#They made be right but Otto is a good noodle at heart
oswaldthehero · 3 months
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Jen!! My heart is breaking for Ellie. Will you write about Beck and/or Aster actually talking to her about what’s going on? I’m so so glad she has Beck but hate a sad Ellie belly 😭
It's pitiful. Ellie is so confused, and we're seeing all that she remembers about Mickey. Like most kids in this position, they protect their parents. Let me make this clear, Aster and Beck NEVER talk bad about Mickey in front of Ellie. Beck was very quick to get the boys out of the room when Aster was talking to Mickey. Thankfully she has proactive parents, and even family, that not only protect her, but want her in good mental health. Clearly the Drysdale's are pro-mental health in general. But Ellie also has a bestie, Otto, that she doesn't have to explain anything to. He knows, and she can openly talk to him.
Sixteen, Right?
Summary: Aster has a talk with Ellie.
Pairings: Aster X Ellie
Rating: mild
Warnings: mentions of drug use, a vague mentions of domestic violence, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1.1K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Eliana Henry-Beck Masterlist
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Aster stands in the doorway of Ellie’s bedroom, as her sweet girl lays in her bed just petting Noodle. She hears the odd sniffle from Ellie, and is at a loss with what to do. Hating that Mickey would ever make this most perfect child feel anything less than that. While Ellie wasn’t that old, she had lived through a lot.
Aster wonders if the few years of back and forth with Mickey, trying to make things work, only made it worse. She wanted Ellie and Mickey to have a relationship, had even talked to Frank about it, and his opinion on what she should do. But Mickey is no Frank Adler.
“You can stop staring,” Ellie groans, flipping over on her bed to face Aster. “Joshie told you, huh? It’s why you and…” her dark blue eyes look away from her mom trying to figure out what it is she wants to call Mickey. “You two can never get along can you?”
Aster walks over to Ellie’s bed, a box in hand and sits down with her. “I want your…I want Mickey to step up for you. It’s what I’ve always wanted.”
“Why did he go to jail?”
Aster’s eyes lose focus, as she stares out into the distance. Refusing to answer the question. “He hurt you didn’t he? That’s why Emy asked if he hurt me. Is that what happen to that glass thing?” tilting her head to the side, Aster slowly nods her head. “It was a fight about me? It always is.”
“Eliana, I want you to realize, Mickey and I both love you very much.”
“You hate each other.”
“I don’t hate him. I hate the things he does. At one point in time, I really loved your dad. We’re just toxic for each other. I couldn’t trust him with my heart or with you. I tried way too many times to make it work. We would break up for an extended time, but he has his ways of saying sorry, and telling me he would change. Things would be amazing for a few months, one time it was even longer, nearly a year. We were happy, even talked about a future, marriage, more kids. I guess that’s why it hurt so much more when he snapped.”
Aster pulls out the box, opening it up to show Ellie the pictures that were just too painful for Aster to look at. Realizing now, why it would upset Ellie that she didn’t have those memories. “He loves you so much Ellie. When I told him I was pregnant, he picked me up, and spun me around. I was the one that kept the pregnancy from him. He has a problem, and that problem kept him from being the dad you deserve. He’s trying though, baby.”
Ellie brings Noodle into her lap after looking at a picture of Mickey holding Aster after her baby shower, and shakes her head, “I wasn’t good enough for him to get clean. He did it for her and his new kid. Why not me?”
“Your dad is older now. It had nothing to do with you. He was ready. You know Papa and Mimi paid for him to go to a hospital to get clean. That was right before he came with us for nearly a year. Old habits die hard. And he couldn’t stay away from people he thought were his friends. Your dad falls under pressure. I know you look at this as he didn’t want to do it for you. But we should look at it, as he’s doing it now. You’ve already lost so much time with him, you don’t want to miss anymore.”
“I want him to care about me. And I want him to tell you that he’s sorry. He’s never told you he was sorry, has he? Like the way Mimi wants us to tell each other sorry when me and Otto fight. It doesn’t happen all the time…I talk to him about it sometimes. He doesn’t have pictures of him and Carter either. We really are like twins, huh?”
Aster leans forward, kissing Ellie’s forehead and pulling back to look at her daughter who was getting bigger way too fast. Had grown up mentally even faster. Sometimes she wishes she would have found a better dad for her, but then, it wouldn’t be her Ellie belly.
For the most part, Ellie was still her giggly little girl. The girl that loved her mom and Beck, played with her brothers, and made sure she told them good morning and good night everyday. A little girl who was excellent at school, and helpful. Volunteered to help out whenever possible. Took up for the kids who were being bullied with her partner in crime, and even got into some trouble with Otto. But everything that had happened in her short life, and Aster’s and Mickey’s DNA, is what made Ellie, Ellie.
Aster isn’t sure what made her so special to deserve Ellie. “Baby, I want you to keep these photos. I want you to know, I did love your father. Things weren’t always ugly and fights. I’m also proud of him, and you should be, too.”
“What if he does to Suzy, what he did to you? Hurt her?”
“I hope that doesn’t happen, because he seems happy. When he’s a good dad, isn’t he the best?” Ellie just shrugs.
“Beck is the best.”
“Your dad isn’t Beck. We shouldn’t compare the two of them. Compare your dad to who he was a year ago, two years ago when he didn’t see you at all. The only person we should try and be better than is ourselves yesterday. And he’s trying. I have to remind myself of that. I just get so upset when I feel he’s going to hurt you. I am your advocate, and you’re my priority. And I’ll always make sure that you have the best. But I want you to talk to me about whatever. I won’t question you. I want to listen, because you can tell me everything.”
“Okay,” Ellie takes a deep breath, looking away from Aster. “There’s this boy in eighth grade, that is so cute.”
“Ellie,” the girl looks up at her mother, “you’re too young to date.”
“I just said he was cute,” she giggles at her mom. Aster can only smile, her daughter’s eyes lighting up, and even a sweet single dimple showing with her wide smile. “He’s too old for me, right?”
“For now.”
“So when I’m older I can date older?”
“Aye yi yi! Ellie,” Aster is now giggling with her. “How about we worry about that when we get there. No dating, until you can drive.”
“That’s sixteen right?” Aster nods at her. “Mommy,” the sweetest sound. One of Aster’s favorite thing, is how when it’s still just the two of them, Ellie always calls her mommy, “thank you.”
“You’re welcome, baby.”
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What To Chow Down While Experiencing Fun Vietnam Holidays
Pho Nam Cali in National City is located at 2344 E 8th St. There used to be another restaurant in the same location, but I don't remember what. Now a Vietnamese restaurant stands there.
The following day we get up to date to these individuals shopping. Team Vietnam seems similar to they possess a precise shopping list and pass it all quickly. Drinking team Korea seems have no real plan for shopping, upwards going over on their budget and take several things back before leaving the store. Here is where the big controversy comes throughout the. We are shown them loading up their SUV with supplies and Otto says "hey, And also the we got a case of lychees for free".no one else says anything so he loads it up and they head out of. Remember this, each one of these of them could have said "we'd better drive them back inside" although Otto really really need. This all could all right be producer manipulation too, which is the reason why I don't really like reality displays to.you never see sluggish it is . story.
Al-Masri Egyptian Restaurant - This wonderful and unique Egyptian restaurant in heart and soul of Frisco is run by Sausan, the executive chef. Sausan has been a celebrity of the professional performing arts together with Bay area for almost 15 .
Premium fish sauce is reddish brown and thoroughly clean. Avoid dark, inky liquids that are overly salty and flat tasting. Good fish sauce is fragrant and pleasant tasting.
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Pho is actually created up of two ingredients: the broth and even the Pho noodle. It in fact is generally served with beef and garnished with thinly sliced onions, scallions and cilantro. Can actually find during 8 different cuts of beef and 10 greens to select from to include in the soups. This is one meal foods high in protein truly customize, based exactly how to big your urge for food is almost certainly.
Banh Bao is made from minced pork, eggs engrossed in a white ball of dough made from rice flour. Everything is steamed and served with nuoc mam or soy sauce. This dish does not only are in Vietnamese cuisine but also in Chinese and Japanese cuisine.
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