthusiastically.
"Hobi-ah, you didn't have to," Yoongi said, smiling affectionately at the younger.
"Of course I did, don't be silly," Hoseok told him, tapping his nose. "Now go get a coffee. I know you want one."
Yoongi waddled over to the coffee truck happily.
"This is such a nice thing to do, Hobi," I said, standing next to him as we watched Yoongi approach the coffee truck.
"He's been working hard," Hoseok murmured. "He deserves it."
"He really does," I agreed. "When are you planning on dropping Hope World 2, Hobi? You know we would all love to show you the same support."
"Everything happens at the right time," he replied simply, winking at me.
When Yoongi had come back from the coffee truck, he had two cups in his hands, one of which was a familiar green color.
"Matcha, for you," he told me, handing the cup to me.
I accepted the cup gratefully, moving to stand next to him. I took a sip from the drink, "mmm"ing when the first taste hit my tongue.
"I don't understand how you drink black coffee in the morning and then drink something so sweet like that," Yoongi muttered.
"The things you love most are the things that you love every part of, no matter what form they take," I said seriously. "And I love coffee in every form."
Yoongi stared at me in astonishment, as if I had said something radical. Maybe I had.
We lingered by the coffee truck for a while, Yoongi's free hand having found mine at some point. I swung our hands back and forth happily while we sipped our coffees. Finally, we wrapped things up and got back into the company cars to head home to the dorms.
"You never told me what your favorite song on the mixtape is," Yoongi said quietly as he slid into the backseat.
I paused, still in the process of putting on my seatbelt.
"Do I have to pick one?" I asked him. "It's such a difficult choice to make."
He chuckled, sounding almost relieved.
"Yes, just one."
"Hmm... Well, if I had to pick the song that resonated with me the most, it'd have to be ‘28,’" I answered finally. "I mean, look at us. Did we ever really grow up? I feel like it looks like I have my life together but most of the time, I just go with the flow day by day. My life is never as I expect and strange things happen all the time. I thought that when I 'became an adult,' things would magically change but I still feel the same. And that's basically what ‘28′ is about, isn't it?"
"But do we really have to grow up?" Yoongi wondered. "I think we're doing just fine."
I reached across the center console for his hand, which he gave me easily.
"Yes, we're doing just fine."
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minyoukyung · 4 years
BTS Imagine #14: Quarantine (Part 4)
Word count: 1,318
Members featured: All
Description: Following the successful release of D-2, Yoongi realizes that not everyone is here to support him... but the other members always are.
I jolted awake, the quick succession of panicked knocks seeming to reverberate throughout the room.
I pushed the blanket off my body and rubbed at my eyes.
Jimin's voice, urgent and slightly trembling, prompted me to move faster. I jogged over to the door, opening it to let him in.
"Jiminie, what's wrong?" I asked him.
"Hyung... he never came home," he told me, his full lower lip trembling. "I've been texting him but he's not answering. He won't answer anyone."
"Maybe he's just caught up at the studio?" I suggested.
"No, he's not--noona... You don't know?" Jimin realized.
"Know what?"
Jimin nibbled on his bottom lip anxiously.
"Some people," he answered hesitantly, "reported hyung's mixtape."
"What?" I hissed.
"The song called 'What do you think?'... They said that the sample was... inappropriate," he went on. "The company released a statement yesterday."
To be perfectly honest, I stayed off of social media as much as possible. I had learned long ago that falling into the rabbit hole of negative comments helped no one, including me. People said things about the boys all the time and I preferred not to see it if it could be helped.
But now I felt guilty.
How could I not have known that this was happening to Yoongi?
I darted across the room to my closet, pulling on the first jacket and pair of shoes I could find before grabbing my phone and keys.
"Thank you, Jimin," I told the younger as I blew past him.
I couldn't stop myself from bouncing in my seat as one of the company cars took me to the Big Hit building. I silently willed the driver to step on the gas even just the tiniest bit. I needed to get to Yoongi. I needed to.
The car had barely slowed to a stop when I threw open the door and ran into the building. I fumbled with the key in the lock, fidgeting before the door of Genius Lab in my haste.
I exhaled in relief when I finally got the door open.
Yoongi was sitting in his chair in front of the computer. He had the word processor opened to a blank document with the words "What do you think?" typed out.
One line down, there were the words "I'm sorry."
"Oh, Yoongi," I murmured, reaching out to weave my fingers through his hair softly.
"This isn't what I wanted to happen," he said, his voice dull. "I wanted to make something that would give ARMY comfort. It had been almost four years since my first mixtape... I wanted to make D-2 worth the wait... I wanted..." His voice shook slightly. "I wanted to share my thoughts... my feelings... I was... proud, I--"
I kneeled down on the floor beside him, turning his chair so that he could look down at me.
"Yoongi," I said, taking both of his hands in mine. "You didn't do anything wrong."
"I feel like I did," he muttered.
Looking up at him, I could see that his eyes, although dry, were rimmed with red. I felt my heart squeeze painfully. He had been holed up in here, suffering quietly.
Suffering alone.
"Yoongi, you know better than anyone that not everyone is going to like what you do," I told him, squeezing his hands gently. "The people who did this... they don't matter. They're not important."
"They're ARMY," he mumbled. "Of course they're important."
"Yoongi, look at me," I insisted. "If they did this to you, they're not ARMY. Do you understand?"
I could see him struggling with the idea in his mind. He saw what had happened as constructive criticism. I had read the statement Big Hit had issued in the car on the way here. He felt wholly responsible. It was such a Yoongi way of being.
"The song is going to be re-released without the sample so what's done is done, but... Yoongi, you should be proud of the work you did. The mixtape is a masterpiece. Truly." I squeezed his hands again, tighter this time. "I know that because of your position, you don't always feel like you can be yourself, that you can't say what you really think, but don't let this experience make you feel like you have to censor or second guess every little thing you share with the world. What you have to share is beautiful and meaningful and you deserve to share it without feeling afraid."
I stood up, releasing his hands so I could bend over his keyboard. I pressed the Backspace key rapidly, deleting the line "I'm sorry."
Right under "What do you think?", I typed a single line.
"I think you are the brightest shining star in the universe."
He turned his head to look at what I had typed. I could see the corners of his mouth turning up slightly. He turned back to look up at me.
I placed my hands on his cheeks.
"Come on, let's go get some coffee," I offered.
"Coffee?" he repeated softly, his eyes lighting up.
I smiled.
"Yes, coffee."
After stopping by our favorite coffee place to pick up two hot coffees while Yoongi waited in the car, we rode back to the dorms in silence, one hand clutching our cups and the other hand intertwined. As we got closer to home, I could tell that Yoongi was getting nervous--not because he was worried about what was waiting for him, but because he was ashamed to admit that he had been taking the situation very hard. I squeezed his hand reassuringly as we approached the door before letting go to unlock it.
"Hyung! Noona!"
The maknaes immediately surrounded us, throwing their arms around us in greeting.
"Guys, careful! The coffee!" I warned them.
"Oops," Taehyung murmured sheepishly, taking a step back and dragging Jimin and Jungkook back with him.
"Hyung, we were so worried about you!" Jimin scolded, although there was no real anger in his voice.
"Yes, Jimin was the one who alerted me to the situation," I told Yoongi.
"Hyung, you can't just disappear like that," Jungkook said earnestly. "When you're feeling sad, you can always find strength and comfort from us!"
I snuck a glance at Yoongi out of the corner of my eye, noticing that his cheeks had turned faintly pink from all the attention.
Namjoon, Seokjin, and Hoseok had joined us, having heard the commotion caused by the younger ones.
"Ah, you always do this," Seokjin said, feigning exasperation. "How many times must we tell you that you can rely on us, too?"
"Aside from the fact that we're all artists and we understand how it feels to be weighed down by harsh criticism, we're your friends--your family," Namjoon corrected himself. "We are here to lift your spirits."
"Guys," Yoongi whined, embarrassed.
"We want to make our fans happy," Hoseok said, "but the most important thing is that we are happy first."
"And that includes you," I quipped.
Yoongi looked down at the coffee cup clutched tightly in his hands, his teeth worrying at his bottom lip. I tugged the cup out of his hands and set it down on the table along with my own.
"My coffee!" he protested.
"Just for a minute, you big baby," I teased him.
I wrapped my arms around him, gesturing to the other members with a jerk of my head that they should join in. Before long, Yoongi was enveloped in a giant group hug; and although he grumbled the entire time, I could tell that he loved it.
"We love you, hyung," Taehyung said softly.
"Yes, we love you, hyung!" Jungkook echoed, more loudly.
I smiled into Yoongi's shoulder. I pressed one of my hands flat against his back and used the other to trace the words "I love you" so that he could feel them through his sweater.
Even though I couldn't see his face, I knew he had understood because the next moment, he traced four words on my back with his finger.
"I love you, too."
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