#The Grypthon
chernobog13 · 2 months
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Behind-the-scenes photos from Stan Winston Studio of the maquette for The Gryphon, Godzilla's opponent in TriStar's first attempt at an American Godzilla film in 1994.
Despite the name, The Gryphon was actually a chimera: a combination of various Earth animals mixed with alien DNA. But I guess "The Gryphon" sounded cooler.
I am no fan of the original Terry Rossio and Ted Elliot script for this proposed film. However, I would have sat through it just to see this creature and Godzilla (the images of which I posted yesterday) brought to life by Stan Winston and his crew.
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blindecho6 · 9 months
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This species can change into any living creature, as long as they can remember it. The similarity to the "original" depends on how well the dragon remembers how it looked. The one depiced here is mid change into a grypthon.
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