#The day the entire homestuck fandom realises Ult Dirk isn't just Dirk but EVIL but a miserable victim of the narrative like everyone else
shoegazingmonad · 5 months
Hate how so many Homestuck fans are unable to comprehend how tragic Ult Dirk is. At the end of Homestuck, in the credits, we get to see Dirk get his shit sorted out in the consort kingdom, him in a happy relationship with Jake and clearly content with how his life was going post-game. Finally getting to relax and settle down and work out everything with his friends and family and then BOOM nevermind fuck it. Shitpost metanarrative continuation just for fun. Except it's not fun because now he's been forcefully merged with all of the splinters he had worked so hard to accept weren't him. No longer physically able to differentiate their thoughts from his because he quite literally IS the sum of all of them, within one body. And THEN immediately after being told the universe that they'd spent their entire childhood waiting for is no longer a fully functional canonical timeline and becoming an egomaniacal douchebag, he's given narrator permissions and left to figure out whatever he thinks should be done about the whole universe-ending situation despite how mentally unfit he is for such a task.
And the part that really pains me when it comes to his new role as a villain is the fact that he, truly, was not given any other choice. The author needed a skilled antagonist who would wreck shit in an entertaining and cathartic way and he was simply the best pick there was. And so Dirk was shoved into a position so specifically cruel that it would've been obvious to anyone who knew him that there weren't any other options besides the antagonistic role so conveniently laid out before him. You can't just go up to a guy who has such a complex about his own individuality and existence and tell him that the universe is ending and everything leading up to this point will have been meaningless if nothing is done to prevent it, and THEN tell him that if he fuses with every other shitty him-adjacent dickhead he can gain story-altering abilities that could prevent the world ending scenario without him desperately taking that offer in a fit of existential fear. The narrative forced him into a position that would make him force himself to take up the specific role the narrative needed.
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