#Their respective motifs could start out as something relatively simple before becoming more complicated and adding a fuller sound.
Thought that just came to me because I am always thinking about these books one way or another...
In my perfect live action Prydain adaptation, tons of characters would get their own leitmotifs in the score, and one of them would be Fflewddur.  Something lighthearted and kind of bouncy, but bracing and warm.  The musical equivalent of getting a genuinely good pep talk that sends you away smiling.  And of course, it would be played on the harp with maybe some other string instruments backing it up... until the cave scene in The High King.  With the loss of Flewddur’s harp, maybe another instrument picks up the melody, but there’s still that sonic gap where the harp once was.  It’s still the same music, but unmistakably changed.
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