#The Crumplebottom Sisters
cassandragoth26 · 5 months
I wanted to do it like this as if it were a yearbook asjdajsd (Well, that's why I did it like that, because it would be the middle school yearbook ajsdjasd xd) (Reminder that not everyone is the same age when they reach high school, so that's why some They look a little big, and to make it more realistic, not everyone in '89 looked like teenagers as such, some looked older, and others didn't… Well, it's like right now but you understand xd) Anyway, do you know anyone before I start uploading 26 photos?… Well, I'll do it tomorrow, I'm not feeling well right now
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Prev: Class of 89's / Next: Agatha Crumplebottom
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gladyssite · 1 month
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Agnes and Cornelia - The Sophomore Collection by @sentate x @serenity-cc
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curiousb · 1 month
The Crawford Family Album: Volume XXV
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When the kids were younger, the youngest Matthew was often the odd one out - his older twin siblings having their own particular bond - but now that they're growing up, they're all starting to appreciate family much more, and are becoming a tight-knit little unit. (All the kids have turned out to be Primary/Secondary Family Sims - according to my own Aspiration calculator. Who would have thought it, given that their parents are Romance/Pleasure/Fortune Sims!)
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So, the first free weekend they get, they all head out together to Sanditon, where they're meeting their grandparents, Frederick and Anne, for a family bowling trip.
(It was just fortuitous that they happened to be there at the same time, but let's pretend it was by design. 😉)
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Harsh, Frederick - ridiculing your own granddaughter!
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Matthew is determined to show those pins who's the boss. (At last I've found a hair that suits him - he was a real challenge!)
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Oh yes!
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Anne and Frederick are having a great afternoon too. (I'm not sure that Jonathan - in the background - ever got his turn.)
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Oops - looks like someone was having such a good time that they neglected their bathroom needs. To be honest, I have no sympathy for his embarrassment - not after he mocked Cecilia's efforts earlier!
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Some cute pictures, to remember the occasion by.
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Meanwhile, Frank and Sister Agnes are going head to head.
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Matthew's efforts to get to know Georgia are a little clumsy, to say the least.
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Yeah, I think I'd have the same expression if I'd been manhandled like that by a Sim I hardly know! (I think she looks so much like her dad Samuel.)
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And look who else is here - it's runaway kitty Dolly! Still exerting her independence.
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Matthew also grabs the opportunity to say hi to his dad Walter, when he happens to walk past. (He literally ran outside to greet him.) But sadly, Walter doesn't seem to have much interest in getting more involved in his older kids' lives. His focus now is entirely on his new family.
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simnationlifebefore · 2 years
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“Alex I can hear you upstairs, go back to sleep” 
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“But you’re up”
“I’m waiting” 
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“What for?” 
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“For Auntie Agnes to arrive” 
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lustrousims · 1 day
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𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ Save File Progress - Willow Creek
Willow Creek Residents + their problems:
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1. The Crumplebottoms: This is my take on TS3 Agnes and giving her the life she wishes she had. In this version, her husband is alive and they were able to have kids.
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 2. The Pancakes: Bob finally reached his limit with Eliza and demanded a separation, which ultimately turned into a divorce. The kids took it better than he thought, and they both chose to live with him over their mother. Bob owns his own Pizzeria and him and the kids are very well off!
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3. The Ali Sisters:***TW: CHILD LOSS ------------- Nala's daughter suffered a tragic accident that resulted in her death. Nala [top right] was rightfully devastated and lost herself for months, Her sister Ada moved in with her recently to keep an eye on her and make sure she is coping and healing properly. Grief is something you never get over, especially when it's your own child, but we all need love, acceptance and support at our worst. Nala is so greatful for Ada, even if she can't express that right now.
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4. The Browns: Robert and Matilda's daughter, Alicia, got involved with a man she shouldnt have, and got pregnant. Alicia moved back in with her parents and all seemed well until Jana was born. Alicia got into dr*gs and alcohol and started neglecting her parental responsibilities. After a while, Robert and Matilda had to prioritize Jana's wellbeing and kicked Alicia out, on the condition that if she gets the help she needs, she is welcome to come back home and attempt a relationship with Jana.
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5. The Stclairs: ***TW: HOMOPHOBIA ------------- almost the perfect family. Unfortunately, there's something splitting up this household. Little Ava [bottom middle] has recently told her family that she likes girls, and it divided the whole family. It took a while, but eventually everyone came around...except for her mom [top right], who spends most time crying, screaming and starting arguments, and praying her daughters' "disability" goes away on its own. What's making tension worse? There's a rumor that Ava apparently has a little girlfriend, and mom is NOT happy...
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6. The Parks: This family has almost no issues, they all love each other very much and little Hana adores her big brother Michael so very much.
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If you're interested in the upcoming save file and all of it's drama, you can follow along over here where I will be posting all my updates!
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thebramblewood · 7 months
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That moment you find out the girl you’ve been seeing is famous - for being a 130-year-old missing persons case with an entire "theories and speculation" section on Wikipedia.
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Yes, I made Lilith a Wikipedia page because I'm just that extra. If you want to read it (I threw in some new information), you can find the whole thing following the transcript below the cut.
Real-time footage of Helena researching:
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[Snippets of Caleb's letter echo in Helena's mind] I will put it to you bluntly: Lilith and I have been vampires for some 100 years. Faced with your otherwise certain demise, I chose to make you one too. You may not believe me. It will feel like a bad flu for a day or two; then it will feel like the heat of 1000 fires blazing inside. I very well knew it would turn you into a monster against your will.
Helena, thinking: It's just a hangover, Helena. It's just a hangover. Yeah, that crazy bitch bit you, and her crazy brother wrote a dumb letter to scare the shit out of you. But vampires aren't real.
Thank god Ulrike left all these fucking tarps. This sunlight is murder on my eyes.
Several internet rabbitholes later... [Helena scanning Wikipedia page on computer screen] Last seen alive March 16, 1918... disappeared under mysterious circumstances... seemed to fall ill... Tangled Vines... immortal vampires... This can't actually be her. It's impossible...
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Lilith Violetta Vatore (December 2, 1891 – last seen alive March 16, 1918) was an heiress and socialite who disappeared under mysterious circumstances at the age of 26 along with her brother, Caleb Vatore, 24. Before vanishing, the siblings were poised to jointly inherit the Vatore fortune, home, and 100-year-old vineyard and winery. This was considered unusual for the period, as family property, wealth, and business interests were often only passed to women in the complete absence of a male inheritor.
Despite societal expectations, Vatore reportedly had little interest in courting or eventually marrying. She was said to have rebuffed dozens of engagement offers, much to her parents' dismay. However, she rarely turned down an invitation to a ball, and her baldly flirtatious escapades were frequently reported on in society columns. One such columnist wrote that she "bandied about in a bold and bawdy manner most unbecoming of a respectable lady, laughing uproariously, drinking excessively, and making coy conversation with every handsome man in sight." Some historians suggest based on a series of candid letters from Vatore to fellow socialite and confidante Prudence Crumplebottom, donated to the University of Britechester by Crumplebottom's daughters, that she may have preferred the company of women in private.
The Vatore siblings were said to be so close that one was rarely seen without the other. The society columns were not kind to Caleb Vatore, calling him a "poor chap" who seemed "nothing more than a playmate, servant, or lapdop, his role at any given moment wholly dependent upon his dear sister's whims." Little is known about his personal life.
In the days preceding the siblings' disappearance, Vatore seemed to fall ill. She sequestered herself to her bedroom, allowing no one but her brother to enter. On the morning of March 16, a maid found Caleb's chambers undisturbed, and Vatore's locked bedroom door was forced open, whereupon she was discovered to have absconded in the night, along with her brother and her finest jewels.
Various court battles ensued over the fate of the Vatore estate, and interest in the siblings' disappearance was briefly renewed when their alleged children materialized in the mid-1950s. However, the entire ordeal all but disappeared from public consciousness until the recent publication of Tangled Vines: A Complete Investigation of the Vatore Disappearances by journalist Salim Benali. Benali posits that the Vatores are immortal vampires who still live today, and though some scholars find elements of his research intriguing, others dismiss his argument as an elaborate, attention-seeking hoax.
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mosneakers · 4 months
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The hot summer sun cast a warm glow over the privileged patrons of the Sunset Valley Country Club. The Darling sisters, growing like weeds every day, splashed in the pool, blissfully unaware of the silent disapproval of onlookers.
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Morgana Wolff gazed with adoration, as the heavily pregnant Agnes Darling basked in the warm rays of the sun. "Goodness Agnes, you're just glowing." She admired.
"Oh, quit it, you!" Agnes scoffed.
"No, I mean it!" Morgana added. "Your complexion looks flawless, and that hair of yours is so shiny and bouncy. Must be those vitamins you've been taking."
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Agnes's mind flashed back to a memory of some old wives' tale Bianca Crumplebottom had shared with her the last time the Crumplebottom Sisters paid a visit:
"Blossoming in the bottom of the belly, a daughter spends her time mimicking her mother's actions, and thieving her of her divine beauty. Yet, a son nestled within, enchants his mother with radiant grace."
"Well it's because I'm having a boy, if you believe in nonsense." Agnes replied with an irritable eyeroll.
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"That's absurd, darling. You were gorgeous through all your pregnancies." She grinned. Morgana had always been a loyal friend to Agnes, but it was when Agnes was with child, that a particular instinct within Morgana kicked in. She protected Agnes fiercely, especially during the day when Erik was away at work, faithfully concealing her own longing for the maternal bliss Agnes experienced.
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Agnes dismissed the old wives' tales as archaic and superstitious. The gender of her child held no importance to her; life had already given her everything she could ever want.
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As anticipation grew, Agnes delved into nesting, transforming her makeshift painting studio and home office into a charming little nursery adorned with sunny shades of yellow.
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There were various reactions elicited upon announcing the impending arrival of the third Darling child, though the predominant sentiments were ones of joy and support.
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...Mostly. With Agnes and Erik dedicating so much of their time to preparing for the new baby, the soon-to-be Darling middle child was left to her own devices, seeking life-long attention from the lurking shadows of her mind...
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bridgeportbritt · 1 month
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The Goths got away with many proclamations, laws, and raises in taxation in the years they had ruled over the land. While they bled their citizens dry, they used the funds to live a lavish life that starkly contrasted that of the everyday Pendite. Beautiful clothes, handmade furniture, the best ingredients for the most luxurious meals. But most of all to fund their army and prepare to conquer more land. The Goths had ambitious dreams of creating one of the most powerful nations in the world. By force. So, they thought little of how their own citizens viewed them. Just as they did the rest of the world. They especially never even considered that the poor, downtrodden Pendites would revolt against them. How could they when they barely had enough to survive?
But, the Goths underestimated the people of Pendula View. Each day, the revolution grew as more and more villages joined. Farmers, carpenters and bards alike became soldiers training to fight. Old laws like how to dress and curfews were broken. Soon, the refusal of goods and services like crops and housekeeping, and even taxes. It was getting harder to suppress what was happening and The Goths were running out of ideas.
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Lord Crumplebottom: All I want to know is how I can protect my family. I'm sure it won't be long until the rebels target the wealthy.
Mortimer: Bah! I wouldn't be concerned about that. I have yet to see them even think about such a thing!
Lord Crumplebottom: But they are preparing, so we must be prepared! Your soldiers can only make them fear you so much. It's becoming less effective. Plus, you can't contain them all!
Lord Landgraab: And why not?
Lord Crumplebottom: Because not every poor is a rebel. Some are our farmers and maids and still want to work! We can't keep them from their service. Do you expect us to tend to the crops, chores and the children?
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Lord Landgraab: Needn't you worry about my soldiers. They have strict orders and can identify who is and is not apart of this abomination. What we need to focus on is funding more weapons.
Mortimer: More? But we've just acquired a large shipment from Vernick and Viridis! Not to mention Druzar. We cannot ask for more aid. I'm afraid our enemy countries might catch on and begin aiding to the rebels. I'm sure Whitmore, Armorica, Trenton and Pierreland would all love to see us fall.
Lord Landgraab: Afraid? Since when are you afraid, Morty? We must show strength at a time like this! We can't finally start our plan to conquer other nations if all our weapons are tied up in some civil war! Certainly, you can use your connections with Druzar to ask for more.
Mortimer: Absolutely not. My sister may be the Queen, but the more I use her, the weaker I and Pendula View looks in her eyes. And therefore, in the King's. We need to be strategic about using them to our advantage.
Lord Crumplebottom: Did you say civil war? I knew we never should've gotten into this mess in the first place. You've pushed the peasants too far! My poor wife has just been beside herself worrying that the maid will leave her for the rebellion.
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Footsteps approaching
Bella angry: That's enough!
The men all gasp
Bella angry: To think men the likes of you help lead this country! You sound no better than a woman with your whining and your inability to come to a resolution.
Lord Crumplebottom nervous: Y- Your Almighty Excellency, I-
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Bella: I don't want to hear it! If your wife or others of the ton are so concerned about their help, do something regarding it! I don't care if you have to trap them on your property!
Lord Landgraab nervous: Your Almighty Excellency, there's no need-
Bella: Oh, there is indeed no need! No need for a general to ever question his King! If Mortimer says no more aid, then that is final. Make it work with what you have.
Lord Landgraab: Yes, Your Almighty Excellency.
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Bella: You men have one duty and that is to support my husband wholeheartedly! Especially with the ton. All this bickering is nonsensical and is of no use. We must act.
Mortimer: Thank you, my love. What would you suggest?
Bella: Well... as always, I try not to waste a frown on political matters and save that for you men. But it's obvious that what we're doing now isn't working. We can't just sit back and watch them form an army against us. If they want war, we have to give it to them.
Lord Landgraab: But, Your Almighty Excellency, our army is almost ready to move on Sulani. We shouldn't halt our plans for-
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Bella: Good, if they're near ready than this will be perfect training. Take out the rebels, then get the army ready to march on Sulani.
Mortimer: A brilliant idea from a brilliant woman.
Bella: You lot make it so much harder than it is. Now, I must get to my stroll. All this thinking is simply not good for a woman! Good day, Gentlemen.
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Thanks for being apart of SimDonia history! @housekonig @royalmedani @trentonsimblr @whitmoreroyals @officalroyalsofpierreland @armoricaroyalty
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bayoubashsims · 9 months
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I'm designing some period accurate costumes for Gunther and Cornelia Goth's wedding in 1927 and wow, Cornelia has a lot of female relatives. Here, her sister Agnes and her cousins Agatha and Beatrice are her bridesmaids, while her eldest cousin Elmira keeps a watchful eye on Belinda and Bianca.
Since the recent retcon of Robert Crumplebottom being Agnes' second husband rather than having anything to do with Mrs. Crumplebottom, I now have to figure out her relation to the Crumplebottom family. I'm guessing she's in Cornelia's generation, but younger, since she's alive in TS2?
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riverofjazzsims · 9 months
Jazmine Afro Puff by Saturngalore
I got the opportunity to test out another round of @saturngalore hair. Version 1 & 2 of these higher pushed back afro puffs. So my girl from last go round and her sisters gave them a go. These have a lil more versatility having yours sims be able to wear earrings that can be seen. head bands look so good with these fluffy, kinky coils and I tested small hats that also worked well ( think small ie crumplebottom small) to avoid any major clipping. All images below were shot in game and with G-shade. I did use some edges on a few shots and in the PJ shot i added on a bang accessory that blended well. Thank you again for allowing me to test these.
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coriel-muroz · 3 months
How I play with NPCs, specifically in Vacation Hoods
I was asked by @heimlichbourger how I play with NPCs in my vacation hoods, and since it is a bit lengthy, I thought I would make a post.
Managing NPCs in vacation hood
To make vacation locals and tourists, and to control their number, you will need:
- argon's townie brick
- twojeff's Sim Blender
- Cyjon's NPC Maker Fix
- Cyjon's Fewer Tourists
You can find an explanation here:
Without these mods, you will always have a large number of locals and tourists, and none of the locals will be tourists.
For my approach, see below
Playing NPCs
Dangerous NPCs
In the Sims 2, there are a few NPCs which are never playable - Mrs. Crumplebottom, the Social Workers, etc. A list is available here:
You can interact with these NPCs in the way the game has intended, but don't make them selectable or move them in.
This post is focused on the ones that aren't considered dangerous.
If you play a hood for a long time, you end up with a lot of Sims. Limiting the number can be good for loading times and avoiding hitting the max number of Sims a Hood can handle (this was made very large with Nightlife, but still).
My approach
Recycling Sims
There are a lot of mods to limit how many NPCs are created - I won't list them here, but recommend you find and grab them.
Having started my Hood long ago, I didn't limit the creation of NPCs, so there are a lot of them.
My approach is that unless I choose to make one playable, then I recycle them.
What that looks like is Tosha Go has been a teenager forever and been friends with or dated Sims from multiple generations. That said, once the teen group she hung out with, but was never important enough to make a playable part of, ages to adult, I give her a makeover and now she's not the same person. Maybe she's Tosha's younger sister, her cousin, or eventually her own child.
I'm considering using Tabula Rasa on renaming Sims to officially reset them, but so far I haven't.
Making NPCs Playable
When an NPC does integrate themself into the story, particularly if they get pregnant/get someone pregnant, then I move them in and they become playable.
I might have someone invite them to move in, or just use the Visitor Controller to do it.
Playing Vacation Hoods
I treat Vacation Hoods like neighbourhoods. It's a bit complicated, but fun.
I have never managed to see vacationing Sims on vacation lots if they are not the active family, so when I have multiple families on vacation at the same time, I use the Visitor Controller to have them show up at the community lots or to visit each other's houses.
In the case of Sims like Archer and Marissa Hunt, who live full time in the Islands, I have a house in Huntsville where they live so I can age them. Otherwise, they spend their lives in the Vacation Hood.
So far, I have given them a prison token so they don't show up in the main hood, but I plan to assign them as locals to the Islands hood, while an NPC will live in their house as a placeholder until I get to their rotation.
Hope you found this helpful
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cassandragoth26 · 5 months
I should start with Malcolm's chapter in high school… But the thing is that the game is at night and I haven't had time to play as such assjdajsd version of "Class of 89's" inspired by Breakfast Club ajsdjasd with some teenage townies (I'll tag them and may upload the photos later, but for now this edit with a song I've been obsessed with since I was a child) If there are several townies in their adolescence asjdjas
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prettyplumbobs · 1 month
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jules made a new friend today, his name is bo crumplebottom, by making silly faces and gossiping about her baby sister 🤭
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curiousb · 4 months
The Bertram Family Album: Volume XII
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Theophilus, stop stalking your dad and step-mum while they're having a romantic moment, and go and find something else to do!
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Theophilus takes my advice, and the next day - a Saturday - hits the town with best pal Alexander.
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And then things take a rather unexpectedly romantic turn (chaperoned by Sister Agnes Crumplebottom)...
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Their Watcher eventually remembers that there's no ACR controller on this community lot...
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...and that Theophilus is never going to get that first kiss he craves unless the boys are given a nudge in the right direction.
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Teenage romance safely underway, it's then time to hit the mall, where sensible, almost-middle-aged couple Clara and Daniel are acting very suspiciously. Townie Sarah McCarthy has the decency to look the other way...
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...but not so Sister Agnes!
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She's not going to tolerate that kind of licentiousness on her watch!
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Meanwhile, there's gaming to be done...
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...when the grown-ups don't hog the machines!
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simnationlifebefore · 2 years
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“Just don’t tell your parents okay?” 
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“You’re allowed to be sad, Cass” 
“I am. I just don’t think it’s hit me yet”
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“I’m worried about my mother more than anything”
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“Yeah, losing a sibling like that must be hard” 
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“I dream things sometimes, and I-” 
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deniisu-sims · 10 months
Crumplebottom sisters, Moonlight Falls
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Just a "before" pic before their makeovers - the house isn't the original one anymore, it's this one, which they bought by transmutating a tomato into Tiberium 8D
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