#They're in there assuming things about my identity that are incorrect saying afab nonbinary people shouldn't have been mentioned in the post
femmeidiot · 5 months
the amount of people who are so so so so fucking stupid in the commentary under my post about how people don't respect amab nonbinary people is honestly not surprising but it is exhasuting can yall shut the fuck up for 5 minutes and care about someone other than yourself? Thanks!
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stormysapphic · 3 years
People conflate tme with afab because people assigned female at birth, cis men, and maybe some nonbinary people assigned male at birth don't make a coherent social group, and all of those people do not benefit from transphobia equally (or at all if they're gender nonconforming). Whereas, whether people want to admit it or not, cis women, trans men, and anyone assigned female at birth is a coherent social class.
i disagree. first of all, i don’t think tme people is meant to be “a coherent social group” per se. it literally just means people who don’t experience transmisogyny - a.k.a those who can also perpetuate it against those who do experience it. it’s for the purpose of those discussions, which is why the post i reblogged (that i’m assuming prompted your message) aimed to remind people that since cis men don’t experience transmisogyny they are also, you know, tmE. and like the same post said, conflating tme with afab even lets some afab people get away with not disclosing they’re tme because they claim it’s intrusive about their agab. (which in a way i do agree with because a trans woman not wanting to disclose and out that they are tmA & leaving their description blank instead might face incorrect accusations of being tme and transmisogynistic themselves. kind of like how i’ve been accused of being transphobic for not having pronouns in some of my social media bios because they/them would out me as probably not being cis. but that’s a whole other argument.) second of all, yes, transphobia affects different people differently and i think it’s fair to say that generally afab trans people are the victims, not perpetrators of it. but when talking about transmisogyny specifically, the point of the discussion is different. also idk what gender nonconformity in particular has to do with your position? maybe you’re talking about gnc cis men facing misdirected transmisogyny, but that doesn’t make them not tme. i’ve been mistaken for a trans woman before and called transmisogynist slurs, but that doesn’t make me the actual target of that harm. lastly, i don’t know what world you live in where afab people of all kinds on the other hand are “a coherent social class”. if you take into account the different ways people are raised into their assigned gender, the fact that afab trans people all come out at different times in their life & are in different states of transitioning and passing & have different types of trans identities, it’s really not coherent at all. e.g. some trans men feel they benefit from male privilege, some feel like they face/have faced misogyny, some feel both or neither are the case. i’m afab and nonbinary but i get read as a cis woman a lot, so i definitely face misogyny. the experiences of me and a trans man are similar in some ways and VASTLY different in many others. anyway, i hope this message was in good faith but based on the “whether people want to admit or not” line it probably wasn’t. you’re free to follow up if you genuinely have smth to say - and if any tma people have comments on the matter you’re more than welcome to share as well! one reason why i type out my thoughts on things like this is because i want to subject them to different viewpoints & learn & open conversations with friends, mutuals, and strangers. the original reblogged post is here for context. and i hope everyone is well!
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