#The born to die world is a fuck graphic but with the cat and dog replaced by Cuno and Cunoesse
crystallized-shadow · 5 years
The Killer Meme
Tagged by @a-kid-named-hiro
[Me, Myself, I]
What is your philosophy/motto in life? Always try your best; you can’t always be the best but you can do your best.
How did you choose your User Name, and what does it reveal of your character? It’s my username from a different site and I really like it. I guess it could mean I’m the shiny thing in the dark?
What did you want to be “when you grew up” when you were younger? If your current job/plans are different, why did you change? I wanted to be Veterinarian when I was a kid but an allergy to dogs put a kibosh on that pretty quick.
What was the worst nightmare you have ever had? I usually don’t remember my dreams, but I can remember one where someone me shot in the back.
Tell the story behind one or more of your scars (physical, not emotional). I have several but the story is the same: I’m a fucking klutz.
What one thing would you like your great-great-grandchildren to know about you? What one thing would you NOT want them to know? I don’t intend to reproduce.
How do you learn (things-for-exams)? Re-reading notes and frantically cramming right before the exam (I do NOT recommend this method)
What was the cause of the worst physical pain you have ever been in? I slipped on the ice; over-extended two tendons, concussed a nerve, bruised my tailbone, and hurt my knee (I had to sit through 4 hours of classes before I could do anything about it, not fun)
Where do you live (a country is fine, just name a place)? USA
What is your biggest fear? Not living up to my own expectations
[Nostalgia Ain’t What It Used to Be]
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done? (Not the best, or the most accomplished, or the most life-altering, just the coolest). Gone tubing down the river
If you could change one event from your own personal history, what would it be and how would you change it? I let something very dear to me go, if I could change anything, I would never have made that decision
Describe the one thing you have learned in the course of your education, either inside school or outside of it, which you consider the most valuable. Actions speak louder than words, especially among people who are supposed to be your friends.
What memory would call up your personal Patronus spell? (in other words, what memory is your happiest or sweetest?) Any memory featuring my precious people happy
Describe the three best pairs of shoes that you’ve ever owned - favorites because of comfort, the way they look, the brand, any reason at all. Any shoes that I don’t have to tie are fucking amazing
[If I Ruled the World]
If you could have been born and grown up somewhere else, where would that have been? I liked where I grew up, so I wouldn’t change it
What would you demand in exchange for giving up your personal freedoms and civil liberties? Would never give them up
If there were no laws, which (former) crime would be the first you’d commit? I’d make all student loans disappear forever!
If you could do one thing or grant one wish for someone else, what would it be? I’d wish that those near and dear to my heart be happy for the rest of their lives
If you could know anything about your future, what would it be? If I’m happy with my life
Owing to a peculiar concatenation of events, you are the wealthiest person in the world, and the latter will end in 24 hours. Money being no object, and saving the world being impossible, what would you do during that last day? I’d make it the best day ever for everyone I care about. If we’re all going to die we might as well go out with a bang!
If you could hunt down one childhood tormentor (whether it be bully, tattletale, mean teacher, or friend’s mother who hated you for no good reason) and exact revenge upon them in some spectacular, prankish fashion without worry of consequences, who would you choose, and what would you do to him/her? That’s hard to say since karma has taken care of a few of these people. There is one person I’d love to slap in the back of the head for being incompetent when I got hurt, so I guess I’d do that.
If I offered you a chance to have anything you wanted, the cost being someone you didn’t know dies, would you accept? If I could stipulate the that person has to be a piece of shit that no one will miss, then hell yeah! Otherwise I’d have to give it some thought.
If you could have any one superpower, what would it be? Time travel
If you could punch any one person from any point in history, who would you pick? I have a list of people that deserve a good punch in the face
If you were given the opportunity to live another life, what kind of life would you like to have? I’d want a life where I could be happy and not have to worry about anyone hurting me or those close to me
If you could alter history in one specific place, where would it be, and why? Stopping someone close to me from ever dating the fucking whore who did nothing but fuck them over
Assuming you (or a group of friends) conquer Earth, which section(s) of the planet would you personally desire, and why? Somewhere quiet with good wi-fi so we could have a place to relax
If you could, with no repercussions, subject anyone you wanted to one day of utter and complete torture, who would you choose, why would you choose them, and what would you do to them? Conversely, if you could give anyone you wanted (other than yourself) one day of perfect happiness, who/why/what would you choose? The fucking whore I mentioned earlier, I would subject her to a day of torture, without hesitation.
It might be cliche, but my mom deserves the best fucking day ever so I would pick her.
[Media and Culture]
Hollywood called: they’re filming your life story. Who do you cast as yourself? I would just laugh and hang up the phone
They want to make your life into a Cartoon. Which graphic artist do you want to draw it? Not sure why anyone would want to do that, but I would pick @sinyaru or @artbythedarkside because I fucking love their art!
Your favourite Blackadder episode and why? ???
Movie adaptations of books - heinous, evil and always disappointing or perfectly acceptable? It really depends on the book and the actors they pick
What one song brings up the strongest emotion (negative or positive) for you? Hold Me Tight or Don’t by Fall Out Boy Killing Kind by Mariana’s Trench
If you had the choice to live in any fictional world, as in transposed into a book, which one would it be? Please explain why. Naruto, preferably during the Fonder’s Era because I want to me Madara and Tobirama! Also ninjas.
What is your favorite artwork (painting, sculpture, etching, whatever) and why? I can’t say I have a favorite piece, but personally I enjoy painting.
Name twelve songs for the soundtrack of your life. (In no particular order)
1. Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Green Day) 2. Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea (Fall Out Boy) 3. THNKS FR TH MMRS (Fall Out Boy) 4. It’s My Life (Bon Jovi) 5. High Hopes (Panic! At the Disco) 6. Natural (Imagine Dragons) 7. Teenagers (My Chemical Romance) 8. Head Above Water (Avril Lavigne) 9. I Don’t Care (Fall Out Boy) 10. Numb (Linkin Park) 11. Victorious (Panic! At the Disco) 12. Get Out Alive (Three Days Grace)
If you could have only five cds, which would they be? No burned cds count - only ones you physically purchase in a store/online. (In no particular order)
1. Mania (Fall Out Boy) 2. Phantoms (Mariana’s Trench) 3. Save Rock and Roll (Fall Out Boy) 4. Them vs. You vs. Me (Finger 11) 5. Pray For The Wicked (Panic! At the Disco)
Batman or Superman? Loki
What fictional character do you most identify with and why? If I had to pick I would say maybe Tobirama Senju. I can come across as cold, will do odd things to satisfy curiosity, and my intentions can be misinterpreted by those that don’t know me.
[The Completely Hatstand Section]
True or false: pineapple on pizza is wrong. False.
If you were a color, what would you be and why? Black or red, they are my favorites.
If you could be an inanimate object, what would you be and why? A dictionary so no one would use me
Assuming reincarnation exists, who do you think you may have been in a past life? How would you like to come back in the next? The running joke in my family is I was a pirate in my past life because my alcohol of choice, when I drink, is rum. I’d like to come back as a cat so I can be lazy and knock shit over XD
If you were a weapon, what would you be and why? A katana because they are badass
Do you wear orange? Why/Why not? Not really, it’s just not a color I own a lot of.
If you could ask your deity of choice one question and have it answered, what would you ask? I’m honestly not sure, maybe what’s the secret to the universe?
True/False: Green buffalos come from Albania. (seriously, now.) Um, false?
[Fair Trades and Dilemmas]
If remaining a virgin (or abstaining from sex) for the rest of your life would allow you to do real magic, would you do it? Fuck yeah! Magic is fucking awesome!
How much money would it take for you to appear naked (full-frontal) for five seconds on national television? A fuck ton of money, like more money than currently exists; I am very self-conscious.
Would you rather be a complete idiot with a charming personality, or intellectually brilliant but have no friends? I’d rather be intellectually brilliant, because my true friends would still be my friends, regardless of how smart I am.
You can start any business of your choice, whether for-profit or non-profit, regardless of whether this business exists practically in the world or not and whether there’s an existing business model to make your chosen business work or not. Irrespective of what it is, it will start off moderately successfully and eventually become very successful. You will make a very satisfactory wage and your investors/sponsors will be very pleased with your work. What business would you start? Some online business that rivals Amazon.
Would you sacrifice an unknown portion of your life so that a loved one could live for one more year? Without a doubt
Tagging @theintellectualweeb @sinyaru @artbythedarkside and whoever else wants to do it
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aelinskingdom-insta · 6 years
KoA NYC event, part 2
- Am I going to die reading kingdom of ash? Yes. I mean, maybe yeaaaah. She died a million times writing her books.
- If you were stuck in a deserted island which one of your characters would you like to be stuck with? We’re ruling out any magical powers. Rowan is so intense that I would just be so scared of him, I would bring no skills to the table. He’d be fine with that but I know that he’d be just ugh you’re pathetic and you’re definitely an indoor cat. Aelin would yell at me and then I’d cry and she’d feel bad and then we’d probably be like Jack Sparrow burning all of the rum. Chaol would just spend the whole time obsessively building a raft because he’d be like “I just need to get off this island with this crazy woman”. He’d just like swim out to sea, like sea take me, Jesus take the wheel! I can’t be on this island with her. Being on an island with Manon would be like getting into one of those shark cages. Cause you know when the coconuts run out she’s going to start looking at you... like she’s not a cannibal, but like there are few lines she wouldn’t cross. She would start looking at me like a steak, like a walking steak. So I think if we’re like stuck on an island, I’d be cool with being on the island with Dorian. He’s so nice, and he’s good to look at. And like he tans nicely, he’s not like me I turn into a lobster in the sun, Dorian gets that like bronzed skin, and I’d be like “oh I’m getting sunburned give me your shirt” and we’ll make sure that you get all oiled up with coconut oil so your tan gets even better and those abs... and with Dorian we can talk about everything so we’d talk about the movies and books - I mean Dorian has obviously seen zero movies but in my fantasy he’s seen all of the movies that I love, and I think he’d be so like pleasant and he would find a way off the island or he would sacrifice himself for me to get off the island but like I’d never let go.”
- You once said that you had a last line planned for kingdom of ash, is that what ended up being the last line of the book? (That was my question kfksojdkaoajsoa) It is. So I had a bunch of different endings in mind over the years and when I was in Costa Rica in 2013 on vacation and we took this little tour up to this place called the Monteverde cloud forest and it’s one of the most unique incredible places in the world. It was on top of a mountain range and this cloud forest exists in the clouds. And we were doing the drive up into the mountains and we got to this lookout point, and these beautiful mountains were spread around us and I was listening to music in the back of this van trying not to puke on all those tiny roads and we got to this point where the clouds just like opened up and all of this sunshine just came flooding down all around these mountains and the music was just swelling at this one point and I just heard the voice in my head, I heard the last line for the series, and I, surprise, burst into tears. I was with my husband’s family and they were like what’s happening with her? And I was like the view is so gorgeous I’m so moved by the mountains - and I was, but I was like holy shit I just heard the last line of my series! It was like an out of body experience and I loved this last line so so much that I was like Aelin please please don’t fuck this up for me, we gotta get to that last line girl we gotta make it to that and we did. She and I got there somehow, if she survives... *nervous laughing* yeah the last line is “aelin was rotting in her grave with the valg bunnies for ever. And then the bunnies hopped along and fed off of her corpse.“
- How does safe sex work between fae? *laughs and snorts* I was want you guys to know that my family is here today. Like my parents and my grandma. I’ll tell you a little story, my grandma is amazing she’s almost 88 years old, she just came back from 2 weeks in Argentina, she travels all over the world. She’s the most incredible lady. I think about 2 years ago, my grandma is in this book club with a bunch of ladies her age, and they picked acotar as their monthly read. And they wanted to know about the sex. So right before acomaf came out and I said “you know grandma you might not want to read acomaf because there’s a lot of graphic sex.” And grandma was like “well that sounds right up my alley“! So I feel like my grandma is probably cool with me talking about safe sex for the fae. But I like to imagine that they’ve got like tonics and potions that they take, like instead of popping birth control pills, where it’s all on the woman to have to be on birth control, like the man can *Sarah picks up her glass of water* drink their daily “not get a woman knocked up juice”. [...] Maybe we’ll have like a little novella where it’s like “the ladies talk about birth control, a nice Holliday special”.
- Which name came first, Celaena or Aelin? Celaena was the first name that popped into my head. When I began writing the books, I knew I wanted a cool name that meant something neat and I was a big fan of the Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle, and there’s a harpie named Celaeno. Celaeno is a real character in Greek mythology and her name means Dark One and I was like oooh Dark One that’s a badass name for an assassin but Celaeno sounds like a burly Italian man *with an Italian accent* “it’s me Celaeno!”. No, so me being 16 years old I swaped the o for an a and that’s how Celaena was born. But what was really weird is that when I named Fleetfoot, like immediately I was like this dog is really fast what do I call her, fleetfoot, but then a couple of years later I was looking into Celaeno the harpie’s mythological origins to see if there was anything I could pull, any little nods that I could have in throne of glass, little references and Easter eggs for Celaena’s name source and I saw that one of Celaeno‘ other names was Fleetfoot, like one of her nicknames, and I was like what the hell... this is why I feel like all of this is happening on another planet and I’m just channeling it somehow. And I don’t even remember where Aelin came from as a name, sometimes I just hear the names in my head and like thank god for those moments cause I hate naming characters. Sometimes I just hear names in my head like I heard Aelin’s name, I heard Feyre’s name, I heard Bryce Quinlan’s name and that’s just how I know, when I hear a name, that’s the name and it’s a weird thing and it sticks and it makes a character come alive in a way. And actually when I first first first wrote throne of glass, Celaena was just an assassin and by chapter three I was like oh and you’re also a magical princess named Aelin, surprise! Cause obviously there has to be a princess involved because of Sailer Moon, the Moon princess. I think Aelin would have enjoyed Sailer Moon, by the way. Aelin would love living in this world, she would never get off her couch cause she would constantly be binge-watching tv shows. iTunes, Aelin would go crazy just like Spotify, all the music. I wish I could open a Wyrdgate and bring her into the world for the day (YEAH WE WISH WE COULD DO THAT TOO). I‘m going to write fan fiction about that. That wouldn’t be weird at all. “Aelin and I hanging out around New York.” Dorkiest fan fiction of all times.
- What is your favorite scene of the series? One of the first that jumped to my mind is in HoF, when Aelin and the Valg are facing off and Aelin goes through all of her memories, and it’s like ripping her apart but then she learns to face them and she comes out of the darkness and puts her hand over the prince’s mouth and blasts them into ash. When I wrote that scene I just sobbed and sobbed, and I was so pumped up I didn’t know what to do with myself. I loved that. In ToD, the whole Nestaq scenes… like basically everything of them together, but when they go off into the mountains together like that I could have made that book a thousand pages long just because I loved them so much and Borte, and the whole thing with them and the spiders. Tower of Dawn was such a fun book for me to write, I loved that book. And in EoS when Aelin and Rolfe, oh my god when Aelin is like talking to Rowan and she’s like I haven’t met you, and he’s like oh I’m taken and she’s like your girlfriend must be so hot and then when Aelin puts one of Rolfe’s emeralds in her mouth and throws it out across the room. When I was writing it, I had my feet on my desk, channeling Aelin so hard. I mean the entire ending of empire of storms was just so horrible and brutal, and all of those ships show up and they realise that Aelin arranged for everything, I just like... lost it. And all of QoS. I mean when Lysandra shows up and saves Aedion and Rowan and destroys all of those soldiers as a leopard, Aelin and Dorian when Dorian shatters the Glass Castle, I loved that. I mean literally like any moment in the series I’ve loved. In the Assassin’s Blade, I loved writing about that riverfront party when they’re all dancing and having fun and Aelin going to the theatre... I mean every moment was my favorite. Aelin versus Manon. When Manon first encounters Abraxos and gets thrown into the pit, when she and Abraxos team up. Oh my god, I’m going to cry thinking about all of these moments. Like a whole montage went through my head, with a nice music playing. Here’s the time Manon ripped out that guy’s throat. Here’s when Aelin gutted a man. Nice family memories.
- What power would you want in throne of glass? I think I’d want to be a shapeshifter. I mean who doesn’t want to ability to turn into a sea wyvern and take on horrible sea creature. *whispering and pointing to herself* Not this person. I would love to be able to turn into a bird and fly, a worm... there’s like so much of the world to see, so many ways to experience it that I would want to try out so many different shapes and then the cool party trick like hey do you want to see me turn into a worm? I would like freeze in that moment and they would be like turn into something cool, turn into a wolf or a badger, and I’d be like I can do a worm... and then we would get home later and I’d be like damnit why didn’t I turn into a wolf I can do it! You know when you have that comeback that you remember two hours later that haunts you for years, like that would be me as a shapeshifter I would forget my cool forms and I would do all of the really sad ones. All the time. The worm and a pigeon... pizza rat, that’s what I’d turn into. Pizza rat is my patronus. *laughing* It’s true.
- If there is one message that you would want the readers to take away from the throne of glass series, what would it be? I think looking back at this crazy, amazing journey, at the end of the day I think I would want you guys to take away the message that, and this is going to sound really corny but you can literally do anything that you put your mind to. You can survive anything, and that you’re stronger than you realise. And that no matter how many times you get knocked down, you can get back up. And never stop getting back up. And even when the world tells you that you aren’t good enough, that your dream is stupid or that it’ll never happen, you keep your eyes on the prize and you never listen to those people. You can make it. You’ve got a dream. You can achieve it. I somehow did it, and if I did it you guys can do it. And I hope that Aelin and Manon and Rowan and Chaol and all of them inspired you to never give up, even when it feels hopeless, never give up. It gets better. Even when things seem really dark and really hard... *starts crying* you asked this question! Whoever wrote that I hate you. Even when things seem really dark and really hard, that doesn’t last forever, and you can get through it. And you’ve got strength that you don’t even realise. You can find that strength, and you’ll make it. And I love you guys. At the end of the day, I want you guys to walk away from these books feeling like you can take on the world. And you can do anything. And if that’s what I’ve accomplished with these books, then I can die happy, I guess. If anybody ever puts down what you love, screw them. I love you guys, to whatever end.
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get to know me!!!
1. Name - sylvia 2. Where are you from? - louisville ky (if you live anywhere near hmu cus im lookin for friends!) 3. How old are you? - 15 4. Do you have any siblings? - i have 3 siblings, two sisters and one brother 5. Pets? - i have 3 dogs! two beagles and one jack russell! 6. Describe yourself - not sure how to do so in a couple sentences! im a chaotic good sensitive but punkass goth bitch 7. What do you do for fun? - make lyric edits! i also am just really into photo editing and graphic design, i also love writing (poetry, songs, etc) and making music! 8. Do you have a job? What do you do? - im a musician, its not really technically a "job" yet but i'm in a band with my sister and im planning on that being my career! 9. What’s your favorite memory? - being eleven and sitting with my sister on her bed as the sun was setting blaring the first the 1975 album in springtime 10. One thing about yourself you wish you could change - how many grudges i hold! i'm kind of an insensitive asshole sometimes but also im too sensitive like all the time ?? i dont know if that answers this lmao  11. What do you love about yourself? - how i stand up for myself and do what makes me happy despite judgement from others 12. Who inspires you? - a lot of people, a lot of my favorite artists really inspire me as well as certain friends and my sister 13. Do you collect anything? - i have a journal full of little things i find random places like old reciepts and notes and stuff as well as little personal but significant things all taped in there lmao. i also have a weird habit of keeping cool bottles so i guess thats become a collection! 14. Do you have any fears? - im terrified of bees and abandonment! lmao 15. Favorite band? - coldplay all the way 16. What music are you currently listening to? - as im writing this im listening to florence and the machine but as far as the past month my playlists have been all over the place! a mix of songs i used to listen to a lot and new ones i keep finding and new releases from my favorite artists! 17. Do you have a favorite song? - lost it to trying by son lux for the win! 18. Do you have a favorite movie? - electrick children, its the best fucking movie in the world i love it with all of my dead heart 19. What’s your favorite color? - black cus im an edgy hoe 20. Do you have a favorite book? - the giver, a fucking classic 21. What’s your favorite school subject? - art or social studies 22. Least favorite school subject? - mATH 23. What’s your favorite Holiday? - halloween biiitcchh 24. What makes you happy? - music, sunny days, storms at night, thrift stores, and arizona iced tea!!!! 25. Do you have a favorite scent? - theres a few soaps and things that bring back really good memories that i absolutely love, but i think my favorite scent ever is Dragons Blood incense! absolutely amazing 26. Do you have a favorite TV show? - law and order: special victims unit ayyee 27. What do you look for in a person? - someone whos honest and loyal and has good intentions! 28. Are you currently in school? - not exactly, i'm "homeschooling" aka not doing shit and staying home all day 29. What is your goal in life? - to be happy and live out my dreams 30. Ever been to a concert? - ive been to a few actually! ive been to taylor swift, coldplay, melanie martinez, the neighbourhood, twenty one pilots, and fitz and the tantrums! 31. What was the last book you read? - im currently rereading divergent, but before that i was reading Mosquitoland! 32. What is your favorite season? - spring for sure 33. Do you prefer it to be hot or cold? - weather wise, hot. body temperature, cold 34. Do you prefer the sun, the rain, or snow? the sun all the way 35. If you could go anywhere, where would you go? - definitely california 36. Do you prefer day or night? - nighttime!!!!! 37. Are you an introvert or extrovert? - extrovert with social anxiety haha 38. What is something not many people know about you? - i used to write full length books and plays growing up! and my name isnt sylvia lmao 39. If you could meet one person, alive or dead, who would it be? - id have to say Chris Martin because hes like my favorite person in the world but theres also a ton of dead people id love to have a good chat with  40. Would you rather look into your future, or fix something from your past? - probably look into my future, if my past was any different i wouldnt be who i am today! 41. If you could sit down with anyone in the world, and talk to them for an hour, who would you like to speak with? - chris martin all the way 42. What was the first CD you ever purchased with your own money? - mylo xyloto by coldplay and torches by foster the people 43. If you own any Vinyls, which was your first? - born to die by lana del rey 44. How many CDs do you own? - oooooo i own a lot, probably 20+ 45. Do you have any talents? - i guess writing and producing music and editing! im also great at hoola hooping come @ me 46. Cats or Dogs? - dogs forever but cats are awesome too 47. What was the last thing that made you happy? - probably this new actor i found and a new tv show ive been watching! also the beatiful weather thats been going on lately and new songs im finding! 
48. How would you describe your style? - 80s kid meets goth witch meets biker meets 70s punk
sorry this was so much i hope u guys got to know me a little bit better ! if u all have any other questions for me pls inbox me! id love to answer them
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dave-meowstaine · 7 years
All of them!!!! Muahahaha
Oh god hahahaha
200: My crush’s name is - Elizabeth Nicole Nieves
199: I was born in - London 1998
198: I am really - Happy! :D
197: My cellphone company is - Vodaphone
196: My eye color is - Blue (interchangeable) 
195: My shoe size is - 6
194: My ring size is - No idea
193: My height is - 6ft exactly!
192: I am allergic to - Nothing that I know of
191: My 1st car was - Never had a car
190: My 1st job was - Working at my local food store 
189: Last book you read - Genuinely can’t remember. I really need to read more
188: My bed is - Too small :(
187: My pet - 2 cats and a doggy
186: My best friend(s) - Are amazing! 
185: My favorite shampoo is - Don’t have one
184: Xbox or ps3 - Definitely PS3
183: Piggy banks are - Cute but I never have spare change on me and if I do it just goes in my wallet
182: In my pockets - Nothing
181: On my calendar - Induction day on the 17th of August
180: Marriage is - Amaziiiing if it’s the right person
179: Spongebob can - make me laugh a lot I fucking love spongebob
178: My mom - Is an amazing, strong woman
177: The last three songs I bought were - Green Day’s American Idiot album because it wouldn’t important onto my iTunes from the CD I had so I just rebought the album on iTunes
176: Last YouTube video watched - A stupid Twitch highlights compilation 
175: How many cousins do you have? - None. I have 2 step cousins but my uncle isn’t married to there mum, they’re just in a long term relationship so…
174: Do you have any siblings? - I have a sister who is 23
173: Are your parents divorced? - Nope
172: Are you taller than your mom? - Yeah by nearly a foot haha
171: Do you play an instrument? - I play guitar and bass, a little bit on the drums, and I used to play the trumpet
170: What did you do yesterday? - Talked to Lizzie all day (as usual)
[ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight - Kindaaa? I mean, I think you have to get to know someone properly in order to love them, but I think you can have a pretty good idea when you first meet
168: Luck - Not really. 
167: Fate - To an extent. I think somethings are just meant to be, but we make a lot of our own decisions
166: Yourself - Yes, definitely
165: Aliens - Yes. Our universe is waaaaay too big for us to be the only ones in it
164: Heaven - Nope
163: Hell - Nope
162: God - Nope
161: Horoscopes - Yep!
160: Soul mates - Already found mine
159: Ghosts - I’m not really sure. I would like to
158: Gay Marriage - Of course. Love is love, no matter what the gender
157: War - I believe that conflict is a natural part of the human race no matter how much we wished it wasn’t
156: Orbs - Just light exposure 
155: Magic - Would be cool but no
[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses - Depends on the person. Definitely kisses with my baby girl, though
153: Drunk or High - Probably high because I throw up when I get drunk (I mean properly drunk)
152: Phone or Online - Online definitely
151: Red heads or Black haired - Black haired
150: Blondes or Brunettes - Brunettes 
149: Hot or cold - Cold because you can snuggle up and get all cozy
148: Summer or winter - Winter
147: Autumn or Spring - Autumn
146: Chocolate or vanilla - Chocolate
145: Night or Day - Night
144: Oranges or Apples - Apples
143: Curly or Straight hair - Wavey 
142: McDonalds or Burger King - McDonalds but I haven’t been since I became a vegetarian 
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate - Milk chocolate
140: Mac or PC - PC obviously
139: Flip flops or high heels - High heels
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor - Sweet and poor obviously
137: Coke or Pepsi - Pepsi
136: Hillary or Obama - Obama
135: Burried or cremated - Cremated
134: Singing or Dancing - Both
133: Coach or Chanel - No idea
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks - Who?
131: Small town or Big city - Small town
130: Wal-Mart or Target - British
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler - Ben Stiller
128: Manicure or Pedicure - No idea
127: East Coast or West Coast - No idea
126: Your Birthday or Christmas - I don’t like either…
125: Chocolate or Flowers - Chocolate but flowers are adorable af
124: Disney or Six Flags - Haven’t been to either so idk
123: Yankees or Red Sox - idk[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War - Didn’t I answer this earlier?
121: George Bush - Better to not get into politics
120: Gay Marriage - Love is love
119: The presidential election - No thank you
118: Abortion - I feel that if it is safe and appropriate that the father of the child should be involved, but at the end of the day it’s the woman’s body and therefore her choice.
117: MySpace - That was my shit back in the day
116: Reality TV - Don’t care
115: Parents - I love my parents. My parents have always been there for me and supported me and I am very grateful for that. I know how lucky I am in that regards
114: Back stabbers - Fuck off
113: Ebay - Good shit, cheap prices, probably get ripped off
112: Facebook - I mean, I use it to communicate with friends but that’s it
111: Work - I would rather not, but wouldn’t we all?
110: My Neighbors - The house is rented out but at the moment it’s a single mum and her two kids and she seems nices
109: Gas Prices - Too damn high
108: Designer Clothes - Ehhh
107: College - I’m currently in college 
106: Sports - Effort
105: My family - I love my family
104: The future - EXCITING
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone - I hugged my mum earlier today
102: Last time you ate - 4 hours ago
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile - I’m seeing my friends tomorrow
100: Cried in front of someone - Last night in front of Lizzie
99: Went to a movie theater - Over a year ago with my best friend, Ed
98: Took a vacation - Last month we went to the Isle of Wight
97: Swam in a pool - School Swimming, like, 4 years ago. I threw up everywhere lol
96: Changed a diaper - Never
95: Got my nails done - Years ago
94: Went to a wedding - Never been to one
93: Broke a bone - Never broken a bone
92: Got a piercing - 2 years ago
91: Broke the law - Don’t know
90: Texted - 12:15am
[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most - Definitely Lizzie
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is - My PC ngl
87: The last movie I saw - Inglorious Basterds
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most - Being with Lizzie
85: The thing im not looking forward to - No idea
84: People call me - Tyler
83: The most difficult thing to do is - Be so far away from my baby girl
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket - Nope
81: My zodiac sign is - Libra
80: The first person i talked to today was - Lizzie. We always fall asleep on the phone together so we wake up on the phone too
79: First time you had a crush - When I was, like, 8?
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from - Lizzie
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking - Lizzie and I always say things at exactly the same time soooo
76: Right now I am talking to - Lizzie
75: What are you going to do when you grow up - I wanna be an IT technician 
74: I have/will get a job - I will get a job after I graduate college
73: Tomorrow - I’m gonna go meet up with friends
72: Today - I answered so many asks I have hand cramp :)
71: Next Summer - Don’t know yet
70: Next Weekend - Probably nothing
69: I have these pets - 2 cats and a dog
68: The worst sound in the world - My baby girl crying or the sound of her voice when I know something is wrong
67: The person that makes me cry the most is - Lizzie because of how fucking perfect she is
66: People that make you happy - Lizzie and my friends
65: Last time I cried - Last night
64: My friends are - There’s a lot of them haha
63: My computer is:
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bitProcessor: Intel® Core™ i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHzMotherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z87-HD3Sound: NVIDIA High Definition AudioGraphics Card: msi GeForce GTX 970 GAMING 4GBPSU: Cooler Master 600WCooling System: Cooler Master HYPER 212XMain Storage: 1TB HDDAdditional Storage: 500GB Samsung 850 EVO SSDRAM: 8GB Mouse: UtechSmart Venus 50Keyboard: Gigabyte Force K3Headset: Beexcellent Gaming Headset with MicMousepad: Diablo III Reaper of Souls Collector’s Edition Mousepad
62: My School - Is a college in Cirencester. It’s pretty chill, don’t have to be there a lot
61: My Car - Don’t have one
60: I lose all respect for people who - Are assholes or fuckboys (but I respect people who are assholes to fuckboys lol)
59: The movie I cried at was - No idea
58: Your hair color is - Dirty blonde
57: TV shows you watch - Just The Walking Dead
56: Favorite web site - Youtube
55: Your dream vacation - I don’t know. I want to travel the world with my baby girl
54: The worst pain I was ever in was - No idea
53: How do you like your steak cooked - Vegetarian 
52: My room is - Messy as shit
51: My favorite celebrity is - Don’t have one
50: Where would you like to be - With Lizzie :((((((((((((
49: Do you want children - I do
48: Ever been in love - I am right now
47: Who’s your best friend - Lizzie and Ed
46: More guy friends or girl friends - Guy friends
45: One thing that makes you feel great is - Lizzie
44: One person that you wish you could see right now - Lizzie
43: Do you have a 5 year plan - No, but I have general ideas about what I want to happen
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die - Nope
41: Have you pre-named your children - Kinda
40: Last person I got mad at - My mum
39: I would like to move to - Nowhere, to be honest
38: I wish I was a professional - Skateboarder would be awesome
[ My Favorites ]
37: Candy - I used to love Wine Gums and Haribo but I’m a vegetarian now so…
36: Vehicle - Don’t have one
35: President - Don’t have one
34: State visited - Never been to America :(
33: Cellphone provider - Don’t have one
32: Athlete - Don’t have one
31: Actor - Don’t have one
30: Actress - Don’t have one
29: Singer - Don’t have one
28: Band - Slipknot
27: Clothing store - Don’t have one
26: Grocery store - Don’t have one
25: TV show - Breaking Bad
24: Movie - John Carpenter’s The Thing
23: Website - Youtube
22: Animal - Chimps
21: Theme park - Don’t have one
20: Holiday - Scotland
19: Sport to watch - Don’t have one
18: Sport to play - I like Basketball
17: Magazine - I love tattoo mags
16: Book - I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
15: Day of the week - Saturday
14: Beach - St Helens on the Isle of Wight
13: Concert attended - Slayer with Anthrax supporting
12: Thing to cook - Don’t know
11: Food - PIZZA
10: Restaurant - Don’t have one
9: Radio station - Don’t have one
8: Yankee candle scent - Don’t have one
7: Perfume - Don’t have one
6: Flower - Don’t have one
5: Color - Red
4: Talk show host - Don’t have one
3: Comedian - Don’t have one
2: Dog breed - Don’t have one
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? - Of course. What’s the point of answering them if I wasn’t honest?
Sorry I answered so many of these with I don’t know, but I really don’t know haha. Thank you! :)
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lefilmdujour · 4 years
Another 500th movie celebration
My Tumblr just reached the 1000 movies mark, so I figured it’s time I write something about my last 2 and a half years of movie viewings and recommend 50 more movies out of the ones I’ve seen since the last 500th movie celebration.
Times have been strange in the last couple of years, and my movie habits have reflected it. There have been times when watching films was all I would do, but there have also been moments of complete disconnection from the medium. I went from watching several movies every day to spending months avoiding anything to do with sitting through a movie. 
Part of it had to do with the space I share with my demons, but mostly there has been a change of pace. My laptop died, it took me months to get another one only to also die on me. On the other hand, an enormous chunk of my viewings have been in cinemas or squats, which is a very positive change but led me to watch more recent films in detriment of classics or ancient underappreciated gems. I also got my first TV in over a decade this month, and my very first Netflix account last week, so I may be exploring streaming a bit more, although so far I am not finding the experience  at all satisfying. All pointless excuses since I went through 500+ movies in a little over two years, which is not bad at all.
It was hard to pick only 50 movies this time, and the list would have probably looked a little different if I did it tomorrow. Regardless, here are 50 movies I recommend, and why. Random order, all deserving of love and attention.
Ghost World (Terry Zwigoff) - This movie is unfairly  ignored in the best comic book adaptation lists out there on the internet. The opening scene is memorable, the soundtrack is a lesson in early Blues, and the characters are quirky and well written.
Hate (Mathieu Kassovitz) - An absolute classic about the class system in France and its tendency to end up in riots. Beautiful shot and highly quotable. Saw it a few times, the last of them with a live score from Asian Dub Foundation. One of the greats.
Audition (Takashi Miike) - Whenever I’m asked about my favorite horror movie, I tend to fall back on this one. Audition is very slow, starting out soft but with an underlying tension that builds until the absolutely gut-wrenching finale that makes us question our own sanity. Brilliant subversion of the “hear, don’t see” rule, just the though of some of the sounds used in the most graphic scenes still send shivers down my spine.
Kedi (Ceyda Torun) - A Turkish documentary about street cats, what’s there not to like?
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (Park Chan-wook) - The third in the loosely-connected Vengeance trilogy by Park Chan-wook, and my favorite of the bunch, especially the Fade to Black and White edition, in which the movie very gradually loses color as the violence grows. A visual masterpiece.
Paterson (Jim Jarmusch) - The poetry of routine. Adam Driver is one hell of an actor.
Love Me If You Dare (Yann Samuell) - Two people that obviously love each other but are not mature enough to follow it through. Frustrating. Beautiful. Made me sob.
The Exterminating Angel (Luis Buñuel) - I am realizing that a good part of this list deals with frustration. A group of people finds themselves unable to leave a party for no apparent reason. Buñuel is a genious in surrealism, I have yet to watch most of his Mexican period.
The Mutants (Teresa Villaverde) - Kids on the run from themselves. Strong visuals, very moving interactions at times. A hard but very rewarding watch. Teresa Villaverde’s entire filmography also gets a seal of approval.
Bad Education (Pedro Almodóvar) - A movie about sexuality and problematic relationships, taken to unbelievable extremes.
The Death of Mr. Lazarescu (Cristi Puiu) - The adventures of Mr. Lazarescu as he struggles to find help for the sudden pain he feels and ends up being passed on from hospital to hospital. Felt very real. Sold as a comedy, but I found it terrifying. 
The Killing of a Sacred Deer (Yorgos Lanthimos) - A classic greek tragedy brought to the modern age. My favorite Lanthimos film, ranking slightly below Dogtooth. The deadpan acting and the unnerving sound serves as wonderful misdirection.
It’s Such a Beautiful Day (Don Hertzfeldt) - Three shorts stitched together to create a confusing, philosophical, absurd, funny and deep masterpiece. The animation skills of Don Hertzfeldt needs more recognition.
Amores Perros (Alejandro González Iñárritu) - A movie so good it didn’t even had an English name. Three tales of love, violence and loss, all linked by a dog.
Endless Poetry (Alejandro Jodorowsky) - Jodorowsky’s romanticized auto-biography, played by his own sons.Bohemian and poetic.
The Passion of Joan of Arc (Carl Theodor Dreyer) - Show this movie to someone who refuses to watch silent movies. The acting is so impactful and emotional, and the use of close ups was highly unusual for the time. A 90-plus years old masterpiece.
Everything is Illuminated (Liev Schreiber) - Sunflowers.
Dunkirk (Christopher Nolan) - I have a soft spot for war movies, as to remind myself how brutal people can be to their fellow man and how meaningless the concept of nations truly is. This movie in particular achieves greatness due to its usage of sound, the best I’ve heard in recent memory.
Vagabond (Agnès Varda) - Be careful of what you wish for yourself, you may end up frozen and miserable in a ditch (spoilers for literally the first few seconds of the film).
Stroszek (Werner Herzog) - I know Herzog mostly through his documentaries. His voice brings me the feeling of a deranged grandpa sharing stories of a reality tainted by dementia. I have yet to explore his fiction work in-depth, and this has been my starting point. Stroszek is bleak and desperate but humor still shines through it at times. Ian Curtis allegedly hung himself after watching it. Not sure if this story is real, but it once more feeds into the Herzog myth.
HyperNormalization (Adam Curtis) - Put together through found footage and newscasts, HyperNormalization is an unforgiving study on how we got to where we currently are. Fake becomes real. Trust is an abandoned concept. “They've undermined our confidence in the news that we are reading/And they make us fight each other with our faces buried deep inside our phones”, as AJJ sings in Normalization Blues. Which you should also check out.
Chicken with Plums (Marjane Satrapi & Vincent Paronnaud) - A man decides to die, so he goes to bed and waits. An apparent simple plot that uncovers a world of beauty and poetry, as life passes slowly through the man’s eyes.
The Florida Project (Sam Baker) - William Dafoe was born to play the role of a motel manager. He is so natural in his role that I think he would actually be great in that job. The rest of the movie is great too, but his performance is the highlight for me.
Lucky (John Carroll Lynch) - Speaking of great performances, Lucky is Harry Dean Stanton’s final movie and a great send off. IMDB describes it best: “The spiritual journey of a ninety-year-old atheist.“
Paris, Texas (Wim Wenders) - More Harry Dean Stanton. The desert plays a more than decorative role in this wonderful movie, representing the emptiness that comes from estrangement. A story about reunion and all that can come from it.
On Chesil Beach (Dominic Cooke) - I sometimes cry in movies, but this one shook me to the core. A play on expectations and reactions and their devastating impact on relationships. We all fuck up sometimes. Try not to fuck up like these characters did, not on that level, you will never be able to make up for it.
The Royal Tenenbaums (Wes Anderson) - An absolute classic. A movie about the concept of family.
No Country for Old Men (Coen Brothers) - Murder mysteries and bad haircuts.
Dawson City: Frozen Time (Bill Morrison) - I highly recommend this documentary for anyone who professes their love for cinema. The story of how hundreds of lost silent movies were preserved though sheer luck and human stupidity. Seeing these damaged frames coming back to life is truly magical.
Mandy (Panos Cosmatos) - Some films turn into cult experiences through the years, some selected few are already born that way. Mandy is a psychedelic freak-out and Nicholas Cage fits like a glove in its weirdness. If you didn’t catch it while in cinemas, you’re already missing out on the full experience. Mandy is filled with film grain, which adds to the hallucinogenic experience with its continuous movement, a feature that does not translate when transferred to a digital medium. 
City of God (Fernando Meirelles & Kátia Lund) - A masterpiece of Brazilian cinema, very meaningful and relatable if you grew up in a similar environment. One of the most quotable films in my memory, something that gets lost in translation if you don’t speak Portuguese. My Tumblr is mostly pictures because I “só sei lê só as figura”.
Loro (Paolo Sorrentino) - On the topic of languages, I watched this Italian movie with Dutch subtitles, by mistake. It is actually an interesting exercise, watching something without fully grasping every word and letting your mind patch the pieces together to make a coherent narrative. Impressive cinematography, amazing script. I learned a lot about corruption, not everyone has a price. I also learned I can speak Italian now.
Roma (Alfonso Cuarón) - Beautiful shot, every frame of it can be turned into a picture. Roma is about the meaning of family, seen from the eyes of someone who will never be part of it. A lot of people considered this movie boring and pointless. These people probably have maids at home.
Bad Times at the El Royale (Drew Goddard) - Engaging heist movie, well developed characters, amazing soundtrack.
Melancholia (Lars von Trier) - The World is coming to an end and the date and time has been announced. How would you react to these news? Would it matter?
Climax (Gaspar Noé) - A very scary experience, equal parts trippy and evil like all Gaspar Noé’s movies. A dark ballet that that shocks and confuses the senses. Dante’s Inferno.
Fish Tank (Andrea Arnold) - A strong story about ambitions, neglect and survival. Katie Jarvis is very realistic in her performance, a little too much judging by her history after the movie.
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (Ana Lily Amirpour) - An Iranian feminist movie about vampirism and records. Watched it with live score from The Black Heart Rebellion for extra cool points.
Another Day of Life (Raul de la Fuente & Damian Nenow) - Based on Ryszard Kapuściński‘s autobiography, Another Day of Life consists of rotoscopic animation sprinkled with interviews. A look at the Cold War in the African continent, and an important watch for everyone, especially Portuguese and Angolan nationals.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (Quentin Tarantino) - Rich in dialogues and paced very slowly until the insane climax, this is probably the best Tarantino film after Pulp Fiction. Filled to the brim with cinematic references, it’s a delight to all film nerds. Looking forward for an Bud Spencer/Terrence Hill film adaption with Leonardo Dicaprio and Brad Pitt after this.
The Beach Bum (Harmony Korine) - Google’s top voted tags: Boring. Mindless. Cringe-Worthy. Forgettable. Slow. Illogical. Looks like this movie didn’t resonate well with the audiences, but then again Harmony Korine’s stuff is not for the masses. I personally think this is one of his best movies, a true exercise on nihilism. The main character is lovable and detestable in equal parts, and every action is pointless. Such is life, the only meaning it has is attributed by yourself.
The Mirror (Andrei Tarkovsky) - A man reflects on his life. Memories tend to get fuzzy, conflicting and confusing. More like a poem than a narrative. A dreamy masterpiece.
The Spirit of the Beehive (Víctor Erice) - The most charming child of this list, she couldn’t memorize the names of the characters she interacted with so they were changed to the names of the actual actors. The innocence of childhood in dark times.
A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence (Roy Andersson) - A series of absurd vignettes connected by a pair of novelty items salesmen and their struggle to bring a smile to a grey World. Slow, but humorous and delightful. An unconventional and memorable ride.
Man Bites Dog (Rémy Belvaux, André Bonzel & Benoît Poelvoorde) - Fake documentary about a serial killer. Heavy, gruesome and hard to watch, despite the false sense of humor in some scenes.A glimpse at the darkness of human nature.
Tangerine (Sean Baker) - Shot with cell phones. A story about love, gender and friendship. Funny, sad, touching.
The Guilty (Gustav Möller) - Focused on a shift of an emergency dispatcher, the camera focuses only on his face and phone interactions with the callers.A very effective thriller, its setting leads us to create our own narratives just to subvert them at the most unexpected times.
Cold War (Paweł Pawlikowski) - Loosely inspired in Pawlikowski’s parents, Cold War is a beautiful love story set against impossible odds. Powerful and heartbreaking. 
Parasite (Bong Joon-ho) - Poor family scams rich family. Rich family takes advantage of poor family. Everybody feeds off of everyone. Drama/Comedy/Thriller/Horror/Romance about control, delivered in a masterclass on cinematic rhythm. Best film of its year for me.
The Straight Story (David Lynch) - More than the fact that this movie is radically different than the remaining Lynch work, The Straight Story is a wonderful exercise in pacing and storytelling. Mr. Straight’s stories allow us to fill in the blanks with our imagination, and their impact in him is also felt in us. An underappreciated gem in its apparent simplicity.
Thank you very much for reading.
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