#The Changheng stuff fell off after the mortal arc a bit but those first 20 somthin eps really did make it so good
xiaohuayaos · 4 months
Honestly the reason the "love triangle" in lbfad works so well for me is easily because it's not completely lazy?
So many love triangles in romances are very clear cut and you can typically tell who is going to "win". Usually one pairing is written with far more care than the other, and for sure we get that with Dongfang Qingcang and Xiao Lanhua. They get the meat of the story, but regardless Changheng and Xiao Lanhua do have a really nice chemistry. When you watch them together you can easily see the alternate universe where this is a story about /their love/ There's just this genuine sweetness that aches from their early scenes together that makes it a little bit painful to watch- like I love.... the love between The Fairy and The Devil, I do. They have such great chemistry and they're so, so fun together-The difference of this cold and dark and brooding entity and the little flower spirit that charmed him is everything I could ask. It was never a question that I wanted to see them together in the end but there was still moments with Changheng that just made me go Oh, maybe it really will be him and her in the end...
then of course it doesnt happen. And I'm so happy to see my favourite duo together in the end, because they are just so good together, but its a little sad, too. I don't want Changheng to sit around with his heartbroken, I feel kind of terrible for him... and god if that isn't a better love triangle than I ever anticipated.
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