#This is the character that dethroned venti
probably-haven · 2 years
Y'all have that that character who can do no wrong in your eyes? Like you can acknowledge some things they do were not the right or ideal course of action but is it really wrong or just- stupid? Or trauma? Like there is always a justification. Multiple possible reasons. They're just in a silly goofy mood right now.
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Building Dendro: My Nahida Build + Team Comps
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Disclaimer: This isn’t me telling anyone how to build their Nahida or how her multipliers are gonna work and blah blah blah. I suck at math and I don’t like telling people what to do. I just like Dendro, its characters, and wanna share my build ideas. None of this is based on meta, just what I wanna do with the character.
The Princess of Dendro, the God of Wisdom herself, Lesser Lord Kusanali everybody! 
While I admittedly cringed at the thought of the Dendro Archon being a child when the first leaks came out and was disappointed that the gender of Sumeru’s Archon got updated to be female (because prior to 2.0/2.1, Kusanali was stated to be male)ー all that is water under the bridge now because I adore Nahida so much.
The Archon Quest made Dendro my favorite element because of the lore surrounding it and her story was just so gripping. She is definitely my favorite Archon by far and I’m not sure how any upcoming Archon will dethrone her from her spot as my fav. So I’m definitely getting a kick out of using her and recommend her for anybody for her attack animations alone. They are, by far, the cutest attack animations in the whole game.
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Like my Collei, Nahida uses the 4pc Deepwood set. To be honest, I got lazy with the grind when Nahida was coming out so all of her artifacts that she uses are Collei’s and they work pretty well on her!
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My Nahida’s at C0 for right now but I plan on getting her to C2 when her rerun comes around. There were more Dendro characters I wanted to pull for after and I wasn’t sure I’d have that many primos for them if I went all in for her constellation and weapon.
I don’t C6 my limited 5 star characters anyway, the only 5* you will intentionally see me C6 is the Traveler. My C6 Qiqi is pure happenstance lol. But Nahida is my precious daughter, she deserves a couple constellations in the future so I’ll make sure to have enough fates saved up for her. And Venti, he is the only Archon I don’t have and I am bringing that gremlin home once and for all.
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For right now, Nahida uses the Solar Pearl. I wanted to get A Thousand Floating Dreams for her but like I said in the Constellations section, I was saving for other characters. For right now, this weapon is decent on her and I have no complaints.
But I do plan on getting her signature weapon on when it comes back around during her rerun. It looks best on her and I love the lore behind it as well. I’m a lore fiend as you guys can probably guess by now if you’ve looked at even a small handful of my posts. Lore comes before all.
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Team Comps
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nahida (main dps)
amber (babygirl)
kokomi (healer)
yae miko (sub-dps)
The team I use to trigger all the effects of Nahida’s burst. Like I said before, my Nahida is built for Spread so everyone else isn’t that important in the grand scheme of things in the party. Bloom is my least favorite of all the Dendro reactions and Amber isn’t fast enough trigger Burgeon, admittedly.
I prefer Miko for Spread since her Dendro application is slow enough that it won’t trigger Aggravate constantly.
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nahida (main dps)
cyno (sub-dps, occasional main dps)
yaoyao (healer)
yae miko (sub-dps)
The team I use for Friendship. Y’all understand the relationship between Nahida and Miko at this point, Yaoyao is a pretty good healer as well so I have fun tossing her radishes all over the place. Her build is still a work-in-progress though so her post won’t be coming out for a while.
Cyno is there to look pretty but I enjoy using him from time to time as a main DPS to shake things up in the party. His burst is really cool and I enjoy his character. That’s enough reason to put him in the party for me.
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merakiui · 2 years
Something caught my eyes in manhwa au, so in manhwa au the kingdom is governed by royal family with Childe as the crown prince right? The harbinger also occupy important position in government (bureaucrat, the prince personal assistant) but then there's Diluc as the Duke, Kaeya as the knight, Albedo as the mage. All mondstadt character is also in the kingdom and they're also an influential figure
So what if, the kingdom is a mix between snezhnaya and mondstadt? Maybe snezhnaya (fatui people) Wage a war against them and they won so now the land is theirs. And the mondstadt character is the native people and now want to steal their glory back by silently planning to dethrone the royal family (maybe just Diluc and Kaeya tho)
And just imagine forgotten God! Venti, who hides his identity after his failure to protect his land and defeat against snezhnaya goddess Tsaritsa, who's also the current goddess worshiped by the people of the kingdom. Maybe Diluc found him and take him in to join him in his quest of vengeance and then he meet you and now he's started to questioning himself whether he have to join Diluc or stay as a normal human, but if he join him then he will have the chance to meet you more so....
OOH and just imagine the tension between Diluc, darling, and venti. Diluc who's now tempted to go against his own God just so he can keeps his wife to himself, venti who finally found a new reason to join the resistance (and maybe take his rightful place back), and of course poor darling who got caught up in these guys antic
What's even more troublesome is that Venti is so carefree about everything he does and only ever gets serious when certain situations call for it. It's common for him to pop in completely unannounced whenever he feels like it, and everyone always wonders how he manages to slip past the guards who have been assigned to protect you when Diluc is not home. Venti loves to visit you in the late hours of the night, when the moon is high and bright in the sky, and he'll serenade you with the most beautiful melodies. In the beginning, you found his persistence bothersome. But his voice and his ability to play and perform flawlessly are things that leave you enchanted.
Now you look forward to his nightly visits and you'll stand at the balcony and wait for him to arrive on wind's gentle current. Diluc won't approve of it when he finds out, but he doesn't have to know. After all, Venti did tell you with a playful wink that it was to be a special secret kept between you and him.
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
god i just seen more stuff abt kazuha and i want himmmmm, i don't need him but after reading his skills, burst and constellations (that will most likely change) i want him so badly. it's not as if he will benefit me in any way since venti is already overpowered enough, but god, he's so pretty i want him. at this point, i might as well just build an anemo team. but no matter how pretty he is, nobody will dethrone xiao though, i still have no idea why i even like xiao that much lmao, i just grew attached to him since day 1
— r. anon
i have not seen a gi character that i dont want but yes, i can only afford those that i need. kazuha’s pretty cool altho personally i dont feel THE pull yknow? but hey, if the character’s pretty, they might be worth the investment. an all anemo team does sound cool tho. just mobs floating in the air and stuff
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escalaregalia · 3 years
Theory crafting immediately after getting out of bed!! And then updated them over lunch...
So, my opinion of the Archons we’ve met has not changed from the last time I spoke about the Chapter IV, but having time to think and let it settle, as I watch someone else play through it I have more thoughts about K-Mart...
Keep in mind that these are my theories based off of the little knowledge we have on the events 500 years ago, and what we known of the Archons.
Zhongli and Venti have been very just gods as far as we’ve witnessed, read and heard about their backstories - with Zhongli even showing mercy while still upholding the “wrath of the rock” in regards to the Havria quest.
So, my thoughts have come to the Ruin Guards. Not-Ammy said he fought the first Field Tiller and that it was an incredible killing machines. So, what if they were already doing things that the Abyss is doing now, and trying to build a mechanical army to dethrone the Archons in Celestia. So, again I start a sentence in this paragraph with “so,”... what if this Unknown Goddess acted alone and pre-emptively to put an end to Kappa Colada before they could pull in other nations to their plan to destroy Celestia and its inhabitants.
Dain himself refers to the Field Tillers as weapons, and those weapons are pretty monstrous to someone who isn’t a hardcore warrior with a vision when it’s just one of them being found in the wild. If they could use those war machines in mass production to end the reign of the Gods, what’s to say that afterwards, Little-K wouldn’t turn their attention to the now-godless nations that neighbour them... with those war machines they would easily be able to conquer the world.
So, with all that in mind... I think that the Unknown Goddess’ distain for humans in the opening cutscene could potentially stem from what Kambucha had, or was planning to attempt with their war machines. Perhaps Venti’s discomfort when talking about Celestia is because he knows what the Unknown Goddess did. Perhaps the Unknown Goddess’ wrath was a necessary evil to save the other nations of Teyvat from the fate Kahlúa would bring upon them.
Venti seems like the type to disagree with that, thinking “we’ll beat the next tyrants like we did the last”, while in Zhongli’s case he would be more practical and see that the Unknown Goddess’ necessary evil prevented millions of more lives from being lost had Kentucky Vintage eradicated the Archons and forced the rest of Teyvat into submission with their war machines.
So I’m watching a streamer play Chapter IV and a few things have stuck out to me as I see the cutscenes again. To add to my theory there are some things that the wet mop Dainsleif said that kind of reinforced my theory. When talking about Field Tillers, he quotes someone: “The land is not the be tilled with farming tools, but rather is to be fought for with steel and blood.” and when talking about the Wolf of the North he says “You shouldn’t place too much trust in them. But at the same time, don’t go too far in the opposite direction... Don’t go trying to overthrow them, or hunt them down.”
I feel like that only adds to my theory that the Unknown Goddess was a necessary evil in his situation. I was in a more neutral stance this morning, assuming that the Unknown Goddess acted to prevent war, but Dain’s words make me think that her scorched earth approach was a retaliation to Kumquat-Ginger Caipirinha actually acting on their plan to hunt down and dethrone Celestia.
From what we’ve heard so far, all this information is coming from Lumine and Dain... Lumine who has actually said very little, and Dain who was from Kentucky Coffee himself... and people tend to downplay their own nations fuck ups when they’re out for revenge. The point is, I’m running out of drinks that start with a ‘K’, and those two are both unreliable narrators who have an agenda, they would benefit from the Traveller turning on the Archons. Lumine also doesn’t directly say who’s responsible and necessarily give out any information, she just says Dain is the one who failed to prevent “the fuckening”. But she is looking to destroy Celestia...
The writers deliberately left Venti and Zhongli out of this chapter because in all likelihood, they would debunk the claims of Doucheleif. They want to build suspense without giving away the entire story, so that would be like killing a character in one episode, and in the next episode they get resurrected... 
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Oh oh oh oh! This talk about the Tsaritsa sharing the same goals as the Abyss brought to mind a thing I thought of a while back! (I'm gonna summarize it because it'd be a somewhat lengthy ramble otherwise and I'm on mobile atm)
So in a nutshell: just like the Abyss, Childe also wants to overthrow the gods. He also dislikes his job in the Fatui, and the Fatui as a whole, and is keeping the job pretty much only because it helps him work towards his goal of getting stronger and satiates his thirst for combat.
Now what if Childe ended up meeting Aether (the Abyss twin, I'm using Aether to make it clearer) and hearing about his "war with destiny", and deciding to join him. It would check off all the things on the list that keeps him currently in the Fatui's ranks, and as a bonus, shares the same goal of dethroning the Seven. It could even be easy for him thanks to his past.
It'd be absolutely chaotic and I'd feel so bad for him (he isn't exactly treated as a human in the Fatui, more like a mere weapon, and there's no doubt it would be the case if he joined the Abyss Order as well), but also love every second of it
Childe is one of the more unpredictable characters in the game - out of everyone he and Venti lean the most chaotic for that particular reason -- like honestly, I wouldn’t hold anything Childe says to heart because he always has something strange and unexpected up his sleeve and I just think he could be on any side of the line at any time - no thoughts - just go 
the more we learn about these characters --- the more my heart will break I just know it 
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