#The Innsmouth Case
alex-w0ke · 1 year
May's remaining budget: $3.50
Forgive My Sins & Desires, Father by ChaniMK has definitely reawoken something in me, so the moment I saw that the other works are on sale, I couldn’t stop myself from passing up the chance to have most of them in my Steam library. A Pact With Me Be My Loyal Subject Mixed Feelings: While You Were Away My Nemesis and Hero Our Fate Forsaken Bought other stuff too as a bonus since I’ve been…
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gbhbl · 2 years
13 Days of Halloween: Game Review: The Innsmouth Case (Xbox Series X)
Thanks to clever writing and a hearty number of choices, paths and endings, The Innsmouth Case turns out to be something quite special indeed.
An old-school text adventure/visual novel from RobotPumpkin Games and released by Assemble Entertainment. The Innsmouth Case takes its inspiration from The Shadow over Innsmouth, the horror novella by H. P. Lovecraft. One of the authors most beloved works, there have been many tales told about the decrepit seaport of Innsmouth and plenty of Lovecraft-inspired games too. So, a ‘choose your own’…
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So anyone else in this tiny fandom want to make a zine about this or is it just me?
Like, I think it would fit the vibe of the show
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I will single-handedly carry The Lovecraft Investigations Fandom on my back or so god help me
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thorne1435 · 1 year
Hey, what was the metanarrative of Lovecraft's works? Like, what philosophical message was he conveying?
We hear a lot about the racism, and we hear a lot about the horrorterrors, but I've never heard anyone but Hbomberguy actually analyze a work of Lovecraftian fiction on any non-aesthetic level.
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vitallong · 2 years
The innsmouth case switch
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Your fate is entirely in your hands a total of 27 possible endings are to be discovered.
The “interactive book” styled gameplay captivates with its perfect blend of offbeat humor and classic horror The Innsmouth Case is a detective adventure in the style of an interactive book inspired by the fantastical works of horror legend H.P. The Innsmouth Case was released 2 years ago Since then, our game has been ported to Playstation, XBox and Nintendo Switch, which wed never expected.
The unique mixture of horror and humor makes The. Compare, buy and activate The Innsmouth Case Nintendo Switch. I mean, not only is it based on the works of HP Lovecraft, its.
Become one with the Lovecraftian world around you, as each and every decision you make has a permanent effect on the ongoing story The Innsmouth Case is a detective adventure in the style of an interactive book inspired by the fantastical works of horror legend H.P. On Keysforgames.ca you can find it for only C4.7. Youd think that The Innsmouth Case would be one of the more unusual games Ive ever played.
Unfortunately, that particular detective is busy, so the case goes to you! Pack your belongings and prepare to head to the remote fishing village of Innsmouth, as The Innsmouth Case awaits! The unique mixture of horror and humor makes The Innsmouth Case the first scary-comedy-text-adventure of its kind. To solve the enigmatic disappearance of little Tabitha Marsh, the most clever detective is not only wanted but desperately needed. The Innsmouth Case is a detective adventure in the style of an interactive book inspired by the fantastical works of horror legend H.P. Watch The Innsmouth Case launch trailer here: Save the girl, solve the case, survive Innsmouth The Innsmouth Case is a detective adventure in the style of an interactive book inspired by the fantastical works of horror legend H.P. We’re thrilled to give players this unique Lovecraftian gameplay experience!” A desperate mother, a missing girl and a mystical place - a case could hardly be more challenging. Lovecraft and the very first text-based adventure to combine horror and comedy in a fit and proper way.
“ The Innsmouth Case is full of surprises, offbeat humor, and enthralling mystery - a perfect addition to the Assemble Entertainment roster. tbd No user score yet Awaiting 2 more ratings Your Score 0 Summary: The Innsmouth Case is a text adventure game inspired by H.P. “The long road to Innsmouth has been a fun one, to say the least,” said Assemble Entertainment CEO Stefan Marcinek.
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nemeyuko · 7 months
Tumblr if it existed in Lovecraft’s work would be a literal nightmare.
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💉 doctor-reanimator Follow
My assistant just came home from a trip to Illinois. I acquired a new specimen and tried out my new embalming fluid on it. My assistant will record the progress of reanimation.
🪦 reanimator-assistant Follow
West injected a compound into the specimen to counteract the embalming fluid.
🪦 reanimator-assistant Follow
West put a pillow over it. Afterwards, he injected the body with the reagent. It’s possible the specimen may tell us what’s on the other side of death!
🪦 reanimator-assistant Follow
West did what now?
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📐 math-folklore-gilman Follow
I keep having fucked up dreams about the witch that used to live in the house I rented for cheap. Especially since my rented room, the attic, was where she did her magic. I’m sure it’s nothing.
📐 math-folklore-gilman Follow
That’s a weird giant rat! I hate these fucking dreams!
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🖋️ bostonnephew-deactivated02181928
I got this weird box full of documents from being the heir of my great uncle’s estate after he passed. It has this strange bas-relief and notes. I’ll read what’s in it.
🖋️ bostonnephew-deactivated02181928
Cthulhu still sleeps beneath the waves in his sunken city. I know the cult knows I know too much. They’ll take care of me like they did my great uncle. If you don’t see me on here anymore, that’s why.
🐙 cthulhu-cultist80008 Follow
lol idiot.
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🌙 carter-the-dreamer Follow
Why do people think I killed Harley Warren? I did not! I do not know what has become of my friend Harley Warren.
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🐟 olmsteads-journal Follow
Hey, I’m going to visit this weird seaport town while on the way to Arkham to do genealogical research. People in Newburyport don’t want me to visit, but it’s the cheapest route to Arkham. Wish me luck!
🐟 olmsteads-journal Follow
Year later… but…
I was related to someone from that town and something else.
After I fled the town, started to become like the people from the town. I shall join them in the sea with my cousin! :)
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📚 curwen-research Follow
Note to everyone: don’t try summon up your ancestors from the grave with essential salts.
If you see a Dr. Allen around Providence, Rhode Island. Please shoot him and dissolve his body in acid.
📚 curwen-research Follow
Take no account of what I published. Dr. Allen is a grand man who meant no harm.
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👤 outsider2817 Follow
I’m going to leave my house for the first time! Wish me luck!
👤 outsider2817 Follow
I went to a house full of people partying. They all screamed and fled. What was that about?
👤 outsider2817 Follow
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(Inspired by @strangestcase)
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giglong · 2 years
The innsmouth case ps4
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#The innsmouth case ps4 how to
#The innsmouth case ps4 how to
Talk of mobile phones and arcade games seems oddly out of place and tends to jar with the overall atmosphere.Ĭompleting the main investigation on the missing child is easily achieved once you find the correct thread of choices through trial and error, but the solution is entirely devoid of logic and unsatisfying.Įxploring the town and finding out how to access new locations and ‘endings’ turns out to be main crux of the game and while completists may well have the patience to try every single avenue with repeated playthroughs, anyone who appreciates genuine puzzles or text adventure tropes will soon tire of the rigmarole. Despite the modern setting the general vibe of the town seems more fitting for the original Lovecraft book which took place in the early 20th Century. Assemble Entertainment horror Lovecraft multiple endings news PS4 PS5 release. The text is presented as an old book with small stylised animated illustrations of either the comedic inhabitants or your current location, the latter of which are well drawn and very atmospheric in conjuring up a sense of place. You can also get the game for the PC, as well as the Nintendo Switch. The map of the town highlights areas that you’ve yet to reach but finding them usually involves trying every dialogue option hoping it will open up the new route in. When you hit one of the 27 endings (usually deaths), you can restart from the checkpoint list on the main menu but you still have to wade through pages of dialogue that you’ve already read. Often an inaccessible branch of the story is hidden in a maze of dialogue with little in the way of logical explanation meaning that trial and error are the name of the game here. Trial And Error Of Judgementĭialogue multiple choices are interspersed with investigative options, the former occasionally leading to new locales should you chose the right things to say. The beach, harbour and town all lead to interactions with the odd residents and the game has plenty of one way forks off the main story which often lead to a threatening scenario from which your character ends up suffering a comedic death at the hands of the local hicks or mysterious aquatic creatures.
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dailyadventureprompts · 2 months
i think you had a good analysis on the grimlocks & how to fix them overall, but i disagree that taking an "ancient aliens" route is a good way to fix them. i know it likely wasnt your intent, but all the ancient aliens stuff is also based in racist ideals of which societies were "advanced" enough to make certain things, and are also often quite antisemitic. sprinkling some stuff from that into the grimlocks gives it a good chance of just becoming racist in a different way
Friend I am all too familiar with the conspiracy theory/quack archaeology headspace so when I touch on that iconography I do so with deliberate intent.
The fundamental context of the ancient alien theory is "These buildings are too impressive for nonwhite savage people to build, they must've been constructed through advanced technology handed down by a white atlantian/interdimensional/alien civilization from whom the white explorer claims decent."
I'm a big fan of playing with problematic fiction tropes (especially in the pulp genre) by swapping perspectives around to the people the author doesn't expect you to sympathize with, and in the case of the ancient aliens setup it's something along the lines of "Man it sucks that this asshole with lazerbeams showed up, enslaved us, fundamentally altered what we were and forced generations of our people to labour to death building him a palace. We should unionize and kill that guy"
I was specifically inspired by the brilliant Innsmouth Legacy novel series which reinterprets Lovecraft from the perspective of the people his fiction acted as a veil for his (and the entire pulp genre he was a pillar of) prejudice.
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
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☾ book recommendations: *✲⋆.
my all time favorites:
the brothers karamazov by fyodor dostoevsky
notes from underground by fyodor dostoevsky
the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde
frankenstein by mary shelly
the plague by albert camus
we have always lived in the castle by shirley jackson
others that i'd recommend:
break the body, haunt the bones by micah dean hicks
tomie by junji ito
uzumaki by junji ito
berserk by kento miura
the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson
i have no mouth, and i must scream by harlan ellison
the tell-tale heart by edgar allen poe
the cask of amontillado by edgar allen poe
rebecca by daphne du maurier
wuthering heights by emily brontë
dune by frank herbert
a shadow over innsmouth by h. p. lovecraft
the color out of space by h. p. lovecraft
the dunwich horror by h. p. lovecraft
crime and punishment by fyodor dostoevsky
demons by fyodor dostoevsky
the idiot by fyodor dostoevsky
jane eyre by charlotte brontë
animal farm by george orwell
do androids dream of electric sheep? by philip k. dick
a long fatal love chase by louisa may alcott
the stranger by albert camus
the metamorphosis by franz kafka
the trial by franz kafka
dragonwyck by anya seton
discipline and punish by michel foucalt
the castle of otranto by horace walpole
faust by johann wolfgang von goethe
the fall by albert camus
the myth of sisyphus by albert camus
the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde by robert louis stevenson
blood meridian by cormac mccarthy (do look into the content warnings though, there's heavy violence/depictions of 1840s-1850s racism)
the death of ivan ilyich by leo tolstoy
the dead by james joyce
the overcoat by nikolai gogol
dead souls by nikolai gogol
hiroshima by john hersey
useful fictions: evolution, anxiety, and the origins of literature by michael austin
no exit by jean paule satre
candide by voltaire
white nights by fyodor dostoevsky
notes from a dead house by fyodor dostoevsky
the shock doctrine by naomi klein
the 100 year war on palestine by rashid khalidi
blackshirts & reds by michael parenti
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nightspires · 1 year
Does anyone have any good fiction podcast recs??
I’ve listened to: King Falls AM, Wolf 359, The Bright Sessions, Girl In Space, Brimstone Valley Mall, EOS10, Alba Salix, The Magnus Archives, Archive 81, Gossip, The Two Princes, The Strange Case of Starship Iris, Borrasca, The Black Tapes, Limetown, Ars Paradoxica, The Ghost Radio Project, The Shadow Over Innsmouth, The Message, and Wooden Overcoats
There are a few more but I forget those names
Anything new and preferably from an indie creator would be great!!!!
I’ve also listened to/tried: Welcome To Nightvale, Alice Isn’t Dead, Mabel, the Penumbra podcast, The White Vault, and The Amelia Project.
Update: I’ve collated all of these suggestions into one post! See audiodrama recs here.
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marylairre · 4 months
Pleasant Green Universe - All audios
A small list of all the audios in the Pleasant Green Universe as created by Julian Simpson.
The order of this post doubles as the recommended listening order if you want to follow the story chronologically (for as far as that is possible).
All of the links in this list link to their most official sources, and are all free to listen to. Some platforms like that of the BBC Sounds offer a download option so you can listen to them offline. Soundcloud links all lead to Julian Simpson's official Soundcloud.
Please let me know if a link is broken or if an item is no longer available and I will try my best to get it fixed.
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Episode 1: Fragments Episode 2: The Listener Episode 3: Bad Memories Episode 4: Kokomo Episode 5: Fugue State
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Episode 1: Mythos Episode 2: Glamis Episode 3: Albion
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The Lovecraft Investigations: Season One: The case of Charles Dexter Ward
Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10
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The Lovecraft Investigations: Season Two: The Whisperer in Darkness
Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Feed Disrupted * Urgent update from Kennedy Fisher *When downloaded from the BBC Sounds webpage using its download feature, the episode will show up as an mp3 file called 'Episode 8'. This is not incorrect. It is a different episode and is titled as such to make sense in-universe.
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The Lovecraft Investigations: Season Three: The Shadow over Innsmouth
Episode 1: Footsteps Episode 2: Haumea Episode 3: Apartment 6 Episode 4: Melusine Episode 5: Harlequin Episode 6: Saint Germain Episode 7: Rubaiyat Episode 8: Pleasant Green Bonus Episode 1: The Somerton Man Bonus Episode 2: Who is Mary Lairre? Bonus Episode 3: Heawood and Kennedy
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Who is Aldrich Kemp?
Chapter 1: Clara Page Chapter 2: Themis House Chapter 3: The Black Windmill Chapter 4: The Spirit of The Age Chapter 5: Kholat Syakhl
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Who killed Aldrich Kemp?
Chapter 1: Funeral in London Chapter 2: The Man Who Sold The World Chapter 3: Liberty Flights Chapter 4: The Murder Clowns Chapter 5: Bogata
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The Lovecraft Investigations: Season Four: The Haunter of the Dark
Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10
A third series has been announced with a release date aiming for late 2024. Julian Simpson has predicted writing will take up the majority of the Spring, and hopes to record it over the Summer. The title is a working title which Julian has revealed in his latest blog update. In his own words he hopes the story to be 'a rollicking adventure featuring cat-burglars, secret maps, Nazis, underwater treasure and the requisite amount of tea and violence.' The season is currently being written and he remains hopeful on the predicted schedule.
On December 31st 2023 Julian Simpson revealed on the CartoonGravity website that the title of the Pleasant Green film that they're currently developing is going to be titled 'Bad Memories', after the standalone story of the same name.
This post was last updated on: February 29th 2024
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andreabonazzi · 10 months
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To be released on August 30 by Black Widow Records, the double CD deluxe box of the Lovecraftian tribute album Il sogno e l’incubo: Vita e opere di H.P. Lovecraft comes in its illustrated cardboard box, with three prints of my other bas-reliefs and a puzzle version of my portrait of H.P. Lovecraft. Printed CD case with 40 pages booklet + extra 16 pages booklet with a lot of my art. Album cover art by Luca Martinotti, box cover art and internal illustrations by Andrea Bonazzi, other internal art by Luca “Laca” Montagliani.
CD 1 Death SS – Necronomicon Mortiis – Descending into a Dream La Janara – La Casa Stregata Runaway Totem – Nodens Paul Roland – The Cats of Ulthar L’impero delle ombre – Dagon Il Segno del Comando – K’n-yan Soul of Enoch – Festival in Kingsport Salem Cross – Red Hook
CD 2 Witchwood – The Shadow Over Innsmouth Vitam Aeternam – The Anachronic Geminae Paul Roland – The Music of Eric Zahn Dunwich – Whispering Darkness Blue Dawn – The Dunwich Horror La Morte Viene dallo Spazio – The Colour out of Space La Stanza delle Maschere – Aria Fredda Freddy Delirio and The Phantoms – On the Treshold The Magik Way – Hypnos Eminence Noire – Dagon
Info: blackwidow.it
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They Both Just Gotta Be Dicks - a Malevolent fic
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WARNING: Intermezzo spoilers
Not much surprises Kayne anymore.
A melting Arthur manages.
This is try number six hundred and forty-eight. Or maybe forty-nine? Sure, forty-eight, and who cares, because I am absolutely sure it does not matter at all.
Who would even bother counting? What would be the point?
There isn’t a point, and that is the fucking point.
Yeah, yeah, you two, get your morning started; share the coffee, drop the sugar (seen this eighteen thousand fucking times and how’s that for counting), and here comes the mail courier! 
This part always goes fun. Sometimes Parker dies right away; sometimes there’s a Battle For Supremacy! in which proto-John wins every time and then Parker dies. Sometimes Arthur gets killed in the process, and proto-John gets a maximum of sixty-eight seconds (I did count that) of life outside the Dark World before oopsie-whoopsie can’t kill your host and he goes screaming back. Sometimes—
A man comes out of the shadows (did I see that right?) wearing an absolutely filthy anachronistic hoodie and jeans for a guy twice his size, fucking cold-cocks the mail courier over the head, dumps his bag (yes, I’m just standing here staring, and who wouldn’t), finds proto-John’s book (The fuck! Proto-John’s book!), and then steps back into the shadows and is gone.
Well, I…
I can’t help laughing, screaming it, because what the actual hell was that? I’ve done this five million and eighty-nine times and I have never seen that before!
The door opens, and the detective besties are fussing over the mail courier, but they no longer matter because the book is gone. Arthur’s just not as effective without his little friend.
Silly weird filthy criminal. Did you really think you could slip through shadows and I couldn’t follow?
So he’s pretty good with portals! Nice! Took us all the way to the woods outside Innsmouth (fucking nasty place), and breathing like he’s fucking dying, he goes loping through the woods, unconcerned about shoggoths or any other dreadful thing, clutching that book like it’s everything he’s ever wanted, tripping over his boots, which are also too fucking big, and I just gotta know.
I gotta know… and I don’t! Do you know how rare that is?
He’s done something to himself, this gasping-shambling-winner-of a human, and I can’t see his thoughts. Ooh, ooh, ooh, I’m excited enough not to just explode him and take the fucking book back.
He stops. Drops to his knees. Holds the book out. Is clearly about to open the fucker.
Nope, sorry, proto-John spoken for. “Yyyyyyallo.”
He doesn’t jump. Goes real still. “I knew you’d be here,” says Arthur Lester who sounds like somebody put him through a meat grinder and then stuffed him into sausage casing and then smoked him halfway and then popped him in a microwave without poking holes so he blew up in there and then scraped him out and squished him back together in the shape of a man.
Gotta admit, I didn’t see all this coming! “That’s a neat trick,” I say, walking around to the front. “How’d you know?”
That sure is Arthur Lester looking up at me, though he’s missing teeth, and you could just slice meat on those cheekbones. “Because that’s how lucky I am.”
Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy. “You must be lucky, Artie, because I don’t know you! How about that? Looks like somebody sure put you through the wringer, though!” Closer, kneeling down, making eye-contact.
His eyes are that funky color of repeated and unaddressed subconjunctival hemorrhage. He’s just breathing like a bull, clutching that book, looking like he wants to bite me.
“You can see!” I tsk. “That just isn’t fair, is it? We should fix that.”
And he says, “I know where your fucking black stone is, you fucking monster,” and just like that, it stops being funny.
I may not know him (conundrum!) but he does know me, and as the smile slides off my face, he starts to shake, so he doesknow me well enough to know he’s in trouble.
“Do you?” I say, high and light and kind of tight. “Do you? Do you? Because that’s important information, Artie, that I would like to have right now! You wouldn’t go claiming something like that if it wasn’t true, would you? Where is it? On you? Did you swallow it, Artie? Am I gonna have to go digging for gold?”
And he says something else he shouldn’t know at all! “It’s on Earth one-two-four-nine aspect B8, you filthy dickhole.”
Yeah, sooooo… this just got weird? “How’d you know that, Artie?” I say, calm, soft, soothing. “That’s not a designation you ought to know.”
“Because you told me, or part of you. The one you fucking killed,” he snarls, spitting, and his hood slips back.
Oh, that ain’t right. Most of his hair is gone. He looks kinda cancerous, definitely grody, really not socially reassuring. I can’t read his mind, but I can peek at other things, and boy-howdy. “Hey, you’re gonna die, Artie!” I say with great cheer.
“I know.” He clutches the book. “It’s okay now.”
“No, I don’t really think it is, Artie, in fact, I’m getting the idea you don’t really understand the stakes here—”
“I know you promised him to me if I got your fucking stone!” Arthur just screams at me, and there’s blood with bile in it flying out of his throat   and that just tastes deeee-lightful. “I got it! I had it! You were supposed to give him back!”
Oh. I tap my chin.
Behind us, a couple of roaming shoggoths spot us, feel me, and run yipping away into the woods. Yeah, yeah.
“I get it,” I say. “You were dealing with another me. Well, good news! I killed them all.”
“I know!” He screams it, and his voice cracks, and he is sobbing all over the book and himself and there’s blood and snot everywhere. 
“You’re so juicy,” I tell him.
“You killed him before he could do it,” Arthur says in that tiny voice he gets when he’s all they won and I can’t and all that weakling bullshit. 
“So… you actually got the black stone?” I say. “Without John.”
“No. With him.” Such a brittle tone! But at least that detail is consistent. “Then we weren’t going to give it to him. He was going to wake the Dreamer.”
Pfft. Well, I know which one of me that was, and good riddance. “That old chestnut?”
“We weren’t going to do it, and he took John, and… and I…”
“Were you gonna trade, Artie?” I all but sing at him. “Trade John for waking the Dreamer and ending everything including John?”
“No,” he says, spraying more blood. “We were going to trick him. But then you ki… you… you showed up and you… you…”
“I killed him!” I remember that one. Suicidal version of me? No, thanks. “I ch-ch-chopped him to bits, and then I stewed the bits, and then I ground him into meat and I ate the whole thing!” And I laugh.
He doesn’t laugh. Artie never does have a good sense of humor.
“Just let me have this,” he suddenly says. “You don’t know what I’ve done to get him. Let me have him, and I’ll tell you where the fucking stone is.”
“Or I could just torture you for it,” I say with a shrug.
“Go the fuck ahead. There’s nothing you could use anymore, and if you do, you won’t know the trick we did. You’ll lose. Even if you get your stone, you’ll lose, because it won’t be the whole fucking thing.”
I laugh again because eh? “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I open this book. I take John into myself. You get what you need.”
“Or I just take the book, and take what I need, and we’re done!”
His laugh is just crazy, grating, crackling delicious, and I lock it away in my head for future use. “You can’t.”
That’s fucking insulting, so I reach to pluck out his defiant little eyeballs.
I missed?
I stare at my hand, outstretched, and at him. “Huh?” I say, as one does.
“You can’t,” he says. “The trade. I get John.”
“Not your John. Not even a John yet,” I point out.
“He will be. I’ll tell him who he is. It’ll be fine. It’s going to be fine.” He’s rocking back and forth now. “All of it will be fine.”
Wow. “You’re a special kind of crazy, ain’tcha?” I try again. I… miss again? I have no idea how that’s happening. I could just cook his cells and do it that way, but I’m so curious! “Okay, this is pretty neat, and all,” I say. “But that book is due elsewhere right now? I mean, we’re already off schedule, and also, my guy, you’ve missed an obvious out. I can just take you with me and make you show me the stone.”
That laugh, Artie, wow! “No, you can’t,” he says all wetly. “Because if I cross another world-boundary, or even step through time at any pace other than normal, I will fucking die.”
I whip out some pince-nez (like you do) and pop them on to try to see him clearly.
Still can’t see his thoughts. Can see a whole lot else. He was not lying. “Oh, Artie, what’d you do to yourself?” I say, already laughing, because this guy is worn so fucking thin that I think rain would tear him apart.
“I hunted,” he says. “I found a way. And I found my way here.”
“You know, most humans who get into magic of this kind do not generally suffer organ jello-ification? Seriously, what’d you do?”
“I only needed to get here,” he says, and his voice is soft, and he strokes the book cover, and wow, Artie, wow.
“Buddy. Pal. You’re that frail, you can’t take him inside you.”
“I know.”
“I mean he’s gonna kill you. At once. Not even on purpose.”
“I know.”
“You’re gonna pop like a cheap condom.”
“I know.” (He would.) “And if you let me, you’ll get what you need.”
“How in fuck will that get me what I—” And all at once, I get it. My laugh is almost as crazy as his. “What’d you do, Artie?”
“I put it here,” he says, pointing to the most egregious bald-spot, the most cancer-looking area. “Yes. I did. You can’t touch me… and you need this piece. If you don’t get it, your stone won’t work for whatever the fuck you’re trying to use it for.”
And it’s so daring and so wild and so stupid? Not like I can’t kill just him and find it in the corpse? “Grammatically heinous, my boy!” I say, affecting a Brigadier General for a moment. “Seriously, though, you shoved part of my stone into your skull?” 
“I do this. I tell you where. You let me have this.”
“This… proto-John.”
“He’s in there.” He curls over the book. “And I’ll make sure he knows… he knows everything.”
“He’ll die with you.”
Oh, Artie, Artie, Artie. “You know that doesn’t work? He wouldn’t be tied to you after death.”
“I know. I made sure he would,” he  snarls like some snarly thing, and that’s when I decide to let him do it.
He’s tried so hard, and he’s got information I want, and just look at him! Obsessed! Gross! Melting! How in fuck will proto-John even respond to this? Oh, I missed you so much that I fucking killed us both and bound us somehow in the Dark World? Yeah, that’ll go over great.
He’s still trying to sell me. 
“Let me. You’ll get what you want.”
Oh, fuck, this is gonna be a ride. “He’s not gonna thank you.”
“I don’t care.”
“You know what? You’ve surprised me, Artie. That’s worth a cup of coffee. Go ahead. Steal your John, then trap him after death. I’ll take the li’l stone-bit when you’re gone, and all will be right with the world.”
And he tells me where it is. What year, exactly. What landmass. Even what region. He can’t get closer than that, but that’s okay. That’s okay.
It’s one of many places those three idiots found. I would’ve gotten there eventually, I tell myself, but let’s be real here: Artie just saved me a whole bunch of pointless Arthur-wasting. I know where to send the good ones now. You know. The ones that don’t get flushed.
He’s not even aware I’m here anymore, I think. Cradling that damn book. Does he even remember he had a daughter? I fucking’ swear, this guy… “Hope Faroe likes your new add-on.”
He doesn’t answer me. Wow, Artie. Wow.
He opens the book.
I’ve seen this a thousand times. That blast of power, that wildness of desperate fire, that light reaching for him like a drowning man for a swimming one and pulling them both under.
He chokes. His eyes go from bloodshot blue to bloodshot gold. “John,” he sobs.
Then he pops like a ripe cherry. Good spread, too! Those bone-bits ain’t never coming out of those trees.
Honestly surprised he lasted that long, given the mess he was. How in fuck did he even get that way? It must have taken years. “Oh, oh, I’ve got chills. Years of looking for John? Of ensuring you’d go to the Dark World together? Ahahaha! Ridiculous! Only you, Artie, only you… oh, yeah, you’re dead, you can’t hear me.” I rummage around in the mess.
Know what’s annoying? I can’t see the sliver.
It takes me a month to gather all the goo (thanks a ton, Artie), trick someone into touching the gray stone, and then getting them to tell me where the sliver is, and then I can finally fucking touch it.
Sort of.
Gather it, we’ll say.
Fuck. It’s not that small. Things would definitely not have gone right if this were missing. I don’t even know how I’m going to repair the damned thing, but at least I have the sliver.
Thanks. A lot. Artie.
At least I know where to go.
Gotta go find me a new Arthur. This one is no longer interesting. Without a John—proto or not—it won’t fucking work, as I’ve learned through trial and tribulation, though not my own.
I could just kill this now-pointless-Arthur, but eh… I don’t care anymore. His lucky day.
Before I go alternate-Artie-hunting, though, I just have to go take a peek into the land of the dead.
Well, well, well… whaddaya know. It worked. They’re together.
And shouting at each other. Wow, that is some conflict! Figures that even when dead, even after all Arthur did to pull this off, they both just gotta be dicks.
Music to my ears.
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I just finished season 2 of The Lovecraft Investigations (might relisten because some things completely went past me) and holy shit this is incredible! I'm begging Tumblr to come together and make an active Fandom space for this podcast
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thehorrortree · 1 month
Deadline: June 30th, 2024 Payment: 6 cents per word and a contributor's copy Theme: Cosmic Horror stories set in and around Arkham, Innsmouth, and other mythos related areas that take place in or are associated with Lovecraftian tales AND which feature a public or private institution of some sort Dragon’s Roost Press is please to announce the open call for our next anthology. We have previously published collections of short stories which mix Lovecraftian Mythos with elements of Romance (Eldritch Embraces: Putting the Love Back in Lovecraft) and with Humor (LOLcraft: A Compendium of Eldritch Humor). This time instead of focusing on emotions, we want to look at setting. Specifically, we want to look at how different institutions have to deal with the eldritch abominations of Lovecraftian horror. Arkham Institutions (tentative title) will feature 10 – 15 short stories focusing on the various aspects of government and business and their relationship with the oddness that creeps up in and around that most (in)famous New England Town. What We Are Looking For We want to see Cosmic Horror stories set in and around Arkham, Innsmouth, and other mythos related areas that take place in or are associated with Lovecraftian tales AND which feature a public or private institution of some sort. What does Arkham Elementary teach? What weird cases does law enforcement have to deal with? What kind of people are seen in the Emergency Room? The psych ward? The local library? We are still looking for character driven stories, but make sure that these places are characters in their own rights. Draw us in and make us feel like we are there. NOTE: We are not looking for stories set at Miskatonic University nor the Orne Library. There are plenty of stories with these settings. Give us something new. What We Want Original short stories, 3 – 5K words in length. While we have covered romance and humor in other anthologies, we don’t mind if these elements feature in your stories, so long as they scare us. Make sure we get that sense of cosmic dread. Humor and PG-13 rated spiciness are just fine. We are fine with gore, so long as it is not used as a replacement for plot. We do not require a happy ending. In fact, we kind of enjoy that hopeless bleakness. What We Don’t Want S.A./non-consensual sex, including minors in sexual situations, will not be accepted. We are not looking for sexually explicit material for this anthology. Consensual sex is OK, if germane to the story, but cut away before anything happens. Please, no tentacle porn. Animal cruelty is not welcome here. You can kill as many kids as you want, but the dog better live. Old Man Howard created a fascinating cosmology and left us a lovely sandbox to play in, but his problematic viewpoints have no place here. We saw Ferris Bueller’s Day Off at the drive-in during its original run and we live by the idea that “isms…are not good.” All stories must be original works which you retain the rights to. Fan Fiction, Slash Fiction, and any other material containing characters which you did not create are not acceptable for this publication. We don’t like being sued. We are not looking for poetry, novellas, flash fiction, or artwork at this time. The Nitty Gritty Stuff The reading period will be from 1 May – 30 June OR UNTIL FILLED. All of our previous anthologies have closed early due to the number of submissions received, so don’t sit on your story. Get it to us ASAP. That being said, make sure that your work is properly edited before you hit the send button. We don’t mind a little light editing, but an egregious number of spelling and grammatical errors will lead to a rejection. Arkham Institutions is open to all. BIPOIC and LGBTQIA+ characters and authors are very welcome. AI generated content is NOT welcome. A clause in the author contract will stipulate that the story was not created using AI. Violation of this clause will lead to a ban from this and any future Dragon’s Roost Press anthologies.
Submissions should be sent as attachments to [email protected] (note, this e-mail address is different from some previous submission calls). The subject line should read Arkham Institutions/story title/author’s name (example Arkham Institutions/Really Cool Story/Doe). E-mails which do not follow this format will be deleted unread. In the body of your e-mail, provide a short (500 words or less) biography. Submissions should be sent as .doc, .docx, .odt, or .pages attachments. Multiple submissions are OK, but please wait until you have received a response on your first piece before submitting your second. Simultaneous submissions: no. We prefer Shunn Modern Manuscript Format (found https://www.shunn.net/format/story/), but any standard format is acceptable so long as you use the formatting tools in your word processing program. In other words, do not manually indent paragraphs using tabs or spaces. Please convert your manuscript to Times New Roman before sending. We really, really hate Courier. You can write in whatever font you choose, but we want to read it in Times New Roman. Payment will be $0.06/word (sent upon publication) plus one contributor’s copy in both paperback and digital formats. We will be running a Kickstarter campaign later in the year to help offset some of the production costs, but this will not affect payment or publication. As with our previous anthologies, a portion of the profits will be donated to the canine rescue organization Last Day Dog Rescue. Primary publication will be via Amazon’s KDP POD service, but the title will be available through Ingram and Baker & Taylor. The book will be released in paperback and digital formats. Expected release date Oct 2024. Note to New Authors: Most publications seek First North American Rights. While you may be able to sell your story again as a reprint, publication in this anthology may limit your story’s future marketability and may affect the amount of money you will be able to receive from other markets. Please take this into consideration before submitting. Via: The Dragon Roost Press.
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