#This was also originally gonna be shorter and get into some smut cus why not?
lululucass · 7 years
LucasxOC- Eye On the Prize
I wrote Lucas x Oc fic. I am trash, what am I doing anymore? To be honest this isn’t exactly how I wanted the fic to go. I just got so unsure as I went on and I kept wondering if I should write it as a oc or reader fic. Sighs. Maybe I’ll rewrite it.
Hiding inside a closet in the middle of a decrepit house in the middle of a bayou was not how Arin expected to spend her day, but here she was. What had started as a terrible day had quickly escalated into what could only be described as a large pile of cow dung.
First her car broke down in the middle of nowhere Louisiana. Second she got lost in the swamp while trying to find any form of human life. Third and by far the worst she got kidnapped by cannibalistic rednecks. She thought that stuff only happened in movies but apparently not.
She had awoken tied to a chair and forced to eat... she wasn't sure what it was but it definitely was not food. At some point during dinner the family had gotten into a fight. The mother, Marguerite going into hysterics when you vomited. The father, Jack, chased her around yelling at her to calm down. And the son, Lucas, the bastard threw some food at her and giggled madly at Arin when she cursed him out. "Your gonna be fun to play with." Lucas had said. "What does that mean?" Arin had asked him. Only before Lucas could reply Jack had returned to the room. His face was one of pure anger. He cussed at his son and grabbed Lucas by the arm with one hand, with the other Jack grabbed a knife. "Don't you waste your Momma's cooking, boy." Jack said and swiftly lopped his own son's hand off. Lucas sighed exasperated. However Arin let out a strangled shriek. What was wrong with this family? Jack left the room muttering something about Lucas needing to learn respect, still holding his son's hand. Lucas had trailed after his father asking for his hand back. With the entire family gone, save for grandma, Arin started to test her restraints. She managed to wiggle free from her bonds and booked it out of the dining room. She felt bad leaving the grandma by herself but she seemed safe for the moment. It wasn't long before she heard Jack's familiar yelling that alerted her that he had discovered her escape. As Arin was running around the house it was then that she discovered the other inhabitants in the house. The large charred moldy-looking creatures. One had swung at her, nearly hitting her. She let out a loud yelp while trying to avoid it. Unlucky for her she had alerted someone to her location. With quick thinking she had been able to slip past the molded and had hidden in the closet.
And that was how she got into her current predicament. Hiding in a closet, her heart beating erratically as she listened out for any signs of life. It was quiet. Taking in a deep breath to steal herself, Arin opened the door and took a quick peak around. No one was there. Arin let out the breath and walked out the closet. Now she had to get out of here. She figured she could possibly retrace her steps back from where she came. The hardest part would be getting out- She walked into a chest. Arin tried to back away but felt two arms grabbing her upper arms and caging her. "Well hey there--Hmm I don't think I caught yer name before?" It was Lucas's voice but it couldn't be him, his father had cut of his one hand and this guy definitely had two. Arin looked up to see it was indeed Lucas. How did he get a new hand? "How the hell-" Arin started but Lucas shushed her. "Yer name?" Lucas asked again. "A-Arin." She answered. "Great. You like games Arin?" Lucas asked. She nodded although she was sure she wouldn't like his types of games. "Great because have I got a game for you. And you even get a prize if you win, and I do hope you win." He smiled then. Despite her situation Arin couldn't help but think how handsome he looked when he smiled. Where had that thought come from? Of all times to be ogling a guy right now was not it. She shook her head and tried to steady herself. "What kind of game we talking?" Arin asked. "Uh-uh." Lucas said putting a finger against her lips. "I don't do spoilers."
Arin found herself being dragged from the house to what used to be a barn but now had a gate around it and party lights. The hell was up with this guy? Arin followed Lucas up some steps to a door. "Ladies first." Lucas said, stepping out of the way. Arin gave him a strange look before entering the room. The door shut fast behind her. Arin quickly turned to try the handle. It was locked. Of course. She let out a long sigh. Let the game begin. A cursory look around the room showed it was pretty much empty except for a chair and a TV. Arin went up to it and it turned on to Lucas' face on the screen. "So what's the game?" Arin asked. "You sure are impatient, aren't ya?" Lucas said. "It's nothin' too hard just a test of skill. Under the chair is a gun, yer gonna need it." He let out a quick chuckle and the TV turned off. Arin had half expected the TV to explode. She reached under the chair and pulled out a handgun. She wasn't sure what make or model. She had used a gun before a few times when her father took her hunting or to the shooting range but that was with a rifle, but guns weren't of much interest to her. She silently thanked her father and headed toward the door on her right. She started on her way but stopped when she noticed a thin line spanning from one wall to the other. The bastard put a trip wire. Arin smirked and backed away slightly. He wasn't getting her that easily. She picked up a small plank and threw it at the wire. The thing exploded sending the black flying backwards. Arin's eyes widened. It was actually rigged? "Woo you have got a good eye." Lucas' voice came out from an overhead speaker. "Are you freaking serious right now." Arin said. Arin went along with the game however, she knew she had no choice. Besides she had a feeling she'd rather deal with Lucas than Jack or Marguerite. Going through the building she found trip wires weren't the only danger here. The molded were also in the barn. Arin had found that out the hard way when when smacked her backwards into a trip wire which then blew her forward. Lucky her it wasn't powerful enough to kill her, it just hurt. A lot. Thankfully the explosion did the molded in. Finally she got to a wire door with a keypad. A speaker crackled. "That shit yer carrying, get rid of it." Arin groaned exasperated but complied. Putting the handgun, ammo and everything else she had found in the chest in the middle of the room. This time Lucas told her the code and she entered it and walked into the pitch black room with cautious steps. She was sort of surprised that Lucas was being so helpful right now- A throat cleared behind her. Arin spun around just as Lucas slammed the door closed. "Have a nice day!" Lucas called out. Arin could only watch as he sauntered back to who knows where. Arin definitely did not stand there and stare at Lucas' butt as he walked out. Looks like she was stuck in this dark room with the creepy clown. She walked over to the clown and tentatively plucked the candle from its grasp. At least now she had some light so she could see. She walked around checking the room out. There didn't seem to be any immediate danger. She saw under a archway was a birthday cake with some candles she walked over to it. As she passed the archway she got sprayed down with water. "Yeah I needed a bath right now." Arin muttered. The lights turned on, thankfully. "Alright, let's play a little game. All you gotta do is light the candle and put it on the cake." "You gotta be kidding me." Arin groaned. She walked out of the room only to be showered again. That was going to be a problem, but she had an idea that might work. Just to light the candle. Arin tried the stove and cried out in joy when it turned on. She sat down and pulled her boot off. Standing up again, boot in one hand, candle in the other she lit the candle and used her boot to shield it. She walked under the archway, promptly getting soaked for a third time and lifted her boot off the candle. To her luck it was still lit. She did a quick jig to get her boot back on without sitting down and sat the candle down with the others. 'Got a light?' "Fuck yeah I do." Arin said triumphantly. The sudden realization that the cake was ticking hit her like a ton of bricks. The small explosion also hit Arin like a ton of bricks. She landed flat on her back, her head colliding with the wall. She squeezed her eyes shut in pain. She heard laughing coming from above and opened one eye to see Lucas crouching over her. "Normally I'd be mad that someone cheated but I like you so I'll forgive you." Lucas said. "Do I get my prize?" Arin asked. She wasn't sure why she was thinking of that of all things, maybe to distract him from any other tricks he had. Lucas looked down at Arin and licked his lips. "Oh yeah you do and I get mine."
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